Difference between revisions of "Puzzle Board"

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(ending turn)
(Updated to add Bomb, LightningBolt, and Snowflake)
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to fill in the contents of a cell, updated the cellROW-COLUMN property (can be Cherry, Kiwi, Lemon, Orange, Grape, or Star)
to fill in the contents of a cell, updated the cellROW-COLUMN property (can be Cherry, Kiwi, Lemon, Orange, Grape, Star, Bomb, LightningBolt, or Snowflake)
to fill in the type of a cell, update the cellROW-COLUMN-TYPE property (can be Trap, Bonus, Frozen or Normal/Plain)
to fill in the type of a cell, update the cellROW-COLUMN-TYPE property (can be Trap, Bonus, Frozen or Normal/Plain)

Revision as of 21:43, 15 September 2024

Turn Order:
Turn Completed: JonathanDark, Benbot, Lukas, Desertfrog, Clucky
Puzzler Coins Matches Multi
Lemon 1f34b.png Orange.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Grapes 1f347.png Cherries 1f352.png Star 2b50.png
Benbot 1 2 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
Clucky 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 1
Desertfrog 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 1
JonathanDark 0 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 0
Lukas 0 5 12 0 0 0 0 0 1

The Game Board

Cherries 1f352.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Lemon 1f34b.png Lemon 1f34b.png Orange.png Grapes 1f347.png Lemon 1f34b.png Grapes 1f347.png Orange.png Lemon 1f34b.png
Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Cherries 1f352.png Grapes 1f347.png Cherries 1f352.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Cherries 1f352.png Lemon 1f34b.png Orange.png
Star 2b50.png Orange.png Cherries 1f352.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Orange.png Grapes 1f347.png Star 2b50.png Grapes 1f347.png Grapes 1f347.png
Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Cherries 1f352.png Grapes 1f347.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Orange.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Lemon 1f34b.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png
Cherries 1f352.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Orange.png Grapes 1f347.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Cherries 1f352.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Grapes 1f347.png
Grapes 1f347.png Orange.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Grapes 1f347.png Orange.png Cherries 1f352.png Cherries 1f352.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Grapes 1f347.png
Grapes 1f347.png Lemon 1f34b.png Grapes 1f347.png Orange.png Grapes 1f347.png Lemon 1f34b.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png
Orange.png Lemon 1f34b.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Orange.png Grapes 1f347.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Lemon 1f34b.png Cherries 1f352.png
Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Cherries 1f352.png Lemon 1f34b.png Star 2b50.png Grapes 1f347.png Orange.png Cherries 1f352.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Lemon 1f34b.png Orange.png
Lemon 1f34b.png Lemon 1f34b.png Orange.png Orange.png Grapes 1f347.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Kiwi-fruit 1f95d.png Orange.png Lemon 1f34b.png