External Essays

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Essays about nomic which exist on external sites.

Minimum Nomic, a tool for studying Rule Dynamics, by Masaomi Hatakeyama and Takashi Hashimoto: http://www.vcasi.org/en/paper/minimum-nomic-tool-studying-rule-dynamics

Playing Nomic using Controlled Natural Language, by John J. Camilleri, Gordon J. Pace and Michael Rosner: http://www.cs.um.edu.mt/gordon.pace/Research/Papers/wict2010-06.pdf

Formalizing Nomic: working on a theory of communication with modifiable rules of procedure, by Gerard A.W. Vreeswijk: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8347/5934d5647eb220b9f08bc1877bf466a4d227.pdf

Agoran Library, Several Authors and Essays. Mostly concern the history of Agora and its gameplay as a nomic: https://agoranomic.org/wiki/