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Revision as of 23:12, 27 November 2022 by Bucky (talk | contribs) (Cartlesham lost food when gaining Y stamp)
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The Traffic Light Is Red

Controller Money Visitors
Benbot $100 -
Bucky $96 Grandpa Fuller, Bucky Bot, Chase Pleonexi
JonathanDark $83 Shaquille O'Neal, Jackie Chan, Sophia Vergara, Anderson Cooper
Josh $70 Natalia Bouchard, Efren Vaughan, Myung Guerin, Pontius Honeycutt
Kevan $93 Katelyn Dubose, Cornelius Overbold, Nigel Cartlesham, Lucrezia Giolitti
Raven1207 $100 Kent Tucky, Cali Phorna
Trapdoorspyder $90 Jonny Sims, Martin Blacktree, Tom Hand, James Sash
Name Visitors Admits
Plaza Natalia Bouchard, Myung Guerin, Pontius Honeycutt, Cali Phorna, Kent Tucky, Bucky Bot, Martin Blacktree, James Sash, Tom Hand, Grandpa Fuller, Nigel Cartlesham, Cornelius Overbold, Katelyn Dubose, Jackie Chan
Ferris Wheel - 2
Maze (G) Efren Vaughan, Lucrezia Giolitti, Jonny Sims
Maze Line - 3
Bathroom (G) Elvis Presley
Bathroom Line - 1
Bucky’s BBQ Stand - 3
Gift Shop - 10
Popcorn Stand - 1
Ball Toss - 3
Food Court (G) Anderson Cooper
Food Court Line - 1
Robot Race Shaquille O'Neal, Sophia Vergara, Chase Pleonexi 1

The Robot Operator is JonathanDark, via Robot Race Visitor Jackie Chan
The Ball Toss High Score is 26 by Champion Anderson Cooper

Name Stamps Items
Martin Blacktree FMTZ Brisket
Bucky Bot Z Popcorn
Natalia Bouchard Z Souvenier
Nigel Cartlesham JTYZ -
Jackie Chan FZ -
Anderson Cooper FMZ Brisket, Popcorn
Katelyn Dubose FJZ -
Grandpa Fuller Z Popcorn
Lucrezia Giolitti FJZ -
Myung Guerin FZ Souvenier
Tom Hand MZ -
Pontius Honeycutt Z Souvenier
Shaquille O'Neal Z -
Cornelius Overbold JMZ -
Cali Phorna - -
Chase Pleonexi - Souvenier
Elvis Presley Z -
James Sash FZ -
Jonny Sims FZ Brisket
Kent Tucky FZ -
Efren Vaughan Z -
Sophia Vergara JZ Souvenier