Zahndorf Crypt

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Revision as of 06:17, 14 July 2021 by Ais523 (talk | contribs) (eerie music drifts through the crypt, as the Organ starts playing by itself (this is just me noting the fact))
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Last Power Action: 17:26, 13 July 2021 (UTC)
Last Crypt Entry: 21:55, 11 July 2021‎ (UTC)
Richardo's Starting Location: Crypt Entrance
The Organ is Playing

Vampire Lord Puissance Influence BMC Allegiance Sepulchre
ais523 1 2 1 none Underwater Cavern
Brendan 1 0 1 none /\_/\
Chiiika 6 7 6 none Rehearsal Hall
Clucky 3 0 0 none
Jumble 2 4 5 none Silent Chamber
Kevan 2 0 1 none Subterranean River
lemonfanta 1 0 0 none
Raven1207 24 0 0 none Forgotten Corridor
Map of Dracula's Layer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A Yellow Bile Chamber - - - - - - Black Bile Chamber
B Subterranean River Grand Sluice - - - - - -
C - Underwater Cavern - Rockfall - - - -
D - Chicken Coop The Monolith Room BA Broken Stage Ancient Vault Subterranean Hothouse -
E - - Tenuous Bridge Crypt Entrance Library of Souls Forgotten Corridor /\_/\ -
F - - Cliff Edge Entrance vestibule Blood Pit* Prison Cells* (='_' ) -
G - - Roundabout Room Shattered stairway Gravity Room - (, (") (")
H Blood Chamber - - - Cobwebbed Cellar Silent Chamber Rehearsal Hall Phlegm Chamber
Room legend
Room name Description Effect Sigils
Black Bile Chamber This chamber is humid and pitch dark, but for red-glowing runes carved into the surface of a sacrificial altar. The room smells bitter. none
Blood Chamber The walls of this chamber are constantly oozing sharp, red, metallic blood. A menhir in the centre of the room radiates heat from the infernal glyphs that dance just below its surface. None
Phlegm Chamber A rotting tree stump stands in the middle of the room with a spear jutting out off it. From the wound seeps a thick bitter mucus. The wood has deep cuts in its surface telling dark truths in some infernal langauge. None
Yellow Bile Chamber This chamber is dimly lit by luminescent pools of a sour yellow liquid. In the centre of the room, an obelisk, carved with demonic sigils, emanates a sense of dread. None
(, (") (") This room contains just the feet of a giant rabbit. Each Vampire Lord gains 1 Puissance.
(='_' ) A vast charnel house, littered with bones and fur. Each Vampire Lord gains 1 Puissance. Richardo von Nestor loses all of his equipped Items.
/\_/\ This room contains just the ears of a giant rabbit. Each Vampire Lord gains 1 Puissance.
Ancient Vault Someone has already destroyed all of the locks, and has taken most of the valuable treasures. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest. Richardo approaches a fine treasure chest. [Roc’s Feather, Rod of Smoothing]
Blood Pit A vampire seems to have thrown a horrible tantrum here, breaking the space-warping enchantment of this staircase. Now at their peak is scarred stone and at their base is a bubbling pit of blood. If Richardo is not Enriched, he gains 1 Energy for each Active Sigil engraved here and becomes Enriched. The north exit is blocked.
Broken Stage A defunct stage with full sets of lights and sounds that were operated in the past. Chunks of the celling is constantly falling, dematerializing after hitting the ground and rematerializing above to fall again. Moving stone statue strangely resembling a happy Chika and her partners are on stage silently moving forever. This room contains a Glyph belonging to Chiiika. Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured if he is not Agile. This room is Daunting. Sinister.
Chicken Coop A natural cave which, bafflingly, contains a locked chicken coop with a few live chickens. Some of the chickens have had occult runes carved into their flesh; these creatures have grown large and beastly. The chickens drink from a pond at the cave's northern end. Richardo von Nestor’s next Move in this Enter the Crypt action must have his immediate previous location as its destination.
Cliff Edge A room carved out of open space. There is a chasm to the north. This room contains a Glyph belonging to ais523. Richardo von Nestor is Lightly Wounded if he is not Perceptive. The north exit is blocked. {The east exit is blocked.}
Cobwebbed Cellar An abandoned room of the city above, its trapdoor nailed shut from the outside. The west exit is blocked. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest. Kevan
Crypt Entrance A dingy portal leading from the cathedral's undercellar to the mosaiced entrance of Dracula's crypt. Raven1207, pokes, Phil
Entrance vestibule A narrow but lavishly tiled corridor leading into the main area of the crypt. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest. [Westbound Compass]
Forgotten Corridor Cobwebs sway in the cold breeze, and the heavy flagstones are cracked and broken. Richardo von Nestor’s next Move in this Enter the Crypt action must have his immediate previous location as its destination. {Richardo finds an ingress}
Grand Sluice Torrents of water pour from the ceiling, and sweep any loose objects or careless people down the corridor. Richardo von Nestor loses all of his equipped Items. Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured if he is not Agile. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest. This room contains a Glyph belonging to Bucky.
Gravity Room A mysterious force pulls everything in this room to the south. The north exit is blocked. The east exit is blocked. Richardo approaches a fine treasure chest [Secret Passage Map, Rod of Smoothing]. Each Vampire Lord that has an engraved Sigil in an orthogonally adjacent room to this room gains 1 Puissance.
Library of Souls The books here seem to have a life of their own, as if the very souls of their authors are trapped inside... Each Vampire Lord with an engraved Sigil here gains 1 Puissance. Each Vampire Lord gains 1 Puissance. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest [Secret Passage Map]. Clucky, pokes, ais523, Kevan, Jason, Brendan, Jumble, lemonfanta, Phil, Bucky, Chiiika, Raven1207
Prison Cells A corridor of dingy cells, their rusted doors poised to swing shut. This room contains a Glyph belonging to Kevan. Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured if he is not Agile. The east exit is blocked. The south exit is blocked.
Rehearsal Hall The traditional gathering spot for those of the Nosferatu who long to practice the musical arts as loudly as possible, sending a crashing din echoing through all adjacent chambers. The north exit is blocked.
Rockfall This ancient chamber has collapsed in on itself. This room contains a Glyph belonging to Kevan. Richardo von Nestor is Lightly Wounded if he is not Perceptive. Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured if he is not Agile.
Room BA The floor of this room is spotless. Every once in a while, a small disklike object scurries out from one of the walls and cleans the floor. Each Vampire Lord gains 1 Puissance. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest {The East Exit is blocked.} [Eastbound Compass] [Secret Passage Map]. Raven1207
Roundabout Room This circular room has a constantly rotating floor. Apparitions slide in and out of portraits on the walls. This room contains a Glyph belonging to ais523. Richardo von Nestor’s next Move in this Enter the Crypt action must have his immediate previous location as its destination.
Shattered stairway A grand hall with a broken stairway that terminates in a bloody, rune-spattered stretch of stone. Each Vampire Lord with an engraved Sigil here gains 1 Puissance. The south exit is blocked. pokes, Phil, ais523, Kevan, Jason, Jumble, lemonfanta, Bucky, Chiiika, Clucky
Silent Chamber A corridor that has widened into a large chamber. No sound is heard here, no matter the racket in the nearby rooms. The north exit is blocked.
Subterranean Hothouse Humid and surprisingly temperate, this room sustains a population of thorny vines that have learned to thrive without sunlight. This room contains a Glyph belonging to Brendan. Richardo von Nestor is Lightly Wounded if he is not Perceptive. The south exit is blocked. Richardo von Nestor’s next Move in this Enter the Crypt action must have his immediate previous location as its destination.
Subterranean River A forgotten tributary of the river Zahn winds through the dark earth.
Tenuous Bridge A large chasm with a rope bridge erected over it. The bridge is gradually falling apart. Richardo von Nestor is Lightly Wounded if he is not Perceptive. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest [Roc's Feather] [Secret Passage Map].
The Monolith Tunnels on every side make scaling the monolith the only option. It's not exactly suited for climbing. This room contains a Glyph belonging to Jumble. Richardo von Nestor is Grievously Injured if he is not Agile.
Underwater Cavern A large cave, entirely flooded and accessible only by swimming down from a river above. Richardo approaches an average treasure chest.
Crypt Denizen name Brutality Cunning Traits Location Sycophancy
Statue of a Distorted Idol 4 0 Industrious Ancient Vault Chiiika
Messenger Bat 0 1 Nutritious, Industrious Grand Sluice Kevan
Cave Chicken 0 0 Nutritious, Industrious Chicken Coop lemonfanta
Cave Chicken 0 0 Nutritious, Industrious Chicken Coop lemonfanta
Cave Chicken 0 0 Nutritious, Industrious Chicken Coop lemonfanta
Cave Chicken 0 0 Nutritious, Industrious Chicken Coop lemonfanta
Dread Chicken 1 0 Nutritious, Industrious Chicken Coop lemonfanta
Laughing Gargoyle 0 2 None Shattered Stairway lemonfanta
Dimensional Jellyfish 1 4 Evasive, Mischievous Gravity Room lemonfanta
Button-Clicker Vines 0 0 Industrious /\_/\ Chiiika
The Stair Muncher 9 0 Bloodsoaked Roundabout Room Brendan
Assistant Stage Manager from the Past 0 0 Industrious Phlegm Room Chiiika
Scenery-Chewing Rat 0 0 Industrious Silent Chamber Kevan