Parallel Ruleset

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Go stones.png This page was gamestate in an unspecified dynasty (see which pages link here). It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.


I don’t like to get wet

Every day that rain is not forecast, and is a rainy day, increase the Atmospheric Depression by 1, but only if the terms “forecast”, “rainy day”, and “Atmospheric Depression” exist.

The Road to Recovery

  • A Bill Murray can “Steal the Veto Icon” by having their name included in a Story Post by Kevan or 75th_Trombone that also states that that Bill Murray participated in creating a new Veto icon of a time-turner, hourglass, or the like.
  • A Bill Murray can “Convince Anthony He’s a Fish” by having their name included in a Story Post by the Phil stating that the current Veto icon has been (at least partially) created by that Bill Murray.
  • A Bill Murray can “Save the Rest of the World” by accomplishing the Step, “Recruit Bono.”
  • A Bill Murray can “Ponder Life’s Meaninglessness” by voting on every single Proposal, CfJ, and DoV that is created in a period of a week (172 hours)(excluding those that are vetoed or self-killed).

Time Crunch Machine

If a Proposal would create or modify only Dynastic non-Groundhog rules when enacted, any Admin may enact that Proposal at any time, as long as each one of the following points are met by that Proposal:

  • It has a number of FOR votes that exceed or equal Weatherteam, has been open for voting for at least 24 hours, and has not been vetoed or self-killed.
  • The Phil has not voted AGAINST on the Proposal, and less than half of its votes are DEFERENTIAL.
  • The Admin performing the enactment of the Proposal is not the author of that Proposal.


A Bill Murray can “Get Lots of Money” by having a number of Icicles greater than 16.

  • A Bill Murray can “Recruit Bono” by increasing their Happiness above 75.
  • A Bill Murray can “Go on a World Tour” by Time Travelling.
  • A Bill Murray can “Get Sick of Bono” as a daily action, decreasing their Happiness by 10.
  • A Bill Murray can “Watch Fight Club” by Proposing a Rule that makes it into the Ruleset and mentions at least 3 of the following items: “Fight Club,” “Tyler Durdin,” “Brad Pitt,” “Project Mayhem,” “Marla Singer,” “Soap,” “His name is Robert Paulson,” and “The first rule of Fight Club is, ‘You do not talk about Fight Club.’”==Weatherbane==

Each Bill Murray has a statistic called “Grounded”, whose value may either be “Yes” or “No”, and is initially No. For the Purposes of failing or enacting Proposals, the Weatherteam is calculated based on the number of Bill Murray’s whose Grounded is No. As a weekly action, a Bill Murray may change their Grounded from “No” to “Yes”. Each Bill Murray whose Grounded is Yes cannot create Proposals.

Chaos Butterfly

At any time this rule is repealed by "Phil the Groundhog’s dictum", the Admin repealing it shall roll DICEX in the GNDT, where X is the number of Memento's in the Parallel Ruleset. Then, that Admin Flashbacks the Memento whose position in the Parallel Ruleset (going from top to bottom) matches the result of that roll.

Underpants Collection

  • A Bill Murray can “Collect Underpants” by having a Grounded status of Yes.
  • A Bill Murray can “?” by Suggesting a Good Deed that has a question mark in its name.
  • A Bill Murray can “Profit” by having the number of Books they own increase.
  • A Bill Murray can “Do Some Other Stuff” by completing Step 5 in any Good Deed.
  • A Bill Murray can “More Profit!” by having the number of Groundhogs they own increase.

Book Economics

Each Bill Murray has a non-negative integer number of Books that is tracked in the GNDT, and which has a default value of 5 Books.

If at any time, this rule would be repealed by a Groundhog rule, instead do the following:

  • Replace all instances of the word “Books” on this rule with the next word from this list: Ghosts, Baseballs, Golf-Carts, Cameras and Groundhogs.
  • Remove the first word that appears on the previous list.
  • Roll DICE5 and replace all instances of the number 5 on this rule with the number produced by the dice roll.
  • Give 5 additional Books to each Bill Murray.
  • Rename this rule to "X Economics", where X is the singular form of "Books".

Underpants Collection

  • A Bill Murray can “Collect Underpants” by having a Grounded status of Yes.
  • A Bill Murray can “?” by Suggesting a Good Deed that has a question mark in its name.
  • A Bill Murray can “Profit” by having the number of Books they own increase.
  • A Bill Murray can “Do Some Other Stuff” by completing Step 5 in any Good Deed.
  • A Bill Murray can “More Profit!” by having the number of Groundhogs they own increase.

Break Down

If the first part of “Groundhog Victory” reads “If some Bill Murray has accomplished at least X Good Deeds”, where X is less than 10, an admin must take the following steps:

  • Roll DICE2 in the GNDT with a comment of “Falling apart”
  • If the Dice roll is equal to 1 then increase all odd numbers by Y, where Y is equal to DICE3, and decrease all even numbers occurring in the Dynastic rules (excluding rule numbers and references to rule numbers) by Y. This also applies to numbers spelled out, for example “sixty” instead of 60.

This rule may not modify itself, excepting the first sentence. The modification action may not be undertaken more than once per week. For the purposes of this rule, 0 is not considered to be either odd or even.

This rule has been sponsored by yuri_dragon_17

Time Immunity

Some Bill Murrays may posses Time Immunity. A Bill Murray that has Time Immunity shall observe all Mementos on the Parallel Ruleset as if they where Dynastic Rules instead of Mementos.

There exists a column in the GNDT called ‘Immunity’. Bill Murrays who possess Time Immunity shall have this denoted in the Immunity Column with the word “Puppy.” Anyone without Time Immunity shall be denoted in this column as “Duck.”

A Bill Murray that has Time Immunity (the Source) may, as a daily action, transfer their Time Immunity to another Bill Murray of their choice (the Target), as long as that Target is not already Time Immune and has not been so in the last 48 hours. This action causes the Source to lose their Time Immunity and the Target to obtain it.

This rule has been sponsored by arthexis.

Underpants Collection

A Bill Murray can “Collect Underpants” by having a Grounded status of Yes.

  • A Bill Murray can “?” by Suggesting a Good Deed that has a question mark in its name.
  • A Bill Murray can “Profit” by having the number of Books they own increase.
  • A Bill Murray can “Do Some Other Stuff” by completing Step 5 in any Good Deed.
  • A Bill Murray can “More Profit!” by having the number of Groundhogs they own increase.

Steal the Spotlight

Any Bill Murray may, as a weekly action, repeal this rule as if it has been repealed by rule “Phil the Groundhog’s dictum”. Anytime this rule is added to the Ruleset through a Flashback, the Bill Murray who performed said Flashback aquires Time Immunity. At the same time, every other Bill Murray with Time Immunity loses any Time Immunity they had. This rule has been sponsored by arthexis.


'Groundhog Paradise'

Phil's Verdict

As a daily action, the Phil may remove a Step from a Good Deed that he deems inappropriate, evil or against the spirit of that Good Deed. He may not remove a Step in this manner that a Bill Murray has already accomplished, or remove a Step in a manner that causes a Bill Murray to accomplish this Good Deed. 'Groundhog Happiness'


A non-grounded Bill Murray gains Happiness equal to the amount of steps taken to perform a Good Deed, after they perform said Good Deed.

'Break Down'

An Exemplary rule

Break Down cannot affect parts of the ruleset clearly labelled as examples.

This rule has been sponsored by yuri_dragon_17