Once Upon A Time

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Most Recent Drawing: 14 June 2024 02:36

Storyteller Fragment Scoring Response
naught -

(Category Elements are in bold)

Current Elements
A Character
Name Description Expiration
z the character 'z' 3
June A plucky young heroine ready to defend her friends and family 3
Natasha A villainous pirate, feared by all! 3
Eddie Sweet, affable, and likes his garden more than adventure 3
Name Description Expiration
bottomless pit Some say it has no end. Some say otherwise. 3
The Orchard Lush and green. Has surprising variety in fruit trees. 3
Storyteller Spark
Clucky blue
Darknight cannon
GloopyGhost horror
naught fruit
The fragment contains no words longer than five letters
The fragment contains a question mark (?), an exclamation point (!), and a semicolon (;)
The fragment includes some description of the appearance of all characters named in the Story up to that point

The Story

Clearly, the frying pan was the most suitable weapon of choice for this situation. With a mighty swing, June brought her pan down upon the bigger skunk fly with a wet crunch. As she shook the remains of the fly off, June watched its mate retreat, its panicked buzzing echoing in the distance. “Skunk flies,” June muttered to herself “Anyone who claims they aren’t harmful should come out here and try gathering swamp beets from their nest and then tell me they just smell bad.”

Her prize secured, June placed the swamp beets into her bag and began the hike back home. She would have to stop by Eddie's garden on the way back in order to gather the last of the ingredients that she needed. As June neared the garden, a sudden acrid smell stopped her in her tracks. Something wasn't right. She climbed the nearest maple for a better look. Between the treetops, June immediately saw the choking green smoke rising into the sky. Her eyes widened. "Pirates."
With the sickening smell of smoke on the wind, June raced as quickly as she could towards the village. Nearing the family shop, she ducked behind an over turned cart as a pair of pirates stepped out, arms loaded with stolen goods. “Hey, thanks for the supplies buddy.” one of the pirates called out over his shoulder “Here’s the receipt back though.” With a laugh, the other pirate tossed a torch back through the doorway. June watched in horror as the shop quickly went up in flames, the yells for help inside grew silent.