Great Sea

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Round: 7

Current Weather: Pleasant

Slots 1 2 3 4 5
Monuments Egg Nest Holly Bush Holly Bush
Name Turn Tracker Pressure Land Foliage Animal Biomass Mana
Bais x 1 2,5,0,0,6[Mud Vent] 2 0 5
Clucky - 0 2,5,1,30[Scree Slope,Mud Vent],0 12 10 279
pokes x 1 5,0,0,1,3[Graceful Rock Arch],0 0 0 7
Raven1207 - 1 6[Natural Cairn, Mossy Rock],0 0 2 7
Name Terrain Dice
   Brown: {No effect,1 Land,1 Land,1 Land,2 Land}
   Green: {No effect,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,2 Foliage}
   Red: {No effect,No effect,1 Animal Biomass,2 Animal Biomass}
   White: {nest,graze,browse,beach,hunt,Choose a face of this die and apply its effect}
   Black: {no effect,no effect,sputter,upwell,effuse,erupt}
   Brown: {1 Land,1 Land,1 Land,3 Land}
   Green: {5 Foliage}
   Red: {5 Animal Biomass}
   White: {nest,graze,browse,beach,hunt,Choose a face of this die and apply its effect}
   Black: {no effect,no effect,sputter,upwell,effuse,erupt}
   Brown: {No effect,1 Land,1 Land,1 Land,2 Land}
   Green: {No effect,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,2 Foliage}
   Red: {No effect,No effect,1 Animal Biomass,2 Animal Biomass}
   White: {nest,graze,browse,beach,hunt,Choose a face of this die and apply its effect}
   Black: {no effect,no effect,sputter,upwell,effuse,erupt}
   Brown: {1 Land,1 Land,2 Land,2 Land, sputter, upwell}
   Green: {1 Foliage,1 Foliage,1 Foliage,2 Foliage, sputter, upwell}
   Red: {No effect,No effect,2 Animal Biomass,2 Animal Biomass}
   White: {nest,graze,browse,beach,hunt,Choose a face of this die and apply its effect}
   Black: {no effect,no effect,sputter,upwell,effuse,erupt}
Name Land Cost Effect Interval Effect
Mud Vent 3 repeating 2 Land
Holly Bush 1 one-off 10 Mana
Natural Cairn 4 one-off 20 Mana
Graceful Rock Arch 3 repeating 20 Mana
Scree Slope 6 repeating 3 Land
Egg Nest 7 repeating 4 Animal Biomass
Mossy Rock 2 one-off 10 Mana