The Legislature

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Go stones.png This page was gamestate during The Seventh Dynasty of ais523. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.

The Crossed Legislator is: Josh [Set 1:09 UTC, 2021-08-29]

Name Empathy Veto Usage Timer Bet
ais523 2 5 92 -1
Bucky 4 0 92 -1
Chiiika 2 0 92 -1
Clucky 1 0 92 -1
Cuddlebeam 9 0 92 -1
Darknight -3 0 96 -1
Jason -4 0 92 -1
Josh -2 1 92 -1
Jumble 2 0 96 -1
lemonfanta 2 0 92 -1
Raven1207 6 0 96 -1
Trapdoorspyder -2 1 92 -1
Vovix 3 0 92 -1