The Seventh Dynasty of Bucky

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24 January 2021 - 20 Febuary 2021

Ascension Address

It is a great honor for me to address the sovereigns assembled here. I understand that you have gathered today to settle a great many disagreements. I further understand the need for an impartial speaker to direct and mediate the proceedings, who is not himself a party to those disputes.

But I’m a humble musician! I was hired for your entertainment. I know nothing of courtly affairs, statesmanship or diplomatic protocol. Given that the stakes are world peace against total war, perhaps your most august selves should consider a speaker who has even a modicum of training, and let me work the clavier in the background as is my duty.


Fine. If sole necessary qualification is that I’m the only one present who is not a member of anyone’s entourage, and my ignorance is no obstacle, so be it.

Replace Ansible Hanger with Placeholder in the rule “Dynastic Tracking”. Repeal all Dynastic rules (as I’m breaking from my tradition of retaining exactly one) and inactivate all Special Case rules.

Replace Poindexter with Player and Pilot with Emperor.