
From BlogNomic Wiki
< User:Kevan
Revision as of 22:20, 9 October 2021 by Kevan (talk | contribs) (setting up a diff)
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The process of applying for access to the BlogNomic blog is outlined in the FAQ. A human with access to the blog who is not already a Citizen may make a blog post making clear their wish to be a Citizen (plural form Citizens); in response, an Admin shall add them to the roster in the sidebar, at which moment they become a Citizen.

A Citizen may only change their name as a result of a Proposal approving the change.

Some Citizens are Admins, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Citizens who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation.

Idle Citizens

If a Citizen is Idle, this is tracked by their name being removed or concealed in the list of currently active Citizens in the Sidebar. For the purposes of all Gamestate and the Ruleset, excluding the core and appendix Rules “Ruleset and Gamestate”, “Citizens”, “Dynasties”, “Fair Play”, "Mentors" and any of those Rules’ subrules, Idle Citizens are not counted as Citizens. The combined term “Idle Citizen” can be used to refer to Citizens who are Idle even in rules that do not treat them as Citizens.

If a Proposal contains a provision that targets a specifically named Idle Citizen, then that Idle Citizen is considered to be Unidle solely for the purposes of enacting that specific provision.

When a Citizen is unidled, if they went Idle in the same Dynasty, their personal gamestate retains the last legally endowed values it had, if they are still valid. Otherwise (including if a value is invalid, does not exist, or the Citizen Idled in a different Dynasty), the Citizen is given the default value for new Citizens, if such a value exists.

An Admin may render a Citizen Idle if that Citizen has asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), or if that Citizen has not posted an entry or comment in the past 168 Hours (7 days). In the latter case, the Admin must announce the idling in a blog post. Admins may render themselves Idle at any time, but should announce it in a post or comment when they do so. An Admin may Unidle a Citizen if that Citizen is Idle and has asked to become Unidle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), and Idle Admins may Unidle themselves at any time, unless the Citizen who would be Unidled asked to become (or rendered themselves) Idle within the past 96 hours (4 days), and within the current Dynasty.

Admins who are unidling themselves should, in their first vote following each unidling, highlight their changed idle status and any changes to Quorum to have come about as a result of it.

Idle admins can resolve Votable Matters as if they were not idle.