Category:Blood on the Clocktower

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Revision as of 21:40, 3 October 2024 by JonathanDark (talk | contribs) (Added BotC Category)
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Blood on the Clocktower is a social game where each person is secretly assigned a role from a set of possible roles, some Good-aligned, and others Evil-aligned, and where the game has a Day phase that allows for public discussion and a Night phase where everyone is silent and role orders are executed privately. Players can be executed during the day, or killed at night, or die in lots of other fun ways.

More information can be found at the official Blood on the Clocktower Wiki

Games are generally played via the Discord for BlogNomic, in the #botc channel. Below are links to some of the rules that have been in use for those games.

Pages in category "Blood on the Clocktower"

This category contains only the following page.