The Octagon

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Revision as of 00:05, 25 November 2021 by Jumble! (talk | contribs) (Credit goes to Tyguy6 for the finishing name)
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Wrestlers who are "Up": Darknight, Chiiika, Jumble

Inactive Wrestlers: redtara, TyGuy6, Silverwing

Team Brendan
Name Contrib'n Yays/Boos Impacts Finishing Move
Brendan 3 0/0 - CONSIDERED HARMFUL - Miss/Taunt/Kick/Kick/Leap
Chiiika 3 0/0 - AIMBOT - Leap/Leap/Taunt/Kick/Miss
Clucky 5 0/0 - BEAR ATTACK - Leap/Leap/Leap/Leap/Miss
Darknight 0 0/0 - DEATH FROM ABOVE - Leap/Kick/Kick/Punch/Punch
Kevan 8 0/0 Goaded REALTOR® CHECK - Miss/Punch/Punch/Kick/Kick
lemon 2 0/0 - FRUIT PUNCH - Punch/Punch/Punch/Punch/Punch
redtara 1 0/0 - PEDANTIC INTERPRETATION - Leap/miss/grapple/grapple/grapple
Team Psion
Name Contrib'n Yays/Boos Impacts Finishing Move
Josh 5 0/0 - CURE LIGHT WOUNDS - Leap/Kick/Punch/Miss/Taunt
Jumble 5 2/0 - BRAINWAVE - Leap/Kick/Punch/Miss/Taunt
pokes 1 0/0 - -
Raven1207 5 0/0 - -
Silverwing 4 0/0 - HOLDING - Grapple/Grapple/Grapple/Taunt/Miss
Trapdoorspyder 1 0/0 - CYCLONE - Punch/Kick/Grapple/Leap/Miss
TyGuy6 3 0/0 - CRASH THUNDER BUSTER - Miss/Punch/Taunt/Kick/Kick

Wrestlers who are "Down": (none)