Worlds End

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Revision as of 21:33, 3 July 2022 by SingularByte (talk | contribs) (Re-enacting Regina Phalanxe)
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The Heartbeat of Creation: -2 ()

Next expected Heartbeat: Thursday 13 June 00:01 UTC

Name Health Current Location Provisions Beat Actions Taken Phase Presence Ideology Allegiance Items Macca Soul
Brendan 100 Survivor Camp 3 0 Waxing Human None None 0 0
Darknight 100 Survivor Camp 3 0 Waning Human None None 0 0
Josh 100 Survivor Camp 4 0 Waxing Human Battle Bot Arena None 0 0
Jumble 100 Haunted Woods 5 0 Waxing Human None None 0 0
Kevan 100 Waterlogged Shops 5 0 Full Human Guard Duty None 0 0
Raven1207 100 Destroyed Apartment Block 1 0 Waxing Human None Ring of Protection, Ring of Protection 0 0
SingularByte 100 Destroyed Apartment Block 1 0 Full Human Reason is a Shackle None 0 0
SupernovaStarbright 100 Survivor Camp 3 0 Full Human None None 0 0
thundershrike 100 Survivor Camp 3 0 Waning Human None None 0 0
Trapdoorspyder 100 Waterlogged Shops 5 0 Waning Human None None 0 0
wdtefv 100 Survivor Camp 3 0 Full Human None None 0 0
Non-Player Characters
Name Health Owner Location
The Guardian 50000
Title Body Owner
Reason is a Shackle We are shackled by the concept of reason. Causality and logic are chains that bind us to an uncaring expanse that cares not for what we truly wish to be. I denounce these chains. I denounce these shackles. I denounce this world itself, and I say it could be so much more. I reject the laws of nature and of man, and I forge our new laws, the laws of fate and oaths. I am Fae now. We are all Fae now. SingularByte
Battle Bot Arena The stench of oil, sweat, and metal-on-metal filled the arena as the crowd road. Somewhere high above, in a booth overlooking the carnage, an announcer grabbed his microphones, and, after a moment of feedback, gave the cry that the crowd were waiting for: "BLOGBOTS... ARE - YOU - READY!!!" Throughout the ruleset, change Demiurge to Operator and Omnipotence to Announcer. Josh
Guard Duty Midnight and all's well. Your footsteps echo down the long, empty corridors, your thoughts elsewhere and your lamplight glinting off of ancient gilt frames and obsolete suits of armour. You pause for a moment upon hearing a shuffling sound somewhere behind you, but you know without looking that it's rats. It's always rats. Change the term Demiurge to Lord, and Omnipotence to Guard. Kevan
Name Cost Shops
Raku Gem 16,000 Open-air markets
Taru Gem 16,000 Open-air markets
Ao Gem 20,000 Open-air markets
Midori Gem 12,000 Open-air markets
Gin Gem 8,000 Open-air markets
Ring of Protection 4,000 Open-air markets
Bragging Rights Trophy 100,000 Open-air markets
Expired blood bag 10,000 Open-air markets
Bonsai Tree 10,000 Open-air markets
Heart Medication 300,000 Open-air markets
Location Primary Ideology
Survivor camp
Waterlogged Shops

Waterlogged Shops tins: 0
Drop-off dates: Saturday 25th June 07:00 UTC, Wednesday 29th June 05:00 UTC, Sunday 3rd July 10:00 UTC