The Council: Reality TV Cooking Show

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Revision as of 22:34, 4 August 2020 by Josh (talk | contribs)
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Cooking show.png

Started on the 4th of August 2020, with Josh as the Outsider:

"The theme is a reality TV cooking show. Council members are chefs, rebels are producer plants, I am the head judge, and we are all in the kitchen set. We alternate between challenges (day) and judge's table (night)."



Chefs have an amount of Popularity, which is a non-negative integer that defaults to 0.If one Chef has a higher Popularity than all others, then whenever they would be eliminated they instead lose all of their Popularity.

Popularity can be neither directly granted nor directly removed by proposal.

Once per Challenge, chefs may submit a Dish in the form of a photograph sent in the same Slack message as the phrase ‘Today’s Dish’. Each chef may make up to two emoji-reactions on each other chef's Dish. At the start of the Judge's Table phase, the submitter of the Dish with the most reactions gets 3 popularity. Chefs are encouraged to react with respect to how much they would like to eat the contents of the photograph. If there is a tie, the Outsider must break it by reacting to the Dish they would most like to eat.


Player Status Popularity
Cuddlebeam Active 0
Guilherme Active 0
Jake Active 0
Jamie Active 0
Kevan Active 0
P. Scholasticus Active 0