Mission: Hunt for the Red October

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Go stones.png This page was gamestate during The First Dynasty of Amnistar. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.

Mission Description: The famous submarine the "Red October", once thought to be entirely fictitious, has turned out to be a fact. The Soviet Government has come forward admitting it's existence, and that it was stolen! Your mission is to retrieve the Submarine and return it to your superiors.

Mission Goals: Find the Red October. Often an Agent in a sea location may send a message to the Mastermind stating that they are searching for the Red October. If they are in the same location that the Red October is in, then they have successfully found the Red October and it is added to their list of Gadgets in Play. I the Agent's True Affiliation is Mastermind, e must take the submarine to the same location as Amnistar remove the Red October from eir inventory, if the Agent's True Affiliation is World, e must take the submarine to MUR, arriving at the location then removing it from eir inventory.

Mission Reward: If the Agent that completed the mission has the True Affiliation World: +5 sea tickets, and a Fake Passport. If the Agent that completed the mission has the True Affiliation Mastermind: Digital Locater gadget (listed below)

Completion Requirements: 1 Agent has succesffuly completed this task

Completed By:

Penalty: None

Gadget: Red October

An Agent possessing this gadget may not move into any land territory other than MUR with this gadget. An Agent possessing this gadget may move 2 Sea Locations instead of the normal 1 Sea Location when making a normal movement.

The agent that possesses this gadget may cross the Iron Curtain freely.

Gadget: Digital Locator

An Agent possesing this gadget may send a message to the mastermind stating it's use, and remove this gadget from their list. The mastermind must, within 48 hours update every Agent's last known Location to their current Location.