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Revision as of 15:06, 6 June 2021 by Clucky (talk | contribs) (Process the Purchase Attempts made during the previous round by each Broker in a secret random order.)
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Broker Kudos Cash Collection
Jason 15 $2800 Flip on the Y axis before viewing [$1473], Calling all the monsters [$4218], Savanna Sunset [$3827], Underdog is here [$1214], Nomic FAQ [$5787], J. M. W. Turner's Snow Storm - Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth, 1842 [$3307]
Josh 27 $6089
Kevan 28 $10812
lemonfanta 16 $600 {A State of Confused and Noisy Disturbance [$4957], Rainbow Amphibolite [$1497], The Underdog [$4080]}
pokes 15 $17311
Raven1207 13 $5000 Absentee [$7382], Zebra, Makgadikgadi [$1274], The Suber Tablets [$5250]
Collector's Vault
Meet Me Upstairs [$4218], Striped Sunset [$6076], Untitled (1985) [$1403], Collector's Collection of Colorful Crystals [$6379], Predator Spikes [$5787], 90s All The Way Down (90s stars promoting a 90s operating system on a 90s storage format) [$3307], this is theme-relevant in that my gf is moving and i was too preoccupied to make good art bc of that. and moving cross-state is a voyage, u see. also theres a boat in the picture [$5250], Turducken [$1337], The Philosophy of the 90s [$1102], Road Trip [$1050], A 10 pixel by 10 pixel rendering of the number 10 [$3000], 10 [$1000]
Installer Directory
The Bulletin Board
Seller Price
Josh 2,000
Josh 2,000
lemonfanta 2,000
lemonfanta 1,900
lemonfanta 1,800