The Third Dynasty of pokes: helper code

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The schema of a sqlite database with gamestate information:

       name text primary key,
       slush integer,
       active integer,
       integrity integer,
       money integer
       name text primary key,
       shortname text unique,
       attorney text,
       villainy integer,
       worth integer,
       type text
       id integer,
       open integer,
       plaintiff text,
       defendant text,
       accusation text,
       p_guilt integer,
       d_guilt integer,
       foreign key(plaintiff) references client(name),
       foreign key(defendant) references client(name)
CREATE TABLE representation (
       client text,
       player text, active,
       foreign key(client) references client(name),
       foreign key(player) references player(name)
CREATE VIEW active_representation as select client, player from representation inner join player
  where = representation.player and = 1 and = 1;

The final version of pokes-iii.lisp. "If either Party of the Case is represented by an Attorney who is already representing a Party in another Open Case, skip the rest of this atomic action" is not implemented; I did this step by hand.

(defpackage #:pokes-iii
  (:use #:cl))

(in-package #:pokes-iii)

(defvar *crimes*
  '("Arson" "Burglary" "Murder" "Perjury" "Jaywalking"))
(defvar *complaints*)
(setf *complaints*
      '("Personal Injury" "Defamation" "Negligence" "Malpractice" "Probate" "Unpaid Debt"))

(defun prompt-gndt (options)
  "Pick a random option from the GNDT. Substitutable for SECRETLY-RANDOM."
  (loop :for opt :in options :do
     (progn (princ opt) (princ " ")))
  (princ "DICE") (princ (length options))
  (princ ">>> ")
  (- (read) 1))

(defun secretly-random (options)
  "Pick a random option secretly. Substitutable for PROMPT-GNDT."
  (format t "[random of: ~a] " options)
  (let* ((n (length options))
         (c (random n)))
    (format t "~a/~a~%" c n)
  ;;(random (length options)))

(defun is-business-p (db name)
  "Check if NAME is a business, for the purposes of transforming complaint to unpaid debt."
  (< 0 (sqlite:execute-single
        db "select count(*) from client where name=? and type='business';" name)))

(defun verify-integrity (db)
  "Find player/client pairs that have current representation and the player is mistrusted."
  (let ((reps (sqlite:execute-to-list
               db "select,, p.integrity, c.villainy from player as p inner join active_representation as r inner join client as c where r.player = and r.client =;"))
        (ok t))
    (loop :for r :in reps :do
       (when (> 5 (+ (third r) (fourth r)))
         (setf ok nil)
         (format t "*** ~a mistrusts ~a~%" (second r) (first r))))
    (if ok (format t "everything is okay~%"))))

(defun set-client-worth-by-name (db name worth)
  (format t "*** update the worth of ~a: ~a~%" name worth)
   db "update client set worth=? where name=?;" worth name))

(defun get-client-worth-by-name (db name)
  (sqlite:execute-single db "select worth from client where name=?;" name))

(defun increase-client-worth-by-name (db name inc)
  (let* ((worth (get-client-worth-by-name db name))
         (new-worth (+ worth inc)))
    (format t "*** increasing the worth of ~a: ~a -> ~a~%" name worth new-worth)
     db "update client set worth=? where name=?;" new-worth name)))

(defun increase-player-money-loudly (db player inc)
  (let* ((money (sqlite:execute-single db "select money from player where name=?;" player))
         (new-money (max 0 (+ money inc))))
    (format t "*** increase the public money of ~a: ~a -> ~a~%" player money new-money)
     db "update player set money=? where name=?;" new-money player)))

(defun increase-player-money-quietly (db player inc)
  (let* ((slush (sqlite:execute-single db "select slush from player where name=?;" player))
         (new-slush (+ slush inc)))
    (format t "*** notify ~a of slush fund increase: ~a -> ~a~%" player slush new-slush)
     db "update player set slush=? where name=?;" new-slush player)))

(defun attorneys-of (db client)
  "Get the (string) names of all players representing CLIENT."
  (mapcar #'first
           db "select player from active_representation where client=?;" client)))

(defun is-represented-p (db client)
  "Test if CLIENT has any representation."
  (if (= 0 (length (attorneys-of db client))) nil t))

(defun is-represented-by-p (db client player)
  "Test if CLIENT is represented by PLAYER."
  (if (= 0 (sqlite:execute-single
            db "select count(*) from active_representation where player=? and client=?;"
            player client))
      nil t))

(defun decrease-player-integrity-loudly (db player decrement)
  (let* ((integrity (sqlite:execute-single db "select integrity from player where name=?;" player))
         (new-integrity (max 0 (- integrity decrement))))
    (format t "*** integrity of player ~a decreases: ~a -> ~a~%" player integrity new-integrity)
    (sqlite:execute-non-query db "update player set integrity=? where name=?;" new-integrity player)))

(defun adjust-guilt-by-votes (db guilt party other-party
                              votes-for votes-against votes-veto)
  (let ((adj-guilt guilt))
    (loop :for vote :in votes-for :do
       (when (is-represented-by-p db party vote)
         (format t "adjusting guilt of ~a via FOR vote from ~a: ~a -> ~a~%" party vote
                 adj-guilt (- adj-guilt 2))
         (increase-player-money-loudly db vote -2000)
         (decf adj-guilt 2)))
    (setf adj-guilt (max 0 adj-guilt))
    (loop :for vote :in votes-against :do
       (when (is-represented-by-p db other-party vote)
         (format t "adjusting guilt of ~a via AGAINST vote from ~a: ~a -> ~a~%" party vote
                 adj-guilt (+ adj-guilt 1))
         (decrease-player-integrity-loudly db vote 1)
         (incf adj-guilt 1)))
    (loop :for vote :in votes-veto :do
       (when (is-represented-by-p db party vote)
         (format t "adjusting guilt of ~a via VETO vote from ~a: ~a -> ~a~%" party vote
                 adj-guilt (+ adj-guilt 10))
         (decrease-player-integrity-loudly db vote 2)
         (incf adj-guilt 10)))

(defun check-spelling (db player)
  (if (= 0 (sqlite:execute-single db "select count(*) from player where name=?;" player))
      (error "player ~a wasn't found in the database" player)))

(defun check-all-spellings (db players)
  (loop :for p :in players :do (check-spelling db p)))

(defun generate-case (db)
  (sqlite:with-transaction db
    (when (< 2 (sqlite:execute-single
                db "select count(*) from cases where open=1;"))
      (format t "aborting: 2 open cases already~%")
      (return-from generate-case nil))
    (let* ((clients
             db "select name, shortname, villainy, type from client;"))
           ;;(nclients (length clients))
            (secretly-random (mapcar #'second clients))) ;; formerly prompt-gndt
           (plaintiff (nth plaintiff-id clients))
            (remove-if (lambda (c) (or (eq c plaintiff)
                                       (equal (fourth c) "state"))) clients))
            (secretly-random (mapcar #'second defendants)))
           (defendant (nth defendant-id defendants)))
      (format t "preliminary: ~a v ~a~%" (first plaintiff) (first defendant))
      (when (or (< 0 (length (intersection (attorneys-of db (first plaintiff))
                                           (attorneys-of db (first defendant))
                                           :test #'equal)))
                (not (is-represented-p db (first plaintiff)))
                (not (is-represented-p db (first defendant))))
        (format t "aborting: no or bad representation~%")
        (return-from generate-case nil))
      (let* ((complaint
              (if (equal (fourth plaintiff) "state")
                  (nth (prompt-gndt *crimes*) *crimes*)
                  (nth (prompt-gndt *complaints*) *complaints*)))
             (plaintiff-guilt (random (1+ (* 2 (third plaintiff)))))
             (defendant-guilt (random (1+ (* 2 (third defendant)))))
             (case-id (progn (princ "case id>>> ") (read))))
        (if (and (equal complaint "Probate")
                 (or (is-business-p db (first plaintiff)) (is-business-p db (first defendant))))
            (setf complaint "Unpaid Debt"))
        (if (= plaintiff-guilt defendant-guilt)
            (if (= (random 2) 0) (incf plaintiff-guilt) (incf defendant-guilt)))
        (format t "... plaintiff: ~a (guilt ~a) defendant: ~a (guilt ~a) complaint: ~a~%"
                (first plaintiff) plaintiff-guilt
                (first defendant) defendant-guilt
         db "insert into cases values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
         case-id (first plaintiff) (first defendant) complaint
         plaintiff-guilt defendant-guilt)
        (loop :for rep :in (attorneys-of db (first plaintiff))
           :do (format t "*** notify attorney ~a of plaintiff ~a guilt ~a~%"
                       rep (first plaintiff) plaintiff-guilt))
        (loop :for rep :in (attorneys-of db (first defendant))
           :do (format t "*** notify attorney ~a of defendant ~a guilt ~a~%"
                       rep (first defendant) defendant-guilt))
        (list plaintiff defendant plaintiff-guilt defendant-guilt complaint)))))

(defun resolve-case (db case-id votes-for votes-against votes-veto)
  (sqlite:with-transaction db
    (check-all-spellings db votes-for)
    (check-all-spellings db votes-against)
    (check-all-spellings db votes-veto)
          (plaintiff-name defendant-name p-guilt d-guilt)
         db "select plaintiff, defendant, p_guilt, d_guilt from cases where id=?" case-id)
      (setf p-guilt (adjust-guilt-by-votes db p-guilt plaintiff-name defendant-name
                                           votes-for votes-against votes-veto))
      (setf d-guilt (adjust-guilt-by-votes db d-guilt defendant-name plaintiff-name
                                           votes-for votes-against votes-veto))
      (let* ((plaintiff-won (< p-guilt d-guilt))
             (defendant-worth (get-client-worth-by-name db defendant-name))
             (winner-name (if plaintiff-won plaintiff-name defendant-name))
             (loser-name (if plaintiff-won defendant-name plaintiff-name))
              (mapcar #'first
                       db "select player from active_representation where client=?;"
             (fee (if plaintiff-won (floor (* defendant-worth 0.3)) 0)))
        (format t "the fine is: ~a~%" fee)
        (increase-client-worth-by-name db winner-name (floor (* fee 0.9)))
        (increase-client-worth-by-name db loser-name (- fee))
        (loop :for player :in winner-attorneys :do
           (let ((repped (< 0 (count-if (lambda (v) (equal v player)) votes-for))))
             (if repped
                 (increase-player-money-loudly db player (floor (* fee 0.1)))
                 (increase-player-money-quietly db player (floor (* fee 0.1))))))
        (sqlite:execute-non-query db "update cases set open=0 where id=?;" case-id)))))