Ruleset 48

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The Monkey Line

The Monkey Line is an endless line of chalk squares (known as “Positions"), each of them numbered, starting from one and going up. The Monkey Line is tracked in a wiki page called “Monkey Dynasty Gamestate Documents”. Position one is known as the top of the list.

Each Position may contain one or more Monkeys, or be empty. Whenever a Monkey joins the game, they are placed in the lowest numbered empty Position.

If a Position is empty (and a later Position has a Monkey in it), or if a Position has more than one Monkey in it, then the Line is Unbalanced.

If a Position is empty, but the position immediately after it has a single Monkey in it, then any Monkey may move that Monkey into the empty position.

If a Position has two Monkeys in it, then any Monkey may increment the Position of every Monkey after that Position, and place the alphabetically-earliest of the two Monkeys into the newly vacated Position.

Doing the Dance

The Dance consists of a set of moves, contributed by the Monkeys. Each move has a name, an integer complexity, and a description. The current dance is outlined on the ‘Monkey Dynasty Gamestate Documents’ of the wiki page. There should be one section on that wiki page for each active Monkey. There is a stat in the GNDT called ‘Dance Moves’, which is five by default except for the Top Banana who starts with ten dance moves. At any time, any Monkey may change their own section of the dance into any list of dance moves with a total complexity less than or equal to that Monkey’s number of dance moves. Only moves outlined within this rule may be added to the dance. Dance moves must be referred to by their name, not by their description. If a word in one of the outlined moves is produced by ‘n_’ it may be replaced by any positive integer number when being added to a section of the dance. When doing so, the same word should be replaced by the same value. (So ‘n_A n_B n_A’ could be replaced by ‘3 7 3’ or ‘3 3 3’ but not ‘3 3 7’) If a move references a position where there is no Monkey and attempts to access or change one or more of that Monkey’s variables in the GNDT, then the move is ignored and nothing happens. If a move references an empty position but does not change any GNDT values, then the move still is executed. If a move references a position that is not a valid location (such as Position 0, Position Ice, or Position 9 3/4) then that move is skipped, even if it does not access or change and GNDT values. The same move may be added to the same section of the dance more than once. If a Monkey has moves added to their section that have a total complexity higher than the Monkey’s dance moves, any Monkey may remove the excess moves one at a time, starting with the latest, until the total complexity does not exceed the dance moves of the monky whose moves are being reduced.

If no other Monkey has done so within the last forty eight hours, and the Monkey doing so has not updated their section of the dance within the last six hours, and if the Line is not Unbalanced, then a Monkey may conduct the dance. To do so, e randomly puts all of the active Monkeys into a list. (This list is different than the Monkey line). E then takes the first Monkey on that list and follows each of the dance moves for that Monkeys section, in order. If the Line becomes Unbalanced, the Unbalance must be corrected before processing the next Dance move. If the Monkey has a move that, if executed, would make the total complexity of that monkies executed moves higher than the Monkey’s Dance Moves, no more moves may be executed for that Monkey. After conducting all of the moves for the first Monkey, the Monkey conducting the dance proceeds to the next Monkey in line, following the same steps as outlined above. E continues to do this until the dance section for every Monkey has been executed. E must then make a post to the blog saying e has preformed the dance, a provide a link to a Wiki page outlining the changes that were made.

The following dance moves may be included in the dance:

  • Name: Swing n_A to n_B; Complexity: 1; Description: Swap the Monkey in position n_A with the Monkey in position n_B.
  • Name: Leap; Complexity: 1; Description: Move the Monkey in last position to the top of the list, pushing every other Monkey down one.
  • Name: Bow; Complexity: 2; Description: If the Monkey in the first position does not have the most dance moves(tied for the most is acceptable), increase that Monkey’s dance moves by one.
  • Name: Left Smash from n_A; Complexity: 2; Description: The Monkey in position n_A uses their hammer on the Monkey in position n_A-1
  • Name: Right Smash from n_A; Complexity: 2; Description: The Monkey in position n_A uses their hammer on the Monkey in position n_A+1
  • Name: Bananas++; Complexity: 5; Description: Increase the number of bananas held by each Monkey in the line by one.
  • Name: Big Bonus; Complexity: 3; Description: Increase the number of bananas for the Monkey that is first in line by three. Then move than Monkey to the back of the line.
  • Name: Soul Selling in Aisle n_A; Complexity: 5; Description: Increase the number of bananas for the Monkey in position n_A by five. Then change that Monkeys status to in the barrel.
  • Name: Hat Trick n_A; Complexity 1; The Monkey in position n_A changes hat.
  • Name: Pickpocket n_A to n_B: Complexity 5. Roll a two DICE5s. If A – B (where A is the result of the first roll and B the result of the second roll) is greater than positive difference (n_A – n_B) and the Monkey in position n_B has any non-massive items, then the smallest item whose name appears earliest alphabetically is given from the Monkey in position n_B to the Monkey in position n_A. If B-A is greater than the positive difference (n_A – n_B) then the reverse happens, the Monkey in position n_B takes an item from the Monkey in position n_A in the same manner as described above. (As an example: n_a = 3, n_B = 5. The dice result is 5 1. As 5-1 > 3, A steals from B. B has Massive item A, Large item B, and Small Items C and D. The smallest item is picked, and because C appears before D lexicographically, item C is transferred to A.)
  • Name: Anti-hat swing; Complexity 3; a random Monkey becomes bare (the Monkey in position n_X, where X is DICE(Y) and Y is the number of Monkeys in the Monkey line, becomes bare.).


Each Monkey has a Status tracked in the GDNT which is either In Line, or In the Barrel. The default status for a Monkey is In Line. Any Monkey which has the status of In the Barrel is removed from the Monkey line, and cannot be added to it again until such time as their status is In Line, at which point they are added to the end of the line.

Any time the dance is run, after it is completed any Monkey that was in the barrel at the start of the dance has eir status set back to ‘In line’. Any Monkey that was moved to the barrel during the dance remains in the barrel until after the next time the dance is run. If more than one Monkey is to be added back in line, the Monkeys are added in alphabetical order.


Each Monkey has exactly one Hammer, the type of which is tracked in the GNDT. All new Monkeys have Fairy-type Hammers. As a weekly action a Monkey may change their type of hammer to any of the types hammers listed below.


If a Fairy-type hammer is used on another Monkey, and that Monkey has an odd number “Dance Moves” that Monkey’s Dance Moves are increased by 1, if that Monkey has an even number of “Dance Moves” that Monkey’s dance moves are decreased by 1.


If a Banana-type hammer is used on another Monkey, that Monkey’s banana’s are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 0 bananas.


If a Shot-gun hammer is used on another Monkey, that Monkey is moved to the lowest numbered empty Position.


If a hammer-type hammer is used on another Monkey, that Monkey drops eir current hammer and picks up a copy of the hammer that appears directly below eir original one in the ruleset. If the hammer that Monkey is holding is last on the list, the hammer that appears on the top of the hammer list is used.

Big Squeaky

If a Big Squeaky hammer is used on another Monkey, that Monkey uses eir hammer on the other Monkey that is next to it(not the one that used their hammer). If a Big Squeaky Hammer is used on a Monkey with a revenge hammer, nothing happens.


If an Emo-type hammer is used on another Monkey, then that Monkey uses eir hammer on eimself. If that Monkey has a revenge hammer, big squeaky hammer, or emo hammer, all the Monkeys laugh as e bangs eimself on the head multiple times, but nothing happens.


If a revenge-type hammer is used on another Monkey, then that Monkey uses eir hammer on the Monkey that first used the revenge hammer. If that Monkey also has a revenge hammer, nothing happens.


If a Sledge Hammer is used on another Monkey, then that Monkey’s status is set to the Monkey barrel.

Hot Potato

If a Hot Potato Hammer is used on another Monkey, that Monkey and the Monkey that used it switch hammers.

After the whole dance has been completed, any Monkey holding a hot potato hammer loses one banana, if he has one.


If an MC-type Hammer is used on another Monkey, that Monkey gains one dance move but loses three bananas, if e has them. If e does not have three bananas, e loses all eir bananas and does not gain a dance move.


If a Magnet-type hammer is used on another Monkey, and that Monkey has any non-massive items, then the smallest item whose name appears earliest alphabetically is given from the targeted Monkey to the Monkey using the hammer. If targeted Monkey does not have any non-massive items, then the magnet backfires and the Monkey using the hammer loses one banana, if he has one.


If an invisible hammer is used on another Monkey, nothing happens. After all, that hammer is invisible.


If a Hat hammer is used on another Monkey, one of the following happens: If that Monkey has a Blue hat, that Monkey changes hat. If that Monkey has a Green hat and has less than 10 bananas, increase the number of bananas that Monkey has by 3. If that Monkey has a Green hat and has more than 9 bananas, change the hat of that Monkey to Red. If that Monkey has a Yellow hat, that Monkey moves to the back of the line. If that Monkey has a Red hat and has more than 2 bananas, decrease the number of bananas that Monkey has by 3. If that Monkey has a Red hat and has less than 3 bananas, change the hat of that Monkey to Green. If that Monkey is bare, change the hat of that Monkey to Blue. Increase the number of bananas that Monkey has by 2.


Each Monkey as a value tracked in the GNDT called Bananas. Every Monkey starts with 5 bananas.


Some of the Monkeys are not controlled by anyone, but are instead NPCs (Non-player characters). They do not count as Monkeys when totaling quorum nor can they vote on proposals. However, they do appear in the GNDT and in the Monkey line. Unless otherwise noted, NPCs do not have a section of moves on the wiki page, and may make no in-game actions other than as called for during the Dance. Also unless otherwise noted, when an NPC is added to the gamestate, they are otherwise subject to the rules of any other Monkey, such as being put at the end of the Monkey line, beginning with a Fairy hammer, and initially possessing 5 bananas. All active NPCs are displayed below:

Curious George

Curious George begins the game with a ‘Magnet’ type hammer. If eir hammer is ever changed during a Dance, e will revert to a ‘Magnet’ type hammer again at the end of the Dance.

King Kong:

King Kong begins the game with a ‘Shot-Gun’ type hammer. If eir hammer is changed during the course of the Dance, King Kong will revert to a ‘Shot-Gun’ type hammer after the Dance. However, if King Kong ends a Dance at the first position in the Line, e will change eir hammer to a ‘Sledge’ hammer at the end of that Dance. In addition, once in the first position of the Line, so long as in possession of a ‘Sledge’ hammer, e may not be dislodged from that space, except by the use of a ‘Sledge’ or ‘Emo’ hammer by another Monkey during a Dance. Any move otherwise attempting to dislodge King Kong at that time will fail.

Miss Bubbles:

If Miss Bubbles is one of the Monkeys swapped with the Dance Move ‘Swing n_A to n_B’, the Dance Move ‘Swing n_A to n_B’ will be immediately executed (at no further complexity) with n_A being the new position of Miss Bubbles, and n_B being the next position in the direction e moved, assuming the new Dance Move would otherwise be allowed. For instance, if ‘Swing 4 to 9’ is performed with Miss Bubbles at position 9, then the move ‘Swing 4 to 3’ shall afterwards be immediately performed; whereas if she had been at position 4, then after swapping her to 9, the move ‘Swing 9 to 10’ shall be performed. This extra move will not trigger further Swing Dance Moves.

Robin Hood

Whenever the dance is performed, than after it has finished, if the Monkey in position X-1 (where X is the position of Robin Hood) has more bananas than Robin Hood, Robin Hood takes a banana from that Monkey. If the Monkey in position X-1 had fewer bananas than Robin Hood when the dance finished, then Robin Hood gives them one banana.


Most Monkeys have a Hat, each tracked in the GNDT. The default hat for a new Monkey is Blue. The list of hats a Monkey can be is known as the hat list. When an action makes a Monkey change hat (and does not specify which hat to change to) they change to the hat 1 lower on the list than their current hat (If their hat is at the bottom of the list they change to the first hat).

Hat List

The following is the list of hats known as the Hat List:

  • 1. Blue
  • 2. Green
  • 3. Yellow
  • 4. Red

Bare Head

Some Monkeys don’t have a Hat. Such Monkeys are said to be Bare-headed (or Bare). If a Monkey is bare the word “Bare” appears as their entry under Hat in the GNDT. If an action tells a Monkey to become Bare (or if an action tells a Monkey to lose their hat), they lose their hat and are then bare. If a Monkey becomes bare, Decrease the number of bananas that Monkey has by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

All Danced Out

After a dance, any monkies with a dance moves of zero(0) or less shall have their status changed to In The Barrel. If they ended the dance in the barrel, their status does not change, but the following still applies. They then must stay in the barrel until the date changes, but no less than twelve(12) hours. Once they have stayed in the barrel for at least the amount of time stated in the previous sentence, their dance moves shall be set to three(3). Normal rules for exiting the barrel apply.


There is a stat tracked in the GNDT called ‘Awesomeness’. Each Monkey starts with 0 awesomeness. If a Monkey does not already have an ‘Awesomeness Post’ pending, e may spend three bananas and make a post to the blog called ‘Acknowledge the Awesomeness of XXX’ where XXX is the name of another Monkey. This post is called an ‘Awesomeness Post’ and the context of the post should outline an action which that Monkey performed which should be marked for its awesomeness. For the next forty eight hours, Monkeys may vote either or this post. If, at the end of the forty eight hour period, more than a quorum of the active Monkeys voted FOR the proposal then the Monkey named in the proposal gains one awesomeness.


Items are objects tracked in the Monkey line which belong to the Monkeys. Each of the items belonging to a Monkey is listed after that Monkey’s name in the Monkey line. If an item does not belong to a Monkey, it must be located in an empty position in the Monkey line and that position must be marked in the Monkey line section of the wiki. If a Monkey in the Monkey barrel has any items, e and all of eir items should be listed in a section of the Monkey dynasty gamestate documents called ‘the barrel’

Items may be gained in three different ways. When an item is added to the ruleset, unless otherwise stated, that item is given to the Monkey in the first position of the Monkey line. If an item is located in an empty position, the first Monkey to move to that position picks up the item. Lastly, an item may potentially change hands from one Monkey to another in accordance with the rules.

Each item has a size, a name, and a description. The size of an item is either massive, large, small or pocket-size. If an item is massive or large and the Monkey holding that item moves to a different location in the Monkey line, then the item remains in the old location. Large items may be transferred from Monkey to Monkey via other processes—massive items may not. If item is small then the item moves to whatever location the Monkey holding it moved to, however, if e is moved to the barrel then that item remains in the Monkeys old location. If an item is pocket-size, it remains with the Monkey even if e is removed to the barrel. Each item has a status, which is normally either “Activated” or “Deactivated”. When first added to the gamestate, items start as activated.

The description of the item dictates how often the item can be used and what happens when a Monkey uses it. Only the Monkey holding the item may use it. Once an item is used, it becomes deactivated and may not be used again until it is activated.

At the start of each week, 00:00 Sunday Morning, all deactivated items become activated.

The name of the item is what is listed in the Monkey line.

List of Items

Name: The Monkey Ball Size: Small Description: Whenever The Monkey Ball is used, the Monkey holding it gains three bananas.

Name: Flaming Frisbee Size: Small Description: Whenever Flaming Frisbee is used, another position in the Monkey line must be named. The Flaming Frisbee is transferred from the Monkey holding it to the target position. If there is a Monkey in that position, that Monkey gains the flaming Frisbee but loses one banana(provided e has one). If there is no Monkey in that position, the flaming Frisbee simply waits for another Monkey to pick it up.

Name: Big Rock Size: Large Description: The big rock may only be used on a Monkey adjacent in line to the Monkey using the big rock. The Monkey in the targeted position is sent to the Monkey barrel and the big rock is moved to the targeted position.

Name: Good Luck Charm Size: Pocket-sized Description: When the good luck charm is used, the Monkey holding it is placed at the end of the Monkey line, even if e was in the Monkey barrel at the time of its use.

Name: Banana Fountain Size: Massive Description: When the Banana Fountain is used, the Monkey using it gains one banana. Instead of just having status “Active” and “Unactive” the fountain has possible status “Active - 3 left” “Active - 2 left” “Active - 1 left” and “Unactive”. While it may only be used once per day, the banana fountain may be used as long as its status is not “Unactive”. When it is used, is status drops one (So Active - 3 left becomes active - 2 left; active - 2 left becomes active - 1 left; and active - 1 left becomes unactive). When all of the items reset Sunday morning, the status of the banana fountain is always set to Active - 3 left regardless of its status beforehand.