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The Deck

The Deck consists of a number of Cards, each having a Rank and a Suit. The Cards (listed in descending rank order for each Suit) are:-

  • Suit of Batons: King, Queen, Knight, Knave, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Ace
  • Suit of Coins: King, Queen, Knight, Knave, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Ace
  • Suit of Cups: King, Queen, Knight, Knave, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Ace
  • Suit of Swords: King, Queen, Knight, Knave, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Ace
  • Suit of Arcana: Angel, World, Sun, Moon, Star, Lightning, Devil, Death, Impostor, Magician

Each card has a heft. All cards with numbered Ranks have a heft equal to their Rank; an Ace has a heft of one, a Knave has a heft of 11, a Knight has a heft of 12, a Queen has a heft of 13 and a King has a heft of 14. All other cards have a heft of zero. Each Game of Giolitti has its own copy of the Deck (which may be referred to as that game’s Deck), which is shuffled at the start of the game. To “Deal” a card somewhere as part of a Game means to remove a secretly random Card from that game’s Deck, and to put it in that place.

Tournament Rules of Giolitti

Starting a Game

At any point, the Dealer may select two Players, known as the Game’s Participants, by choosing the two Available players with the highest Wait (breaking ties secretly randomly if necessary), and start a Game between them by performing the following atomic action (a reference to a Participant means only a Player who is a Participant of the game in question):

  • Set both Participants Wait to 0, and increase the Wait of all other Available Players by 1
  • Secretly randomly determine one of the Participants as the Starting Player for the game
  • Deal seven Cards into each Participant’s Hand (starting with the Starting Player).
  • Privately inform both Participants of their Hand
  • Identify the most recent legal revision of the ruleset in its wiki page’s history; this revision is the Environment for that game.
  • Deal one Card to the table as that game’s Grand Canal. The Bersaglio of the game is equal to the Heft of the Grand Canal, plus 21.
  • Determine which Tricks are active for the game by following the instructions in the Tricks rule.
  • Make a post to the blog announcing the start of the game, which must in its subject declare the Participants the game is between, and must in its contents declare the starting player, the game’s Grand Canal and Bersaglio, each participants current Mask (or the fact that they are wearing no mask), and include a link to the Environment and declare which tricks are active for the game. This post is known as the game’s Table.

That Game is then considered to be Active, and remains Active until it Ends. It is played under the rules listed in the Tournament Rules of Giolitti rules held in that Game’s Environment; where there is a conflict between the version of the Tournament Rules of Giolitti found in the Ruleset and that found in a Game’s Environment then the text in the Environment takes precedence.

Each Game has a Stakes, which is an integer that defaults to 1 when a Game begins.


Beginning with the Starting Player, Players of the Game take turns to make a Play, being a comment to the Game’s Table that names exactly one Card and an amount of Score claimed for the Play (defaulting to zero if not specified). If the claimed Score for a Play does not exceed the Score which could be claimed for it in that situation, this is added to the claimed scores from the Player’s previous Plays in that Game to establish a rolling score for that Player in that Game.

If they were not the last player in the game to do so, either player in a Game may offer a Sfida by posting a comment that says they are offering a Sfida (or contains only the word ‘Sfida’ and punctuation). Before either player may make their next Play or offer another Sfida, the opponent of the player offering Sfida must respond with a comment specifying whether they accept or reject the Sfida. If they accept, the stakes of the Game are increased by 1, up to a maximum of 3.

A game is Closed if any of the following are true:

  • Each Participant in the Game has made seven plays in that Game.
  • One of the Participants in the Game has Resigned by doing one of the following
    • Making a comment to that Game’s Table that says “I resign” (and nothing else).
    • Rejecting a Sfida.
    • Going 48 consecutive hours without responding to a Sfida made by their Opponent (if one has been pending for the full 48 hours), or not taking their turn when it is their turn (if their turn and there have been no other rules preventing them from making a play for the full 48 hours)

If a Game is Closed because a Player has Resigned, then the other Participant is the Campione of that Game. Otherwise, the Campione of a Closed Game is the Participant in that Game with the highest score. Once a Game has been Closed, no more Plays can be made in it, nor Sfidas offered on its Table.

A Player may not make a Play that names the same card more than once during a given Game.

Ending a Game

If any Active games can be Ended, the Dealer should End them before resolving any Proposals or Calls for Judgement. If multiple Active games can be Ended, whichever of them was Started earliest should be Ended first.

The Dealer may make a comment on a Closed game that identifies any Players of that Game who named a card in a Play despite not having that card in their Hand for the Game. This comment is known as the Fine and ends the game. If the Fine identified no players, the Game is Clean. If the Fine identified players, any player so identified becomes not a Campione of the Game, and any Participant in that Game not so identified becomes Campione of the Game. Either way, no further Plays can be made on the game. After the Fine, but not at any earlier time, the Dealer may disclose the contents of the Hands for that game to the other Players.

When a Game ends, its Campione gains a number of pegs equal to the game’s stakes, and any non-Campione Players of that Game lose a number of pegs equal to the game’s stakes (or have their pegs set to zero, if they have fewer pegs than the stakes). For the purposes of the Magistrelli system, gaining X pegs is treated as gaining one peg X times.


The most recent three Cards a Player has Played in their current game, or all the Cards they’ve Played during their current Game if that’s less than three, are referred to as that Player’s Pocket. A Player who is not currently a participant in a Game has an empty Pocket.

If either player has taken fewer than three Plays in the current game, when a Player is claiming a Trick that requires them to compare the contents of their Pocket to that of the other Player, the defending Player should be considered to have the Grand Canal for that game in their Pocket.

A Player’s score for a Play is based on the following patterns of cards (or “Tricks”) in their Pocket. For each Trick which has been claimed in the game in their Pocket they may score the indicated points.

  • L’Aria: The Pockets of all Players in the current Game have at least two cards, and the sum of the Hefts of the cards in the Player’s Pocket is higher than the sum of the Hefts in their opponent’s pocket. Points: 1
  • Il Corpo Celeste: The Player’s Pocket contains at least one of Sun, Moon, or Star, and the Heft of their most recently-Played card is higher than the Heft of their opponent’s most recently-Played card. Points: 1
  • L’Ossa: The Player’s Pocket has at least three cards, and the least recently-Played of them has the same Suit or Rank as the Game’s Grand Canal. Points: 1
  • Il Propore: The Player’s Pocket consists of three cards with the same Suits. Points: 2
  • Il Toro: The Player’s Pocket consists of three cards whose Heft adds up to the Game’s Bersaglio. Points: 4
  • Tripletta: The Player’s Pocket has at least three cards, and each card in there has the same Rank. Points: 4
  • L’Universo: The Player’s Pocket contains at least two of Sun, Moon or Star. Points: 2
  • Il Verme: The Player’s Pocket has at least three cards, and every card in their pocket has Heft smaller than each card in their opponent’s pocket. Points: 4

Il Toro, L’Aria and Il Verme are Permanent Tricks; L’Universo and Il Corpo Celeste are Celestial Tricks; all other Tricks are Parte Tricks.

When starting a game and selecting which Tricks are active, the Dealer selects all Permanent tricks, one secretly randomly selected Celestial trick, and two secretly randomly selected Parte tricks.


Each Player has a property called “Readiness” which is either “Yes” or “No”, and defaults to No. A Player may change their Readiness at any time.

Each Player has a property called “Wait”, which is a non-negative Integer which defaults to 0.

A Player is considered to be Available if their Readiness is Yes, and the Dealer has not already started a game containing that player on the current day.

The Magistrelli System

High-level Giolitti still uses the Magistrelli ranking system to determine the relative skills of players.

Each Player has a Magistrelli score, which is an integer that defaults to 10.

Every time a Player gains a peg for being the Campione of a Game they gain 1 Magistrelli, unless their opponent has a higher Magistrelli than them, in which case they gain half of the difference between their own Magistrelli and that of their opponent, rounded up.


Cards whose suit is Arcana can have effects on the game, based on where they appear.

When an Arcana is played into a Player’s Pocket, it may have an effect on either themselves (the ‘holder’) or the other Participant in the same game (the ‘opponent’). The following is a list of the effects different Arcana have when they appear in a Player’s Pocket (if an Arcana is in a Player’s Pocket because it is the grand canal, it has no effect from this list):

  • Angel: the Heft of all Cards in the holder’s Pocket is doubled
  • Devil: the Heft of all Cards in the opponent’s Pocket are reduced by 5 (to a minimum of zero each)
  • Magician: Has a Heft of 15 whenever the holder scores Points for a Trick, but a heft of 0 whenever the opponent scores points for a Trick
  • Lightning: Has all Suits
  • World: The holder scores one extra Point whenever they claim a Trick
  • Impostor: The opponent scores one fewer Points whenever they claim a Trick
  • Death: If the opponent’s Pocket contains no Ace cards, then neither the holder or the opponent may score any points from Tricks

When an Arcana is in the Grand Canal it affects all Participants in that game. The following is a list of the effects different Arcana have when they appear in the Grand Canal:

  • Angel: A Participant may consider the Bersaglio to be one higher or lower for the purposes of claiming Il Toro.
  • World: All Arcana have a Heft of 15.
  • Sun: All Pockets comprise of the most recent four Cards a Player has Played in their current game.
  • Moon: All Pockets comprise of the most recent two Cards a Player has Played in their current game. Any Trick that requires that a Pocket contain three cards may be claimed as if it required only two cards instead.
  • Star: All Arcana have all Suits.
  • Lightning: Masks have no effect in this Game after it has started, and the Pedrolino Mask effect does not apply for this Game.
  • Magician: The Dealer must post the contents of each of this Game’s Participant’s Hands in the Table for this game.


Each Player may wear a Mask, which is publicly tracked, and which defaults to not wearing any mask. A Player may wear, change, or remove their Mask at any time. While a Player starts a game wearing a given Mask, it affects the way the rules of that Game apply to that Player. The list of Masks and their corresponding rules alterations is as follows:

Pantalone receives a Hand of eight Cards instead of seven.
In a given Game, Arlecchino may play one Card from their Hand a second time, if the card does not have a suit of Arcana.
Tognoli scores one additional point every time they score a Parte trick.
Di Paolo
Any cards Di Paolo has with a Suit of Arcana have a Heft of 4, instead of their stated value.
Bonanno receives a Hand of six Cards instead of seven. After dealing that hand, the Dealer then selects a secretly random Arcana card still present in the game’s Deck (or a random card if there are none there) and moves it to that hand.
You begin the Game with a Score of 3.
If any Participant in a Game is wearing the Centofani Mask then the Dealer must Deal an Arcana card as this Game’s Grand Canal.
Once per game, at any time during that Game, name a Trick that is not active in that Game and then (if you meet that Trick’s criteria) score for that Trick.
Once per game, at any time during that Game provided that no Sfida has been declared or accepted, you may make a comment on the game’s table which consists of the phrase “Morante Reveal:” followed by the name of another Mask. You are considered to be wearing that Mask and get to apply its effects for the remainder of that Game (though note that start of game effects, such as Pantalone or Pedrolino do not apply, and for the purposes of Moda at the end of the game you are still considered to be wearing only Morante)
The Juice in your game is increased by two. At the end any game you were a Participant in, you earn X pegs where X is half the number of Players who made a Bet in that game (rounded up)


Each Mask has a Moda, which is a positive integer which defaults to 1 and is tracked on the proper game state tracking page for the dynasty.

If there is no other mask which has a higher Moda than it, a Mask is considered to be Raffinato.

If there is no other mask which has a lower Moda than it, and it is not Raffinato, a Mask is considered to be Greggio.

Whenever a game Ends, any Participant of the game wearing a mask at the start of that game which is not Raffinato gains 1 peg. Additionally, any Participant of the game wearing a mask at the start of that that game which is Greggio gains another peg. Then, if the game was clean and had a Campione, and the Campione was wearing a Mask at the start of the game, the Mask the Campione was wearing at the start of the game gains one Moda.


Each Player has a number of pegs, which is publicly tracked and which defaults to the median number of Pegs among all active Players.

Each Game has a value called Juice. At any given time, a Game’s Juice is 4 minus the current stakes of the table, minus an additional one if there is currently a pending Sfida

Once per Game if that Game is not Closed, as a communal action, a Player who is not a participant of that Game may make a comment to that Game’s Table declaring themselves to be that Game’s Bookmaker.

Once per Game if that Game is not Closed, any Player who is not a participant of that Game or its Bookmaker may make a Bet on it. Making a Bet is an action that is carried out by making a comment to that Game’s Table, which names a single Player who is a participant in the game, and which identifies the Juice at the time at which the Bet was made.

Within 48 hours of a Game having ended with Bets made on it, the following actions may be taken with regards to that Game and its Bets:

  • Any Player who made a Bet which named the Player that was the Campione of that Game may, once after the game in question has ended, increase their Pegs by the Juice identified in their Bet.
  • Once per finished Game, as a communal action, any Player may reduce the Pegs of all Players who made a Bet which named the Player who was not the Campione of that Game by the Juice identified in their respective Bets.
  • Once per finished Game, as a communal action, any Player may increase or reduce (as appropriate) the Pegs of the Bookmaker for that game by x, where x is the number of Bets placed that named the Player who was not the Campione in that game minus the number of Bets that named the Player that was the Campione in that game.