Monster Metropolis

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Revision as of 03:16, 4 October 2022 by Trapdoorspy (talk | contribs) (Exploiting stuff again)
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Baron Species Personal Resources Stockpile Attention (allocation) Latest Labour Action Influence Keep
Exterior Defensive Regular
Bucky Wyvern Migrant (Slime) x 2, Migrant (Wyvern), Migrant (Ghost) x 2, Migrant (Vampire), Migrant (Minotaur), Migrant (Elemental),

Iron Ore x9, Wood (Log) x30, Stone (raw) x 24, Reed Bundle x18, Royal Gift x 2

3 (3 Exploitation) 15th of September 2022, 00:54 0 Shack {}
Darknight Vampire Wood (log) x2 3 1st of September 2022, 23:59 0 Shack {}
Habanero Migrant (Goblin), Migrant (Wyvern), Migrant (Imp), Migrant (Ghost), Migrant (Phoenix) x 2, Migrant (Minotaur) x 2, Wood (Log) x2 Royal Gift 3 10th of September 2022, 2:07 0 Shack {}
Raven1207 Elemental Wood (log) x 11 3 1st of October 2022, 20:09 0 Shack {}
SupernovaStarbright Wood (log) x2 3 1st of September 2022, 23:59 0 Shack {}
Trapdoorspyder Vampire Migrant (Vampire) x 5, Stone (Uncut) x43 Iron Ore x24, Wood (Log) x9, Coal x36, Iron (Bar) x9, Royal Gift 5 (Exploitation x5) 4th of October 2022, 3:14 0 Mine {Migrant (Vampire) x2{Bob, Bobby}} Shack {} Foreman's Office {Migrant (Vampire) {Bobette}}

Migrant (Goblin), Migrant (Wyvern), Migrant (Phoenix), Migrant (Imp), Migrant (Mimic), Migrant (Vampire), Stone (uncut) x 31, Stone (cut) x 24, Wood (log) x 13, Coal x 42, Iron Ore x 42, Reed Bundle x 24

3 (Exploitation: 2, Ablation: 1) 2st of October 2022, 00:33 0 Mine {Migrant (Elemental), Migrant (Slime)} Shack {}
Human King Resources Stockpile Keep
Exterior Defensive Regular
The King of the Plains Royal Gift x 6, Plains Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
The King of the Valley Royal Gift x 6, Valley Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
The King of the Forest Royal Gift x 6, Forest Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
The King of the Mountain Royal Gift x 6, Mountain Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
The King of the Sea Royal Gift x 6, Sea Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
The King of the Desert Royal Gift x 6, Desert Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
The King of the Tundra Royal Gift x 6, Tundra Crown Wall Wall Wall House {2 x Migrant (Human), 2 x Migrant (Elf)} Shack {}
Location Contents
Dungeon Stockpile Migrant (Slime), Migrant (Ghost) x 2, Migrant (Slime) x 3, Migrant (Mimic) x 1, Migrant (Imp) x 2, Migrant (Ghost) x 1,

Wood (Log) x19, Stone (Uncut) x64, Stone (cut) x8, Reed Bundle x14, Iron Ore x17, Coal x14, Iron (Bar) x3

The Palace

Migrant (Demon) x 4

Inner Slum

Migrant (Goblin) x 3, Migrant (Elemental) x 3, Migrant (Wyvern) x 3, Migrant (Phoenix) x 3, Migrant (Vampire) x11, Migrant (Imp), Migrant (Minotaur) , Migrant (Ghost) x3

Outer Slum
Classification Species
Royal Demon
Humanoid Goblin Minotaur
Undead Ghost Vampire
Formless Slime Mimic
Outsider Imp Elemental
Animalistic Wyvern Phoenix
Alien Elf Man