Banewood Mansion

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Revision as of 20:56, 8 December 2022 by Brendan (talk | contribs) (I will also set my Planned Action.)
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Turn state: Explorer's Phase 1
Mood: Calm
The Black Cat is in Foyer
Mansion Map

Explorer Items Location (Dis)advantages Planned Action
Benbot - Foyer - -
Brendan - Foyer Fast / Unlucky Walk, together with a direction
Bucky - Foyer - Peek North
Darknight - Foyer - -
Habanero - Foyer - -
Josh - Foyer - -
Kevan - Foyer - -
Misty - Foyer - -
quirck - Foyer - Walk West
Raven1207 - Foyer - -
SingularByte - Foyer - -
Snisbo - Foyer - -
Trapdoorspyder - Foyer - -
Name Items Dark or Lit Exit Directions
Foyer - Lit -