Old wiki rulesets

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This is a dump of all edits to the old wiki from its inception during Dynasty 18 to the end of Dynasty 20.

< Describe the new page here.
> There's only the BlogNomicRuleset.
< Describe the new page here.
> <b>1 - Ruleset and Gamestate</b>
> This is the Ruleset for [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]]; all Strains must obey it. Rules
> 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Strain and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
> The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically
> permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information
> which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Strain s' names
> and Size totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
> Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in
> the Ruleset at any time.
> <b>2 - Strains</b>
> Anybody may apply to join [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] (if they are not already playing) by
> contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use
> in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to
> in the Strain roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this
> application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a
> member of the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog, and will be considered a Strain from
> the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar. 
> A Strain may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the
> game, at any time, by posting an entry to the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog requesting
> such action.
> Some Strains are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and
> the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Strains who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation. 
> Some Strains are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar.
> For the purposes of all other rules, idle Strains are not counted as
> Strains. Admin may render a Strain idle if that Strain has failed
> to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Strain at their request - the Strain's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
> A single person may not Control Strain more than one Strain within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Strain, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Strains from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
> <b>3 - Size</b>
> Each Strain has an amount of Size, which may vary during the course
> of the game.  Size may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Size beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
> Admins gain 10 Size for setting up new Strains. Within 24 hours of
> joining the game, and only once, a Strain may nominate a single
> (other) Strain as being responsible for their joining - the nominated
> Strain gains 20 Size, and the new Strain gains 10 as a reward for
> nominating.
> Size is normalised at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Strain's Size was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new Control Strain, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
> New Strains begin the game with 100 Size.
> <b>4 - Proposals</b>
> Any Strain may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Proposal : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
> (A Strain can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is
> Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
> Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired. When a
> Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.
> No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials.
> A Strain may alter or remove their own Pending Proposals, provided that nobody else has commented on them.  A Strain may not, through editing of the blog, change a non-Proposal post into a Proposal.
> <b>5 - Voting</b>
> Any Strain may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it
> in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and
> DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there
> exists more than one Vote from a single Strain on a single Proposal,
> only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Strain leaves the
> game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the
> decision of the Control Strain. The vote will count as the same as the
> Control Strain's vote. The Control Strain itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. 
> If there is no Control Strain, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial. (If most of a Proposal's
> FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.)
> If the Strain who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it,
> their Vote is counted as FOR. 
> <b>6 - Enactment</b>
> Quorum is equal to half the number of Strains, rounded down, plus one.
> If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if
> it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR,
> then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the
> Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that
> Proposal. 
> If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could
> not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all
> Strains have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the
> Strain who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48
> hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may
> mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
> When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Size, or 2 Size if it
> was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Size. 
> Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Size. Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Size.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Size from the accounts of all active Strains who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
> <b>7 - Calls for Judgement</b>
> If two or more Strains actively disagree as to the interpretation of
> the Ruleset, or if a Strain feels that an aspect of the game needs
> urgent attention, then any Strain may raise a Call for Judgment by
> posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in
> bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should
> be taken to resolve it. 
> All Strains may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Strain's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
> <b>8 - The GNDT</b>
> Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic
> Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Strain
> may update any Strain's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset
> permits it. 
> All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Strain feels that an
> alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the
> alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration.
> If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised. 
> Strains shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the
> Nomic. 
> <b>9 - Dynasties</b>
> [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties. 
> Each Dynasty has a single Control Strain and is named according to the number of
> times which that Strain has been the Control Strain (or the Control Strain equivalent)
> (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke"). 
> The Control Strain has the following powers:-
>    * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This
>      veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively
>      unreasonable.)
>    * They may change the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] header, the colour scheme and the
>      VETO icon, whenever they like.
> A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording
> events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their
> Control Strain or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning
> move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it
> refers to. Strains may submit Dynasty Records to the Control Strain - the 
> Control Strain may award the submitter 20 Size for any Records it uses.
> <b>10 - Victory and Ascension</b>
> If a Strain believes that they have achieved the victory conditions
> for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the
> [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog. At this point, [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] immediately goes into Hiatus,
> during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may
> be taken.
> Every Strain may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether
> they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and
> DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Strains consider the win
> legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have
> officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half
> consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current
> Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the
> Control Strain may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
> When a Dynasty has been won, all Strains' GNDT stats are reset to zero
> or blank. Any Strains who were idle
> throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Control Strain's
> discretion.
> The Hiatus then continues until the new Control Strain posts an Ascension Address
> to the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog - this should specify the Control Strain's chosen theme
> for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any
> number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the
> words "Strain", "Control Strain" and "Size" will be replaced with new
> theme-appropriate terms. The new Control Strain may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Size penalty for the proposer.
> Upon posting this Address, and having made the Ruleset changes, the
> Hiatus period ends and the new Dynasty commences.
> <b>11 - Enzymes</b>
> Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the GNDT. The Elements are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
> A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by the number of individual Specimens that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the number of Strains that absorb the Element it emits.
> Initially, all Strains are inert, absorbing and emitting nothing. An inert Strain may change itself to absorb and emit two different Elements, at any time.
> <B>12 - Population</B>
> Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 1.
> Any Strain may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
> <B>13 - Scheduled Experiments</B>
> Introduce a class of Proposal called an Experiment Proposal. An Experiment Proposal must follow certain drafting guidelines:
>    * Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
>    * It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
>    * Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
>    * If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"
> After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed.
> <B>99 - Glossary</B>
> This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. When a Call for Judgement is resolved, any Admin may make an appropriate addition or alteration to this rule based on the result of the Call for Judgment.
>    * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Strain's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] blog.
>    * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
>    * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
>    * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif> shall represent a vote FOR, an X <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif> shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif> shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif>) shall represent the Imperial Veto.
>    * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject.
>    * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> Testing...
<    * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
>    * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
< Testing...
< This is the Ruleset for [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]]; all Strains must obey it. Rules
> This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Strains must obey it. Rules
< Anybody may apply to join [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] (if they are not already playing) by
> Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by
< member of the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog, and will be considered a Strain from
> member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Strain from
< game, at any time, by posting an entry to the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog requesting
> game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting
< [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties. 
> BlogNomic is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties. 
<    * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This
<      veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively
<      unreasonable.)
<    * They may change the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] header, the colour scheme and the
<      VETO icon, whenever they like.
> * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively unreasonable.)
> * They may change the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
< [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog. At this point, [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] immediately goes into Hiatus,
> BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus,
< to the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] weblog - this should specify the Control Strain's chosen theme
> to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Control Strain's chosen theme
<    * Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
<    * It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
<    * Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
<    * If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"
> * Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
> * It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
> * Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
> * If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"
<    * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Strain's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] blog.
>    * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Strain's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
<    * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
>    * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
<    * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Strain's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
<    * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
<    * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
<    * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif> shall represent a vote FOR, an X <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif> shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif> shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif>) shall represent the Imperial Veto.
<    * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject.
<    * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Strain's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
> * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
> * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif> shall represent a vote FOR, an X <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif> shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif> shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif>) shall represent the Imperial Veto.
> * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
< * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif> shall represent a vote FOR, an X <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif> shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif> shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently <img src=http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif>) shall represent the Imperial Veto.
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto.
< Describe the new page here.
> It's a Nomic in a weblog.
> http://blognomic.blogspot.com
< * They may change the [[http://blognomic.blogspot.com][BlogNomic]] header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
> * They may change the BlogNomic header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
< Describe the new page here.
> Abbreviation of "Call for Judgment".
> Hmm, quite tempting to propose to expand the Ruleset out into a few Wiki pages, making it easier to read and browse.
< Describe the new page here.
> More than one CfJ.
> Any Specimen whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Specimen whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Specimen may only do this once; it must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this rule again.
> <B>14 - Virus</B>
> A new strain of virus has found its way into the petri dish.
> The enactment of this rule will create a new Specimen entry in the GNDT, called 'Virus'. The Size of the Virus is initially equal to the number of Specimens emiting the same element as it absorbs.
> Every day, every Specimen that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits looses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5. If the Specimen also emits the same element as the Virus absorbs, it is imune to this effect. The Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Specimens who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs. These changes should be enacted by the Control Specimen, but may be enacted by any Specimen if this does not take place.
> The Virus always absorbs the element that the greatest number of Specimens emit, and always emits the element that the greatest number of Specimens absorb. As soon as this information becomes untrue, it must be corrected in the GNDT. Whenever the Virus changes the element it emits, its Size is reduced to an initial value as defined by the second paragraph of this rule.
> <B>15 - Classifications</B>
> Specimens are classified by their size:
> 0-25 - Critical
> 26-50 - Declining
> 51-75 - Stable
> 76-125 - Healthy
> 126 - 150 - Growing
> 151-175 - Flourishing
> 176-200 - Rampant
> If at any time a fractional value would occur for Size that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
> The Elements a Strain emits or absorbs shall be different. Any action that would make the Element a Strain emits the same as the Element that Strain absorbs is invalid and may not be performed.
< Any Strain may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
> Any Strain with a Size greater than zero may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
> If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. A Strain with zero Size and Population may restore its Population to one, as per this rule, the next time it Breathes.
< Every day, every Specimen that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits looses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5. If the Specimen also emits the same element as the Virus absorbs, it is imune to this effect. The Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Specimens who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs. These changes should be enacted by the Control Specimen, but may be enacted by any Specimen if this does not take place.
> Every day, every Specimen that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits looses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5. If the Specimen also emits the same element as the Virus absorbs, it is imune to this effect. The Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Specimens who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs. The sizes of the elements the virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time. These changes should be enacted by the Control Specimen, but may be enacted by any Specimen if this does not take place.
> <B>16 - Balanced Ecosystem</B>
> Whenever a Strain successfully breaths, the size of the element they absorb is reduced by a value equal to their size, and the size of the element they emit is increased by a value equal to their size. Strains are unable to breath if the size of the element they absorb is less then their size.
> <B>17 - Enome</B>
> Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
> Strains begin with the Enome XXX-XXX.
> The single character parts of the Enome are called Bases and they may be identified by referencing their position in the format Enome[#].
> (for example in XXX-XEX, Enome[5] = "E").
> "X" is a reserved Base starting value. A Base cannot be changed to an "X".
< A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by the number of individual Specimens that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the number of Strains that absorb the Element it emits.
> A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by the number of individual Specimens that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the number of individual Specimens that absorb the Element it emits.
< A single person may not Control Strain more than one Strain within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Strain, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Strains from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
> A single person may not control more than one Strain within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Strain, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Strains from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
< 0-25 - Critical
< 26-50 - Declining
< 51-75 - Stable
< 76-125 - Healthy
< 126 - 150 - Growing
< 151-175 - Flourishing
< 176-200 - Rampant
> * 0-25 - Critical
> * 26-50 - Declining
> * 51-75 - Stable
> * 76-125 - Healthy
> * 126 - 150 - Growing
> * 151-175 - Flourishing
> * 176-200 - Rampant
< Any Specimen whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Specimen whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Specimen may only do this once; it must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this rule again.
> Any Strain whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Strain whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Strain must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this paragraph again.
< A new strain of virus has found its way into the petri dish.
> A rapidly-mutating virus has found its way into the petri dish.
< The enactment of this rule will create a new Specimen entry in the GNDT, called 'Virus'. The Size of the Virus is initially equal to the number of Specimens emiting the same element as it absorbs.
> The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain, although it is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules other than this one.
< Every day, every Specimen that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits looses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5. If the Specimen also emits the same element as the Virus absorbs, it is imune to this effect. The Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Specimens who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs. The sizes of the elements the virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time. These changes should be enacted by the Control Specimen, but may be enacted by any Specimen if this does not take place.
> Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute, if it has not yet Polluted during that day. When the Virus Pollutes, every Strain that absorbs the same element as the Virus, and which emits a <i>different</i> element, loses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5.
< The Virus always absorbs the element that the greatest number of Specimens emit, and always emits the element that the greatest number of Specimens absorb. As soon as this information becomes untrue, it must be corrected in the GNDT. Whenever the Virus changes the element it emits, its Size is reduced to an initial value as defined by the second paragraph of this rule.
> When Polluting, the Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Strains that emit the same element as it absorbs. The Sizes of the elements the Virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time.
> The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this. Upon doing so, the Virus's Size is set to the number of Strains that emit the element it absorbs.
< Specimens are classified by their size:
> Strains are classified by their size:-
< Whenever a Strain successfully breaths, the size of the element they absorb is reduced by a value equal to their size, and the size of the element they emit is increased by a value equal to their size. Strains are unable to breath if the size of the element they absorb is less then their size.
> Whenever a Strain successfully breathes, the size of the element they absorb is reduced by a value equal to their size, and the size of the element they emit is increased by a value equal to their size. Strains are unable to breathe if the size of the element they absorb is less then their size.
< No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials.
> No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if its posting leads to its poster having more than 4 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. For the purpose of this rule, 1 non-Trivial Proposal is worth 2 Trivial ones. The legal maximum is, therefore, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials.
< A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by the number of individual Specimens that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the number of individual Specimens that absorb the Element it emits.
> A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the one tenth of the Biomass of the Strain that absorb the Element it emits.
> A Strain's Biomass is calculated by multiplying its Size by its Population.
< Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute, if it has not yet Polluted during that day. When the Virus Pollutes, every Strain that absorbs the same element as the Virus, and which emits a <i>different</i> element, loses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5.
> Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute, if it has not yet Polluted during that day. When the Virus Pollutes, every Strain that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits, and which emits an element different from which the Virus absorbs, loses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5.
< Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
> Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase or lowercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
< "X" is a reserved Base starting value. A Base cannot be changed to an "X".
> An "X" value means that position of the Enome is innocuous and has no effect in the game.
> If at any time a fractional value would occur for Population that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
< <B>16 - Balanced Ecosystem</B>
< Whenever a Strain successfully breathes, the size of the element they absorb is reduced by a value equal to their size, and the size of the element they emit is increased by a value equal to their size. Strains are unable to breathe if the size of the element they absorb is less then their size.
< <B>17 - Enome</B>
> <B>16 - Enome</B>
> <B>17 - Overcrowding</B>
> The Free Space in the petri dish is equivalent to 100000 Biomass.
> If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the game is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done during that day.
> Overcrowding reduces every Strain's Population and Size by 10%.
< A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs, and then decreased by the one tenth of the Biomass of the Strain that absorb the Element it emits.
> A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs minus one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that absorb the Element it emits.
< A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Upon doing so, its Size is increased by one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs minus one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that absorb the Element it emits.
> A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Its Intake is defined as one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs, minus one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that absorb the Element it emits - if this Intake exceeds +10 or -10, the Intake is limited to that boundary, instead. Upon Breathing, a Strain adds its Intake to its Size.
> Once a day, if a Strain emits the same element that all the other Strains absorb, that Strain must be forced to loose Biomass equal to the combined Biomass of all the other Strains. Any Strain may enforce this lost and the enforcing Strain may choose to reduce the affected Strain's Size and/or Population as necessary to reach the target Biomass. Only Strains with Biomass different than zero must be considered for this paragraph's purpose.
> <B>18 - Food Chain</B>
> Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Plant; this is tracked in the GNDT.
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain that hasn't already been Consumed that day. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
> Once a day, a Plant may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
> Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 1.
> A Strain with Size 0 and Population 0 may switch its Type at any time.
< Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Plant; this is tracked in the GNDT.
> Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome[1]. The possible values in Enome[1] are:
> <ul><li>P - Predator</li<
> <li>V - Vegetable</li></ul>
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain that hasn't already been Consumed that day. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
< Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 1.
> Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population.
< Once a day, a Plant may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
> Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
< <ul><li>P - Predator</li<
> <ul><li>P - Predator</li>
< Strains are classified by their size:-
> Strains are classified by their size:
< <ul><li>P - Predator</li>
< <li>V - Vegetable</li></ul>
> *P - Predator
> *V - Vegetable
< A Strain may Breathe, no more than once per day. Its Intake is defined as one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that emit the Element it absorbs, minus one tenth of the Biomass of the Strains that absorb the Element it emits - if this Intake exceeds +10 or -10, the Intake is limited to that boundary, instead. Upon Breathing, a Strain adds its Intake to its Size.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
< which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Strain s' names
> which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Strains' names
< Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 1.
> Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 1000 .
< Strains begin with the Enome XXX-XXX.
> Strains begin with the Enome PXX-XXX.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population.
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[2] to "F".
< Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
> Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size. Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[2] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Consumed Strain's Population. The Consumed Strain loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[2] to "F".
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population. Both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[2] to "F".
> Vegetable Strains are an exception to the ruling which sets both Size and Population to 0 when either is reduced to 0. If a Vegetable's Population is reduced to 0, its Population is set to its Size and its Size becomes 1, however, if a Vegetable's Size is reduced to 0, then its Population also becomes 0.
< Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the GNDT. The Elements are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
> Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome[2] and Enome[3], respectively. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon, indicated by the letters O, N, and C.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population. Both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[2] to "F".
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population. Both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
< Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size. Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[2] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
> Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size. Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[4] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
< If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. A Strain with zero Size and Population may restore its Population to one, as per this rule, the next time it Breathes.
> If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero.
< The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this. Upon doing so, the Virus's Size is set to the number of Strains that emit the element it absorbs.
> The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this. Upon doing so, the Virus's Size is set to the number of Strains that emit the element it absorbs. The Virus has an Enome which unless explicitly stated is only used to track the Elements it Absorbs and Emits.
< If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero.
> If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. If a Strain has been with zero Biomass for at least 24 hours, its Size, Population and Enome values may be set by any Strain to the same value assigned to new Strains.
< The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain, although it is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules other than this one.
> The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule and Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.
< The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this. Upon doing so, the Virus's Size is set to the number of Strains that emit the element it absorbs. The Virus has an Enome which unless explicitly stated is only used to track the Elements it Absorbs and Emits.
> If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Consume the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
> The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains other than itself emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this.
> If the Virus size is Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population. Both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
< Any Strain with a Size greater than zero may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
> Any Strain with a Size greater than zero and which Population is Over-Populous or lesser may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< When Polluting, the Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Strains that emit the same element as it absorbs. The Sizes of the elements the Virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time.
> When Polluting, the Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Strains that emit the same element as it absorbs.
> Strains are classified by their Population: 
> 1-500 - Critically Under-Populous
> 501-5,000 - Under-Populous
> 5,001-50,000 - Thriving
> 50,001-500,000 - Over-Populous
> 500,001-5,000,000 - Oozing
> Over 5,000,000 - Critically Oozing
< The Free Space in the petri dish is equivalent to 100000 Biomass.
> The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 50,000,000 Biomass. 
< If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the game is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done during that day.
> If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
< Overcrowding reduces every Strain's Population and Size by 10%.
> When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Critically Oozing Strain's Population by 40%, every Oozing Strain's Population by 25%, every Over-Populous Strain’s Population by 15%, every Thriving Strain’s Population by 10% and every Under-Populous Strain’s Population by 5%. A Critically Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
< * 0-25 - Critical
< * 26-50 - Declining
< * 51-75 - Stable
< * 76-125 - Healthy
< * 126 - 150 - Growing
> *   0- 25 - Critical
> *  26- 50 - Declining
> *  51- 75 - Stable
> *  76-125 - Healthy
> * 126-150 - Growing
< 1-500 - Critically Under-Populous
< 501-5,000 - Under-Populous
< 5,001-50,000 - Thriving
< 50,001-500,000 - Over-Populous
< 500,001-5,000,000 - Oozing
< Over 5,000,000 - Critically Oozing
> *       1-      500 - Critically Under-Populous
> *     501-    5,000 - Under-Populous
> *   5,001-   50,000 - Thriving
> *  50,001-  500,000 - Over-Populous
> * 500,001-5,000,000 - Oozing
> *    Over 5,000,000 - Critically Oozing
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
> <B>19 - Affliction Gene</B>
> Every Strain's Enome[6] represents its Affliction. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
> List of Afflictions:
> (This sentence to be removed once an Affliction is created.)
> <B>20 - Hybrisization</B>
> Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 1.
> Ancestry is an alphabetically ordered comma-separated list of Strain Names tracked in the GNDT. A Name can only appear once in a given Strain's Ancestry; duplicates are removed. New Strains have only their own Name listed in their Ancestry.
> A Strain that has only its own name listed in its Ancestry is an Original Strain. All other Strains are Hybrid Strains.
> Hybrid Strains don't count as a Strain for any Rule with a number between 1 and 10. If a Hybrid is reduced to 0 Biomass it becomes Extinct, all its GNDT values are cleared, and is no longer considered a Strain. Admins may claim 1 Size for removing an Extinct entry from the GNDT.
> Any Original Strain listed in a Strain's Ancestry is called its Ancestor and may act on its behalf.
> Progeny is tracked in the GNDT. It is always equal to the number of Hybrids an Original Strain is an Ancestor of. Hybrids do not have a Progeny value.
> <B>Hybrid Request</B>
> Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
> * A name for the new Hybrid Strain
> * An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
> * How much Population every Parent will donate to the Hybrid. Each Parent must donate the same amount.
> Hybrid Requests are processed in same fashion as Proposals, with these differences:
> * No Strain may be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request. No Hybrid Request may be posted which makes a Strain be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request.
> * If a Parent is an Original Strain and does not Vote FOR, the Request Fails.
> * If any Ancestor of a Parent Votes AGAINST, the Request Fails.
> * There is an automatic number of AGAINST Votes equal to the highest Progeny value among the would-be Hybrid's Ancestors.
> * After 24 hours since posting, if the number of Votes FOR is greater than Votes AGAINST a Hybrid Request, an Admin may Enact the Request, if not, an Admin may Fail it.
> * Only the oldest Pending Hybrid Request may be tallied for Enactment or Failure. Pending Hybrid Requests don’t block Pending Proposals Enactment or Failure and vice-versa.
> The Admin who Enacts the Hybrid Request may claim 2 Size, provided he/she is not the author of the Request. When a Hybrid Request Fails, the requesting Strain loses 3 Size and half the Population one Parent would have donated to the Hybrid if the Request had been Enacted.
> When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value.
> The Strain Named Orson cannot make a Hybrid Request, nor be included as a Parent, until six or more Original Strains are Ancestors to Hybrids, at which point this paragraph repeals itself.
< <B>Hybrid Request</B>
> <B>21 - Hybrid Request</B>
< <B>20 - Hybrisization</B>
> <B>20 - Hybridization</B>
< (This sentence to be removed once an Affliction is created.)
> * Fever
> Represented by the character "f". If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome[6] shall revert to the value "X".
> A Strain with a Fever cannot Synthesize or Consume. Hunger may not be inflicted upon a Predator with a Fever.
< Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome[2] and Enome[3], respectively. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon, indicated by the letters O, N, and C.
> Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
> The current information tracked by the Enome and the possible values for each Base shall be found in this rule at all times.
> List of Enome Bases information:
> Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s type. Possible values are:
> * P - Predator 
> * V - Vegetable 
> Enome[2] and Enome[3] track the elements a Strain Absorbs and Emits, respectively. Possible values are:
> * O - Oxygen
> * N - Nitrogen
> * C - Carbon
> Enome[4] tracks a Strain’s Fierceness. Possible values are:
> * F - Fierce
> Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction. Possible values are:
> * f - Fever
< Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome[1]. The possible values in Enome[1] are:
< *P - Predator
< *V - Vegetable
> Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Fierce. Fierceness is tracked by the Strain’s Enome.
< Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size. Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[4] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
> Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size. Alternatively, if that Vegetable is Fierce it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
< Every Strain's Enome[6] represents its Affliction. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
> Every Strain’s Enome tracks its Afflictions. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
< Represented by the character "f". If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome[6] shall revert to the value "X".
> If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome tracking Afflicitions shall revert to innocuous.
< Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
> Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. A Request must name at least 2 Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
< * An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
> * An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. Bases valued to "X" doesn't represent a Parent's Enome for this purpose. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
< When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value.
> When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value; if doing so would bring a Parent's Population to zero, the Request fails instead.
> * m - Mortality 
> * c - Cancer
< Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population.
> Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population. If a Predator never Consumed or suffered Hunger, the time it became a Predator shall be considered as the time it last Consumed.
> * Mortality 
> After a Strain with this Affliction Synthesizes or Consumes, it must reduce its Population by 5%. If no Strain has this Mortality Affliction, the Strain(s) with the highest Population gets afflicted with it. Only once, when that Strain next Consumes or Synthesizes, it may choose up to 2 additional Strains to share the Affliction. If a Strain is Critically Under-Populous it may remove the Affliction from itself.
> * Cancer 
> If a Strain with this Affliction is classified as Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to divide as per the Population rule. If no Strain has this Cancer Affliction, the Strain(s) with the lowest Population gets afflicted with it. Only once, when that Strain next Consumes or Synthesizes, it may choose up to 2 additional Strains to share the Affliction. If a Strain is Oozing it may remove the Affliction from itself.
< Every Strain’s Enome tracks its Afflictions. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
> Every Strain’s Enome tracks its Afflictions. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. An Affliction must have one or more well defined conditions that trigger its activation upon one or more Strains, as well as one or more well defined conditions that allow an Afflicted Strain to get rid of the Affliction.
> An Affliction may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. Removing an Affliction from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Affliction. Giving an Affliction to a Strain overwrites any Affliction that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base.
> The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
< If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome tracking Afflicitions shall revert to innocuous.
> If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain shall remove the Affliction from itself.
< Enome[4] tracks a Strain’s Fierceness. Possible values are:
< * F - Fierce
> Enome[4] tracks a Strain’s Endowment. Possible values are:
> * t - Toxic
> * v - Vigorous
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size. If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Fierce. Fierceness is tracked by the Strain’s Enome.
> Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size.
< Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size. Alternatively, if that Vegetable is Fierce it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
> Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
> <B>22 - Endowment Gene</B>
> An Endowment is a trait which is generally favorable for a Strain. Its description may include conditions which allow a Strain to get that Endowment.
> Removing an Endowment from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Endowment. Giving an Endowment to a Strain overwrites any Endowment that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Endowments shall be found in this rule at all times.
> List of Endowments:
> * Toxic 
> If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Toxic. A Strain Consuming the Toxic Strain loses 3 Size, in addition to normal Consumption losses.
> * Vigorous
> If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Vigorous. A Vigorous Strain may increase its Size by 4 when Synthesizing or Consuming.
< If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Consume the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
> If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Assimilate the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. When the Virus Assimilates a Strain, reduce the target Strain's Population by the Virus' Population, and then add the amount of Population the Assimilated Strain lost onto the Virus' Population. The last three Enome Bases of the Virus become the same as those of the Assimilated Strain (Enome[4] - Enome[6]). The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
< The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule and Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.
> The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule, its Enome cannot be changed in a manner different than defined in this Rule, it cannot be target for Afflictions or Endowments and it doesn’t count when tallying conditions for creating an Affliction or Endowment. Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.
< If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Assimilate the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. When the Virus Assimilates a Strain, reduce the target Strain's Population by the Virus' Population, and then add the amount of Population the Assimilated Strain lost onto the Virus' Population. The last three Enome Bases of the Virus become the same as those of the Assimilated Strain (Enome[4] - Enome[6]). The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
> If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Assimilate the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. When the Virus Assimilates a Strain, reduce the target Strain's Population by the Virus' Population, and then add the amount of Population the Assimilated Strain lost onto the Virus' Population. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
< <b>11 - Enzymes</b>
< Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
< Initially, all Strains are inert, absorbing and emitting nothing. An inert Strain may change itself to absorb and emit two different Elements, at any time.
< Any Strain whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Strain whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Strain must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this paragraph again.
< Once a day, if a Strain emits the same element that all the other Strains absorb, that Strain must be forced to loose Biomass equal to the combined Biomass of all the other Strains. Any Strain may enforce this lost and the enforcing Strain may choose to reduce the affected Strain's Size and/or Population as necessary to reach the target Biomass. Only Strains with Biomass different than zero must be considered for this paragraph's purpose.
< The Elements a Strain emits or absorbs shall be different. Any action that would make the Element a Strain emits the same as the Element that Strain absorbs is invalid and may not be performed.
< <B>12 - Population</B>
> <B>11 - Population</B>
< <B>13 - Scheduled Experiments</B>
< Introduce a class of Proposal called an Experiment Proposal. An Experiment Proposal must follow certain drafting guidelines:
< * Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
< * It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
< * Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
< * If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"
< After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed.
< <B>14 - Virus</B>
< A rapidly-mutating virus has found its way into the petri dish.
< The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule, its Enome cannot be changed in a manner different than defined in this Rule, it cannot be target for Afflictions or Endowments and it doesn’t count when tallying conditions for creating an Affliction or Endowment. Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.
< Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute, if it has not yet Polluted during that day. When the Virus Pollutes, every Strain that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits, and which emits an element different from which the Virus absorbs, loses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5.
< When Polluting, the Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Strains that emit the same element as it absorbs.
< If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Assimilate the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. When the Virus Assimilates a Strain, reduce the target Strain's Population by the Virus' Population, and then add the amount of Population the Assimilated Strain lost onto the Virus' Population. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
< The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains other than itself emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this.
< If the Virus size is Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< <B>15 - Classifications</B>
> <B>12 - Classifications</B>
< <B>16 - Enome</B>
> <B>13 - Overcrowding</B>
> The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 50,000,000 Biomass. 
> If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
> When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Critically Oozing Strain's Population by 40%, every Oozing Strain's Population by 25%, every Over-Populous Strain’s Population by 15%, every Thriving Strain’s Population by 10% and every Under-Populous Strain’s Population by 5%. A Critically Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
> <B>14 - Enome</B>
< <B>17 - Overcrowding</B>
< The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 50,000,000 Biomass. 
< If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
< When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Critically Oozing Strain's Population by 40%, every Oozing Strain's Population by 25%, every Over-Populous Strain’s Population by 15%, every Thriving Strain’s Population by 10% and every Under-Populous Strain’s Population by 5%. A Critically Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
< <B>18 - Food Chain</B>
> <B>15 - Food Chain</B>
< <B>19 - Affliction Gene</B>
> <b>16 - Enzymes</b>
> Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
> Initially, all Strains are inert, absorbing and emitting nothing. An inert Strain may change itself to absorb and emit two different Elements, at any time.
> Any Strain whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Strain whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Strain must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this paragraph again.
> Once a day, if a Strain emits the same element that all the other Strains absorb, that Strain must be forced to loose Biomass equal to the combined Biomass of all the other Strains. Any Strain may enforce this lost and the enforcing Strain may choose to reduce the affected Strain's Size and/or Population as necessary to reach the target Biomass. Only Strains with Biomass different than zero must be considered for this paragraph's purpose.
> The Elements a Strain emits or absorbs shall be different. Any action that would make the Element a Strain emits the same as the Element that Strain absorbs is invalid and may not be performed.
> <B>17 - Affliction Gene</B>
> <B>18 - Endowment Gene</B>
> An Endowment is a trait which is generally favorable for a Strain. Its description may include conditions which allow a Strain to get that Endowment.
> Removing an Endowment from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Endowment. Giving an Endowment to a Strain overwrites any Endowment that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Endowments shall be found in this rule at all times.
> List of Endowments:
> * Toxic 
> If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Toxic. A Strain Consuming the Toxic Strain loses 3 Size, in addition to normal Consumption losses.
> * Vigorous
> If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Vigorous. A Vigorous Strain may increase its Size by 4 when Synthesizing or Consuming.
> <B>19 - Virus</B>
> A rapidly-mutating virus has found its way into the petri dish.
> The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule, its Enome cannot be changed in a manner different than defined in this Rule, it cannot be target for Afflictions or Endowments and it doesn’t count when tallying conditions for creating an Affliction or Endowment. Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.
> Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute, if it has not yet Polluted during that day. When the Virus Pollutes, every Strain that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits, and which emits an element different from which the Virus absorbs, loses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5.
> When Polluting, the Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Strains that emit the same element as it absorbs.
> If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Assimilate the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. When the Virus Assimilates a Strain, reduce the target Strain's Population by the Virus' Population, and then add the amount of Population the Assimilated Strain lost onto the Virus' Population. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
> The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains other than itself emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this.
> If the Virus size is Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< <B>22 - Endowment Gene</B>
< An Endowment is a trait which is generally favorable for a Strain. Its description may include conditions which allow a Strain to get that Endowment.
< Removing an Endowment from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Endowment. Giving an Endowment to a Strain overwrites any Endowment that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Endowments shall be found in this rule at all times.
> <B>22 - Scheduled Experiments</B>
< List of Endowments:
< * Toxic 
< If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Toxic. A Strain Consuming the Toxic Strain loses 3 Size, in addition to normal Consumption losses.
> Introduce a class of Proposal called an Experiment Proposal. An Experiment Proposal must follow certain drafting guidelines:
< * Vigorous
> * Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
> * It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
> * Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
> * If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"
< If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Vigorous. A Vigorous Strain may increase its Size by 4 when Synthesizing or Consuming.
> After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> Enome[6] tracks a Strain’s Enigma Gene. A Strain may change its Enigma Gene Base at any time, but once an Enigma Gene is no longer innocuous, it cannot be altered.
> * It must specify a Base which hasn't been specified by any other Scheduled Experiment, and it must specify a target value for that Base.
> After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed as well as the Names in the Ancestry of the Strains which have Biomass>0 and whose Base value matches the one specified in the Experiment. The Strains named are called the Candidate Strains of that Experiment. If all Candidate Strains for that Experiment have a non-innocuous Enigma Gene, and a Strain is named as a Candidate Strain in more Scheduled Experiments than any other Strain, that Strain may claim Victory.
< After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed.
> After completion and annotation, a Scheduled Experiment cannot be removed or edited until a player has declared Victory.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
< <B>12 - Classifications</B>
< Strains are classified by their size:
< *   0- 25 - Critical
< *  26- 50 - Declining
< *  51- 75 - Stable
< *  76-125 - Healthy
< * 126-150 - Growing
< * 151-175 - Flourishing
< * 176-200 - Rampant
< Strains are classified by their Population: 
< *       1-      500 - Critically Under-Populous
< *     501-    5,000 - Under-Populous
< *   5,001-   50,000 - Thriving
< *  50,001-  500,000 - Over-Populous
< * 500,001-5,000,000 - Oozing
< *    Over 5,000,000 - Critically Oozing
< <B>13 - Overcrowding</B>
< The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 50,000,000 Biomass. 
< If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
< When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Critically Oozing Strain's Population by 40%, every Oozing Strain's Population by 25%, every Over-Populous Strain’s Population by 15%, every Thriving Strain’s Population by 10% and every Under-Populous Strain’s Population by 5%. A Critically Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
< <B>14 - Enome</B>
< Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase or lowercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
< Strains begin with the Enome PXX-XXX.
< The single character parts of the Enome are called Bases and they may be identified by referencing their position in the format Enome[#].
< (for example in XXX-XEX, Enome[5] = "E").
< An "X" value means that position of the Enome is innocuous and has no effect in the game.
< The current information tracked by the Enome and the possible values for each Base shall be found in this rule at all times.
< List of Enome Bases information:
< Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s type. Possible values are:
< * P - Predator 
< * V - Vegetable 
< Enome[2] and Enome[3] track the elements a Strain Absorbs and Emits, respectively. Possible values are:
< * O - Oxygen
< * N - Nitrogen
< * C - Carbon
< Enome[4] tracks a Strain’s Endowment. Possible values are:
< * t - Toxic
< * v - Vigorous
< Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction. Possible values are:
< * f - Fever
< * m - Mortality 
< * c - Cancer
< Enome[6] tracks a Strain’s Enigma Gene. A Strain may change its Enigma Gene Base at any time, but once an Enigma Gene is no longer innocuous, it cannot be altered.
< <B>15 - Food Chain</B>
< Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome.
< Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits. If the Consumed Strain is a Vegetable, it loses Population equal to the Predator's Population. The Predator gains 2 Size if its Population is less than or equal to the Vegetable Strain's original Population. If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size.
< Once a day, a Vegetable may Synthesize, adding 2 to their Size.
< Vegetable Strains are an exception to the ruling which sets both Size and Population to 0 when either is reduced to 0. If a Vegetable's Population is reduced to 0, its Population is set to its Size and its Size becomes 1, however, if a Vegetable's Size is reduced to 0, then its Population also becomes 0.
< Any Strain may enforce Hunger on a Predator that has not had Hunger that day. Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population. If a Predator never Consumed or suffered Hunger, the time it became a Predator shall be considered as the time it last Consumed.
< A Strain with Size 0 and Population 0 may switch its Type at any time.
< <b>16 - Enzymes</b>
< Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
< Initially, all Strains are inert, absorbing and emitting nothing. An inert Strain may change itself to absorb and emit two different Elements, at any time.
< Any Strain whose Size is at 'declining' may change either the element it emits or the element it absorbs. Any Strain whose Size is 'critical' may change both the element it emits and the element it absorbs. A Strain must reach the 'stable' state before it may make changes under this paragraph again.
< Once a day, if a Strain emits the same element that all the other Strains absorb, that Strain must be forced to loose Biomass equal to the combined Biomass of all the other Strains. Any Strain may enforce this lost and the enforcing Strain may choose to reduce the affected Strain's Size and/or Population as necessary to reach the target Biomass. Only Strains with Biomass different than zero must be considered for this paragraph's purpose.
< The Elements a Strain emits or absorbs shall be different. Any action that would make the Element a Strain emits the same as the Element that Strain absorbs is invalid and may not be performed.
< <B>17 - Affliction Gene</B>
< Every Strain’s Enome tracks its Afflictions. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. An Affliction must have one or more well defined conditions that trigger its activation upon one or more Strains, as well as one or more well defined conditions that allow an Afflicted Strain to get rid of the Affliction.
< An Affliction may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. Removing an Affliction from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Affliction. Giving an Affliction to a Strain overwrites any Affliction that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base.
< The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
< List of Afflictions:
< * Fever
< If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain shall remove the Affliction from itself.
< A Strain with a Fever cannot Synthesize or Consume. Hunger may not be inflicted upon a Predator with a Fever.
< * Mortality 
< After a Strain with this Affliction Synthesizes or Consumes, it must reduce its Population by 5%. If no Strain has this Mortality Affliction, the Strain(s) with the highest Population gets afflicted with it. Only once, when that Strain next Consumes or Synthesizes, it may choose up to 2 additional Strains to share the Affliction. If a Strain is Critically Under-Populous it may remove the Affliction from itself.
< * Cancer 
< If a Strain with this Affliction is classified as Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to divide as per the Population rule. If no Strain has this Cancer Affliction, the Strain(s) with the lowest Population gets afflicted with it. Only once, when that Strain next Consumes or Synthesizes, it may choose up to 2 additional Strains to share the Affliction. If a Strain is Oozing it may remove the Affliction from itself.
< <B>18 - Endowment Gene</B>
< An Endowment is a trait which is generally favorable for a Strain. Its description may include conditions which allow a Strain to get that Endowment.
< Removing an Endowment from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Endowment. Giving an Endowment to a Strain overwrites any Endowment that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Endowments shall be found in this rule at all times.
< List of Endowments:
< * Toxic 
< If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Toxic. A Strain Consuming the Toxic Strain loses 3 Size, in addition to normal Consumption losses.
< * Vigorous
< If a Strain has lost more than 50% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Vigorous. A Vigorous Strain may increase its Size by 4 when Synthesizing or Consuming.
< <B>19 - Virus</B>
< A rapidly-mutating virus has found its way into the petri dish.
< The Virus is listed in the GNDT as if it were a Strain and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule, its Enome cannot be changed in a manner different than defined in this Rule, it cannot be target for Afflictions or Endowments and it doesn’t count when tallying conditions for creating an Affliction or Endowment. Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.
< Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute, if it has not yet Polluted during that day. When the Virus Pollutes, every Strain that absorbs the same element as the Virus emits, and which emits an element different from which the Virus absorbs, loses x Size, where x is the Size of the Virus divided by 5.
< When Polluting, the Virus also gains Size equal to the number of Strains that emit the same element as it absorbs.
< If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Assimilate the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. When the Virus Assimilates a Strain, reduce the target Strain's Population by the Virus' Population, and then add the amount of Population the Assimilated Strain lost onto the Virus' Population. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.
< The Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains other than itself emit, and to emit the element that the greatest number of Strains absorb. Any Strain may, at any time, update the GNDT to reflect this.
< If the Virus size is Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< <B>20 - Hybridization</B>
< Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 1.
< Ancestry is an alphabetically ordered comma-separated list of Strain Names tracked in the GNDT. A Name can only appear once in a given Strain's Ancestry; duplicates are removed. New Strains have only their own Name listed in their Ancestry.
< A Strain that has only its own name listed in its Ancestry is an Original Strain. All other Strains are Hybrid Strains.
< Hybrid Strains don't count as a Strain for any Rule with a number between 1 and 10. If a Hybrid is reduced to 0 Biomass it becomes Extinct, all its GNDT values are cleared, and is no longer considered a Strain. Admins may claim 1 Size for removing an Extinct entry from the GNDT.
< Any Original Strain listed in a Strain's Ancestry is called its Ancestor and may act on its behalf.
< Progeny is tracked in the GNDT. It is always equal to the number of Hybrids an Original Strain is an Ancestor of. Hybrids do not have a Progeny value.
< <B>21 - Hybrid Request</B>
< Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. A Request must name at least 2 Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
< * A name for the new Hybrid Strain
< * An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. Bases valued to "X" doesn't represent a Parent's Enome for this purpose. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
< * How much Population every Parent will donate to the Hybrid. Each Parent must donate the same amount.
< Hybrid Requests are processed in same fashion as Proposals, with these differences:
< * No Strain may be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request. No Hybrid Request may be posted which makes a Strain be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request.
< * If a Parent is an Original Strain and does not Vote FOR, the Request Fails.
< * If any Ancestor of a Parent Votes AGAINST, the Request Fails.
< * There is an automatic number of AGAINST Votes equal to the highest Progeny value among the would-be Hybrid's Ancestors.
< * After 24 hours since posting, if the number of Votes FOR is greater than Votes AGAINST a Hybrid Request, an Admin may Enact the Request, if not, an Admin may Fail it.
< * Only the oldest Pending Hybrid Request may be tallied for Enactment or Failure. Pending Hybrid Requests don’t block Pending Proposals Enactment or Failure and vice-versa.
< The Admin who Enacts the Hybrid Request may claim 2 Size, provided he/she is not the author of the Request. When a Hybrid Request Fails, the requesting Strain loses 3 Size and half the Population one Parent would have donated to the Hybrid if the Request had been Enacted.
< When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value; if doing so would bring a Parent's Population to zero, the Request fails instead.
< The Strain Named Orson cannot make a Hybrid Request, nor be included as a Parent, until six or more Original Strains are Ancestors to Hybrids, at which point this paragraph repeals itself.
< <B>22 - Scheduled Experiments</B>
< Introduce a class of Proposal called an Experiment Proposal. An Experiment Proposal must follow certain drafting guidelines:
< * Its title is written "Proposal: Experiment: [Title]".
< * It must include a specific future date on which it will take effect.
< * Its date must not coincide with the date of any Scheduled Experiment.
< * If it is Enacted it is entered in the Ruleset as "Scheduled Experiment: [Title]"
< * It must specify a Base which hasn't been specified by any other Scheduled Experiment, and it must specify a target value for that Base.
< After an Admin has made the changes called for by a Scheduled Experiment they annotate it with the date and time completed as well as the Names in the Ancestry of the Strains which have Biomass>0 and whose Base value matches the one specified in the Experiment. The Strains named are called the Candidate Strains of that Experiment. If all Candidate Strains for that Experiment have a non-innocuous Enigma Gene, and a Strain is named as a Candidate Strain in more Scheduled Experiments than any other Strain, that Strain may claim Victory.
< After completion and annotation, a Scheduled Experiment cannot be removed or edited until a player has declared Victory.
< <B>11 - Population</B>
< Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 1000 .
< Any Strain with a Size greater than zero and which Population is Over-Populous or lesser may, at any time, halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. If a Strain has been with zero Biomass for at least 24 hours, its Size, Population and Enome values may be set by any Strain to the same value assigned to new Strains.
< A Strain's Biomass is calculated by multiplying its Size by its Population.
< If at any time a fractional value would occur for Population that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
> <B>11 - Population</B>
> Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 100.
> Any Strain with a Size greater than 5 and which Population is Thriving or lesser may, at any time, Split. When Splitting, a Strain reduces its Size by 5 and halve its remaining Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
> A Strain's Biomass is calculated by multiplying its Size by its Population.
> If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. If a Strain has been with zero Biomass for at least 72 hours, its Size, Population and Enome values may be set by any Strain to the same value assigned to new Strains.
> If at any time a fractional value would occur for Population that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
> <B>12 - Classifications</B>
> Strains are classified by their size:
> * 0- 25 - Critical
> * 26- 50 - Declining
> * 51- 75 - Stable
> * 76-125 - Healthy
> * 126-150 - Growing
> * 151-175 - Flourishing
> * 176-200 - Rampant
> Strains are classified by their Population: 
> * 0 - Dead
> * 1- 100 - Under-Populous
> * 101- 1,000 - Thriving
> * Over 1,000 - Over-Populous
> <B>13 - Overcrowding</B>
> The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 120,000 Biomass. 
> If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
> When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Over-Populous Strain's Population by 30%, and every Thriving Strain’s Population by 15%. An Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
> <B>14 - Enome</B>
> Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase or lowercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
> Strains begin with the Enome XXX-XXX.
> The single character parts of the Enome are called Bases and they may be identified by referencing their position in the format Enome[#].
> (for example in XXX-XEX, Enome[5] = "E").
> An "X" value means that position of the Enome is innocuous and has no effect in the game.
> The current information tracked by the Enome and the possible values for each Base shall be found in this rule at all times.
> List of Enome Bases information:
> (This paragraph shall be replaced by the first Enome tracked information)
> If a Strain is the only non-Dead strain in the Game, that Strain may claim Victory.
< (This paragraph shall be replaced by the first Enome tracked information)
> * Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s Growth Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
> * Enome[2] tracks a Strain’s Offensive Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
> * Enome[3] tracks a Strain’s Defensive Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
> <B>15 - Ability Genes</B>
> Abilities are traits indicating Actions a Strain may take, Actions it is immune to, or modifications it can enforce upon Actions taken by other Strains.
> Removing an Ability from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Ability. Giving an Ability to a Strain overwrites any Ability that Strain has which is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Abilities shall be found in this rule at all times.
> Abilities are categorized into Groups. Each Group is tracked in the Enome by a different Base. The description of an Ability must specify to which Group that Ability belongs. The current list of Ability Groups shall be found in this rule at all times.
> Currently, the Ability Groups are:
> * Growth: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Acting Strain growing its Size. These Actions cannot affect any other Strain other than the acting one.
> * Offensive: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Acting Strain to cause damage to one or more other Strains. Those Actions must have a non-zero cost, either in Size or Population loss, specified in their definitions, and must not affect the Acting Strain other than to pay that cost.
> * Defensive: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Defending Strain to prevent, raise the cost of, or give Retaliation Actions in response to damage done to it by other Strains. Retaliation Actions must have a non-zero cost, either in Size or Population loss, specified in their definitions, and must not affect the Acting Strain other than to pay that cost.
> Currently, the Abilities are:
> (This paragraph shall be replaced by the first Ability created)
< * Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s Growth Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
< * Enome[2] tracks a Strain’s Offensive Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
< * Enome[3] tracks a Strain’s Defensive Abilities. There are no possible values, currently.
> Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s Growth Abilities. Possible values are:
> * s - Synthesizing
> * S - Super-Synthesizing
> Enome[2] tracks a Strain’s Offensive Abilities. Possible values are:
> * c - Consuming
> * C - Super-Consuming
> Enome[3] tracks a Strain’s Defensive Abilities. Possible values are:
> * s - Spiking
> * S - Super-Spiking
< (This paragraph shall be replaced by the first Ability created)
> * Synthesizing (Growth): Any Strain may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 2 Size and 5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 1.
> * Super-Synthesizing (Growth): Any Strain with Synthesizing Ability may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 5 Size and 12.5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 3.
> * Consuming (Offensive): Any Strain may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 2 Size and 5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. Both Strains lose Population equal to 10% of whichever was the smaller original Population.
> * Super-Consuming (Offensive): Any Strain with Consuming Ability may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 5 Size and 12.5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. The Acting Strain loses 10% of its Population and the Consumed Strain loses 30% of its Population.
> *Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 2 Size and 5% of its Population. Any Strain trying to do an Action that would result in loss of Size or Population by this Strain must pay an additional 1 Size cost, before doing that action.
> *Super-Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain with Spiking Ability may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 5 Size and 12.5% of its Population. If this Strain has lost any Size or Population in the last 24 hours due to an Action by other Strain, it may Retaliate. The Retaliating Strain takes again 50% of the damage already taken to its Size and/or Population and the Retaliated Strain takes 100% of the damage originally done.
> <B>16 - Mutation</B>
> Each Strain has a pool of Mutation points which are tracked in the GNDT. At any time a Strain may deduct 2 from their Mutation pool to change one Base of their Enome to an upper case character, or 1 from their pool to change it to a lower case character or to revert it to innocuous, as long as that wouldn't cause the pool to drop below zero.
> At the beginning of every week, a Strain may add one to its Mutation pool.
< * Synthesizing (Growth): Any Strain may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 2 Size and 5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 1.
< * Super-Synthesizing (Growth): Any Strain with Synthesizing Ability may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 5 Size and 12.5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 3.
> * Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 1.
> * Super-Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 3.
< * Consuming (Offensive): Any Strain may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 2 Size and 5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. Both Strains lose Population equal to 10% of whichever was the smaller original Population.
< * Super-Consuming (Offensive): Any Strain with Consuming Ability may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 5 Size and 12.5% of its Population. A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. The Acting Strain loses 10% of its Population and the Consumed Strain loses 30% of its Population.
> * Consuming (Offensive): A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. Both Strains lose Population equal to 10% of whichever was the smaller original Population.
> * Super-Consuming (Offensive): A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. The Acting Strain loses 10% of its Population and the Consumed Strain loses 30% of its Population.
< *Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 2 Size and 5% of its Population. Any Strain trying to do an Action that would result in loss of Size or Population by this Strain must pay an additional 1 Size cost, before doing that action.
< *Super-Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain with Spiking Ability may acquire this Ability by paying a cost of 5 Size and 12.5% of its Population. If this Strain has lost any Size or Population in the last 24 hours due to an Action by other Strain, it may Retaliate. The Retaliating Strain takes again 50% of the damage already taken to its Size and/or Population and the Retaliated Strain takes 100% of the damage originally done.
> *Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain trying to do an Action that would result in loss of Size or Population by this Strain must pay an additional 1 Size cost, before doing that action.
> *Super-Spiking (Defensive): If this Strain has lost any Size or Population in the last 24 hours due to an Action by other Strain, it may Retaliate. The Retaliating Strain takes again 50% of the damage already taken to its Size and/or Population and the Retaliated Strain takes 100% of the damage originally done.
< If a Strain is the only non-Dead strain in the Game, that Strain may claim Victory.
> If an Original Strain is the only non-Dead strain in the Game, that Strain may claim Victory.
> <B>17 - Hybridization</B>
> Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 1.
> Ancestry is an alphabetically ordered comma-separated list of Strain Names tracked in the GNDT. A Name can only appear once in a given Strain's Ancestry; duplicates are removed. New Strains have only their own Name listed in their Ancestry.
> A Strain that has only its own name listed in its Ancestry is an Original Strain. All other Strains are Hybrid Strains.
> Hybrid Strains don't count as a Strain for any Rule with a number between 1 and 10. If a Hybrid is reduced to 0 Biomass it becomes Extinct, all its GNDT values are cleared, and is no longer considered a Strain. Admins may claim 1 Size for removing an Extinct entry from the GNDT.
> Any Original Strain listed in a Strain's Ancestry is called its Ancestor and may act on its behalf.
> Progeny is tracked in the GNDT. It is always equal to the number of Hybrids an Original Strain is an Ancestor of. Hybrids do not have a Progeny value.
> <B>18 - Hybrid Request</B>
> Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. A Request must name at least 2 Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
> * A name for the new Hybrid Strain
> * An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. Bases valued to "X" doesn't represent a Parent's Enome for this purpose. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
> * How much Population every Parent will donate to the Hybrid. Each Parent must donate the same amount.
> Hybrid Requests are processed in same fashion as Proposals, with these differences:
> * No Strain may be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request. No Hybrid Request may be posted which makes a Strain be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request.
> * If a Parent is an Original Strain and does not Vote FOR, the Request Fails.
> * If any Ancestor of a Parent Votes AGAINST, the Request Fails.
> * There is an automatic number of AGAINST Votes equal to the highest Progeny value among the would-be Hybrid's Ancestors.
> * After 24 hours since posting, if the number of Votes FOR is greater than Votes AGAINST a Hybrid Request, an Admin may Enact the Request, if not, an Admin may Fail it.
> * Only the oldest Pending Hybrid Request may be tallied for Enactment or Failure. Pending Hybrid Requests don’t block Pending Proposals Enactment or Failure and vice-versa.
> The Admin who Enacts the Hybrid Request may claim 2 Size, provided he/she is not the author of the Request. When a Hybrid Request Fails, the requesting Strain loses 3 Size and half the Population one Parent would have donated to the Hybrid if the Request had been Enacted.
> When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value; if doing so would bring a Parent's Population to zero, the Request fails instead.
> * d - Digestion
> * D - Super-Digestion
> * a - Acidic
> * A - Super-Acidic
> * Digestion (Growth): After Consuming, a Strain with this Ability can, once that same day, Digest to make its Size grow by 2.
> * Super-Digestion (Growth): After Consuming, a Strain with this Ability can, once that same day, Digest to make its Size grow by 5.
> *Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 3 other Strains, at a cost of 2 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
> *Super-Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 5 other Strains, at a cost of 1 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
< Each Strain has a pool of Mutation points which are tracked in the GNDT. At any time a Strain may deduct 2 from their Mutation pool to change one Base of their Enome to an upper case character, or 1 from their pool to change it to a lower case character or to revert it to innocuous, as long as that wouldn't cause the pool to drop below zero.
> Each Strain has a pool of Mutation points which are tracked in the GNDT. At any time a Strain may deduct points from their Mutation pool to change their Enome Bases, as long as that wouldn't cause the pool to drop below zero, at these prices:
> * 1 to change to a different lowercase character.
> * 2 to change to a different uppercase character.
> * 1 to switch the case of a character, from lowercase to uppercase, or vice-versa.
< At the beginning of every week, a Strain may add one to its Mutation pool.
> Once a Week, a Strain may add two points to its Mutation pool.
> <B>19 - ATP</B>
> Every strain has an ATP level, which is tracked in the GNDT.
> A new strain starts out with 0 ATP.
> Once a day, a strain may Metabolize. Metabolizing costs in Size twice the Strain's current ATP level. That Strain then gains 1 ATP.
> Once a day, a strain may Feed another. Strains can only Feed strains with a lower ATP level than them, and only once per day. When a Strain feeds another, the feeding Strain loses 2 ATP and gets +1 Size and +10 Population. The Strain being Fed gets +1 ATP.
< * s - Synthesizing
< * S - Super-Synthesizing
> * s - Synthesizing
> * S - Super-Synthesizing
< * c - Consuming
< * C - Super-Consuming
> * c - Consuming
> * C - Super-Consuming
> * f - Flagella
> * F - Super-Flagella
< * Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 1.
< * Super-Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 3.
> * Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 1.
> * Super-Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 3.
> * Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 3 other Strains, at a cost of 2 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
> * Super-Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 5 other Strains, at a cost of 1 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
< *Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 3 other Strains, at a cost of 2 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
< *Super-Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 5 other Strains, at a cost of 1 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
< *Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain trying to do an Action that would result in loss of Size or Population by this Strain must pay an additional 1 Size cost, before doing that action.
< *Super-Spiking (Defensive): If this Strain has lost any Size or Population in the last 24 hours due to an Action by other Strain, it may Retaliate. The Retaliating Strain takes again 50% of the damage already taken to its Size and/or Population and the Retaliated Strain takes 100% of the damage originally done.
> * Flagella (Defensive): A Strain with this Ability cannot be the target of Offensive Abilities which affect only one target Strain, unless the Acting Strain also has the Flagella or Super-Flagella Defensive Ability.
> * Super-Flagella (Defensive): A Strain with this Ability cannot be the target of Offensive Abilities which affect only one target Strain, unless the Acting Strain also has the Super-Flagella Defensive Ability.
> * Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain trying to do an Action that would result in loss of Size or Population by this Strain must pay an additional 1 Size cost, before doing that action.
> * Super-Spiking (Defensive): If this Strain has lost any Size or Population in the last 24 hours due to an Action by other Strain, it may Retaliate. The Retaliating Strain takes again 50% of the damage already taken to its Size and/or Population and the Retaliated Strain takes 100% of the damage originally done.
< This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Strains must obey it. Rules
< 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Strain and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
> This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Warlords must obey it. Rules 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Warlord and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
< The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically
< permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information
< which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Strains' names
< and Size totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
> The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Warlords' names and Reputation totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
< Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in
< the Ruleset at any time.
> Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset at any time.
< <b>2 - Strains</b>
> <b>2 - Warlords</b>
< Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by
< contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use
< in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to
< in the Strain roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this
< application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a
< member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Strain from
< the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar. 
> Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to in the Warlord roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Warlord from the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar.
< A Strain may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the
< game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting
< such action.
> A Warlord may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such action.
< Some Strains are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and
< the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Strains who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation. 
> Some Warlords are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Warlords who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation.
< Some Strains are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar.
< For the purposes of all other rules, idle Strains are not counted as
< Strains. Admin may render a Strain idle if that Strain has failed
< to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Strain at their request - the Strain's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
> Some Warlords are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of all other rules, idle Warlords are not counted as Warlords. Admin may render a Warlord idle if that Warlord has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Warlord at their request - the Warlord's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
< A single person may not control more than one Strain within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Strain, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Strains from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
> A single person may not control more than one Warlord within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Warlord, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Warlords from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
< <b>3 - Size</b>
> <b>3 - Reputation</b>
< Each Strain has an amount of Size, which may vary during the course
< of the game.  Size may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Size beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
> Each Warlord has an amount of Reputation, which may vary during the course of the game.  Reputation may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Reputation beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
< Admins gain 10 Size for setting up new Strains. Within 24 hours of
< joining the game, and only once, a Strain may nominate a single
< (other) Strain as being responsible for their joining - the nominated
< Strain gains 20 Size, and the new Strain gains 10 as a reward for
< nominating.
> Admins gain 10 Reputation for setting up new Warlords. Within 24 hours of joining the game, and only once, a Warlord may nominate a single (other) Warlord as being responsible for their joining - the nominated Warlord gains 20 Reputation, and the new Warlord gains 10 as a reward for nominating.
< Size is normalised at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Strain's Size was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new Control Strain, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
> Reputation is normalised at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Warlord's Reputation was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new High Lord, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
< New Strains begin the game with 100 Size.
> New Warlords begin the game with 100 Reputation.
< If at any time a fractional value would occur for Size that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
> If at any time a fractional value would occur for Reputation that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
< Any Strain may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Proposal : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
> Any Warlord may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Proposal : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
< (A Strain can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is
< Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
> (A Warlord can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
< Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired. When a
< Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.
> Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.
< A Strain may alter or remove their own Pending Proposals, provided that nobody else has commented on them.  A Strain may not, through editing of the blog, change a non-Proposal post into a Proposal.
> A Warlord may alter or remove their own Pending Proposals, provided that nobody else has commented on them.  A Warlord may not, through editing of the blog, change a non-Proposal post into a Proposal.
< Any Strain may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it
< in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and
< DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there
< exists more than one Vote from a single Strain on a single Proposal,
< only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Strain leaves the
< game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the
< decision of the Control Strain. The vote will count as the same as the
< Control Strain's vote. The Control Strain itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. 
< If there is no Control Strain, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> Any Warlord may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Warlord on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
< FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial. (If most of a Proposal's
< FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.)
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the High Lord. The vote will count as the same as the High Lord's vote. The High Lord cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no High Lord, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
< If the Strain who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it,
< their Vote is counted as FOR. 
> FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial. (If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.)
> If the Warlord who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
< Quorum is equal to half the number of Strains, rounded down, plus one.
> Quorum is equal to half the number of Warlords, rounded down, plus one.
> If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.
< If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if
< it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR,
< then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the
< Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that
< Proposal. 
< If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could
< not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all
< Strains have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the
< Strain who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48
< hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may
< mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
> If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Warlords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Warlord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
< When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Size, or 2 Size if it
< was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Size. 
> When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Reputation, or 2 Reputation if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Reputation.
< Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Size. Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Size.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Reputation. Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Reputation.
< Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Size from the accounts of all active Strains who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Reputation from the accounts of all active Warlords who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
< If two or more Strains actively disagree as to the interpretation of
< the Ruleset, or if a Strain feels that an aspect of the game needs
< urgent attention, then any Strain may raise a Call for Judgment by
< posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in
< bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should
< be taken to resolve it. 
> If two or more Warlords actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Warlord feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Warlord may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
< All Strains may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Strain's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
> All Warlords may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Warlord's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
< Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic
< Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Strain
< may update any Strain's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset
< permits it. 
< All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Strain feels that an
< alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the
< alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration.
< If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised. 
< Strains shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the
< Nomic. 
< <b>9 - Dynasties</b>
< BlogNomic is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties. 
< Each Dynasty has a single Control Strain and is named according to the number of
< times which that Strain has been the Control Strain (or the Control Strain equivalent)
< (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke"). 
< The Control Strain has the following powers:-
< * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively unreasonable.)
< * They may change the BlogNomic header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
< A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording
< events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their
< Control Strain or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning
< move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it
< refers to. Strains may submit Dynasty Records to the Control Strain - the 
< Control Strain may award the submitter 20 Size for any Records it uses.
< <b>10 - Victory and Ascension</b>
< If a Strain believes that they have achieved the victory conditions
< for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the
< BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus,
< during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may
< be taken.
< Every Strain may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether
< they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and
< DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Strains consider the win
< legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have
< officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half
< consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current
< Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the
< Control Strain may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
< When a Dynasty has been won, all Strains' GNDT stats are reset to zero
< or blank. Any Strains who were idle
< throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Control Strain's
< discretion.
< The Hiatus then continues until the new Control Strain posts an Ascension Address
< to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Control Strain's chosen theme
< for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any
< number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the
< words "Strain", "Control Strain" and "Size" will be replaced with new
< theme-appropriate terms. The new Control Strain may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Size penalty for the proposer.
< Upon posting this Address, and having made the Ruleset changes, the
< Hiatus period ends and the new Dynasty commences.
< <B>11 - Population</B>
< Each Strain has a Population, tracked in the GNDT, being the number of individual Specimens of that Strain - all Strains begin a Population of 100.
< Any Strain with a Size greater than 5 and which Population is Thriving or lesser may, at any time, Split. When Splitting, a Strain reduces its Size by 5 and halve its remaining Size (rounding down) to double its Population.
< A Strain's Biomass is calculated by multiplying its Size by its Population.
< If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. If a Strain has been with zero Biomass for at least 72 hours, its Size, Population and Enome values may be set by any Strain to the same value assigned to new Strains.
< If at any time a fractional value would occur for Population that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
< If an Original Strain is the only non-Dead strain in the Game, that Strain may claim Victory.
< <B>12 - Classifications</B>
< Strains are classified by their size:
< * 0- 25 - Critical
< * 26- 50 - Declining
< * 51- 75 - Stable
< * 76-125 - Healthy
< * 126-150 - Growing
< * 151-175 - Flourishing
< * 176-200 - Rampant
< Strains are classified by their Population: 
< * 0 - Dead
< * 1- 100 - Under-Populous
< * 101- 1,000 - Thriving
< * Over 1,000 - Over-Populous
< <B>13 - Overcrowding</B>
< The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 120,000 Biomass. 
< If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.
< When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Over-Populous Strain's Population by 30%, and every Thriving Strain’s Population by 15%. An Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.
> Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Warlord may update any Warlord's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.
< <B>14 - Enome</B>
> All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Warlord feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised.
< Each Strain has an "Enome" tracked in the GNDT. The Enome is represented by a string of uppercase or lowercase characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
> Warlords shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.
< Strains begin with the Enome XXX-XXX.
< The single character parts of the Enome are called Bases and they may be identified by referencing their position in the format Enome[#].
< (for example in XXX-XEX, Enome[5] = "E").
< An "X" value means that position of the Enome is innocuous and has no effect in the game.
< The current information tracked by the Enome and the possible values for each Base shall be found in this rule at all times.
< List of Enome Bases information:
< Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s Growth Abilities. Possible values are:
< * d - Digestion
< * D - Super-Digestion
< * s - Synthesizing
< * S - Super-Synthesizing
< Enome[2] tracks a Strain’s Offensive Abilities. Possible values are:
< * a - Acidic
< * A - Super-Acidic
< * c - Consuming
< * C - Super-Consuming
< Enome[3] tracks a Strain’s Defensive Abilities. Possible values are:
< * f - Flagella
< * F - Super-Flagella
< * s - Spiking
< * S - Super-Spiking
< <B>15 - Ability Genes</B>
< Abilities are traits indicating Actions a Strain may take, Actions it is immune to, or modifications it can enforce upon Actions taken by other Strains.
< Removing an Ability from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Ability. Giving an Ability to a Strain overwrites any Ability that Strain has which is tracked by the same Enome Base. The current list of Abilities shall be found in this rule at all times.
< Abilities are categorized into Groups. Each Group is tracked in the Enome by a different Base. The description of an Ability must specify to which Group that Ability belongs. The current list of Ability Groups shall be found in this rule at all times.
< Currently, the Ability Groups are:
< * Growth: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Acting Strain growing its Size. These Actions cannot affect any other Strain other than the acting one.
< * Offensive: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Acting Strain to cause damage to one or more other Strains. Those Actions must have a non-zero cost, either in Size or Population loss, specified in their definitions, and must not affect the Acting Strain other than to pay that cost.
< * Defensive: Abilities in this group must specify ways for the Defending Strain to prevent, raise the cost of, or give Retaliation Actions in response to damage done to it by other Strains. Retaliation Actions must have a non-zero cost, either in Size or Population loss, specified in their definitions, and must not affect the Acting Strain other than to pay that cost.
< Currently, the Abilities are:
< * Digestion (Growth): After Consuming, a Strain with this Ability can, once that same day, Digest to make its Size grow by 2.
< * Super-Digestion (Growth): After Consuming, a Strain with this Ability can, once that same day, Digest to make its Size grow by 5.
< * Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 1.
< * Super-Synthesizing (Growth): A Strain with this Ability can, once a day, Synthesize to make its Size grow by 3.
< * Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 3 other Strains, at a cost of 2 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
< * Super-Acidic (Offensive): Once a day, a Strain with this Ability can emit Acid to Corrode up to 5 other Strains, at a cost of 1 Size per Strain. The affected Strains lose 5% of their Population.
< * Consuming (Offensive): A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. Both Strains lose Population equal to 10% of whichever was the smaller original Population.
< * Super-Consuming (Offensive): A Strain with this Ability can Consume another Strain. The Acting Strain loses 10% of its Population and the Consumed Strain loses 30% of its Population.
< * Flagella (Defensive): A Strain with this Ability cannot be the target of Offensive Abilities which affect only one target Strain, unless the Acting Strain also has the Flagella or Super-Flagella Defensive Ability.
< * Super-Flagella (Defensive): A Strain with this Ability cannot be the target of Offensive Abilities which affect only one target Strain, unless the Acting Strain also has the Super-Flagella Defensive Ability.
< * Spiking (Defensive): Any Strain trying to do an Action that would result in loss of Size or Population by this Strain must pay an additional 1 Size cost, before doing that action.
< * Super-Spiking (Defensive): If this Strain has lost any Size or Population in the last 24 hours due to an Action by other Strain, it may Retaliate. The Retaliating Strain takes again 50% of the damage already taken to its Size and/or Population and the Retaliated Strain takes 100% of the damage originally done.
< <B>16 - Mutation</B>
< Each Strain has a pool of Mutation points which are tracked in the GNDT. At any time a Strain may deduct points from their Mutation pool to change their Enome Bases, as long as that wouldn't cause the pool to drop below zero, at these prices:
< * 1 to change to a different lowercase character.
< * 2 to change to a different uppercase character.
< * 1 to switch the case of a character, from lowercase to uppercase, or vice-versa.
< Once a Week, a Strain may add two points to its Mutation pool.
< <B>17 - Hybridization</B>
< Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 1.
< Ancestry is an alphabetically ordered comma-separated list of Strain Names tracked in the GNDT. A Name can only appear once in a given Strain's Ancestry; duplicates are removed. New Strains have only their own Name listed in their Ancestry.
< A Strain that has only its own name listed in its Ancestry is an Original Strain. All other Strains are Hybrid Strains.
< Hybrid Strains don't count as a Strain for any Rule with a number between 1 and 10. If a Hybrid is reduced to 0 Biomass it becomes Extinct, all its GNDT values are cleared, and is no longer considered a Strain. Admins may claim 1 Size for removing an Extinct entry from the GNDT.
< Any Original Strain listed in a Strain's Ancestry is called its Ancestor and may act on its behalf.
< Progeny is tracked in the GNDT. It is always equal to the number of Hybrids an Original Strain is an Ancestor of. Hybrids do not have a Progeny value.
> <b>9 - Dynasties</b>
< <B>18 - Hybrid Request</B>
> BlogNomic is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties.
< Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. A Request must name at least 2 Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
< * A name for the new Hybrid Strain
< * An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. Bases valued to "X" doesn't represent a Parent's Enome for this purpose. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
< * How much Population every Parent will donate to the Hybrid. Each Parent must donate the same amount.
> Each Dynasty has a single High Lord and is named according to the number of times which that Warlord has been the High Lord (or the High Lord equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
< Hybrid Requests are processed in same fashion as Proposals, with these differences:
> The High Lord has the following powers:-
< * No Strain may be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request. No Hybrid Request may be posted which makes a Strain be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request.
< * If a Parent is an Original Strain and does not Vote FOR, the Request Fails.
< * If any Ancestor of a Parent Votes AGAINST, the Request Fails.
< * There is an automatic number of AGAINST Votes equal to the highest Progeny value among the would-be Hybrid's Ancestors.
< * After 24 hours since posting, if the number of Votes FOR is greater than Votes AGAINST a Hybrid Request, an Admin may Enact the Request, if not, an Admin may Fail it.
< * Only the oldest Pending Hybrid Request may be tallied for Enactment or Failure. Pending Hybrid Requests don’t block Pending Proposals Enactment or Failure and vice-versa.
> * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively unreasonable.) * They may change the BlogNomic header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
< The Admin who Enacts the Hybrid Request may claim 2 Size, provided he/she is not the author of the Request. When a Hybrid Request Fails, the requesting Strain loses 3 Size and half the Population one Parent would have donated to the Hybrid if the Request had been Enacted.
> A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their High Lord or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Warlords may submit Dynasty Records to the High Lord - the High Lord may award the submitter 20 Reputation for any Records it uses.
< When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value; if doing so would bring a Parent's Population to zero, the Request fails instead.
> <b>10 - Victory and Ascension</b>
< <B>19 - ATP</B>
> If a Warlord believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
< Every strain has an ATP level, which is tracked in the GNDT.
> Every Warlord may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Warlords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the High Lord may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
< A new strain starts out with 0 ATP.
> When a Dynasty has been won, all Warlords' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Warlords who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the High Lord's discretion.
< Once a day, a strain may Metabolize. Metabolizing costs in Size twice the Strain's current ATP level. That Strain then gains 1 ATP.
> The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Warlord", "High Lord" and "Reputation" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Reputation penalty for the proposer.
< Once a day, a strain may Feed another. Strains can only Feed strains with a lower ATP level than them, and only once per day. When a Strain feeds another, the feeding Strain loses 2 ATP and gets +1 Size and +10 Population. The Strain being Fed gets +1 ATP.
> Upon posting this Address, and having made the Ruleset changes, the Hiatus period ends and the new Dynasty commences.
< * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Strain's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
< * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
< * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
< * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto.
< * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Warlord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted). * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject. * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> <B>11 - Alliances</B>
> A Warlord’s Alliance and Vote for Leader are tracked in the GNDT.
> Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]” in bold. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation.
> Alliances have a Leader. All members of an Alliance must vote for a Leader when they join or create the Alliance, and may only change their vote once per day. At any time, if a Warlord has more votes than the Leader of their Alliance or if their Alliance does not have a Leader that Warlord may declare themselves Leader by adding a * to the end of their Alliance.
> Warlords who are not in an Alliance are not considered Warlords for rules which do not have the word “Alliances” in the name.
> The following paragraph has no effect. Repeal this paragraph 48 hours after this proposal passes.
> If any Alliance has less than two members for over 24 hours, the Alliance is dissolved and the Alliance of any remaining members is cleared.
> <B>12 - Joining Alliances</B>
> At any time a Warlord may request to join an Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Join Request: [Alliance Name]”. Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Strain on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Strain leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered accepted, and any Warlord may add the requesting Warlord to the Alliance. If the Warlord was already in an Alliance, he loses 10 Reputation and all other members of the Alliance lose 5.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered denied, and the requesting Warlord loses 10 Reputation.
< * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Warlord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted). * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject. * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Warlord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. 
> * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. 
> * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted). 
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
> * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject. 
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
< * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively unreasonable.) * They may change the BlogNomic header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
> * They may veto any Proposal; that Proposal immediately fails. (This veto may be contested with a CfJ if it is thought excessively unreasonable.) 
> * They may change the BlogNomic header, the colour scheme and the VETO icon, whenever they like.
> <B>13 - Military Powers</B>
> Each Warlord has an Offensive Power and a Defensive Power, which is tracked by the GNDT.
> A Warlord's Offensive or Defensive Power may not be a negative value. Any Action which would result in one or more Warlords having negative Offensive or Defensive Power is invalid and may not be done.
> If an Action results in a Warlord having a fractionary Offensive and/or Defensive Power, round that value to the next lower integer number.
> New Warlords start the game with both Military Powers at 100.
> <B>13 - Banishment</B>
> Warlords may make a request to Banish a member of the same Alliance, by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Banishment Request: [Alliance Name], [Target Warlord Name]". Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Strain on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Strain leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered accepted, and any Warlord may replace the target Warlord's Alliance with "Exile". The target Warlord loses 20 Reputation and all members of the Alliance lose 10.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered denied, and the requesting Warlord loses 10 Reputation.
> <B>13 - Chain of Command</B>
> This rule takes precidence over Rule 5.
> If a Warlord is a member of an Alliance, not the leader of that Alliance and that Alliance has a leader then a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts the same as the vote of the leader of that Alliance.
> If the High Lord is a member of an Alliance, and not its leader, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< <B>13 - Banishment</B>
> <B>14 - Banishment</B>
< <B>13 - Chain of Command</B>
> <B>15 - Chain of Command</B>
< <B>15 - Chain of Command</B>
< This rule takes precidence over Rule 5.
< If a Warlord is a member of an Alliance, not the leader of that Alliance and that Alliance has a leader then a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts the same as the vote of the leader of that Alliance.
< If the High Lord is a member of an Alliance, and not its leader, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< At any time a Warlord may request to join an Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Join Request: [Alliance Name]”. Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Strain on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Strain leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
> At any time a Warlord may request to join an Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Join Request: [Alliance Name]”. Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Warlord on a single Request, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
< Warlords may make a request to Banish a member of the same Alliance, by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Banishment Request: [Alliance Name], [Target Warlord Name]". Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Strain on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Strain leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
> Warlords may make a request to Banish a member of the same Alliance, by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Banishment Request: [Alliance Name], [Target Warlord Name]". Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Warlord on a single Request, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
> <B>15 - Chain of Command</B>
> This rule takes precidence over Rule 5.
> If a Warlord is a member of an Alliance, not the leader of that Alliance and that Alliance has a leader then a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts the same as the vote of the leader of that Alliance.
> If the High Lord is a member of an Alliance, and not its leader, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< Warlords who are not in an Alliance are not considered Warlords for rules which do not have the word “Alliances” in the name.
> Warlords who are not in an Alliance are not considered Warlords for the purposes of Rules 4, 5, and 6.
< At any time a Warlord may request to join an Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Join Request: [Alliance Name]”. Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Warlord on a single Request, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to join an Alliance by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Application".
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> If the Audience is approved, any Warlord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Alliance, once. If the Warlord was already in an Alliance, he or she loses 10 Reputation and all other members of the Alliance lose 5.
< A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered accepted, and any Warlord may add the requesting Warlord to the Alliance. If the Warlord was already in an Alliance, he loses 10 Reputation and all other members of the Alliance lose 5.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered denied, and the requesting Warlord loses 10 Reputation.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
< Warlords may make a request to Banish a member of the same Alliance, by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Banishment Request: [Alliance Name], [Target Warlord Name]". Any Warlord in the Alliance may cast their vote on the request by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL and VETO, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Warlord on a single Request, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves the alliance, their Vote no longer counts.
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to banish another Warlord from their own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Banish [Warlord]".
< A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request.
> If the Audience is approved, any Warlord may remove the victim from the Alliance, once. The victim loses 20 Reputation and remaining members of the Alliance lose 10.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered accepted, and any Warlord may replace the target Warlord's Alliance with "Exile". The target Warlord loses 20 Reputation and all members of the Alliance lose 10.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the request is considered denied, and the requesting Warlord loses 10 Reputation.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
> <B>16 - Audiences</B>
> Warlords may request Audiences with any Alliance for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Alliance]: [Subject]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
> Any Warlord in the relevant Alliance may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Warlord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves their Alliance, their vote no longer counts for that Alliance's Audiences. 
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention. 
> A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request. 
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered approved.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered rejected.
> <B>19 - Trust</B>
> Each Warlord has a Trust characteristic tracked in the GNDT, which indicates how much a Warlord is trusted by other Warlords, as well as how trusting or paranoid they themselves are.
> The Trust is represented by 2 separated numbers of the form: #/#, where the first number is called "T-Pos" and the second number is "T-Neg". T-Pos can be zero or a positive number; T-Neg can be zero or a negative number. "T-Total" is not tracked in the GNDT, but can be derived by adding the two values together.
> Once a day, a Warlord may either Entrust or Distrust a Warlord from another Alliance. Entrusting raises the T-Pos of both Warlords by 1; Distrusting lowers the T-Neg of both Warlords by 1.
< A Warlord may alter or remove their own Pending Proposals, provided that nobody else has commented on them.  A Warlord may not, through editing of the blog, change a non-Proposal post into a Proposal.
> A Warlord may alter or remove their own Pending Proposals, provided that nobody else has commented on them. A Warlord may not, through editing of the blog, change a non-Proposal post into a Proposal.
< Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]” in bold. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation.
> Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]” in bold. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. A Warlord may alter or remove their own Alliance Creation post, provided that nobody else has commented on them and no one has joined the Alliance. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the Alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation.
< <B>13 - Military Powers</B>
> <B>13 - Leaving Alliances</B>
> A Warlord of more than 20 Reputation may voluntarily leave an alliance at any time for the cost of 20 Reputation. This cost is waived if the alliance being left is the Exiles. This clears the Warlord's Alliance status but does not, taken by itself, cause them to join a new Alliance.
> No Warlord may be a member of more than one alliance at any given time.
> <B>14 - Military Powers</B>
< <B>14 - Banishment</B>
> <B>15 - Banishment</B>
< <B>15 - Chain of Command</B>
> <B>16 - Chain of Command</B>
< <B>16 - Audiences</B>
> <B>17 - Audiences</B>
< <B>19 - Trust</B>
> <B>18 - Trust</B>
< Some Warlords are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of all other rules, idle Warlords are not counted as Warlords. Admin may render a Warlord idle if that Warlord has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Warlord at their request - the Warlord's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
> Some Warlords are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of rules other than 1 and 2, idle Warlords are not counted as Warlords. Admin may render a Warlord idle if that Warlord has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Warlord at their request - the Warlord's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
< Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]” in bold. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. A Warlord may alter or remove their own Alliance Creation post, provided that nobody else has commented on them and no one has joined the Alliance. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the Alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation.
> Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]” in bold. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation and all other Warlords in the Alliance lose 5 Reputation. Upon announcing the creation of an Alliance, a Warlord's Alliance is set to that alliance. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Alliance has more than one Warlord.
< Warlords who are not in an Alliance are not considered Warlords for the purposes of Rules 4, 5, and 6.
> Warlords who are not in an Alliance are not considered Warlords for rules other than 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 and 12.
> If at any time a warlord would be in multiple alliances, they are in the last alliance they joined only.
> <B>19 - Casus Belli</B>
> The GNDT will track the <I>Casus Belli</I> list for each Warlord.
> A Warlord may renounce a <I>Casus Belli</I> he or she holds against another Warlord at any time. That Warlord is then striken from his or her Casus Belli list.
> A Warlord may send another Warlord whom does not currently have a Casus Belli against them a Diplomatic Rebuke. The targetted Warlord loses 5 Reputation and immediately gains a Casus Belli against the Warlord sending the Rebuke.
> <B>20 - Duels</B>
> Duels are resolved in a three step process: Challenge, Test of Skill and Resolution. Each step has universal requirements as well as specific requirements according to the Form of the Duel.
> I. Challenge
> A Warlord may throw down the gauntlet by posting an entry with the subject "Challenge [Form]:[Warlord]". This is known as the Challenge. The poster is known as the Challenger; the Warlord named is known as the Defendant. In addition, the Challenge must follow the guidelines of the Duel's Form:
> * Leadership. The Defendant must be the Leader of the same Alliance as the Challenger and the Challenger must have more than 20 Reputation. The content of the Challenge must include a description of the failings of the Leader and a choice of dueling venue and weapons. The Defendant may make a single comment to the Challenge to respond. (This comment is traditional, but irrelevant, as a Leadership Duel must always be accepted.)
> II. Test of Skill
> After a Challenge has been properly made, a Test of Skill occurs according to the Duel's Form:
> * Leadership. The Defendant and Challenger may each post up to 3 additional comments to the Challenge, in alternation, where they may describe their actions of battle using the venue and weapons of the Challenge. No other Warlords may post a comment to the Challenge until this is done. (Note that these comments are for show only and have no effect on the Gamestate, so a description of an opponent's death may prove exaggerated.) This Test of Skill is considered complete after the Challenge has been made.
> III. Resolution
> After the Test of Skill is complete, it is resolved according to the Duel's Form:
> * Leadership. All members of the Alliance may freely change their Vote for Leader during a period of 24 hours since the Challenge was made. At that time, if the Challenger has not become Leader, they must lose 20 Reputation and the Defendant may gain 10 Reputation. If the Challenger has become Leader by that time, they may gain 20 Reputation, and the Defendant must lose 10 Reputation.
> <B>21 - Ritual Warfare</B>
> One or more Warlords may Attack another one if a rule, other than this one, permits them to do so. Said rule must specify the time the Attacks occurs, which Warlords are entitled to join the Attack and which one of them will be the Attack Coordinator.
> If a Warlord is Attacked, he must Defend himself. If a rule permits more Warlords to join his Defense, said rule must specify which one of them will be the Defense Coordinator.
> If only one Warlord is attacking and/or defending, that Warlord is considered as the corresponding Coordinator.
> The Attack Coordinator is responsible to make all the calculations necessary to appoint the Results of the Combat. He shall publish the name of all Warlords involved in the combat and all steps of those calculations as a post to the Blog, with subject: “Combat Results: [Attack Coordinator Name] x [Defense Coordinator Name]” and shall update the GNDT to reflect the results of that Combat.
> When appointing the Results of the Combat, the Attack Coordinator shall compute 2 figures: Combined Attacking Power and Combined Defending Power.
> To compute Combined Attacking Power, the Attack Coordinator shall take all the following steps:
> * Step 1: Total up the Offensive Power of all Attacking Warlords. This figure is the Raw Attacking Power;
> * Step 2: Roll a dice, by making a GNDT entry reading “Attack DICE:”. This figure is the Attack Dice;
> * Step 3: Add the Total Trust of every Attacking Warlord to this Dice. This figure is the Modified Attack Dice;
> * Step 4: Divide the Modified Attack Dice by 3. This figure is the Attack Modifier.
> * Step 5: Multiply the Raw Attacking Power by the Attack Modifier. This is the Combined Attacking Power
> To compute Combined Defending Power, the Attack Coordinator shall take all the following steps:
> * Step 1: Total up the Defensive Power of all Defending Warlords. This figure is the Raw Defending Power;
> * Step 2: Roll a dice, by making a GNDT entry reading “Defend DICE:”. This figure is the Defend Dice;
> * Step 3: Add the Total Trust of every Defending Warlord to this Dice. This figure is the Modified Defend Dice;
> * Step 4: Divide the Modified Defend Dice by 4. This figure is the Defend Modifier.
> * Step 5: Multiply the Raw Defending Power by the Defend Modifier. This is the Combined Defending Power
> The side with greatest Combined Power shall be appointed the winner of the Combat. The Attack Coordinator shall then divide the Combined Power of the loser Side by the Combined Power of the winner Side. This figure is the Defeat Ratio.
> After defining the Defeat Ratio, if the Attacking Side is the Winner, all defending Warlords’ Defensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If the Defending Side is the Winner, each attacking Warlord’s Offensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio.
> Each Warlord in the Winner Side has it Reputation raised by the number of Warlords participating in the other side of the Combat.
> Any time a Warlord joins an Alliance, all invitations that have been extended for that Warlord to join other Alliances cease to apply.
> If an invitation to join an Alliance has been standing for more than 48 hours, it ceases to apply.
> Once a day, a Warlord may Increase his Powers. When Increasing, A Warlord must spend up to 20 Reputation and raise his Offensive Power and/or Defensive Power. The sum of the raisings must be up to twice the spent value.
> <B>22 - Alliance Warfare</B>
> At any time, if an Alliance has no pending Attack declaration the Leader may post an attack declaration in the format "Attack: [Warlord]", where [Warlord] is a Warlord not in the Attacking alliance. In the comments for this entry, Warlords in the Attacking Alliance and the Warlords in the Alliance of the Attacked Warlord (Defending Alliance) , must indicate, using the FOR and AGAINST icons whether they will participate in the battle with the exception of the Attacked Warlord, who must participate.
> After 24 hours, if no Warlords in the Attacking Alliance have voted FOR, the Attack automatically fails and the Leader at the time of the declaration loses 15 Reputation. Otherwise all Warlords in the Attacking Alliance who voted FOR Attack the Defender and any allies which voted FOR participating, with the Leader serving as Attack coordinator and the Defender as the Defense coordinator.
> If the attack fails, all Warlords in the Attacking Alliance lose 5 Reputation, and those who did not participate lose an additional 5 Reputation. If the attack succeeds, all Warlords in the Defending Alliance lose 5 Reputation, and those who did not participate lose an additional 5 Reputation.
> If there are no rules for multiple Warlords attacking multiple Warlords in the Ruleset, this Rule may not be used.
< The following paragraph has no effect. Repeal this paragraph 48 hours after this proposal passes.
< Each Warlord has an Offensive Power and a Defensive Power, which is tracked by the GNDT.
> Each Warlord has a Power which is tracked in the GNDT using the form of #/#, where both are numbers (ie: 100/110). The first number is the Offensive Power and the second number is the Defensive Power.
< Once a day, a Warlord may Increase his Powers. When Increasing, A Warlord must spend up to 20 Reputation and raise his Offensive Power and/or Defensive Power. The sum of the raisings must be up to twice the spent value.
> Warlords may spend up to 20 Reputation per day to Increase military power. Each point spent in this way increases either Offensive or Defensive Power by 2.
< * Step 3: Add the Total Trust of every Attacking Warlord to this Dice. This figure is the Modified Attack Dice;
< * Step 4: Divide the Modified Attack Dice by 3. This figure is the Attack Modifier.
< * Step 5: Multiply the Raw Attacking Power by the Attack Modifier. This is the Combined Attacking Power
> * Step 3: Divide the Modified Attack Dice by 3. This figure is the Attack Modifier.
> * Step 4: Multiply the Raw Attacking Power by the Attack Modifier. This is the Combined Attacking Power
< * Step 3: Add the Total Trust of every Defending Warlord to this Dice. This figure is the Modified Defend Dice;
< * Step 4: Divide the Modified Defend Dice by 4. This figure is the Defend Modifier.
< * Step 5: Multiply the Raw Defending Power by the Defend Modifier. This is the Combined Defending Power
> * Step 3: Divide the Modified Defend Dice by 4. This figure is the Defend Modifier.
> * Step 4: Multiply the Raw Defending Power by the Defend Modifier. This is the Combined Defending Power
> <B>23 - Assassins</B>
> Assassins rule the night in the lands around the Alliance lands. Once every 48 hours, the Leader of an Alliance may post a comment to the GNDT reading "Send Assassin to [Opposing Alliance], DICE:" where [Opposing Alliance] is the name of the target Alliance for the Assassin. The result of the dice roll determines the effect of the attack:
> 1 - The Assassin manages to get into an enemy stronghold, but has a few close calls and decides to leave without doing any damage. No effect.
> 2 - The Assassin is found and killed in the ensuing chase. The Leader who sent the Assassin may not send another to any Alliance for an extra 24 hours.
> 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their Trust lowered by one.
> 4 - The Assassin kills several soldiers. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Offensive Power.
> 5 - The Assassin manages to poison the water supply. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Defensive Power.
> 6 - The Assassin causes dissent among the ranks. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to have their Distrust lowered by one.
> A Warlord may not be the target of an Assassin effect if they have three or more names on their Casus Belli list.
< 1 - The Assassin manages to get into an enemy stronghold, but has a few close calls and decides to leave without doing any damage. No effect.
< 2 - The Assassin is found and killed in the ensuing chase. The Leader who sent the Assassin may not send another to any Alliance for an extra 24 hours.
< 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their Trust lowered by one.
< 4 - The Assassin kills several soldiers. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Offensive Power.
< 5 - The Assassin manages to poison the water supply. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Defensive Power.
< 6 - The Assassin causes dissent among the ranks. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to have their Distrust lowered by one.
> * 1 - The Assassin manages to get into an enemy stronghold, but has a few close calls and decides to leave without doing any damage. No effect.
> * 2 - The Assassin is found and killed in the ensuing chase. The Leader who sent the Assassin may not send another to any Alliance for an extra 24 hours.
> * 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their Trust lowered by one.
> * 4 - The Assassin kills several soldiers. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Offensive Power.
> * 5 - The Assassin manages to poison the water supply. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Defensive Power.
> * 6 - The Assassin causes dissent among the ranks. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to have their Distrust lowered by one.
> <B>24 - Attack Audiences</B>
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to make his own Alliance Attack another Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Attack: [Warlord]". This Audience must be not be tallied for Approval or Rejection if there are any Audience request at any Alliance which subject is "Defend: [Warlord]" and the named Warlord is the same as in the Attack request.
> Once in the period of 24 hours after the posting of this Request, the Warlord named as victim of the Attack may include the Petitioner in his list of Casus Belli.
> No Audience requesting an Attack may be posted if there exists another pending Attack request for the same Alliance. This includes Attacks announced under the rule Alliance Warfare.
> If the Audience is approved, all Warlords pertaining to the named Alliance Attack the victim, once, in the period of 24 hours immediately after the Approval.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 15 Reputation, but he and any other Warlord that voted FOR the audience may still Attack the victim, once, in the period of 24 hours immediately after the Rejection. In the period of 24 after the Rejection of the Audience, the Petitioner may choose to leave his Alliance without incurring any other penalty for doing so.
> Either in case of Approval or in case of Rejection, the Warlord requesting the Audience shall be considered the Attack Coordinator.
> <B>25 - Defense Audiences</B>
> At any time, if there’s a pending Audience request at any Alliance which subject is "Attack [Warlord]", any Warlord in the same Alliance as the victim may attempt to make his own Alliance Defend the attacked Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Defend:[Warlord]". If this Audience is Approved, then the corresponding Attack request must be tallied at once, regardless of having reached quorum.
> Only one Audience may be requested for Defense against any Attack request.
> If the Audience is approved, all Warlords pertaining to the named Alliance Defends the victim against the corresponding Attack.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation, but he and any other Warlord that voted FOR the audience still Defends the victim. In the period of 24 after the rejection of the Audience, the Petitioner and the Victim may choose to leave the Alliance without incurring any other penalty for doing so. Warlords leaving the Alliance this way may include, at once, the Leader of their former Alliance in their list of Casus Belli.
> In either case, the Warlord requesting the Audience shall be considered the Defense Coordinator.
> If the Audience was VETOED, the Leader also loses 5 Reputation, and any Warlord may leave the Alliance in the period of 24 after the rejection of the Audience without incurring any other penalty for doing so. Warlords leaving the Alliance this way may include, at once, the Leader of their former Alliance in their list of Casus Belli.
> *Revenge: The Challenger must have a Casus Belli against the Defendant. In the challenge, there must be a description of where it will take place and what cannot be used. Also, the challenge should name one Warlord to be the Moderator. No responses can be made to the post until the Moderator has posted the strategies.
> *Revenge: Both the Challenger and the Defendant must write a strategy, which includes what they will do to win the duel (ie: sneak behind the tree, than ready my bow and etc. , etc.), and email it to the Moderator. If no response is sent to the Moderator from one of the Warlords within 48 hours, then the Warlord with no response is said to have left the duel. That Warlord loses 15 reputation and the duel is considered resolved.
> *Revenge: The Moderator then replies to the original challenge with the strategies received. Then, any Warlord may respond to the challenge with a vote of FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL, for who they think has the best strategy. DEFERENTIAL will refer to the leader of that Warlords alliance, or if they are the leader, to the High Lord. A vote of FOR means that the challenger won, AGAINST means that the defendant won. The challenger wins if the number of FOR votes equals or exceeds Quorum, and loses if the number of AGAINST votes equals or exceeds Quorum. If the challenger wins, the defendant is off his/her Casus Belli and loses 10 reputation. If the challenger loses, the challenger loses 12 reputation.
> <B>26 - Reputation Sharing</B>
> When a Proposal is enacted, members of the same Alliance as the proposer gain 2 Reputation, or 1 Reputation if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, members of the same Alliance as the proposer lose 1 Reputation.
> If the fellow member is Leader, double the amount of Reputation gained or lost by that Leader under this rule.
> If the proposer is Leader, double the amount of Reputation gained or lost by all fellow members under this rule.
< If any Alliance has less than two members for over 24 hours, the Alliance is dissolved and the Alliance of any remaining members is cleared.
> If an Alliance has only one member, that member is called a Rogue. Rogue Warlords are not considered Warlords for the purpose of Requesting Audiences with any Alliance.
< * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted). 
> * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
> * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin.
< * 2 - The Assassin is found and killed in the ensuing chase. The Leader who sent the Assassin may not send another to any Alliance for an extra 24 hours.
< * 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their Trust lowered by one.
> * 2 - The Assassin is found and killed in the ensuing chase. The Leader who sent the Assassin may not send another to any Alliance for an extra 24 hours and loses 5 Reputation.
> * 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their T-Neg raised by one.
< Assassins rule the night in the lands around the Alliance lands. Once every 48 hours, the Leader of an Alliance may post a comment to the GNDT reading "Send Assassin to [Opposing Alliance], DICE:" where [Opposing Alliance] is the name of the target Alliance for the Assassin. The result of the dice roll determines the effect of the attack:
> Once every 48 hours, the Leader of an Alliance may pay 5 Reputation to post a comment to the GNDT reading "Send Assassin to [Opposing Alliance], DICE:" where [Opposing Alliance] is the name of the target Alliance for the Assassin. The result of the dice roll determines the effect of the attack:
< * 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their T-Neg raised by one.
> * 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their T-Neg lowered by one.
< A Warlord may send another Warlord whom does not currently have a Casus Belli against them a Diplomatic Rebuke. The targetted Warlord loses 5 Reputation and immediately gains a Casus Belli against the Warlord sending the Rebuke.
> A Warlord may send another Warlord whom does not currently have a Casus Belli against them a Diplomatic Rebuke. The targeted Warlord loses 5 Reputation and immediately gains a Casus Belli against the Warlord sending the Rebuke. Within 24 hours of receiving the Rebuke, the target may choose to spend another 5 Reputation and return the Rebuke. That makes the original Warlord lose 10 Reputation and immediately gain a Casus Belli against the targeted Warlord.
> In the period of 24 hours after a Warlord leaving an Alliance, any Warlord in that Alliance may, once, acquire a Casus Belli against the leaving Warlord. If that leaving Warlord joins another Alliance within the same period, any Warlord in his former Alliance may also, once, acquire a Casus Belli against the Leader of his new Alliance.
< After defining the Defeat Ratio, if the Attacking Side is the Winner, all defending Warlords’ Defensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If the Defending Side is the Winner, each attacking Warlord’s Offensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio.
> After defining the Defeat Ratio, if the Attacking Side is the Winner, all defending Warlords’ Defensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If the Defending Side is the Winner, each attacking Warlord’s Offensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If a Warlord's corresponding Power equals zero after applying this modifier, apply it to his other Power as well.
> <B>27 - Alliance Cohesion</B>
> Unless otherwise specified, an Alliance is in a State of Order.
> If at any time there is more than a 10 point difference between the Trust values of the member with the highest T-Total and the member with the lowest T-Total within the same Alliance, that Alliance is in a State of Turmoil.
> If at any time a member of the same Alliance has a Cassus Belli against another member, then that Alliance is in a State of Turmoil.
> If an Alliance is in a State of Turmoil it cannot have a Leader and all of its Pending Audiences must reach unanimous FOR Votes from its members to be approved (if not approved by the usual 48 hour time limit, the Audience fails).
> This rule takes precedence over the rules Alliances and Audiences.
< Any Warlord may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Proposal : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
> Any Warlord may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry with the subject "Proposal : [Title]" (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
< Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]” in bold. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation and all other Warlords in the Alliance lose 5 Reputation. Upon announcing the creation of an Alliance, a Warlord's Alliance is set to that alliance. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Alliance has more than one Warlord.
> Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry with the subject “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]”. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation and all other Warlords in the Alliance lose 5 Reputation. Upon announcing the creation of an Alliance, a Warlord's Alliance is set to that alliance. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Alliance has more than one Warlord.
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to join an Alliance by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Application".
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to join an Alliance by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "Application".
> At any time, a Warlord may decrease one of his Military Powers by any amount and increase the other Power by half that amount.
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to banish another Warlord from their own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Banish [Warlord]".
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to banish another Warlord from their own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "Banish [Warlord]".
< Warlords may request Audiences with any Alliance for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Alliance]: [Subject]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
> Warlords may request Audiences with any Alliance for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Alliance]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to make his own Alliance Attack another Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Attack: [Warlord]". This Audience must be not be tallied for Approval or Rejection if there are any Audience request at any Alliance which subject is "Defend: [Warlord]" and the named Warlord is the same as in the Attack request.
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to make his own Alliance Attack another Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "Attack: [Warlord]". This Audience must be not be tallied for Approval or Rejection if there are any Audience request at any Alliance which subject is "Defend: [Warlord]" and the named Warlord is the same as in the Attack request.
< At any time, if there’s a pending Audience request at any Alliance which subject is "Attack [Warlord]", any Warlord in the same Alliance as the victim may attempt to make his own Alliance Defend the attacked Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Defend:[Warlord]". If this Audience is Approved, then the corresponding Attack request must be tallied at once, regardless of having reached quorum.
> At any time, if there’s a pending Audience request at any Alliance which topic is "Attack [Warlord]", any Warlord in the same Alliance as the victim may attempt to make his own Alliance Defend the attacked Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Defend:[Warlord]". If this Audience is Approved, then the corresponding Attack request must be tallied at once, regardless of having reached quorum.
< * When the game refers to the "subject" of a blog entry, blogs which do not normally support subject lines shall have the first sentence of an entry treated as that entry's subject. 
> * The "subject" of a blog entry is the first and only sentence in the Title of an entry. Any entry that does not have exactly one subject is not valid.
> <B>28 - Tributes</B>
> At any time a Warlord may attempt to create or repeal a Tribute inside his own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "[Create/Repeal] Tribute: [Title]".
> If the Audience is approved, any Admin may append or delete the text of the approved or repealed Tribute to the end of this rule. Upon doing so, the Admin may transfer to himself up to 5 Reputation from the Petitioner. The text of all Tributes shall at all times be found on this rule and comply with it.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
> The text of a Tribute must specify the following points, and only these points:
> * The name of the Tribute. 
> * Who is the Enforcer of the Tribute.
> * Conditions that trigger the enforcing of the Tribute.
> * Limits of applicability of the Tribute, if any.
> * The powers the Enforcer is entitled to.
> The only powers a Tribute may entitle the Enforcer to are:
> * Take any amount of Reputation, Offensive Power and Defensive Power from any member of his Alliance.
> * Distribute up to the same amount taken from these Stats to the same Stat of any group of Warlords, even if in other Alliance.
> A Tribute may not contain any text that refers to either rule 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.
> Name: Activity Balance Tribute 
> Enforcer: Any Activity Member
> Trigger: Any time an Activity member has more Reputation than the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
> Limits: As stated in Powers
> Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other Member or Members of Activity as needed to bring that Member's Reputation to equal the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
< Name: Activity Balance Tribute 
> Name: Activity Balance Tribute
< Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other Member or Members of Activity as needed to bring that Member's Reputation to equal the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
> Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other
> Member or Members of Activity as needed to bring that Member's Reputation to equal the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
< Name: Activity Balance Tribute
< Enforcer: Any Activity Member
< Trigger: Any time an Activity member has more Reputation than the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
< Limits: As stated in Powers
< Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other
> : Name: Activity Balance Tribute
> : Enforcer: Any Activity Member
> : Trigger: Any time an Activity member has more Reputation than the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
> : Limits: As stated in Powers
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other
< Member or Members of Activity as needed to bring that Member's Reputation to equal the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other Member or Members of Activity as needed to bring that Member's Reputation to equal the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
> : Name: Entropy Defense Maneuver
> : Enforcer: Any Entropy Member
> : Trigger: Any time a single Entropy member has an Attack pending against them.
> : Limits: As stated in Powers
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Entropy Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Entropy.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
< A Warlord may alter or remove their own Pending Proposals, provided that nobody else has commented on them. A Warlord may not, through editing of the blog, change a non-Proposal post into a Proposal.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> : Name: Activity Defense Maneuver
> : Enforcer: Any Activity Member
> : Trigger: Any time a single Activity member is under Attack.
> : Limits: As stated in Powers
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Activity Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Activity. 
> No action shall be valid if it results in reducing either Military Power of a Warlord while that Warlord is the Target of a pending Attack tentative. Currently, valid Attack tentatives are:
> * an Attack Declaration, under rule 22
> * an Attack Request, under rule 24.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< One or more Warlords may Attack another one if a rule, other than this one, permits them to do so. Said rule must specify the time the Attacks occurs, which Warlords are entitled to join the Attack and which one of them will be the Attack Coordinator.
> One or more Warlords may Attack another one if a rule, other than this one, permits them to do so. Said rule must specify the time the Attacks occurs, which Warlords are entitled to join the Attack and which one of them will be the Attack Coordinator. An Attack can only be processed by the Attack Coordinator if no Warlords on the Attacking side have been involved in another Attack within the last 24 hours.
< Each Warlord in the Winner Side has it Reputation raised by the number of Warlords participating in the other side of the Combat.
> Each Warlord on the Winner Side has their Reputation raised by the number of Warlords with non-zero Defense participating in the other side of the Combat.
> <B>29 - Spies</B>
> After any Attack Audience has been posted, the target of the attack may send one (and only one) spy. To do this roll a DICE.
> The effects based on the result of the dice are below:
> * 1,3,5 - The spy fails to find anything.
> * 2,4,6 - The spy finds the enemy army approaching. The defending party has time to prepare and defend, so the defending dice automatically becomes 6 when the attack is calculated.
< The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Warlord", "High Lord" and "Reputation" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Reputation penalty for the proposer.
> The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Warlord", "High Lord" and "Reputation" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new High Lord chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new High Lord's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Reputation penalty for the proposer.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Activity Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Activity. 
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Activity Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Activity.
> : Name: Entropy Saboteur Bribe
> : Enforcer: Any Entropy member
> : Trigger: Once per day per member of Entropy
> : Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have a Cassus Belli against another member within their own Alliance.
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
> : Name: Entropy Peace Offering
> : Enforcer: Any Entropy member
> : Trigger: When there is a Pending Attack against a member of Entropy
> : Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have voted AGAINST the Attack or Attack Audience.
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Activity Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Activity.
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Activity Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Activity. 
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord. 
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord. 
> At any time a Warlord may normalize their Trust by subtracting one from their T-Pos and adding one to their T-Neg, and optionally adding 2 to their Reputation.
< If at any time a member of the same Alliance has a Cassus Belli against another member, then that Alliance is in a State of Turmoil.
> If at any time a member of the same Alliance has a Casus Belli against another member, then that Alliance is in a State of Turmoil.
< : Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have a Cassus Belli against another member within their own Alliance.
> : Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have a Casus Belli against another member within their own Alliance.
> : Name: Entropy Saboteur Bribe II
> : Enforcer: Any Entropy member
> : Trigger: When a member of another Alliance sends a Diplomatic Rebuke against another member of the same Alliance.
> : Limits: As stated in Powers
> : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer 25 Reputation, or 50 Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
> <B>30 - Victory Condition</B>
> The Leader of an Alliance may claim victory if all those conditions are met:
> * No Vote for Leader in his Alliance points to a Member other than the current Leader.
> * The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of his Alliance
> Members is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive +
> Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
< * The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of his Alliance
< Members is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive +
< Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
> * The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of his Alliance Members is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
< This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Warlords must obey it. Rules 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Warlord and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
> This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Lords must obey it. Rules 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Lord and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
< The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Warlords' names and Reputation totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
> The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Lords' names and Confidence totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
< <b>2 - Warlords</b>
> <b>2 - Lords</b>
< Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to in the Warlord roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Warlord from the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar.
> Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to in the Lord roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a Member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Lord from the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar.
< A Warlord may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such action.
> A Lord may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such action.
< Some Warlords are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Warlords who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation.
> Some Lords are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Lords who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation.
< Some Warlords are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of rules other than 1 and 2, idle Warlords are not counted as Warlords. Admin may render a Warlord idle if that Warlord has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Warlord at their request - the Warlord's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
> Some Lords are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of rules other than 1 and 2, idle Lords are not counted as Lords. Admin may render a Lord idle if that Lord has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Lord at their request - the Lord's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
< A single person may not control more than one Warlord within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Warlord, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Warlords from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
> A single person may not control more than one Lord within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Lord, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Lords from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
< <b>3 - Reputation</b>
> <b>3 - Confidence</b>
< Each Warlord has an amount of Reputation, which may vary during the course of the game.  Reputation may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Reputation beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
> Each Lord has an amount of Confidence, which may vary during the course of the game.  Confidence may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Confidence beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
< Admins gain 10 Reputation for setting up new Warlords. Within 24 hours of joining the game, and only once, a Warlord may nominate a single (other) Warlord as being responsible for their joining - the nominated Warlord gains 20 Reputation, and the new Warlord gains 10 as a reward for nominating.
> Admins gain 10 Confidence for setting up new Lords. Within 24 hours of joining the game, and only once, a Lord may nominate a single (other) Lord as being responsible for their joining - the nominated Lord gains 20 Confidence, and the new Lord gains 10 as a reward for nominating.
< Reputation is normalised at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Warlord's Reputation was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new High Lord, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
> Confidence is normalized at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Lord's Confidence was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new High Lord, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
< New Warlords begin the game with 100 Reputation.
> New Lords begin the game with 100 Confidence.
< If at any time a fractional value would occur for Reputation that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
> If at any time a fractional value would occur for Confidence that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
< Any Warlord may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry with the subject "Proposal : [Title]" (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
> Any Lord may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry with the subject "Proposal : [Title]" (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
< (A Warlord can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
> (A Lord can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
< Any Warlord may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Warlord on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
> Any Lord may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Lord on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Lord leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
< If the Warlord who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
> If the Lord who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
< Quorum is equal to half the number of Warlords, rounded down, plus one.
> Quorum is equal to half the number of Lords, rounded down, plus one.
< If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Warlords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Warlord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
> If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Lords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Lord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
< When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Reputation, or 2 Reputation if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Reputation.
> When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Confidence, or 2 Confidence if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Confidence.
< Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Reputation. Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Reputation.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Confidence. Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Confidence.
< Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Reputation from the accounts of all active Warlords who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Confidence from the accounts of all active Lords who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
< If two or more Warlords actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Warlord feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Warlord may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
> If two or more Lords actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Lord feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Lord may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
< All Warlords may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Warlord's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
> All Lords may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Lord's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
< Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Warlord may update any Warlord's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.
> Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Lord may update any Lord's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.
< All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Warlord feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised.
> All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Lord feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised.
< Warlords shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.
> Lords shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.
< Each Dynasty has a single High Lord and is named according to the number of times which that Warlord has been the High Lord (or the High Lord equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
> Each Dynasty has a single High Lord and is named according to the number of times which that Lord has been the High Lord (or the High Lord equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
< A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their High Lord or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Warlords may submit Dynasty Records to the High Lord - the High Lord may award the submitter 20 Reputation for any Records it uses.
> A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their High Lord or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Lords may submit Dynasty Records to the High Lord - the High Lord may award the submitter 20 Confidence for any Records it uses.
< If a Warlord believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
> If a Lord believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
< Every Warlord may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Warlords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the High Lord may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
> Every Lord may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Lords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the High Lord may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
< When a Dynasty has been won, all Warlords' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Warlords who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the High Lord's discretion.
> When a Dynasty has been won, all Lords' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Lords who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the High Lord's discretion.
< The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Warlord", "High Lord" and "Reputation" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new High Lord chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new High Lord's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Reputation penalty for the proposer.
> The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Lord", "High Lord" and "Confidence" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new High Lord chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new High Lord's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Confidence penalty for the proposer.
< <B>11 - Alliances</B>
> <B>11 - Parties</B>
< A Warlord’s Alliance and Vote for Leader are tracked in the GNDT.
> A Lord’s Party and Vote for Speaker are tracked in the GNDT.
< Any Warlord may announce the creation of a new Alliance by posting an entry with the subject “Alliance Creation: [Alliance Name]”. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Warlord Name]”. Warlords who are invited in this way may immediately join the alliance without requesting permission. If the creating Warlord was already in an Alliance, creating an Alliance costs 10 Reputation and all other Warlords in the Alliance lose 5 Reputation. Upon announcing the creation of an Alliance, a Warlord's Alliance is set to that alliance. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Alliance has more than one Warlord.
> Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party by posting an entry with the subject “Party Creation: [Party Name]”. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Lord Name]”. Lords who are invited in this way may immediately join the Party without requesting permission. If the creating Lord was already in a Party, creating a Party costs 10 Confidence and all other Lords in the Party lose 5 Confidence. Upon announcing the creation of a Party, a Lord's Party is set to that Party. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Party has more than one Lord.
< Alliances have a Leader. All members of an Alliance must vote for a Leader when they join or create the Alliance, and may only change their vote once per day. At any time, if a Warlord has more votes than the Leader of their Alliance or if their Alliance does not have a Leader that Warlord may declare themselves Leader by adding a * to the end of their Alliance.
> Parties have a Speaker. All Members of a Party must vote for a Speaker when they join or create the Party, and may only change their vote once per day. At any time, if a Lord has more votes than the Speaker of their Party or if their Party does not have a Speaker that Lord may declare themselves Speaker by adding a * to the end of their Party.
< Warlords who are not in an Alliance are not considered Warlords for rules other than 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 and 12.
> Lords who are not in a Party are not considered Lords for rules other than 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 and 12.
< If an Alliance has only one member, that member is called a Rogue. Rogue Warlords are not considered Warlords for the purpose of Requesting Audiences with any Alliance.
> If a Party has only one Member, that Member is called a Rogue. Rogue Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Audiences with any Party.
< If at any time a warlord would be in multiple alliances, they are in the last alliance they joined only.
> If at any time a Lord would be in multiple Parties, they are in the last Party they joined only.
< Any time a Warlord joins an Alliance, all invitations that have been extended for that Warlord to join other Alliances cease to apply.
> Any time a Lord joins a Party, all invitations that have been extended for that Lord to join other Parties cease to apply.
< If an invitation to join an Alliance has been standing for more than 48 hours, it ceases to apply.
> If an invitation to join a Party has been standing for more than 48 hours, it ceases to apply.
< <B>12 - Joining Alliances</B>
> <B>12 - Joining Parties</B>
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to join an Alliance by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "Application".
> At any time a Lord may attempt to join a Party by requesting an Audience with that Party, with a topic of "Application".
< If the Audience is approved, any Warlord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Alliance, once. If the Warlord was already in an Alliance, he or she loses 10 Reputation and all other members of the Alliance lose 5.
> If the Audience is approved, any Lord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Party, once. If the Lord was already in a Party, he or she loses 10 Confidence and all other Members of the Party lose 5.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
< <B>13 - Leaving Alliances</B>
> <B>13 - Leaving Parties</B>
< A Warlord of more than 20 Reputation may voluntarily leave an alliance at any time for the cost of 20 Reputation. This cost is waived if the alliance being left is the Exiles. This clears the Warlord's Alliance status but does not, taken by itself, cause them to join a new Alliance.
> A Lord of more than 20 Confidence may voluntarily leave a Party at any time for the cost of 20 Confidence. This cost is waived if the Party being left is the Exiles. This clears the Lord's Party status but does not, taken by itself, cause them to join a new Party.
< No Warlord may be a member of more than one alliance at any given time.
> No Lord may be a Member of more than one Party at any given time.
< <B>14 - Military Powers</B>
> <B>14 - Banishment</B>
< Each Warlord has a Power which is tracked in the GNDT using the form of #/#, where both are numbers (ie: 100/110). The first number is the Offensive Power and the second number is the Defensive Power.
> At any time a Lord may attempt to banish another Lord from their own Party, by requesting an Audience with that Party, with a topic of "Banish [Lord]".
< A Warlord's Offensive or Defensive Power may not be a negative value. Any Action which would result in one or more Warlords having negative Offensive or Defensive Power is invalid and may not be done.
> If the Audience is approved, any Lord may remove the victim from the Party, once. The victim loses 20 Confidence and remaining Members of the Party lose 10.
< If an Action results in a Warlord having a fractionary Offensive and/or Defensive Power, round that value to the next lower integer number.
> If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
< New Warlords start the game with both Military Powers at 100.
< Warlords may spend up to 20 Reputation per day to Increase military power. Each point spent in this way increases either Offensive or Defensive Power by 2.
< At any time, a Warlord may decrease one of his Military Powers by any amount and increase the other Power by half that amount.
< <B>15 - Banishment</B>
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to banish another Warlord from their own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "Banish [Warlord]".
< If the Audience is approved, any Warlord may remove the victim from the Alliance, once. The victim loses 20 Reputation and remaining members of the Alliance lose 10.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
< <B>16 - Chain of Command</B>
> <B>15 - Chain of Command</B>
< If a Warlord is a member of an Alliance, not the leader of that Alliance and that Alliance has a leader then a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts the same as the vote of the leader of that Alliance.
< If the High Lord is a member of an Alliance, and not its leader, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< <B>17 - Audiences</B>
< Warlords may request Audiences with any Alliance for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Alliance]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
< Any Warlord in the relevant Alliance may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Warlord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves their Alliance, their vote no longer counts for that Alliance's Audiences. 
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention. 
< A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request. 
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered approved.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered rejected.
< <B>18 - Trust</B>
< Each Warlord has a Trust characteristic tracked in the GNDT, which indicates how much a Warlord is trusted by other Warlords, as well as how trusting or paranoid they themselves are.
< The Trust is represented by 2 separated numbers of the form: #/#, where the first number is called "T-Pos" and the second number is "T-Neg". T-Pos can be zero or a positive number; T-Neg can be zero or a negative number. "T-Total" is not tracked in the GNDT, but can be derived by adding the two values together.
< Once a day, a Warlord may either Entrust or Distrust a Warlord from another Alliance. Entrusting raises the T-Pos of both Warlords by 1; Distrusting lowers the T-Neg of both Warlords by 1.
< At any time a Warlord may normalize their Trust by subtracting one from their T-Pos and adding one to their T-Neg, and optionally adding 2 to their Reputation.
< <B>19 - Casus Belli</B>
< The GNDT will track the <I>Casus Belli</I> list for each Warlord.
< A Warlord may renounce a <I>Casus Belli</I> he or she holds against another Warlord at any time. That Warlord is then striken from his or her Casus Belli list.
< A Warlord may send another Warlord whom does not currently have a Casus Belli against them a Diplomatic Rebuke. The targeted Warlord loses 5 Reputation and immediately gains a Casus Belli against the Warlord sending the Rebuke. Within 24 hours of receiving the Rebuke, the target may choose to spend another 5 Reputation and return the Rebuke. That makes the original Warlord lose 10 Reputation and immediately gain a Casus Belli against the targeted Warlord.
< In the period of 24 hours after a Warlord leaving an Alliance, any Warlord in that Alliance may, once, acquire a Casus Belli against the leaving Warlord. If that leaving Warlord joins another Alliance within the same period, any Warlord in his former Alliance may also, once, acquire a Casus Belli against the Leader of his new Alliance.
< <B>20 - Duels</B>
< Duels are resolved in a three step process: Challenge, Test of Skill and Resolution. Each step has universal requirements as well as specific requirements according to the Form of the Duel.
< I. Challenge
< A Warlord may throw down the gauntlet by posting an entry with the subject "Challenge [Form]:[Warlord]". This is known as the Challenge. The poster is known as the Challenger; the Warlord named is known as the Defendant. In addition, the Challenge must follow the guidelines of the Duel's Form:
< * Leadership. The Defendant must be the Leader of the same Alliance as the Challenger and the Challenger must have more than 20 Reputation. The content of the Challenge must include a description of the failings of the Leader and a choice of dueling venue and weapons. The Defendant may make a single comment to the Challenge to respond. (This comment is traditional, but irrelevant, as a Leadership Duel must always be accepted.)
< *Revenge: The Challenger must have a Casus Belli against the Defendant. In the challenge, there must be a description of where it will take place and what cannot be used. Also, the challenge should name one Warlord to be the Moderator. No responses can be made to the post until the Moderator has posted the strategies.
< II. Test of Skill
< After a Challenge has been properly made, a Test of Skill occurs according to the Duel's Form:
< * Leadership. The Defendant and Challenger may each post up to 3 additional comments to the Challenge, in alternation, where they may describe their actions of battle using the venue and weapons of the Challenge. No other Warlords may post a comment to the Challenge until this is done. (Note that these comments are for show only and have no effect on the Gamestate, so a description of an opponent's death may prove exaggerated.) This Test of Skill is considered complete after the Challenge has been made.
< *Revenge: Both the Challenger and the Defendant must write a strategy, which includes what they will do to win the duel (ie: sneak behind the tree, than ready my bow and etc. , etc.), and email it to the Moderator. If no response is sent to the Moderator from one of the Warlords within 48 hours, then the Warlord with no response is said to have left the duel. That Warlord loses 15 reputation and the duel is considered resolved.
< III. Resolution
< After the Test of Skill is complete, it is resolved according to the Duel's Form:
< * Leadership. All members of the Alliance may freely change their Vote for Leader during a period of 24 hours since the Challenge was made. At that time, if the Challenger has not become Leader, they must lose 20 Reputation and the Defendant may gain 10 Reputation. If the Challenger has become Leader by that time, they may gain 20 Reputation, and the Defendant must lose 10 Reputation.
< *Revenge: The Moderator then replies to the original challenge with the strategies received. Then, any Warlord may respond to the challenge with a vote of FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL, for who they think has the best strategy. DEFERENTIAL will refer to the leader of that Warlords alliance, or if they are the leader, to the High Lord. A vote of FOR means that the challenger won, AGAINST means that the defendant won. The challenger wins if the number of FOR votes equals or exceeds Quorum, and loses if the number of AGAINST votes equals or exceeds Quorum. If the challenger wins, the defendant is off his/her Casus Belli and loses 10 reputation. If the challenger loses, the challenger loses 12 reputation.
< <B>21 - Ritual Warfare</B>
< One or more Warlords may Attack another one if a rule, other than this one, permits them to do so. Said rule must specify the time the Attacks occurs, which Warlords are entitled to join the Attack and which one of them will be the Attack Coordinator. An Attack can only be processed by the Attack Coordinator if no Warlords on the Attacking side have been involved in another Attack within the last 24 hours.
< If a Warlord is Attacked, he must Defend himself. If a rule permits more Warlords to join his Defense, said rule must specify which one of them will be the Defense Coordinator.
< If only one Warlord is attacking and/or defending, that Warlord is considered as the corresponding Coordinator.
< The Attack Coordinator is responsible to make all the calculations necessary to appoint the Results of the Combat. He shall publish the name of all Warlords involved in the combat and all steps of those calculations as a post to the Blog, with subject: “Combat Results: [Attack Coordinator Name] x [Defense Coordinator Name]” and shall update the GNDT to reflect the results of that Combat.
< When appointing the Results of the Combat, the Attack Coordinator shall compute 2 figures: Combined Attacking Power and Combined Defending Power.
< To compute Combined Attacking Power, the Attack Coordinator shall take all the following steps:
< * Step 1: Total up the Offensive Power of all Attacking Warlords. This figure is the Raw Attacking Power;
< * Step 2: Roll a dice, by making a GNDT entry reading “Attack DICE:”. This figure is the Attack Dice;
< * Step 3: Divide the Modified Attack Dice by 3. This figure is the Attack Modifier.
< * Step 4: Multiply the Raw Attacking Power by the Attack Modifier. This is the Combined Attacking Power
< To compute Combined Defending Power, the Attack Coordinator shall take all the following steps:
< * Step 1: Total up the Defensive Power of all Defending Warlords. This figure is the Raw Defending Power;
< * Step 2: Roll a dice, by making a GNDT entry reading “Defend DICE:”. This figure is the Defend Dice;
< * Step 3: Divide the Modified Defend Dice by 4. This figure is the Defend Modifier.
< * Step 4: Multiply the Raw Defending Power by the Defend Modifier. This is the Combined Defending Power
< The side with greatest Combined Power shall be appointed the winner of the Combat. The Attack Coordinator shall then divide the Combined Power of the loser Side by the Combined Power of the winner Side. This figure is the Defeat Ratio.
< After defining the Defeat Ratio, if the Attacking Side is the Winner, all defending Warlords’ Defensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If the Defending Side is the Winner, each attacking Warlord’s Offensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If a Warlord's corresponding Power equals zero after applying this modifier, apply it to his other Power as well.
< Each Warlord on the Winner Side has their Reputation raised by the number of Warlords with non-zero Defense participating in the other side of the Combat.
< No action shall be valid if it results in reducing either Military Power of a Warlord while that Warlord is the Target of a pending Attack tentative. Currently, valid Attack tentatives are:
< * an Attack Declaration, under rule 22
< * an Attack Request, under rule 24.
< <B>22 - Alliance Warfare</B>
< At any time, if an Alliance has no pending Attack declaration the Leader may post an attack declaration in the format "Attack: [Warlord]", where [Warlord] is a Warlord not in the Attacking alliance. In the comments for this entry, Warlords in the Attacking Alliance and the Warlords in the Alliance of the Attacked Warlord (Defending Alliance) , must indicate, using the FOR and AGAINST icons whether they will participate in the battle with the exception of the Attacked Warlord, who must participate.
< After 24 hours, if no Warlords in the Attacking Alliance have voted FOR, the Attack automatically fails and the Leader at the time of the declaration loses 15 Reputation. Otherwise all Warlords in the Attacking Alliance who voted FOR Attack the Defender and any allies which voted FOR participating, with the Leader serving as Attack coordinator and the Defender as the Defense coordinator.
< If the attack fails, all Warlords in the Attacking Alliance lose 5 Reputation, and those who did not participate lose an additional 5 Reputation. If the attack succeeds, all Warlords in the Defending Alliance lose 5 Reputation, and those who did not participate lose an additional 5 Reputation.
< If there are no rules for multiple Warlords attacking multiple Warlords in the Ruleset, this Rule may not be used.
< <B>23 - Assassins</B>
< Once every 48 hours, the Leader of an Alliance may pay 5 Reputation to post a comment to the GNDT reading "Send Assassin to [Opposing Alliance], DICE:" where [Opposing Alliance] is the name of the target Alliance for the Assassin. The result of the dice roll determines the effect of the attack:
< * 1 - The Assassin manages to get into an enemy stronghold, but has a few close calls and decides to leave without doing any damage. No effect.
< * 2 - The Assassin is found and killed in the ensuing chase. The Leader who sent the Assassin may not send another to any Alliance for an extra 24 hours and loses 5 Reputation.
< * 3 - The Assassin is caught, breaks under torture, and reveals who sent them. The Leader who sent the Assassin has their T-Neg lowered by one.
< * 4 - The Assassin kills several soldiers. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Offensive Power.
< * 5 - The Assassin manages to poison the water supply. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to lose 15 Defensive Power.
< * 6 - The Assassin causes dissent among the ranks. The Leader who sent the Assassin may pick any Warlord in the target Alliance to have their Distrust lowered by one.
< A Warlord may not be the target of an Assassin effect if they have three or more names on their Casus Belli list.
< <B>24 - Attack Audiences</B>
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to make his own Alliance Attack another Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "Attack: [Warlord]". This Audience must be not be tallied for Approval or Rejection if there are any Audience request at any Alliance which subject is "Defend: [Warlord]" and the named Warlord is the same as in the Attack request.
< Once in the period of 24 hours after the posting of this Request, the Warlord named as victim of the Attack may include the Petitioner in his list of Casus Belli.
< No Audience requesting an Attack may be posted if there exists another pending Attack request for the same Alliance. This includes Attacks announced under the rule Alliance Warfare.
< If the Audience is approved, all Warlords pertaining to the named Alliance Attack the victim, once, in the period of 24 hours immediately after the Approval.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 15 Reputation, but he and any other Warlord that voted FOR the audience may still Attack the victim, once, in the period of 24 hours immediately after the Rejection. In the period of 24 after the Rejection of the Audience, the Petitioner may choose to leave his Alliance without incurring any other penalty for doing so.
< Either in case of Approval or in case of Rejection, the Warlord requesting the Audience shall be considered the Attack Coordinator.
< <B>25 - Defense Audiences</B>
< At any time, if there’s a pending Audience request at any Alliance which topic is "Attack [Warlord]", any Warlord in the same Alliance as the victim may attempt to make his own Alliance Defend the attacked Warlord, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Defend:[Warlord]". If this Audience is Approved, then the corresponding Attack request must be tallied at once, regardless of having reached quorum.
< Only one Audience may be requested for Defense against any Attack request.
< If the Audience is approved, all Warlords pertaining to the named Alliance Defends the victim against the corresponding Attack.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation, but he and any other Warlord that voted FOR the audience still Defends the victim. In the period of 24 after the rejection of the Audience, the Petitioner and the Victim may choose to leave the Alliance without incurring any other penalty for doing so. Warlords leaving the Alliance this way may include, at once, the Leader of their former Alliance in their list of Casus Belli.
< In either case, the Warlord requesting the Audience shall be considered the Defense Coordinator.
< If the Audience was VETOED, the Leader also loses 5 Reputation, and any Warlord may leave the Alliance in the period of 24 after the rejection of the Audience without incurring any other penalty for doing so. Warlords leaving the Alliance this way may include, at once, the Leader of their former Alliance in their list of Casus Belli.
< <B>26 - Reputation Sharing</B>
< When a Proposal is enacted, members of the same Alliance as the proposer gain 2 Reputation, or 1 Reputation if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, members of the same Alliance as the proposer lose 1 Reputation.
< If the fellow member is Leader, double the amount of Reputation gained or lost by that Leader under this rule.
< If the proposer is Leader, double the amount of Reputation gained or lost by all fellow members under this rule.
< <B>27 - Alliance Cohesion</B>
< Unless otherwise specified, an Alliance is in a State of Order.
< If at any time there is more than a 10 point difference between the Trust values of the member with the highest T-Total and the member with the lowest T-Total within the same Alliance, that Alliance is in a State of Turmoil.
< If at any time a member of the same Alliance has a Casus Belli against another member, then that Alliance is in a State of Turmoil.
< If an Alliance is in a State of Turmoil it cannot have a Leader and all of its Pending Audiences must reach unanimous FOR Votes from its members to be approved (if not approved by the usual 48 hour time limit, the Audience fails).
< This rule takes precedence over the rules Alliances and Audiences.
< <B>28 - Tributes</B>
< At any time a Warlord may attempt to create or repeal a Tribute inside his own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a topic of "[Create/Repeal] Tribute: [Title]".
< If the Audience is approved, any Admin may append or delete the text of the approved or repealed Tribute to the end of this rule. Upon doing so, the Admin may transfer to himself up to 5 Reputation from the Petitioner. The text of all Tributes shall at all times be found on this rule and comply with it.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
< The text of a Tribute must specify the following points, and only these points:
< * The name of the Tribute. 
< * Who is the Enforcer of the Tribute.
< * Conditions that trigger the enforcing of the Tribute.
< * Limits of applicability of the Tribute, if any.
< * The powers the Enforcer is entitled to.
< The only powers a Tribute may entitle the Enforcer to are:
< * Take any amount of Reputation, Offensive Power and Defensive Power from any member of his Alliance.
< * Distribute up to the same amount taken from these Stats to the same Stat of any group of Warlords, even if in other Alliance.
< A Tribute may not contain any text that refers to either rule 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.
< : Name: Activity Balance Tribute
< : Enforcer: Any Activity Member
< : Trigger: Any time an Activity member has more Reputation than the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
< : Limits: As stated in Powers
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer as much Reputation from the Member with more Reputation to any other Member or Members of Activity as needed to bring that Member's Reputation to equal the average Reputation of the Alliance Members.
> If a Lord is a Member of a Party, not the Speaker of that Party and that Party has a Speaker then a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts the same as the vote of the Speaker of that Party.
< : Name: Entropy Defense Maneuver
< : Enforcer: Any Entropy Member
< : Trigger: Any time a single Entropy member has an Attack pending against them.
< : Limits: As stated in Powers
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Entropy Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Entropy.
> If the High Lord is a Member of a Party, and not its Speaker, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< : Name: Activity Defense Maneuver
< : Enforcer: Any Activity Member
< : Trigger: Any time a single Activity member is under Attack.
< : Limits: As stated in Powers
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer all of the Offense and Defense Power of the Activity Member under Attack and redistribute them evenly among the other members of Activity. 
> <B>16 - Audiences</B>
< : Name: Entropy Saboteur Bribe
< : Enforcer: Any Entropy member
< : Trigger: Once per day per member of Entropy
< : Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have a Casus Belli against another member within their own Alliance.
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord. 
> Lords may request Audiences with any Party for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Party]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
< : Name: Entropy Peace Offering
< : Enforcer: Any Entropy member
< : Trigger: When there is a Pending Attack against a member of Entropy
< : Limits: The target recipient of the Tribute must be in another Alliance and have voted AGAINST the Attack or Attack Audience.
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer any amount of Reputation, Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord. 
> Any Lord in the relevant Party may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Lord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Lord leaves their Party, their vote no longer counts for that Party's Audiences. 
< : Name: Entropy Saboteur Bribe II
< : Enforcer: Any Entropy member
< : Trigger: When a member of another Alliance sends a Diplomatic Rebuke against another member of the same Alliance.
< : Limits: As stated in Powers
< : Powers: The Enforcer may transfer 25 Reputation, or 50 Offense or Defense from themselves to the target Warlord.
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Speaker. The vote will count as the same as the Speaker's vote. The Speaker itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Speaker, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention. 
< <B>29 - Spies</B>
> A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Speaker, and instantly denies the request. 
< After any Attack Audience has been posted, the target of the attack may send one (and only one) spy. To do this roll a DICE.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered approved.
< The effects based on the result of the dice are below:
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered rejected.
< * 1,3,5 - The spy fails to find anything.
< * 2,4,6 - The spy finds the enemy army approaching. The defending party has time to prepare and defend, so the defending dice automatically becomes 6 when the attack is calculated.
> <B>17 - Confidence Sharing</B>
< <B>30 - Victory Condition</B>
> When a Proposal is enacted, Members of the same Party as the proposer gain 2 Confidence, or 1 Confidence if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, Members of the same Party as the proposer lose 1 Confidence.
< The Leader of an Alliance may claim victory if all those conditions are met:
> If the fellow Member is Speaker, double the amount of Confidence gained or lost by that Speaker under this rule.
< * No Vote for Leader in his Alliance points to a Member other than the current Leader.
< * The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of his Alliance Members is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
> If the proposer is Speaker, double the amount of Confidence gained or lost by all fellow Members under this rule.
< * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Warlord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. 
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Lord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. 
< * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://www.phaenon.com.br/images/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> <B>18 - Minimal Quorum</B>:
> No Proposal shall be enacted if Quorum is less than 2. This rule will repeal itself when Quorum reaches 4.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> <B>19 - Electoral Votes</b>
> Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT.
> A Lord may not hold more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party. At any time, if a Lord holds more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.
> There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
> * A Rogue Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
> * A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
> * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.
< Parties have a Speaker. All Members of a Party must vote for a Speaker when they join or create the Party, and may only change their vote once per day. At any time, if a Lord has more votes than the Speaker of their Party or if their Party does not have a Speaker that Lord may declare themselves Speaker by adding a * to the end of their Party.
> Parties have a Speaker. All Members of a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Member of their Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
> If a Party has currently no Speaker, any Member of that Party may change the Party’s Speakership so it goes to the Lord with the higher totaled number of Electoral Votes of Lords naming him.
> A Party’s Speakership is indicated by adding a * to the end of the Speaker’s Party name.
> <B>20 - Electoral Vote Counting</B>
> This rule supersedes the second and third paragraphs of rule 6. Instead of using the procedure delineated there, those ones shall be used: 
> Any Admin Staff may mark the oldest pending Proposal as Enacted and update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal if any of those conditions is met: 
> * The number of Lords voting FOR that Proposal exceeds or equals Quorum and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by those Lords exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it;
> * That Proposal is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting FOR it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it; 
> Any Admin Staff may mark the oldest pending Proposal as Failed if any of those conditions is met: 
> * The totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST that Proposal is enough that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed; 
> * All Lords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted; 
> * The Lord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it; 
> * It is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting FOR it. 
> When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
< * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.
> * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.   A Lord may not hold Electoral Votes exceeding one third of the totaled Electoral Votes held by all the Lords in the Game. At any time, if the Electoral Votes held by a Lord exceeds one third of the totaled Electoral Votes held by all the Lords in the Game, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule. 
> <B>21 - Electoral Gain</B>
> All possible manners of gaining or losing Electoral Votes shall be listed in this rule.
> * At any time, if a Lord has more than 100 Confidence, that Lord may spend ALL his current Confidence and increase his Electoral Votes by 1.
> * Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by both the Proposer and the Admin doing the enactment shall be raised by 1.
> * Any time an Admin fails a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be lowered by 1.
> At any time, if a Lord has more Confidence than another Member of his Party, that Lord may transfer as much Confidence as he wants to the other Member. This transfer can't result in the transfering Lord having less Confidence than the receiving Member.
> For the purpose of this rule, the High Lord shall be considered as if he was Member of every Party, though not the Speaker of any.
< At any time, if a Lord has more Confidence than another Member of his Party, that Lord may transfer as much Confidence as he wants to the other Member. This transfer can't result in the transfering Lord having less Confidence than the receiving Member.
< For the purpose of this rule, the High Lord shall be considered as if he was Member of every Party, though not the Speaker of any.
< * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.   A Lord may not hold Electoral Votes exceeding one third of the totaled Electoral Votes held by all the Lords in the Game. At any time, if the Electoral Votes held by a Lord exceeds one third of the totaled Electoral Votes held by all the Lords in the Game, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule. 
> * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.
< <B>21 - Electoral Gain</B>
< All possible manners of gaining or losing Electoral Votes shall be listed in this rule.
< * At any time, if a Lord has more than 100 Confidence, that Lord may spend ALL his current Confidence and increase his Electoral Votes by 1.
< * Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by both the Proposer and the Admin doing the enactment shall be raised by 1.
< * Any time an Admin fails a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be lowered by 1.
> At any time, if a Lord has more Confidence than another Member of his Party, that Lord may transfer as much Confidence as he wants to the other Member. This transfer can't result in the transfering Lord having less Confidence than the receiving Member.
> For the purpose of this rule, the High Lord shall be considered as if he was Member of every Party, though not the Speaker of any.
> <B>21 - Electoral Gain</B>
> All possible manners of gaining or losing Electoral Votes shall be listed in this rule.
> At any time, if a Lord has more than 100 Confidence, that Lord may spend ALL his current Confidence and increase his Electoral Votes by 1.
> Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by both the Proposer and the Admin doing the enactment shall be raised by 1.
> Any time an Admin fails a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be lowered by 1.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote, that Speaker may spin a propaganda campaign and roll a dice for every member of his Party, except himself. If the Speaker is entitled but fails to spin the campaign for any member of his Party, that member may transfer once 5 Confidence from the Speaker to himself. The Electoral Votes of both the Speaker and/or the target Member shall be altered according to the dice result:
> : 1 - Backfire - Both the Speaker and the Member lose 1 Electoral Vote
> : 2 - Partial Backfire - The Member loses 1 Electoral Vote
> : 3,4 - Nothing happens.
> : 5 - Partisl Success - The Member gains 1 Electoral Vote
> : 6 - Success - Both the Speaker and the Member gain 1 Electoral Vote. The Speaker is not entitled to start another Propaganda campaign over this gain.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote, that Speaker may choose to transfer that Vote to any Member of his Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, that Speaker may choose to award that Vote to any Member of his Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord has gained an Electoral Vote, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, he may choose to award that Vote to any Speaker of a Party.
> <B>22 - Voting Record</B>
> A Lord's Voting Record is tracked in the GNDT entry titled V.R. (for compactness) in the format #(#), where the first number is the General Voting Record and the number in parentheses is the Party Voting Record.
> Whenever votes are tallied, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that Lord's Party instead of the general majority. For this determination, a VETO is counted as an AGAINST Vote, and a DEFERENTIAL Vote is counted as FOR or AGAINST or ignored, according to how it was resolved when tallied.
> When an Admin has completed updating the Voting Records required for an Official Post for which there is no other Admin reward, they may increase their Confidence by 2.
> If a Lord does not have a Voting Record it is set to 0(0).
> <B>23 - Supporters</B>
> Each Speaker has a percentage of the population supporting their party. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.
> Each Party begins with 15% of the population supporting them. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
> Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.
> If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every member of that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have > 45%. This process continues until they have < 45%.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< Whenever votes are tallied, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that Lord's Party instead of the general majority. For this determination, a VETO is counted as an AGAINST Vote, and a DEFERENTIAL Vote is counted as FOR or AGAINST or ignored, according to how it was resolved when tallied.
> Whenever votes are tallied for a non-Trivial Proposal, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that Lord's Party instead of the general majority. For this determination, a VETO is counted as an AGAINST Vote, and a DEFERENTIAL Vote is counted as FOR or AGAINST or ignored, according to how it was resolved when tallied.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< Describe the new page here.
> ==Predictable-LiveJournal-Response Betting Syndicate==
> Kevan has $20.
> Raven has $20.
> ----
> Kevan bets Raven $5 of imaginary money that someone will him you to defeat attacking ants with bees, possibly even the bee-zeppelin.
< ==Predictable-LiveJournal-Response Betting Syndicate==
> == Predictable-LiveJournal-Response Betting Syndicate ==
< Kevan bets Raven $5 of imaginary money that someone will him you to defeat attacking ants with bees, possibly even the bee-zeppelin.
> Kevan bets Raven $5 of imaginary money that someone will mention defeating attacking ants with bees, possibly even the bee-zeppelin.
< == Predictable-LiveJournal-Response Betting Syndicate ==
< Kevan has $20.
< Raven has $20.
> * Kevan has $20.
> * Raven has $20.
< Parties have a Speaker. All Members of a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Member of their Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
> Parties have a Speaker.  Any Lord in a Party and not Speaker of that Party is referred to as a Member.  All Lords within a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord for Speakership exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Lord in the effected Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
< If a Party has currently no Speaker, any Member of that Party may change the Party’s Speakership so it goes to the Lord with the higher totaled number of Electoral Votes of Lords naming him.
> If a Party has currently no Speaker, any Lord of that Party may change the Party’s Speakership so it goes to the Lord with the higher totaled number of Electoral Votes of Lords naming him.
< If a Party has only one Member, that Member is called a Rogue. Rogue Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Audiences with any Party.
> If a Party has only one Lord, that Lord is called a Rogue. Rogue Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Audiences with any Party.
< If an invitation to join a Party has been standing for more than 48 hours, it ceases to apply.
> If an invitation to join a Party has been standing for more than 48 hours, it ceases to apply. 
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote, that Speaker may choose to transfer that Vote to any Member of his Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote, if the Speakership of the Party has not been transferred since the gain took place, that Speaker may choose to transfer that Vote to any Member of his Party.  
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, that Speaker may choose to award that Vote to any Member of his Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, if the Speakership of the Party has not been transferred since the gain took place, that Speaker may choose to award that Vote to any Member of his Party.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord has gained an Electoral Vote, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord has gained an Electoral Vote, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the High Lord.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, he may choose to award that Vote to any Speaker of a Party.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, he may choose to award that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the High Lord.
> No Lord may gain an Electoral Vote in the 24 hours after joining a Party.
< Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by both the Proposer and the Admin doing the enactment shall be raised by 1.
> Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5 or 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1.
< Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT.
> Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT.  When a Lord votes on a Proposal, they may cast any number of their Electoral Votes, with a minimum of one - this is signified by including the relevant number of vote icons in a single comment. (If a later comment from the same Lord uses a different number of icons, that takes precedence.)
> If Electoral Votes that were cast on a Proposal are no longer available to the Lord who cast them, but were available at the time of casting, then they still stand.
< Confidence is normalized at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Lord's Confidence was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new High Lord, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
> Confidence is normalized at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Lord's Confidence was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new Prime Minister, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the High Lord. The vote will count as the same as the High Lord's vote. The High Lord cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no High Lord, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Prime Minister. The vote will count as the same as the Prime Minister's vote. The Prime Minister cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Prime Minister, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
< Each Dynasty has a single High Lord and is named according to the number of times which that Lord has been the High Lord (or the High Lord equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
> Each Dynasty has a single Prime Minister and is named according to the number of times which that Lord has been the Prime Minister (or the Prime Minister equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
< The High Lord has the following powers:-
> The Prime Minister has the following powers:-
< A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their High Lord or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Lords may submit Dynasty Records to the High Lord - the High Lord may award the submitter 20 Confidence for any Records it uses.
> A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their Prime Minister or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Lords may submit Dynasty Records to the Prime Minister - the Prime Minister may award the submitter 20 Confidence for any Records it uses.
< Every Lord may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Lords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the High Lord may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
> Every Lord may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Lords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Prime Minister may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
< When a Dynasty has been won, all Lords' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Lords who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the High Lord's discretion.
> When a Dynasty has been won, all Lords' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Lords who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Prime Minister's discretion.
< The Hiatus then continues until the new High Lord posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the High Lord's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Lord", "High Lord" and "Confidence" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new High Lord chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new High Lord's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new High Lord may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Confidence penalty for the proposer.
> The Hiatus then continues until the new Prime Minister posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Prime Minister's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Lord", "Prime Minister" and "Confidence" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Prime Minister chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Prime Minister's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new Prime Minister may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Confidence penalty for the proposer.
< If a Party has only one Lord, that Lord is called a Rogue. Rogue Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Audiences with any Party.
> If a Party has only one Lord, that Lord is called a Maverick. Maverick Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Caucuses with any Party.
< At any time a Lord may attempt to join a Party by requesting an Audience with that Party, with a topic of "Application".
> At any time a Lord may attempt to join a Party by requesting an Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Application".
< If the Audience is approved, any Lord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Party, once. If the Lord was already in a Party, he or she loses 10 Confidence and all other Members of the Party lose 5.
> If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Party, once. If the Lord was already in a Party, he or she loses 10 Confidence and all other Members of the Party lose 5.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
> If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
< At any time a Lord may attempt to banish another Lord from their own Party, by requesting an Audience with that Party, with a topic of "Banish [Lord]".
> At any time a Lord may attempt to banish another Lord from their own Party, by requesting an Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Banish [Lord]".
< If the Audience is approved, any Lord may remove the victim from the Party, once. The victim loses 20 Confidence and remaining Members of the Party lose 10.
> If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may remove the victim from the Party, once. The victim loses 20 Confidence and remaining Members of the Party lose 10.
< If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
> If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
< If the High Lord is a Member of a Party, and not its Speaker, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
> If the Prime Minister is a Member of a Party, and not its Speaker, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< <B>16 - Audiences</B>
> <B>16 - Caucuses</B>
< Lords may request Audiences with any Party for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Party]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
> Lords may request Caucuses with any Party for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Caucus with [Party]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
< Any Lord in the relevant Party may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Lord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Lord leaves their Party, their vote no longer counts for that Party's Audiences. 
> Any Lord in the relevant Party may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Lord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Lord leaves their Party, their vote no longer counts for that Party's Caucuses. 
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered approved.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Caucus is considered approved.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered rejected.
> If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Caucus is considered rejected.
< When a Proposal is enacted, Members of the same Party as the proposer gain 2 Confidence, or 1 Confidence if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, Members of the same Party as the proposer lose 1 Confidence.
< If the fellow Member is Speaker, double the amount of Confidence gained or lost by that Speaker under this rule.
< If the proposer is Speaker, double the amount of Confidence gained or lost by all fellow Members under this rule.
< At any time, if a Lord has more Confidence than another Member of his Party, that Lord may transfer as much Confidence as he wants to the other Member. This transfer can't result in the transfering Lord having less Confidence than the receiving Member.
< For the purpose of this rule, the High Lord shall be considered as if he was Member of every Party, though not the Speaker of any.
> Repealed.
< * A Rogue Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
> * A Maverick Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord has gained an Electoral Vote, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the High Lord.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Prime Minister has gained an Electoral Vote, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the Prime Minister.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the High Lord was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, he may choose to award that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the High Lord.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Prime Minister was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, he may choose to award that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the Prime Minister.
> <B>24 - Party Fusion</b>
> At Any time, the Speaker of a Party may attempt to fuse his Party (hereby called Party 1) to another Party (hereby called Party 2), by requesting an Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Fusion with [Party 1], become [New Name]".
> Any member of either Party 1 or Party 2 may block this request by casting an AGAINST vote in the Caucus. If that happens, the Caucus shall be processed as if the Speaker of Party 2 had vetoed it.
> If the Caucus is approved, all members of both Party 1 and Party 2 become members of a Party named [New Name], as specified in the Request topic, and any Lord in either original Party may adjust the GNDT to reflect that condition. The Lord doing so may transfer to himself, once, 5 Confidence from the Speaker of the resulting Party. No Confidence penalty shall be deduced for any Member leaving his original Party this way.
> If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner and any Lord who voted FOR it lose 15 Confidence each.
> If there is a tie between the Votes for Speaker nominating the Speaker of the resulting Party, the former Speaker of Party 2 shall be granted Speakership of the resulting Party.
> If the Fusion results in any violation of a boundary to Electoral Votes quantity, as set in rule 19, those violations shall be solved by reducing the number of Electoral Votes held by one of the offending Lords.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< At any time a Lord may attempt to join a Party by requesting an Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Application".
> At any time a Lord may attempt to join a Party by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Application".
< At any time a Lord may attempt to banish another Lord from their own Party, by requesting an Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Banish [Lord]".
> At any time a Lord may attempt to banish another Lord from their own Party, by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Banish [Lord]".
< At Any time, the Speaker of a Party may attempt to fuse his Party (hereby called Party 1) to another Party (hereby called Party 2), by requesting an Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Fusion with [Party 1], become [New Name]".
> At Any time, the Speaker of a Party may attempt to fuse his Party (hereby called Party 1) to another Party (hereby called Party 2), by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Fusion with [Party 1], become [New Name]".
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
< Whenever votes are tallied for a non-Trivial Proposal, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that Lord's Party instead of the general majority. For this determination, a VETO is counted as an AGAINST Vote, and a DEFERENTIAL Vote is counted as FOR or AGAINST or ignored, according to how it was resolved when tallied.
< When an Admin has completed updating the Voting Records required for an Official Post for which there is no other Admin reward, they may increase their Confidence by 2.
< If a Lord does not have a Voting Record it is set to 0(0).
< <B>23 - Supporters</B>
< Each Speaker has a percentage of the population supporting their party. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.
< Each Party begins with 15% of the population supporting them. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
< Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.
< If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every member of that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have > 45%. This process continues until they have < 45%.
< <B>24 - Party Fusion</b>
< At Any time, the Speaker of a Party may attempt to fuse his Party (hereby called Party 1) to another Party (hereby called Party 2), by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Fusion with [Party 1], become [New Name]".
< Any member of either Party 1 or Party 2 may block this request by casting an AGAINST vote in the Caucus. If that happens, the Caucus shall be processed as if the Speaker of Party 2 had vetoed it.
< If the Caucus is approved, all members of both Party 1 and Party 2 become members of a Party named [New Name], as specified in the Request topic, and any Lord in either original Party may adjust the GNDT to reflect that condition. The Lord doing so may transfer to himself, once, 5 Confidence from the Speaker of the resulting Party. No Confidence penalty shall be deduced for any Member leaving his original Party this way.
< If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner and any Lord who voted FOR it lose 15 Confidence each.
< If there is a tie between the Votes for Speaker nominating the Speaker of the resulting Party, the former Speaker of Party 2 shall be granted Speakership of the resulting Party.
< If the Fusion results in any violation of a boundary to Electoral Votes quantity, as set in rule 19, those violations shall be solved by reducing the number of Electoral Votes held by one of the offending Lords.
< <B>99 - Glossary</B>
< This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. When a Call for Judgement is resolved, any Admin may make an appropriate addition or alteration to this rule based on the result of the Call for Judgment.
< * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Lord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. 
< * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. 
< * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
< * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin.
< * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://www.phaenon.com.br/images/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
< * The "subject" of a blog entry is the first and only sentence in the Title of an entry. Any entry that does not have exactly one subject is not valid.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post.
> Whenever votes are tallied for a non-Trivial Proposal, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that
< Whenever votes are tallied for a non-Trivial Proposal, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that
> Whenever votes are tallied for a non-Trivial Proposal, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that Lord's Party instead of the general majority. For this determination, a VETO is counted as an AGAINST Vote, and a DEFERENTIAL Vote is counted as FOR or AGAINST or ignored, according to how it was resolved when tallied.
> When an Admin has completed updating the Voting Records required for an Official Post for which there is no other Admin reward, they may increase their Confidence by 2.
> If a Lord does not have a Voting Record it is set to 0(0).
> 23 - Supporters
> Each Speaker has a percentage of the population supporting their party. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.
> Each Party begins with 15% of the population supporting them. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
> Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.
> If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every member of that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have > 45%. This process continues until they have < 45%.
> 24 - Party Fusion
> At Any time, the Speaker of a Party may attempt to fuse his Party (hereby called Party 1) to another Party (hereby called Party 2), by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Fusion with [Party 1], become [New Name]".
> Any member of either Party 1 or Party 2 may block this request by casting an AGAINST vote in the Caucus. If that happens, the Caucus shall be processed as if the Speaker of Party 2 had vetoed it.
> If the Caucus is approved, all members of both Party 1 and Party 2 become members of a Party named [New Name], as specified in the Request topic, and any Lord in either original Party may adjust the GNDT to reflect that condition. The Lord doing so may transfer to himself, once, 5 Confidence from the Speaker of the resulting Party. No Confidence penalty shall be deduced for any Member leaving his original Party this way.
> If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner and any Lord who voted FOR it lose 15 Confidence each.
> If there is a tie between the Votes for Speaker nominating the Speaker of the resulting Party, the former Speaker of Party 2 shall be granted Speakership of the resulting Party.
> If the Fusion results in any violation of a boundary to Electoral Votes quantity, as set in rule 19, those violations shall be solved by reducing the number of Electoral Votes held by one of the offending Lords.
> 99 - Glossary
> This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. When a Call for Judgement is resolved, any Admin may make an appropriate addition or alteration to this rule based on the result of the Call for Judgment.
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Lord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. 
> * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. 
> * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
> * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, which is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://www.phaenon.com.br/images/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
> * The "subject" of a blog entry is the first and only sentence in the Title of an entry. Any entry that does not have exactly one subject is not valid.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post. 
< 23 - Supporters
> <b>23 - Supporters</b>
< 24 - Party Fusion
> <b>24 - Party Fusion</b>
< 99 - Glossary
> <b>99 - Glossary</b>
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post. 
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post. 
< Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT.  When a Lord votes on a Proposal, they may cast any number of their Electoral Votes, with a minimum of one - this is signified by including the relevant number of vote icons in a single comment. (If a later comment from the same Lord uses a different number of icons, that takes precedence.)
< A Lord may not hold more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party. At any time, if a Lord holds more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.
< There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
< * A Maverick Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
< * A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
< * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.
> Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT. When a Lord votes on a Proposal, they may cast any number of their Electoral Votes, with a minimum of one - this is signified by including the relevant number of vote icons in a single comment. (If a later comment from the same Lord uses a different number of icons, that takes precedence.) All Electoral Votes cast in a single comment must be the same. If a plural number of DEFERENTIAL votes are ever tallied, they will be tallied as a group (either FOR, AGAINST, or abstentation), as provided for in other rules. Regardless of the number of Electoral Votes a Lord is entitled to cast, there is only one, singular, result of his vote.
< Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party by posting an entry with the subject “Party Creation: [Party Name]”. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Lord Name]”. Lords who are invited in this way may immediately join the Party without requesting permission. If the creating Lord was already in a Party, creating a Party costs 10 Confidence and all other Lords in the Party lose 5 Confidence. Upon announcing the creation of a Party, a Lord's Party is set to that Party. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Party has more than one Lord.
> Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party, no more than once per day, by posting an entry with the subject “Party Creation: [Party Name]”. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Lord Name]”. Lords who are invited in this way may immediately join the Party without requesting permission. If the creating Lord was already in a Party, creating a Party costs 10 Confidence and all other Lords in the Party lose 5 Confidence. Upon announcing the creation of a Party, a Lord's Party is set to that Party. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Party has more than one Lord.
< Lords may request Caucuses with any Party for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Caucus with [Party]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
> Lords may request Caucuses with any Party for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Caucus with [Party]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.  A Lord may not request more than one Caucus per day.
< <B>22 - Voting Record</B>
< A Lord's Voting Record is tracked in the GNDT entry titled V.R. (for compactness) in the format #(#), where the first number is the General Voting Record and the number in parentheses is the Party Voting Record.
< Whenever votes are tallied for a non-Trivial Proposal, the processing Admin must modify the Voting Record of all participating Lords. Add 1 to a Lord's General Voting Record if the Lord's Vote was with the majority, subtract 1 if the Lord's Vote was against the majority. Do the same with the Party Voting Record but use the majority of members of that Lord's Party instead of the general majority. For this determination, a VETO is counted as an AGAINST Vote, and a DEFERENTIAL Vote is counted as FOR or AGAINST or ignored, according to how it was resolved when tallied.
< When an Admin has completed updating the Voting Records required for an Official Post for which there is no other Admin reward, they may increase their Confidence by 2.
< If a Lord does not have a Voting Record it is set to 0(0).
< If a Party has only one Lord, that Lord is called a Maverick. Maverick Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Caucuses with any Party.
> If a Party has only one Lord, that Lord is called a Maverick. Maverick Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Caucuses with any Party.  This restriction does not apply to Caucuses requested under Rule 24 -- Party Fusion.
< Each Speaker has a percentage of the population supporting their party. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.
> Each Speaker has a non-negative percentage of the population supporting their party. Any action which would make that percentage a negative number is illegal and may not be taken. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.
< <B>18 - Minimal Quorum</B>:
< No Proposal shall be enacted if Quorum is less than 2. This rule will repeal itself when Quorum reaches 4.
< <B>17 - Confidence Sharing</B>
< Repealed.
< Each Party begins with 15% of the population supporting them. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
> Upon selection of a new Speaker, that Lord assumes the same Percent as the previous Speaker of their Party. If there was no previous Speaker, then the Percent is equal to 100 minus the sum total of all existing Parties Percent values. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
> <b>25 - Corruption</b>
> If a Proposal specifies Gamestate changes that act specifically on each Lord based on how they voted on a Proposal, it contains a Kickback.
> When voting on a Proposal containing a Kickback, a Lord may expose it by including the word "kickback" in the comments with their vote.
> When the Votes are tallied, if the votes exposing the Kickback outnumber those that don't, the Proposal's author and any Lords who did not expose the Kickback become involved in a Scandal.
> <b>26 - Scandal</b>
> If a Lord is involved in a Scandal any Lord may make a post with the subject "Scandal: [Lord name]". The body of the post must include a description of the trigger event causing the named Lord to be involved in the Scandal. If that same event has already been described in an existing Scandal for the named Lord, the Scandal has already been made public and cannot be posted.
> The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lord named by half.
< Describe the new page here.
> == Ascension Address ==
> :It is my hope that this First Dynasty of Myke will be one full of cooperation, and so I encourage all of my subjects to help foster this atmosphere by creating and voting in favor of rules that would make it beneficial to find another Player in whom one can confide in and backstab plot with.
> There was an underlying medieval/fantasy theme throughout this dynasty, with Gold for money, talk of imperial treasuries, and discussion of a Kingdom. 
> == Players ==
> Geran, '''Kevan''', Lyndse, Nea, Noelle, Mike, '''Mikey''', '''Myke'''.
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_06_blognomic_archive.html#92355445 Faith in the Empire] (Myke, 4/11/03) This rule created the idea of Imperial voting, where a player votes with whatever the Emperor chooses. At the time, players were penalized for not voting, and this gave them an opportunity to express their lack of opinion.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_06_blognomic_archive.html#92483677 Take Two] (Myke, 4/12/03) Established the icons currently used for "for" and "against" voting, and gave the Emperor the ability to change the imperial seal for a veto.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_06_blognomic_archive.html#92944900 Imperial Bankcruptcy] (Kevan, 4/20/03) The victory condition for this dynasty: if anyone has more gold that the Emperor, the dynasty is declared bankcrupt and the wealthiest subject becomes the new emperor.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_20_blognomic_archive.html#93050252 New Ruleset Location] - The ruleset was moved to the [http://brilliantcorners.org/wiki/bin/view/Main/BlogNomicRuleset Brilliant Corners wiki].
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_20_blognomic_archive.html#93102585 BlogNomic Wants You] (Kevan, 04/23/03) General lack of players created an ongoing recruitment drive for BlogNomic, with substantial payoffs: a new player could give 50 gold to the player responsible for his or her joining, and receive 25 in return.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_27_blognomic_archive.html#93532895 Rise and Shine] (Kevan, 04/30/03) Meaningless, but awarded 50 gold to the first three players to vote in favor of it. (Quorum was three at the time.)
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_05_04_blognomic_archive.html#94042496 The Grand Vizier] (Kevan, 05/09/03) The first "government" position other than Emperor and Admin, this rule gave some of the responsibility of government to the Grand Vizier. 
> == Ascension == 
> Lyndse, the Grand Vizier (and a non-admin), managed to get more gold than Myke, causing an [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_05_18_blognomic_archive.html#94547293 overthrow of the government].
> == Notable Arguments ==
> There was a brief debate on the advantages of administrators over non-admins in acquiring gold (the equivalent to points in this dynasty) - Admins always seemed to get points quickly from their admin work, something that non-admins simply couldnt match. The argument still applies, to an extent, but the points given to admins serve as a motivation to continually update the ruleset and take care of proposals. 
> == Commentary ==
> Noelle, in her request to join BlogNomic, wrote: 
> :So... this is basically psuedo-political textual calvinball game that deals with blogs. Make up the rules as you go along, and change them whenever you deem necessary...as long as majority rules. Sounds exactly like the United States Government. Except I bet BlogNomic is organized better. 
< There's only the BlogNomicRuleset.
> * The BlogNomicRuleset.
> Dynastic History:
> * RoundOne - Pre-Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfMyke - The Kingdom Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfLyndse - The Robin Hood Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfGeran - The Agricultural Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfKevan - The Orwellian Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfAnthony - The Mad Emperor Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfEst - The Robot Factory Dynasty
> * The SecondDynastyOfKevan - The Moreau Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfDamanor - The Galactic Dynasty
> * The ThirdDynastyOfKevan - The Thing Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfCayvie - The Elemental Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfJoranj - The Mob Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfKeitalia - The Superhero Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfSatyrEyes - The Odyssey Dynasty
> * MetaDynasticInterludeOne - Meta-Dynasty
> * The SecondDynastyOfCayvie - The Crashed Spaceship Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfBrendan - The Office Dynasty
> * The FourthDynastyOfKevan - The Petri-Dish Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfKnightking - The Warlord Dynasty
> * The FirstDynastyOfChronos - The Democratic Dynasty
> == Core Game Documents ==
< Dynastic History:
> == Dynastic History ==
< Describe the new page here.
> == Ascension Address ==
> When BlogNomic began, it had no Emperor rule or Dynasty structure - this initial Round (which didn't even know it was a Round) had no Ascension Address, and began as a straightforward unthemed Nomic. 
> == Players ==
> Adam, '''Ben''', Craig, Don, Erik, '''Kevan''', '''Kosta''', Lyndse, Mikey, Myke, Noelle, OA, Ole, RavenBlack, Xylen. 
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_01_05_blognomic_archive.html#87266991 The Ruleset]: The initial Ruleset was kept on BlogNomic itself as the first entry. Only later was it moved to a Wiki.
> [http://kevan.org/generic.cgi?nomic=blog The GNDT]: Kevan adapted a Nomic Data Tracker from an earlier nomic and put it in the sidebar.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_01_12_blognomic_archive.html#87437956 Points] (Ben 1/14/03) The precursor to Gold, Lead, Power, Life Force, etc. Initially, points were simply a score for the game; Ben later successfully proposed that points be used for money or an equivalent, and they could be transferred to other players at will.
> Blogs: Until the First Dynasty of Est, each player was required to maintain a weblog outside of BlogNomic. Weblogs were a major part of BlogNomic in its initial incarnation. Players were encouraged to post regularly.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_01_12_blognomic_archive.html#87584562 Karma] (Kevan 1/17/03) A Karma rating was given to each player; other players used it to rate "...good or bad Blog entries, or behaviour within the game."
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_01_12_blognomic_archive.html#87456100 Alliteration Sundays] (Raven 1/14/03; Later [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_01_19_blognomic_archive.html#87899705 Glittering Prizes] Kevan 1/23/03) Each player was given points for using Alliteration in their own weblogs on Sunday; this later became encouragement to make posts in Haiku or other unusual forms, and the Sunday restriction was changed to once each week.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_02_02_blognomic_archive.html#88596736 First Government Proposal] (Erik, 2/5/03) Didn't pass, but an interesting one. Created two political parties based on points and karma, and suggested a way to become "Dictator."
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_02_09_blognomic_archive.html#89014075 The Gameboard] (Erik, 2/12/03) Put a game board in the ruleset, which was later moved to another location (now obsolete). The gameboard lasted for quite a long time, and references remained in the ruleset until recently. 
> == Ascension == 
> After a while, several players seemed to dislike the lack of victory condition, and general agreement favored a fresh start. Myke had the highest point total, and with a donation of 33 points by Kevan, reached 1200, the total suggested in the [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_04_06_blognomic_archive.html#92180890 Dynasty proposal] (4/7/03 by Myke, Enacted by Kevan 4/8/03). 
> Essentially, victory was awarded to the player with the most points, by majority vote, and the concept of Dynasties was created. 
> == Commentary ==
> Myke, the first Emperor of Blognomic, writes: 
> :Well, Round One... was I think the best. I'm not all about the extremely complex parts of a Nomic, and I preferred it much more when it was simpler. Also, Round One was incredibly rooted in our Blogs, which is a quality that seems to have passed out of BlogNomic. (I noticed the proposal to get rid of daily post points.... was saddened.) Kevan's Kaleidoscope spin-off game might be good as a record, as it is a simplified version of Round One.
> :Another thing worth mentioning would be that the original RuleSet was kept in BlogNomic itself (as the first entry) and only later on was it moved to the TWiki site. The GameBoard was another side-game that was hosted on TWiki, that might also be noteworthy. Unfortunately, it wasn't really put together well, and repeated attempts to link it to Blogs failed, and it was disbanded. In GameBoard history, the first scam of it, when 2 players (Don and... Erik maybe?) got online and traded turns back and forth (before an establishment of stricter turn-rules) and grabbed the entire board... began heated discussions about the nature of a Nomic, and that the true winner was one who was able to bend the definitions of the rules taken literally and find the scam. I'm not proud to say that I voted with the "thought behind the rule" mindset rather than the "letter of the law" side. Ah, well.
> ''History submitted by Damanor.''
> ''History originally submitted by Damanor.''
< * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, which is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
> * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, who is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
< Upon selection of a new Speaker, that Lord assumes the same Percent as the previous Speaker of their Party. If there was no previous Speaker, then the Percent is equal to 100 minus the sum total of all existing Parties Percent values. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
> Upon selection of a new Speaker, that Lord assumes the same Percent as the previous Speaker of their Party. If there was no previous Speaker, then the Percent is equal to either 100 minus the sum total of all existing Parties Percent values or the Percent value of the Party with the highest Percent, whichever is smaller. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
> The Speaker of the new Party shall keep the Percentual (Perc) of Supporters his former Party had before the Fusion.
> <b>27 - Platforms</b>
> A Party Platforms should summarize the primary mission of a Party and detail events which modify the Confidence of Lords belonging to that Party:
> Prosperity Plaform: Economic Development
> Once per day, if the average Confidence of all Lords exceeds 75, every member of the Prosperity Party may gain 3 Confidence.
> (other party platforms go here)
> The Confidence modifications specified in the Platforms may not be used if there are fewer than 3 Platforms defined.
< This rule supersedes the second and third paragraphs of rule 6. Instead of using the procedure delineated there, those ones shall be used: 
> This rule supersedes the second and third paragraphs of rule 6. Instead of using the procedure delineated there, these shall be used:
< Prosperity Plaform: Economic Development
> Prosperity Plaform: Economic Development.
< Parties have a Speaker.  Any Lord in a Party and not Speaker of that Party is referred to as a Member.  All Lords within a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord for Speakership exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Lord in the effected Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
> Parties have a Speaker.  Any Lord in a Party and not Speaker of that Party is referred to as a Member.  All Lords within a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if a Party has no Speaker Selection Protocol in place, then if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord for Speakership exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Lord in the effected Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
> If a Party has a Speaker Selection Protocol in place, at any time, any Lord in that Party may change the Speaker of his Party to be one of any Lords in that Party made Eligible by that Protocol.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote, that Speaker may spin a propaganda campaign and roll a dice for every member of his Party, except himself. If the Speaker is entitled but fails to spin the campaign for any member of his Party, that member may transfer once 5 Confidence from the Speaker to himself. The Electoral Votes of both the Speaker and/or the target Member shall be altered according to the dice result:
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote by means other than the enforcement of a Protocol, that Speaker may spin a propaganda campaign and roll a dice for every member of his Party, except himself. If the Speaker is entitled but fails to spin the campaign for any member of his Party, that member may transfer once 5 Confidence from the Speaker to himself. The Electoral Votes of both the Speaker and/or the target Member shall be altered according to the dice result:
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote, if the Speakership of the Party has not been transferred since the gain took place, that Speaker may choose to transfer that Vote to any Member of his Party.  
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote by means other than the enforcement of a Protocol, if the Speakership of the Party has not been transferred since the gain took place, that Speaker may choose to transfer that Vote to any Member of his Party.  
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Prime Minister has gained an Electoral Vote, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the Prime Minister.
> Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote by means other than the enforcement of a Protocol, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the Prime Minister.
> Electoral Votes may be transferred as provided for in legal Party Reward Protocols.
> <b>28 - Proposals</b>
> At any time a Lord may attempt to create or repeal a Protocol inside his own Party, by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "[Create/Repeal] Protocol: [Title]".
> If the Caucus is approved, any Admin may append or delete the text of the approved or repealed Protocol to the end of this rule. Upon doing so, the Admin may transfer to himself up to 5 Confidence from the Petitioner. The text of all Protocols shall at all times be found on this rule and comply with it.
> All Protocols must be written in one of the following templates. Except as explicitly outlined below, no Protocol may contradict any other rule not marked as allowing such a contradiction by a Protocol, cause any change of gamestate, cause any Rule to become edited, cause a declaration of victory, or allow any action not specifically authorized by a non-Protocol section of the ruleset.
> Any text in the following templates enclosed in square brackets must be replaced when the Protocol is proposed. The only legal replacements are described below. In all cases, [Party] must be replaced by the name of the Party the Protocol applies to, and no other text, except for the word "the" before the Party name if desired for esthetic reasons.
> Speaker Selection Template:
> A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
> Party Discipline Template:
> A Party Discipline Protocol must be of the form : "If a Lord in the [Party] fulfills all of the following conditions : [conditions], then [Enforcer] may remove the aforementioned Lord from [Party] by setting his Party entry in the GNDT to "-". If there is a penalty specified elsewhere in the ruleset for leaving a Party, [Enforcer] must apply this penalty after removing the affected Lord." This type of Protocol is allowed to change gamestate in only the following two ways: the removal of the Lord who fulfills the [conditions], and the penalties for removal described elsewhere in the rule set applied to that same Lord. There only valid values for Enforcer are "the Speaker of [Party]" or a named Lord who is in the Party the protocol applies to. The Enforcer must be a member of the Party the Protocol applies to at the instant of enforcement.
> Party Reward Template:
> A Party Reward Protocol must be of the form: "If all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then [Enforcer] may [reward]." Only one reward is allowed per Protocol. The only legal values of Reward are "transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in [Party] who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord." or "transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in [Party] to any other Lord." Protocols of this type are allowed to modify gamestate only in the [reward] segment, as provided above. 
> Party Realignment Template:
> A Party Realignment must be of the for: "If the Speaker of [Party] has greater than 1% Perc and all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then the Speaker of [Party] may transfer 1% Perc to the Speaker of any Party other than [Party]." No gamestate changes are allowed to result from this Template other than the transfer of 1% of Perc.
> All Protocols are to be listed below, in the following format:
> Protocol Name
> Party Name
> Template Type
> Text of Template altered as specified above.
< Protocol Name
< Party Name
< Template Type
> Protocol Name<br>
> Party Name<br>
> Template Type<br>
> Signing Bonus<br>
> Prosperity<br>
> Party Reward Template<br>
> If all of the following conditions are met: a Lord has successfully Joined Prosperity, then the Speaker of Prosperity may transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in Prosperity to any other Lord.
< Speaker Selection Template:
> '''Speaker Selection Template:'''
< A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
> :A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
< Party Discipline Template:
> '''Party Discipline Template:'''
< A Party Discipline Protocol must be of the form : "If a Lord in the [Party] fulfills all of the following conditions : [conditions], then [Enforcer] may remove the aforementioned Lord from [Party] by setting his Party entry in the GNDT to "-". If there is a penalty specified elsewhere in the ruleset for leaving a Party, [Enforcer] must apply this penalty after removing the affected Lord." This type of Protocol is allowed to change gamestate in only the following two ways: the removal of the Lord who fulfills the [conditions], and the penalties for removal described elsewhere in the rule set applied to that same Lord. There only valid values for Enforcer are "the Speaker of [Party]" or a named Lord who is in the Party the protocol applies to. The Enforcer must be a member of the Party the Protocol applies to at the instant of enforcement.
> :A Party Discipline Protocol must be of the form : "If a Lord in the [Party] fulfills all of the following conditions : [conditions], then [Enforcer] may remove the aforementioned Lord from [Party] by setting his Party entry in the GNDT to "-". If there is a penalty specified elsewhere in the ruleset for leaving a Party, [Enforcer] must apply this penalty after removing the affected Lord." This type of Protocol is allowed to change gamestate in only the following two ways: the removal of the Lord who fulfills the [conditions], and the penalties for removal described elsewhere in the rule set applied to that same Lord. There only valid values for Enforcer are "the Speaker of [Party]" or a named Lord who is in the Party the protocol applies to. The Enforcer must be a member of the Party the Protocol applies to at the instant of enforcement.
< Party Reward Template:
> '''Party Reward Template:'''
< A Party Reward Protocol must be of the form: "If all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then [Enforcer] may [reward]." Only one reward is allowed per Protocol. The only legal values of Reward are "transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in [Party] who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord." or "transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in [Party] to any other Lord." Protocols of this type are allowed to modify gamestate only in the [reward] segment, as provided above. 
> :A Party Reward Protocol must be of the form: "If all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then [Enforcer] may [reward]." Only one reward is allowed per Protocol. The only legal values of Reward are "transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in [Party] who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord." or "transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in [Party] to any other Lord." Protocols of this type are allowed to modify gamestate only in the [reward] segment, as provided above. 
< Party Realignment Template:
> '''Party Realignment Template:'''
< A Party Realignment must be of the for: "If the Speaker of [Party] has greater than 1% Perc and all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then the Speaker of [Party] may transfer 1% Perc to the Speaker of any Party other than [Party]." No gamestate changes are allowed to result from this Template other than the transfer of 1% of Perc.
> :A Party Realignment must be of the for: "If the Speaker of [Party] has greater than 1% Perc and all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then the Speaker of [Party] may transfer 1% Perc to the Speaker of any Party other than [Party]." No gamestate changes are allowed to result from this Template other than the transfer of 1% of Perc.
< <b>28 - Proposals</b>
> <b>28 - Protocols</b>
< If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Party, once. If the Lord was already in a Party, he or she loses 10 Confidence and all other Members of the Party lose 5.
> If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Party, once. If the Lord was already in a Party, he or she loses 10 Confidence and all other Lords in that Party lose 5.
< No Lord may be a Member of more than one Party at any given time.
> No Lord may belong to more than one Party at any given time.
< If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may remove the victim from the Party, once. The victim loses 20 Confidence and remaining Members of the Party lose 10.
> If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may remove the victim from the Party, once. The victim loses 20 Confidence and remaining Lords in that Party lose 10.
< All possible manners of gaining or losing Electoral Votes shall be listed in this rule.
< Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5 or 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1.
< Any time an Admin fails a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be lowered by 1.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote by means other than the enforcement of a Protocol, that Speaker may spin a propaganda campaign and roll a dice for every member of his Party, except himself. If the Speaker is entitled but fails to spin the campaign for any member of his Party, that member may transfer once 5 Confidence from the Speaker to himself. The Electoral Votes of both the Speaker and/or the target Member shall be altered according to the dice result:
< : 1 - Backfire - Both the Speaker and the Member lose 1 Electoral Vote
< : 2 - Partial Backfire - The Member loses 1 Electoral Vote
< : 3,4 - Nothing happens.
< : 5 - Partisl Success - The Member gains 1 Electoral Vote
< : 6 - Success - Both the Speaker and the Member gain 1 Electoral Vote. The Speaker is not entitled to start another Propaganda campaign over this gain.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote by means other than the enforcement of a Protocol, if the Speakership of the Party has not been transferred since the gain took place, that Speaker may choose to transfer that Vote to any Member of his Party.  
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, if the Speakership of the Party has not been transferred since the gain took place, that Speaker may choose to award that Vote to any Member of his Party.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Speaker of Party has gained an Electoral Vote by means other than the enforcement of a Protocol, he may choose to transfer that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the Prime Minister.
< Once within the period of 24 hours after the Prime Minister was entitled to gain an Electoral Vote, but failed to do so due to a cap to his Electoral Votes, he may choose to award that Vote to any Speaker of a Party who is not the Prime Minister.
< No Lord may gain an Electoral Vote in the 24 hours after joining a Party.
< Electoral Votes may be transferred as provided for in legal Party Reward Protocols.
> The Speaker of a Party may transfer any number of his or her Electoral Votes to other members of that Party, provided that no Electoral Votes have been transferred within that Party within the past 24 hours.
< If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every member of that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have > 45%. This process continues until they have < 45%.
> If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every Lord in that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have > 45%. This process continues until they have < 45%.
< Any member of either Party 1 or Party 2 may block this request by casting an AGAINST vote in the Caucus. If that happens, the Caucus shall be processed as if the Speaker of Party 2 had vetoed it.
> Any Lord belonging to either Party 1 or Party 2 may block this request by casting an AGAINST vote in the Caucus. If that happens, the Caucus shall be processed as if the Speaker of Party 2 had vetoed it.
< If the Caucus is approved, all members of both Party 1 and Party 2 become members of a Party named [New Name], as specified in the Request topic, and any Lord in either original Party may adjust the GNDT to reflect that condition. The Lord doing so may transfer to himself, once, 5 Confidence from the Speaker of the resulting Party. No Confidence penalty shall be deduced for any Member leaving his original Party this way.
> If the Caucus is approved, all Lords belonging to both Party 1 and Party 2 now belong to a Party named [New Name], as specified in the Request topic, and any Lord in either original Party may adjust the GNDT to reflect that condition. The Lord doing so may transfer to himself, once, 5 Confidence from the Speaker of the resulting Party. No Confidence penalty shall be deducted for any Lord leaving his original Party this way.
> No exposing of kickbacks may take place after the proposing Lord has cast an AGAINST vote on his own proposal (i.e. a self-kill) or after the Prime Minister has VETOed the proposal.
< The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lord named by half.
> The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lord named by half. If this would reduce the Confidence of that Lord to below 10, the Lord posting the Scandal may, exactly once, transfer one Electoral Vote from the Lord named in the Scandal to himself, if the Lord named in the Scandal has more than one Electoral Vote.
< :A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
> : A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
< :A Party Discipline Protocol must be of the form : "If a Lord in the [Party] fulfills all of the following conditions : [conditions], then [Enforcer] may remove the aforementioned Lord from [Party] by setting his Party entry in the GNDT to "-". If there is a penalty specified elsewhere in the ruleset for leaving a Party, [Enforcer] must apply this penalty after removing the affected Lord." This type of Protocol is allowed to change gamestate in only the following two ways: the removal of the Lord who fulfills the [conditions], and the penalties for removal described elsewhere in the rule set applied to that same Lord. There only valid values for Enforcer are "the Speaker of [Party]" or a named Lord who is in the Party the protocol applies to. The Enforcer must be a member of the Party the Protocol applies to at the instant of enforcement.
> : A Party Discipline Protocol must be of the form : "If a Lord in the [Party] fulfills all of the following conditions : [conditions], then [Enforcer] may remove the aforementioned Lord from [Party] by setting his Party entry in the GNDT to "-". If there is a penalty specified elsewhere in the ruleset for leaving a Party, [Enforcer] must apply this penalty after removing the affected Lord." This type of Protocol is allowed to change gamestate in only the following two ways: the removal of the Lord who fulfills the [conditions], and the penalties for removal described elsewhere in the rule set applied to that same Lord. There only valid values for Enforcer are "the Speaker of [Party]" or a named Lord who is in the Party the protocol applies to. The Enforcer must be a member of the Party the Protocol applies to at the instant of enforcement.
< :A Party Reward Protocol must be of the form: "If all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then [Enforcer] may [reward]." Only one reward is allowed per Protocol. The only legal values of Reward are "transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in [Party] who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord." or "transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in [Party] to any other Lord." Protocols of this type are allowed to modify gamestate only in the [reward] segment, as provided above. 
> : A Party Reward Protocol must be of the form: "If all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then [Enforcer] may [reward]." Only one reward is allowed per Protocol. The only legal values of Reward are "transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in [Party] who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord." or "transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in [Party] to any other Lord." Protocols of this type are allowed to modify gamestate only in the [reward] segment, as provided above. 
< :A Party Realignment must be of the for: "If the Speaker of [Party] has greater than 1% Perc and all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then the Speaker of [Party] may transfer 1% Perc to the Speaker of any Party other than [Party]." No gamestate changes are allowed to result from this Template other than the transfer of 1% of Perc.
> : A Party Realignment must be of the for: "If the Speaker of [Party] has greater than 1% Perc and all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then the Speaker of [Party] may transfer 1% Perc to the Speaker of any Party other than [Party]." No gamestate changes are allowed to result from this Template other than the transfer of 1% of Perc.
< * The number of Lords voting FOR that Proposal exceeds or equals Quorum and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by those Lords exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it;
> * The number of Lords voting FOR that Proposal exceeds or equals Quorum and the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by those Lords exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST it;
< * That Proposal is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting FOR it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it; 
> * That Proposal is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting FOR it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST it; 
< * The totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST that Proposal is enough that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed; 
> * The totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST that Proposal is enough that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed; 
< * It is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting AGAINST it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by the Lords voting FOR it. 
> * It is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting FOR it. 
< Describe the new page here.
> == Ascension Address ==
> :I’ve called you together here today to announce my plans for finally ending this chaos that has continued since that foolish experiment in creating life. 
> :For the last 20 years, we have fought each other, our people and the world itself trying to increase our own power that miniscule amount to stay ahead of the other Warlords, fending off assassins, hoping to live long enough to enjoy the small chunk of land we have carved out for ourselves. 
> :Unified we could rule the world and crush the fools who dare to oppose us. Peace can only come through violence, and only if we stand together. Betrayal and backstabbing must not happen if we are ever to have stability. As such I propose we form an alliance to ensure none of us have the opportunity to do so. Naturally we must choose a leader, who will be given great power, as otherwise we could never agree on anything long enough to do anything otherwise. 
> This Dynasty featured Warlords who joined Alliances and gained Reputation. Knightking was known as the High Lord. 
> == Players ==
> TrumanCapote, Aaron, Josh, Kevan, Chronos, Orson, KnightKing, Mickey, sctfn, ShadowSliver, Simon, WildCard, Patio11.
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-alliances.html Alliances] (Knightking 10/17/2004) - Allowed for the creation of Alliances. A Warlord who wasn't in an Alliance wasn't really a Warlord at all, hence the advantage of being in one. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-military-power.html Military Power] (Chronos 10/18/2004) - Created offensive and defensive forces for each Warlord, which were later used in conflicts between Alliances. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-leader-of-pack.html Leader of the Pack] (WildCard 10/18/2004) - Gave the Leaders of Alliances more power by letting Deferential votes of their Alliance members point to them, instead of the High Lord. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-ask-audience.html Ask the Audience] (Kevan 10/18/2004) - Installed a method for internal Alliance affairs, such as joining or calling for an attack. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-trust-rev2.html Trust, rev. 2] (Orson 10/18/2004) - An idea that went through a few changes before finally being accepted. Allowed Warlords to trust or distrust potential friends or enemies in other Alliances. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-causus-belli-trivial.html Causus Belli] (Patio11 10/19/2004) - He misspelled "Casus," but that didn't stop his concept of diplomatic rebuttals from going through. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-lets-settle-this-like.html Let's Settle this like Warlords] (Orson 10/19/2004) - Introduced the framework for Dueling, with the specific example of a Leadership Duel attached. Incidentally, this also created a loophole where an Alliance could engage in a series of Duels, earning a net gain of 10 Reputation each time, but it was never fully exploited. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-ritual-warfare.html Ritual Warfare] (Chronos 10/19/2004) - Allowed Warlords to settle fights, though not actually start them. That way, multiple attack rules could be created. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-alliance-warfare.html Alliance Warfare] (Knightking 10/19/2004) - Now Warlords could start fights. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-whats-trust-got-to-do-with-it.html What's Trust got to do with it?] (Orson 10/20/2004) - Removed Trust calculations from attack resolution, which temporarily made Trust useless. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-assassinate.html Assassinate!] (Simon 10/21/2004) - Created Assassins, dark spectres of the night who could cause all sorts of nasty things to befall Warlords. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-generalized-warfare.html Generalized Warfare] (Chronos 10/21/2004) - Another way to attack the enemy, except it was similar enough to Alliance Warfare that it occasionally caused confusion. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-reputation-sharing.html Reputation Sharing] (Orson 10/22/2004) - Allowed allies of Warlords to share in the rewards of proposal passage, giving a little Reputation to everyone instead of all of it to a single person. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-lone-alliances-trivial.html Lone Alliances] (Chronos 10/22/2004) - Since a Warlord could simply create a new Alliance every time their old one died, this proposal changed the rules so that a single-member Alliance remained indefinitely, although with fewer privileges. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-center-cannot-hold-trivial.html The Center cannot Hold] (Orson 10/25/2004) - Gave new meaning to Trust; if the difference between the Trust of two Warlords was too great, their Alliance fell into disorder. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/attack-trumancapote.html Attack: TrumanCapote] (Knightking 10/27/2004) - The beginning of the end. Activity started systematically beating the crap out of Entropy, one Warlord at a time. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-tributes.html Tributes] (Chronos 10/28/2004) - Allowed Warlords to transfer Reputation in exchange for favours, pacifism, and so on. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/11/proposal-exploit-containment.html Exploit Containment] (Orson 11/1/2004) - Fixed an exploit where a two-man alliance could generate perpetual Reputation through rapid-fire combat. The exploit is described in greater detail [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/11/exploit-details.html here]. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/11/proposal-victory-condition.html Victory Condition] (Chronos 11/4/2004) - Passed by the now-dominant Activity to give Chronos the win. If the combined power of an Alliance was more than twice that of the next most powerful Alliance and no vote within that Alliance pointed to a Warlord who wasn't the Leader, that Leader could declare victory. 
> == Ascension == 
> Since Activity's total military powers were double those of Entropy, the uncontested leader Chronos declared himself the victor. 
> == Commentary ==
> The best thing about this Dynasty was all the awesome flavour text it created. It seems there's something about being a dark-age tribal leader that brings out the best in people. 
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/vote-capote.html Truman and Simon's argument about the leadership of the Entropy Alliance]:
> :Simon: Two words: Gigantic Battleaxe.
> :Truman: Stop giving comfort to our enemies!
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/challenge-leadership-chronos.html Activity Leadership Challenge] - Orson challenges Chronos, then impales himself on his own blade. Ouch.
> ''History compiled by Simon.''
< Describe the new page here.
> == Ascension Address ==
> :A petri dish was prepared containing an even layer of nutrient agar, and a 1cm² grid marked on the underside in black marker. The remains of Specimens from earlier experiments had previously been grown to a size of 75mm² in separate dishes, and several new and untested Specimens were cut to a square 100mm² - these Specimens were placed together in the gridded petri dish, at least one square away from each other. 
> :The sealed petri dish was then placed in an incubator at 30°C, and closely monitored.
> This Dynasty followed the almost completely insignificant lives of a group of Specimens - later called Strains - as they attempted to overflow a petri dish. The eventual aim of the mysterious scientists who controlled the experiment was never really clarified, though they did eventually create a sort of self-mobilized Lysol. The main statistic became Size, and Kevan was the Control Specimen/Strain.
> The veto icon was http://simonbob.fobby.net/veto-kevanIV.gif
> == Players ==
> Kevan, ChronosPhaenon, TrumanCapote, Josh, Knightking, Aaron, Simon, Orson, Brendan, Dirk, Combustable, ChinDoGu, WildCard, ShadowSliver (feel free to add anyone I missed and bold the admins).
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-enzyme-frenzy.html Enzyme Frenzy] (Kevan 9/7/2004) - Laid down the rules for Breathing, a system where Specimens could select strategic Elements to attempt to gain size.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-population-control.html Population Control] (Kevan 9/8/2004) - Introduced the Population statistic, which was combined with the Size to determine Biomass and cause all kinds of problems.  Also changed Specimens to Strains.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-virus.html The Virus] (Josh 9/8/2004) - Literally taxed us for breathing.  Didn't get really vicious until near the end, actually, but it was always lurking, like an angry spider.  A really small angry spider.  Living in a petri dish.  Hmm.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-size-matters-trivial.html Size Matters] (Simon 9/9/2004) - Allowed for knockout blows against Strains whose population or size hit the bottom by zeroing the other statistic as well.  Eventually became a mechanism for the victory condition.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-frenetic-code.html Frenetic Code] (Orson 9/10/2004) - Introduced the Enome, which later allowed for the conversion of several columns worth of GNDT data into a convenient six-letter licence plate.  Note how it was unanimously passed; if you ever want some free points, just propose something that cleans up the GNDT.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/new-ruleset-wiki.html New Ruleset Wiki] (Kevan 9/10/2004) - Repeated complaints from would-be admins who couldn't create Wiki accounts led Kevan to create a new one on his own webspace for storing the rules.  You feel sorry for the old Wiki.  That's because you're crazy.  It's just a Wiki, it has no feelings, and the new one is much better.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/woah-strain-specimen-confusion.html Woah! Strain & Specimen Confusion] (Orson 9/13/2004) - Mass confusion reigned for a few days due to inattentive ruleset changes and weird misinterpretations; Kevan would later be called in to fix everything again.  Oddly enough, when the dust settled, all the errors cancelled each other out and the changes were allowed.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-heavy-breathing-trivial.html Heavy Breathing] (Kevan 9/13/2004) - A major rule that changed Breathing so it relied on both Size and Population to determine how much Size could be gained.  No size gain cap was instituted, allowing a few Strains (Simon, Knightking, Orson, and TrumanCapote) to use population splits and breathing to gain huge amounts of biomass.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-elbow-room.html Elbow Room] (Orson 9/15/2004) - Enforced a cleanup of the petri dish whenever it got too crowded, which was daily due to the massive uberstrains who had expanded themselves after Heavy Breathing passed.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-positive-negative.html Positive, Negative] (Simon 9/17/2004) - Changed the mechanics of breathing so that the size limit was hit after subtracting losses, not before.  Vitally important due to the uberstrains who could've otherwise sucked the life out of you.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-shallow-breathing-trivial.html Shallow Breathing] (Kevan 9/19/2004) - "Maybe we just need a cap on huge and ridiculous breathing."  Couldn't have said it better myself, Kev.  Limited breathing gains or losses to 10 Size.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-feeding-frenzy-trivial.html Feeding Frenzy] (Orson 9/21/2004) - Created the Food Chain.  Large Strains would now be Plants, upon which the smaller Strains would feed as Predators.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-bad-breath-trivial.html Bad Breath] (Kevan 9/24/2004) - Took out breathing once and for all.  The Food Chain was now officially the order of the day.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-efficient-virus.html Efficient Virus] (Chronos 9/27/2004) - Turned the Virus from a benign critter into a serious irritant; since nobody was ever affected by its pollution, it could now dine [k]nightly on Knightking.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-affliction-gene.html Affliction Gene] (Simon 9/28/2004) - Created Afflictions, debilitating diseases which could be given to enemy Strains via the enome code.  Eventually inspired other enome values that could be self-applied for offensive or defensive purposes.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/09/proposal-hybrids-mark-ii.html Hybrids, mark II] (orson 9/29/2004) - Several Hybrid ideas had been tossed around, but this is the one that finally got passed.  Of course, it got unpassed a week or so later and had to be passed again...
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-east-of-east-st-louis.html East of East St. Louis] (Aaron 10/6/2004) - Of all the failed proposals in the history of BlogNomic, this is probably the most tragic of all.  The fate of cheese has never been determined; is it truly awesome, as Aaron suggested?  Or is it bland and unsatisfying?  What about the relative merits of different kinds of cheese?  The world may never know...
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/call-for-judgement-boreness.html Boreness] (Chronos 10/7/2004) - Between lingering remnants of confusion in the rules and an inability to agree on anything, a CfJ proposed that Kevan come back and fix everything for the second time.  This time, instead of tinkering with stuff, he just threw the whole thing out.  Certain likeable rules (Population, the Enome, Afflictions in the guise of Abilities, and Hybrids) were re-enacted soon after.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/proposal-victory-condition-trivial.html Victory Condition] (Chronos 10/9/2004) - And so we entered endgame.  Last Strain standing would win.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2004/10/hybrid-request-chronos-knightking_15.html Hybrid Request: Chronos, Knightking] (Chronos 10/15/2004) - The birth of Knightphaenon, whom Knightking would use to take over the dish.
> == Ascension == 
> Knightking took control of super-predator Knightphaenon and used it to devour every strain in sight. As the last living original Strain, he then became the victor. 
> == Commentary ==
> :Brendan: I don't understand this Dynasty at all.
> :Knightking: The funny thing is that strictly speaking from a nomic perspective, that makes it successful.
> ''History compiled by Simon.''
> ''7th September 2004 to 16th October 2004''
> ''17th October 2004 to 6th November 2004 ''
> ''19th April to 18th May 2003''
< ''History originally submitted by Damanor.''
> ''History originally submitted by Damanor.''
> ''12th January to 9th April 2003''
< ''History submitted by Damanor.''
> ''History submitted by Damanor.''
> * (A NoteToArchivists)
< Describe the new page here.
> Just to mention that reformatting pre-existing archives isn't as painful as it first looks - the fiddly links to proposals can be converted en masse with search-and-replace:-
> * Replace '''<a href="''' with '''['''.
> * Replace '''.html">''' with blankness.
> * Replace '''</a>''' with ''']'''.
< * Replace '''</a>''' with ''']'''.
> * Replace '''</a>''' with ''']'''.
> You can get the old pages linf by looking at their source code.
< You can get the old pages linf by looking at their source code.
> You can get the old pages links by looking at their source code.
< Describe the new page here.
> ''18th May to 23rd June 2003''
> == Ascension Address ==
> :As Empress of Blognomic, I promise to be just in all decisions, aid my fellow Citizens, and direct affairs not for my personal gain, but for the gain of my subjects. I promise to come down hard and swift upon offenders, and to praise and reward those loyal and helpful to the Empire.
> The game continued with the "Kingdom" theme from Myke's Dynasty. 
> == Players == 
> Geran, Kevan, Lyndse, Nea, Rod, Royce, Squirrel. 
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_05_18_blognomic_archive.html#94740966 Faction Action ] (Kevan, 05/22/03) Established three factions in government:  Loyal, Rebel, and Other (for those who aren't loyal or rebel).
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_05_25_blognomic_archive.html#94906193 Robin Hood ] (Royce, 05/26/03) The Rebel faction got to choose one person as "Robin Hood," who could, once a week, take 25 gold from one player and give it to one other player, other than himself/herself.  Royce was the [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_05_25_blognomic_archive.html#95131535 first Robin Hood ] in BlogNomic.  The position was later [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_08_blognomic_archive.html#95457392 changed to Highwayman ].
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_05_25_blognomic_archive.html#94944475 Revolution! ] (Kevan, 05/27/03) If the Rebel faction has more gold than the Loyal faction, a Rebel player can call for a revolution, suggesting a new Emperor; if all of the members of the faction agree, the government is overthrown and the chosen player becomes the new Emperor.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_01_blognomic_archive.html#95248640 Bonus Words ] (Royce, 06/03/03) The Empress (or Grand Vizier, if the Empress delegates) designates a "bonus word" each week, and players collect 5 gold for using the bonus word in their personal weblog.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_08_blognomic_archive.html#95457376 Disorganized Coup ] (Kevan 06/09/03) More a wake-up call than anything else, this proposal called for a new emperor randomly chosen from those who vote in favor of it.<br><br>
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_08_blognomic_archive.html#95513349 Boom! ] (Royce, 06/10/03) Probably the most creative way to end a dynasty, this created an atomic bomb that would count down from thirty until it reached zero, going down by one for every two days that no-one posted a proposal.  It helped to alleviate the boredom that came over BlogNomic during the summer, and continued to tick its way to destruction throughout this Dynasty and the next.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_08_blognomic_archive.html#95514205 Questioning Loyalty ] (Geran 06/10/03) Allowed the Empress to call someone's loyalty into question and move them to the Other faction from the Loyal faction.  It was partially a responce to Disorganized Coup.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_15_blognomic_archive.html#95861206 Swapping shirts ] (Kevan 06/20/03) Swapped the faction affiliations of Loyal and Rebel faction members at the end of a dynasty.
> == Ascension ==
> Kevan, who felt that things were "feeling increasingly stale and unexciting," changed his allegiance from the Loyal faction to the Rebel faction, giving the Rebels a significantly larger treasury and sweeping Geran into power.
< * Replace '''.html">''' with blankness.
> * Replace '''">''' with a blank space.
< You can get the old pages links by looking at their source code.
> You can get the old pages links by looking at their source code.
< Describe the new page here.
> ''23rd June to 12th August 2003''
> ''Second only to RoundOne in length, the 2½-month Dynasty of Geran covered most of the summer of 2003''
> == Ascension Address ==
> :I am your Emperor.
> :Bow before me.
> :That is all.
> Geran maintained the previous theme of a kingdom in the middle ages, but made it a more agricultural setting, and changed the money from Gold to Lead. 
> == Players ==
> Geran, Kevan, Nea, Royce, Squirrel. 
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_07_06_blognomic_archive.html#105778340624640908 Farming Weekly] (Kevan 07/09/03) This allowed players to grow corn and breed sheep once each week, and really defined this dynasty more than any other rule.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_07_13_blognomic_archive.html#105855815183893086 Taxes] (Geran 07/18/03) Established possible Income Tax (based on agricultural profits), Property tax (based on Corn and Sheep), and Tariff (on transfers between players).
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_07_20_blognomic_archive.html#105878576194849444 Market Forces] (Kevan 07/21/03) Adjusted the values of corn and sheep relative to each other, in a simple form of supply and demand
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_07_20_blognomic_archive.html#105899662330470329 Prizes for Proposals] (Royce 07/23/03) A nice reference to Kevan's [http://kevan.org/kaleido Kaleidoscope] game, giving Lead to people who collect prizes with proposals.  (This is a standalone version of the BlogNomic prize game from RoundOne.)
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_07_27_blognomic_archive.html#105973421725875164 Market Day] (Kevan 08/01/03) Allowed trading sheep and corn on Market Day each week.
> == Ascension ==
> Things got pretty slow during the summer, and after nobody made any proposals for ten consecutive days, Kevan declared everyone else idle and [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_10_blognomic_archive.html#106069482471809459 voted himself in] as Emperor. 
> == Commentary ==
> It was revealed later that the first and third rulers of BlogNomic were actually the same person.
> From: Myke Silvestri
> Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 12:01 PM
> To: Damanor
> Subject: Blognomic History
> :Greetings, Speaker Damanor,
> :I'm Myke, by the way, one of the first (though not quite founding) Players of BlogNomic, and the first Emperor. The piece of interest is that I was also BlogNomic's third Emperor, under the name of Geran. I chose to keep this fact private only because I did not want to ruin chances of continuing both Players should I want to re-enter the game. 
> :More and more, I realize I'm never going to rejoin, and the History section gives me an opporunity to finally flaunt my deceit. 
> :As a quick side note of interest, [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_01_blognomic_archive.html#95248640 this post] in the First Dynasty of Lyndse is the closest I came to messing up (due to the nature of backblog.) I was posting from a work computer from which I'd posted as Myke months before, and it had saved my info. I'd forgotten to reset the info to Geran, and accidentally cast a vote as Myke when he wasn't an active Player...
> :I don't know if any Players have revealed multiple personalities since... it'd be cool if I was the first. But yeah, just wanted to get my dual reigns out in the open.</blockquote>
< Kevan, who felt that things were "feeling increasingly stale and unexciting," changed his allegiance from the Loyal faction to the Rebel faction, giving the Rebels a significantly larger treasury and sweeping Geran into power.
> Kevan, who felt that things were "feeling increasingly stale and unexciting," [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_06_22_blognomic_archive.html#95920432 changed his allegiance] from the Loyal faction to the Rebel faction, giving the Rebels a significantly larger treasury and sweeping Geran into power.
< Geran, Kevan, Lyndse, Nea, Rod, Royce, Squirrel. 
> Geran, Kevan, Lyndse, Néa, Rod, Royce, Squirrel. 
> A Lord may not hold more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party. At any time, if a Lord holds more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.
> There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
> * A Maverick Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
> * A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
> * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3
> Solidarity<br>
> Prosperity<br>
> Party Reward Template<br>
> If all of the following conditions are met: The Lord who will receive the Confidence belongs to Prosperity, then the Lord who is giving the Confidence may transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in Prosperity to any other Lord.
> <b>29 - Ministerial Takeover</b>
> This rule doesn’t create a Victory Condition. If someone becomes Prime Minister under this rule, this is still the First Dynasty of Chronos. If Chronos is not the current Prime Minister, he may style himself H.L.Chronos, where H.L. stands for High Lord.
> This rule repeals itself in the end of this Dynasty.
> A Lord may Request to become Prime Minister if he meets all these conditions:
> * He is the Speaker of Party with at least 3 Lords;
> * The totaled number of Electoral Votes held by Lords in his Party is greater than one third of the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by all Lords in the game;
> * He is not currently the candidate in a Request to become Prime Minister;
> * He is not precluded to post a Request to become Prime Minister by any rule; 
> If a Lord meets all conditions required to do so, he may post an entry with subject: "Request to become Prime Minister". In the body of the entry the Candidate may say why he should become the new Prime Minister.
> All Lords may cast their Electoral Votes in the comments of an entry with a Request to become Prime Minister. These Votes are not binding, and their function is to signal the current Prime Minister about the popularity of the Candidate. No Electoral Vote may be cast on a Request to become Prime Minister that has already been Granted or Denied by the Prime Minister.
> After 24 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister may Grant or Deny the Request. After 48 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister has neither Granted nor Denied it, it is considered Denied and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences of a Denial as if he were the Prime Minister. The consequences of either Grating or Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister may be applied only once to the Gamestate.
> If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request, he is entitled to take up to 5 Confidence from each Lord who had cast votes AGAINST it and distribute that Confidence freely between any Lord or Lords who have voted FOR it. 
> If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each AGAINST Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Grant the Request this way if he has not enoug Confidence to lose.
> If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each FOR Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Deny the Request this way if he has not enoug Confidence to lose.
> If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request, he is entitled to take up to 5 Confidence from each Lord who had cast votes FOR it and distribute that Confidence freely between any Lord or Lords who have voted AGAINST it.
> The current Prime Minister may not Grant or Deny a Request to become Prime Minister if there is an older such Request without Granting or Denial.
> Upon the Granting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate becomes the new Prime Minister immediately after the announcing of the Grant.
> Upon the Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate is precluded to post another such Request until 72 hours has passed since the announcing of the Denial.
> <b>30 - Cabinet</b>
> The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. If a Portfolio exists but is not held by any Lord, the Prime Minister may exert the powers attributed to that Portfolio. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
> The Prime Minister may grant any Lord a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: “Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]”. The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: “Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]” or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio.
> All Cabinet Portfolios shall be defined by a rule, which shall establish the powers granted to the Lord holding each Portfolio.
> A Lord holding a Portfolio is granted the status of Minister.
< If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each FOR Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Deny the Request this way if he has not enoug Confidence to lose.
> If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each FOR Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Deny the Request this way if he has not enough Confidence to lose.  Additionally, if the Prime Minister would not have enough Confidence to pay the penalty, and the Request expires at 48 hours with a majority of votes cast FOR, then the request is automatically Granted instead of being Denied.
> Proposals, Calls for Judgement, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at http://blognomic.blogspot.com. Any Lord may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.
> If nobody else has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status.
> A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an official post.
> Voting and comments are tracked by backblog, accessible through the link at the bottom of every post.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered Official Posts. If nobody else has commented on it, an Official Post may be altered or removed, otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. Usually, the Admin processing an Official Post edits that Post to reflect its new Status. A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an Official Post. 
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. 
< This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. When a Call for Judgement is resolved, any Admin may make an appropriate addition or alteration to this rule based on the result of the Call for Judgment.
> This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. 
< * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone to which the Lord's blog conforms, if blog-related; otherwise to the timezone of the BlogNomic blog. 
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. 
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. 
> * A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal english usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry above.)
< If a Proposal specifies Gamestate changes that act specifically on each Lord based on how they voted on a Proposal, it contains a Kickback.
> If a Proposal specifies Gamestate changes that act specifically on any Lord based on how they voted on a Proposal, it contains a Kickback.
> Currently, the Portfolios are:
> * Lord Keeper of the Seal – The Lord Keeper of the Seal is entitled to, as if he were the Prime Minister, apply the Imperial veto to any proposal which is pending for more than 24 hours and which has not a FOR vote cast by the Prime Minister.
< Currently, the Portfolios are:
< * Lord Keeper of the Seal – The Lord Keeper of the Seal is entitled to, as if he were the Prime Minister, apply the Imperial veto to any proposal which is pending for more than 24 hours and which has not a FOR vote cast by the Prime Minister.
> Plutocracy<br>
> Prosperity<br>
> Speaker Selection Template<br>
> A Lord in Prosperity is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of Prosperity if all of the following conditions are met: That Lord has EV equal to the current Speaker and the Lord is eligible for an EV increase.
< Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.
> Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.
> Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 2% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 5% of the population. 
> Currently, the Portfolios are:
> * Lord Keeper of the Seal – The Lord Keeper of the Seal is entitled to, as if he were the Prime Minister, apply the Imperial veto to any proposal which is pending for more than 24 hours and which has not a FOR vote cast by the Prime Minister.
< Describe the new page here.
> ''12th August to 14th September 2003''
> == Ascension Address ==
> :Attention Citizens!
> :Your new Imperial government is in the process of installing itself. Proclamations of rule repealing will be made over the course of the next few days. Please stay in your homes while the Empire is slowly repainted in the colours of the new Dynasty, and take no notice of the black security cameras going up on street corners.
> :Ignore the rumours of the quarantine zones and government cull squads - please go about livestock trading as normal. You will remain informed. Thankyou for your attention.
> This Dynasty lifted many of its themes and references from George Orwell's novel <i>1984</i>.
> == Players ==
> <B>Anthony</B>, Aaron, Ben, Bottle, Cayvie, est, Gillian, <B>Kevan</B>, <B>Mat</B>, Renee, Royce, Shalin, Sheeley, <B>Squirrel</B>.
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_10_blognomic_archive.html#106077156754294692 Career Options] (Kevan, 8/13/03).  Changes in terminology are all well and good, but this was the rule that really got the new dynasty rolling.  On the surface, it created an air of freedom; citizens were allowed to choose what sort of life they wanted to lead.  However, in that final clause, Kevan cleverly laid the foundation for the possibility of an oppressive government that could deny its citizens their requests.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_10_blognomic_archive.html#106078840596278862 Location Location Location] (Kevan, 8/13/03).  Another alteration of the game structure, this rule created locations, which were specific places where citizens could be.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_10_blognomic_archive.html#106089658465203296 The Proletariat Clause] (Mat, 8/14/03).  This proposal made career branches other than Government actually mean something, and also made the Factory useful.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_17_blognomic_archive.html#106119914252439204 The Sun Never Shines on CCTV] (Kevan, 8/18/03).  This allegedly trivial thing managed to sneak its way into both thoughtcrimes and war.  Insidious little bugger.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_17_blognomic_archive.html#106120978174184418 Thoughtcrime] (Kevan, 8/18/03).  Increased the government's power and the players' scrutiny over each other's blogs.  Increased the sense of paranoia to an exciting level.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_17_blognomic_archive.html#106125837820163064 Coup d'Etat] (Squirrel, 8/18/03).  The first victory condition.  These almost always are important, as they give the players something to work toward and focus on.  If Dynasties of BlogNomic could be divided into Opening, Midgame, and Endgame, I'd argue that the Midgame begins with the first victory condition.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_17_blognomic_archive.html#106132232303961428 Mongering] (Ben, 8/19/03).  This proposal made it possible for BlogNomic to declare war on other nomics, which happened [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106263673061990123 later on] in the Dynasty.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_24_blognomic_archive.html#106185300981705761 Winds of War] (Royce, 8/25/03).  Increased the focus on war.  This proposal outlined the actual methods by which BlogNomic could declare and carry out war.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_24_blognomic_archive.html#106190325135685521 Energy Drink] (Cayvie, 8/26/03).  The menu at the Chestnut Tree Cafe had been a project of Cayvie's throughout his presence in this Dynasty, but this was the first time anything on the menu actually got bought in large quantities.  For a small price of 10 credits, this increased the number of non-trivial proposals a player could make to three.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_24_blognomic_archive.html#106190503370183635 Time Out Revision] (Cayvie, 8/26/03).  To my knowledge, this has been the longest-lasting amendment from this Dynasty.  This proposal made it possible for government citizens to decide the fate of a proposal even if quorum had not been reached, provided the proposal had been sitting for 48 hours.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_24_blognomic_archive.html#106225886969626128 Turnover] (Aaron, 8/30/03).  This made it possible for the citizens to overturn an Imperial Veto.  This rule became crucial when it was carried over into the First Dynasty of Anthony, as the legendary Mad King Anthony began vetoing everything in sight.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106249902260691987 Sub-Branches] (Kevan, 9/2/03).  This proposal created varying levels within the different career branches.  This got quite complicated later, with applications for promotion and whatnot.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106263673061990123 Declaration of War: LiveJournal Nomic] (Royce, 9/3/03).  As Royce stated in the proposal, "To arms! To arms!"  The war eventually proved rather fruitless, but it was a neat experiment.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106277027925884369 Trade Workshop] (est, 9/5/03).  This ingenious proposal created the idea of classes that different citizens could take to advance in their fields.  This was a very popular thing to do in the later stages of this Dynasty.
> [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106290382193482273 Workers of All Lands, Unite! ... again] (Aaron, 9/6/03).  Not only did this create the Labour Union, but it also provided a second victory condition (the Labour Union Leader's credits exceeding the total of the Government's credits).  This was the victory condition used by [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106358457068830480 Anthony] to ascend.
> == Ascension ==
> By overwhelming other government officials with his insurmountable wealth, [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_08_31_blognomic_archive.html#106358457068830480 Anthony takes power]  and becomes Emperor.
> :"It seems my credit count as Labor Union Leader has now exceeded that of all Government officials."
> ''History submitted by Cayvie.''
< Describe the new page here.
> ''14th September to 18th September 2003''
> ''This is by far the shortest Dynasty in BlogNomic history, with vicious disputes and anger over how much power an emperor should have. 
> Ascension Address''
> :Don't worry, Citizens, the official Ascension Address and the rest of the Ascension process changes will be announced shortly. Please return to your homes and watch some TV.
> From the use of Japanese characters in the new BlogNomic logo, some players assumed that the main theme of this round would be that of Feudal Japan, although this was never clearly resolved.
> However, it does seem that Anthony was going for the totalitarian form of Emperorship. This is exemplified by the power struggle between the two known forces in Blognomic at this time, Kevan vs. Anthony. 
> == Players ==
> <b>Anthony</b>, Aaron (alter egos Bottle, Gillian), Ben, <b>Kevan</b>, Royce, est, <b>Mat</b>, Paul, Sheeley, Sheeley, <b>Squirrel</b>. 
> == Proposals of Interest ==
> No Proposals passed during this Dynasty.
> == Notable Arguments ==
> The fact that no proposals enacted seems somewhat befuddling. How is it that possible? The mere fact that there were so many illegal proposals (8 total) could have factored into this matter. However, there was one proposal that had some promise of passing, Cleaner Slate by Kevan, but was turned down by a poorly explained veto. The new arrival of Anthony's brother, Paul, seemed to give him some leverage on his veto power. The careless use of power and the increase in supporters to Anthony's Dynasty were factors that triggered the demise of Round 6. Anthony left Blognomic with ruffled feathers, and Est was nominated as the new Emperor.
> The majority of the disputes are recorded in the comments sections in two posts:  a [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_09_14_blognomic_archive.html#106384320645030567 Proposal to remove Anthony from power] and a [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_09_14_blognomic_archive.html#106388268990431571 Call for Judgement] that took place after Anthony vetoed the earlier proposal.  It concluded with Anthony (and his "brother", Paul) [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_09_14_blognomic_archive.html#106390470384785041 leaving the game].
> == Ascension ==
> Est made a [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_09_14_blognomic_archive.html#106388268990431571 Call for Judgement] that removed Anthony and put the throne up for election by nomination.
> == Commentary ==
> From the Comments section of [http://blognomic.blogspot.com/2003_09_14_blognomic_archive.html#106388268990431571 the fateful Call for Judgement]: 
> Mat:
> :So, what now? Anarchy?
> Bottle:
> :You type that as if it were a bad thing.
< The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. If a Portfolio exists but is not held by any Lord, the Prime Minister may exert the powers attributed to that Portfolio. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
> The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
> * Chancellor of the Exchequer – Once a day, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is entitled to take 1 Confidence from each Lord, except the Prime Minister and the High Lord, if one exists, and distribute that Confidence between any Lord or Lords, except himself and the Prime Minister.
> * Lord Great Chamberlain – the Lord Great Chamberlain is entitled to have 6 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. This conforms to and supersedes the specific portion of rule 4.
< * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://www.phaenon.com.br/images/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
< You can get the old pages links by looking at their source code.
> You can get the old pages' links by looking at their source code.
< <B>14 - Banishment</B>
< At any time a Lord may attempt to banish another Lord from their own Party, by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Banish [Lord]".
< If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may remove the victim from the Party, once. The victim loses 20 Confidence and remaining Lords in that Party lose 10.
< If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
< All Protocols must be written in one of the following templates. Except as explicitly outlined below, no Protocol may contradict any other rule not marked as allowing such a contradiction by a Protocol, cause any change of gamestate, cause any Rule to become edited, cause a declaration of victory, or allow any action not specifically authorized by a non-Protocol section of the ruleset.
> All Protocols must be written in one of the following templates. Except as explicitly outlined below, no Protocol may contradict any other rule not marked as allowing such a contradiction by a Protocol, cause any change of gamestate, cause any modification of the Rules, cause a declaration of victory, or allow any action not specifically authorized by a non-Protocol section of the ruleset.
< : A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
> : A Speaker Selection Protocol must be of the form "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ". 
< The Prime Minister may grant any Lord a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: “Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]”. The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: “Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]” or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio.
> The Prime Minister may grant any Lord, except himself, a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]". The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]" or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio. A Prime Minister may only post a Cabinet member nomination if no other nomination for the same Portfolio exists in the 24 hours before the posting of the new one.
> If there is a time limit on the powers a Minister is entitled to exert, that limit applies to any holder of that office, even if another Lord assumes the Portfolio in the mean time.
< <b>8 - The GNDT</b>
> <b>8 - Gamestate Tracking</b>
> Popular Soverignty<br>
> New Democratic Party<br>
> Speaker Selection<br>
> A Lord in the New Democratic Party is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of the New Democratic Party if all of the following conditions are met: no Lord in the New Democatic Party has more Electoral Votes than the Lord to be made Eligible. 
> <b>31 -- Committees</b>
> Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.
> Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
> When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
> Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.
< <b>31 -- Committees</b>
< Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.
< Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
< When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
< Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.
> <b>31 - Committees</b>
> Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.
> Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
> When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
> Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.
< A Lord in the New Democratic Party is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of the New Democratic Party if all of the following conditions are met: no Lord in the New Democatic Party has more Electoral Votes than the Lord to be made Eligible. 
> A Lord in the New Democratic Party is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of the New Democratic Party if all of the following conditions are met: no Lord in the New Democatic Party has more Electoral Votes than the Lord to be made Eligible.
> Kleptocracy<br>
> Prosperity<br>
> Speaker Selection<br>
> A Lord in the Prosperity Party is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of the Prosperity Party if all of the following conditions are met: no Lord in the Prosperity Party has more Electoral Votes than the Lord to be made Eligible.
> Solidarity II<br>
> Prosperity<br>
> Party Reward Template<br>
> If all of the following conditions are met: The Lord who will receive the EV belongs to Prosperity, then the Lord who is giving the EV may transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in Prosperity who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord.
< If a Proposal specifies Gamestate changes that act specifically on any Lord based on how they voted on a Proposal, it contains a Kickback.
> If a Proposal specifies Gamestate changes that act specifically on any Lord based on how they voted on a Proposal, it contains a Kickback. 
< When voting on a Proposal containing a Kickback, a Lord may expose it by including the word "kickback" in the comments with their vote.
> When voting on a Proposal containing a Kickback, a Lord may expose it by including the word "kickback" in the comments with their vote, if their vote is not FOR. If the Lord later votes again on the same proposal, their vote is counted as an exposure if and only if the later vote is not a FOR and contains the word "kickback". 
< When the Votes are tallied, if the votes exposing the Kickback outnumber those that don't, the Proposal's author and any Lords who did not expose the Kickback become involved in a Scandal.
> When the Votes are tallied, if the number of Lords exposing the Kickback outnumber those that don't, the Proposal's author and any Lords who did not expose the Kickback become involved in a Scandal. 
< No exposing of kickbacks may take place after the proposing Lord has cast an AGAINST vote on his own proposal (i.e. a self-kill) or after the Prime Minister has VETOed the proposal.
> No exposing of kickbacks may take place after the proposing Lord has cast an AGAINST vote on his own proposal (i.e. a self-kill) or after the Prime Minister has VETOed the proposal. 
< If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each AGAINST Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Grant the Request this way if he has not enoug Confidence to lose.
< If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each FOR Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Deny the Request this way if he has not enough Confidence to lose.  Additionally, if the Prime Minister would not have enough Confidence to pay the penalty, and the Request expires at 48 hours with a majority of votes cast FOR, then the request is automatically Granted instead of being Denied.
< If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request, he is entitled to take up to 5 Confidence from each Lord who had cast votes FOR it and distribute that Confidence freely between any Lord or Lords who have voted AGAINST it.
< The current Prime Minister may not Grant or Deny a Request to become Prime Minister if there is an older such Request without Granting or Denial.
< Upon the Granting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate becomes the new Prime Minister immediately after the announcing of the Grant.
< Upon the Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate is precluded to post another such Request until 72 hours has passed since the announcing of the Denial.
< <b>30 - Cabinet</b>
< The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
< The Prime Minister may grant any Lord, except himself, a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]". The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]" or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio. A Prime Minister may only post a Cabinet member nomination if no other nomination for the same Portfolio exists in the 24 hours before the posting of the new one.
< All Cabinet Portfolios shall be defined by a rule, which shall establish the powers granted to the Lord holding each Portfolio.
< A Lord holding a Portfolio is granted the status of Minister.
< If there is a time limit on the powers a Minister is entitled to exert, that limit applies to any holder of that office, even if another Lord assumes the Portfolio in the mean time.
< Currently, the Portfolios are:
< * Lord Keeper of the Seal – The Lord Keeper of the Seal is entitled to, as if he were the Prime Minister, apply the Imperial veto to any proposal which is pending for more than 24 hours and which has not a FOR vote cast by the Prime Minister.
< * Chancellor of the Exchequer – Once a day, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is entitled to take 1 Confidence from each Lord, except the Prime Minister and the High Lord, if one exists, and distribute that Confidence between any Lord or Lords, except himself and the Prime Minister.
< * Lord Great Chamberlain – the Lord Great Chamberlain is entitled to have 6 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. This conforms to and supersedes the specific portion of rule 4.
< <b>31 - Committees</b>
< Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.
< Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
< When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
< Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.
< <b>99 - Glossary</b>
< This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. 
< * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
< * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. 
< * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
< * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, who is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
< * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
< * The "subject" of a blog entry is the first and only sentence in the Title of an entry. Any entry that does not have exactly one subject is not valid.
< * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. 
< * A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal english usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry above.)
> If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each AGAINST Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Grant the Request t
< When the Votes are tallied, if the number of Lords exposing the Kickback outnumber those that don't, the Proposal's author and any Lords who did not expose the Kickback become involved in a Scandal. 
> When the Votes are tallied, if the number of Lords exposing the Kickback outnumber those that don't, the Proposal's author and any Lords who voted on the proposal but did not expose the Kickback become involved in a Scandal. 
< If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each AGAINST Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Grant the Request t
> If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each AGAINST Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Grant the Request this way if he has not enoug Confidence to lose.
> If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each FOR Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Deny the Request this way if he has not enough Confidence to lose.  Additionally, if the Prime Minister would not have enough Confidence to pay the penalty, and the Request expires at 48 hours with a majority of votes cast FOR, then the request is automatically Granted instead of being Denied.
> If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request, he is entitled to take up to 5 Confidence from each Lord who had cast votes FOR it and distribute that Confidence freely between any Lord or Lords who have voted AGAINST it.
> The current Prime Minister may not Grant or Deny a Request to become Prime Minister if there is an older such Request without Granting or Denial.
> Upon the Granting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate becomes the new Prime Minister immediately after the announcing of the Grant.
> Upon the Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate is precluded to post another such Request until 72 hours has passed since the announcing of the Denial.
> <b>30 - Cabinet</b>
> The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
> The Prime Minister may grant any Lord, except himself, a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]". The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]" or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio. A Prime Minister may only post a Cabinet member nomination if no other nomination for the same Portfolio exists in the 24 hours before the posting of the new one.
> All Cabinet Portfolios shall be defined by a rule, which shall establish the powers granted to the Lord holding each Portfolio.
> A Lord holding a Portfolio is granted the status of Minister.
> If there is a time limit on the powers a Minister is entitled to exert, that limit applies to any holder of that office, even if another Lord assumes the Portfolio in the mean time.
> Currently, the Portfolios are:
> * Lord Keeper of the Seal – The Lord Keeper of the Seal is entitled to, as if he were the Prime Minister, apply the Imperial veto to any proposal which is pending for more than 24 hours and which has not a FOR vote cast by the Prime Minister.
> * Chancellor of the Exchequer – Once a day, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is entitled to take 1 Confidence from each Lord, except the Prime Minister and the High Lord, if one exists, and distribute that Confidence between any Lord or Lords, except himself and the Prime Minister.
> * Lord Great Chamberlain – the Lord Great Chamberlain is entitled to have 6 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. This conforms to and supersedes the specific portion of rule 4.
> <b>31 - Committees</b>
> Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.
> Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
> When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
> Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.
> <b>99 - Glossary</b>
> This Rule is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity. 
> * References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog.
> * References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday. 
> * It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
> * Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, who is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
> * Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://kevan.org/gndt/for.gif shall represent a vote FOR, an X http://kevan.org/gndt/against.gif shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I http://kevan.org/gndt/imperial.gif shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently http://kevan.org/gndt/seal.gif) shall represent the Imperial Veto. 
> * The "subject" of a blog entry is the first and only sentence in the Title of an entry. Any entry that does not have exactly one subject is not valid.
> * "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.blogspot.com. 
> * A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal english usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry above.)
< Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Confidence. Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Confidence.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Confidence. Whenever they Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Confidence.
< Lords may enter a single rule in their Committee GNDT entry if they do not already have one. This paragraph shall be deleted once all Lords have a Committee position, or 24 hours have passed since the creation of this rule, whichever comes first.
< After 24 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister may Grant or Deny the Request. After 48 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister has neither Granted nor Denied it, it is considered Denied and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences of a Denial as if he were the Prime Minister. The consequences of either Grating or Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister may be applied only once to the Gamestate.
> After 24 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister may Grant or Deny the Request. If the current Prime Minister has held the position for more than a week the Request is automatically Granted and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences as if he were the Prime Minister Granting the Request. After 48 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister has neither Granted nor Denied it, it is considered Denied and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences of a Denial as if he were the Prime Minister. The consequences of either Granting or Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister may be applied only once to the Gamestate.
> Once every 48 hours, the Prime Minister may create a Proposal entitled "Committee Assignment Committee Meeting [n]" where [n] is the number of the meeting being held, expressed in Roman numerals. Any Lord who votes FOR this Proposal may include the name of one rule that they would like to be on the Committee for. If the Proposal passes, then the Lords who voted FOR have the number of their chosen rule added to their Committee list. The Prime Minister does not gain or lose any Confidence as a result of the passage or failure of this type of Proposal.
< * He is not precluded to post a Request to become Prime Minister by any rule; 
> * He is not precluded to post a Request to become Prime Minister by any rule;
> * He must have been Prime Minister fewer times than the current Prime Minister;
< * Chancellor of the Exchequer – Once a day, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is entitled to take 1 Confidence from each Lord, except the Prime Minister and the High Lord, if one exists, and distribute that Confidence between any Lord or Lords, except himself and the Prime Minister.
> * Chancellor of the Exchequer – Once a day, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is entitled to take 1 Confidence from each Lord, except the Prime Minister and the High Lord, if one exists, and distribute that Confidence between any Lord or Lords, except himself and the Prime Minister. Within the period of 24 hours after a Lord’s Budget was increased, if that increase was not consequence of a transfer from other Lord, the Chancellor of the Exchequer may Tax that increase by transfering to himself, to the Prime Minister or to the High Lord, from the Lord whose budget was increased up to 10% of that increase.
> Once a week, each Minister may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000.
> <b>32 - Budget</b>
> Each Lord controls a Budget, which is tracked by the GNDT as a non-negative amount of BlogDollars (B$). No action may be taken that makes a Lord budget a negative number. New Lords start with a budget of B$ 10.000.
> At any time, a Lord may spend 5 Confidence to increase the budget he controls by B$ 5.000.
> At any time, a Lord may reduce the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000 to increase his Confidence by 5.
> At any time, a Lord may transfer as much of the Budget he controls to any other Lord, provided that the value transferred is not potentially taxable by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
> Once a week, the Prime Minister may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 15.000.
> Once a week, the High Lord may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000.
> Once within the period of 48 hours after a Proposal is enacted which creates a rule, the Lord who authored it may add the number of that rule to his Committee list.
< Signing Bonus<br>
< Prosperity<br>
< Party Reward Template<br>
< If all of the following conditions are met: a Lord has successfully Joined Prosperity, then the Speaker of Prosperity may transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in Prosperity to any other Lord.
< A Party Platforms should summarize the primary mission of a Party and detail events which modify the Confidence of Lords belonging to that Party:
> A Party Platforms should summarize the primary missions of a Party and detail events which modify the Confidence of Lords belonging to that Party: 
< Prosperity Plaform: Economic Development.
< Once per day, if the average Confidence of all Lords exceeds 75, every member of the Prosperity Party may gain 3 Confidence.
> * Prosperity Platform: Economic Development. Once per day, if the average Budget controlled by all Lords is greater than half the Budget controlled by the Lord who controls the biggest Budget, each member of the Prosperity Party may gain 3 Confidence. 
< (other party platforms go here)
< The Confidence modifications specified in the Platforms may not be used if there are fewer than 3 Platforms defined.
> * New Democratic Platform: Electoral Equality. Once per day, if the average Electoral Votes held by all Lords is greater than half the Electoral Votes controlled by the Lord who hold most Electoral Votes, each member of the New Democratic Party may gain 3 Confidence.
< If a Lord meets all conditions required to do so, he may post an entry with subject: "Request to become Prime Minister". In the body of the entry the Candidate may say why he should become the new Prime Minister.
> If a Lord meets all conditions required to do so, he may post an entry with subject: "Request to become Prime Minister". In the body of the entry the Candidate may say why he should become the new Prime Minister. This Lord may cast 2 extra Electoral Votes on this Request for each day over a week the current Prime Minister has held that position.
< After 24 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister may Grant or Deny the Request. If the current Prime Minister has held the position for more than a week the Request is automatically Granted and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences as if he were the Prime Minister Granting the Request. After 48 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister has neither Granted nor Denied it, it is considered Denied and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences of a Denial as if he were the Prime Minister. The consequences of either Granting or Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister may be applied only once to the Gamestate.
> After 24 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister may Grant or Deny the Request. After 48 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister has neither Granted nor Denied it, it is considered Denied and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences of a Denial as if he were the Prime Minister. The consequences of either Granting or Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister may be applied only once to the Gamestate.
< Once every 48 hours, the Prime Minister may create a Proposal entitled "Committee Assignment Committee Meeting [n]" where [n] is the number of the meeting being held, expressed in Roman numerals. Any Lord who votes FOR this Proposal may include the name of one rule that they would like to be on the Committee for. If the Proposal passes, then the Lords who voted FOR have the number of their chosen rule added to their Committee list. The Prime Minister does not gain or lose any Confidence as a result of the passage or failure of this type of Proposal.
> Once every 48 hours, the Prime Minister may create a Proposal entitled "Committee Assignment Committee Meeting [n]" where [n] is the number of the meeting being held, expressed in Roman numerals. Any Lord who votes FOR this Proposal may include the name of one rule that they would like to be on the Committee for. If the Proposal passes, then the Lords who voted FOR have the number of their chosen rule added to their Committee list. Neither the Prime Minister nor the Admin enacting it gain or lose any Confidence as a result of the passage or failure of this type of Proposal. This type of Proposal may not make any change to the Gamestate other than specified in this rule, may only be enacted after 48 hours of its posting and may not be considered as the Oldest Pending Proposal when tallying any Proposal for failure or Enactment.
> * Minister without Portfolio - The Lord with this position has no additional powers.
> A Lord may add false Electoral Votes to the real Electoral Votes they cast by using "[X]" to indicate AGAINST and "[V]" to indicate FOR instead of the usual voting icons. Up to three of these false Electoral Votes may be included in a Lord's vote. These false Electoral Votes are tallied just as if they were real Electoral Votes.
> When tallying votes, if the total number of Electoral Votes cast for that post is higher than the total number of Electoral Votes held by all Lords, the processing admin must append a note saying that there is evidence of voting fraud. After a post has been so marked, all Lords who used false Electoral Votes on that post are involved in a Scandal.
< If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every Lord in that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have > 45%. This process continues until they have < 45%.
> If at anytime a Party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every Lord in that Party may gain 10 Confidence. None of these Lords may gain more Confidence in this way for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided their Party still has > 45%. This process continues until the Party has < 45%.
> The office of Prime Minister is tracked in the Portfolio field of the GNDT for the Lord with that title, although it is not considered a Cabinet Portfolio.
< A Party Platforms should summarize the primary missions of a Party and detail events which modify the Confidence of Lords belonging to that Party: 
> Party Platforms shall summarize the primary missions of a Party and detail events which modify Gamestate data regarding that Party or Lords belonging to it. The modifications mandated by a Platform can only be applied once per day, per Lord. 
< * Prosperity Platform: Economic Development. Once per day, if the average Budget controlled by all Lords is greater than half the Budget controlled by the Lord who controls the biggest Budget, each member of the Prosperity Party may gain 3 Confidence. 
> Prosperity Plaform: Economic Development. If the average Budget controlled by all Lords is greater than half the Budget controlled by the Lord who controls the biggest Budget, each Lord belonging to the Prosperity Party may raise his Confidence by 1 for every full $1,000 by which the average exceeds the half. 
< * New Democratic Platform: Electoral Equality. Once per day, if the average Electoral Votes held by all Lords is greater than half the Electoral Votes controlled by the Lord who hold most Electoral Votes, each member of the New Democratic Party may gain 3 Confidence.
> New Democratic Plaform: Electoral Equality. If the average Electoral Votes held by all Lords is greater than half the Electoral Votes controlled by the Lord who hold most Electoral Votes, each Lord belonging to the New Democratic Party may raise his Confidence by 1 for every full Electoral Vote by which the average exceeds the half. 
> <b>33 _ Voter Apathy</b>
> Whenever a Proposal fails, any Lord may decrease public support for the Proposer's Party by 5%, within the next 24 hours, if no Lord has previously done so for that proposal.
> When a Lord becomes idle, the Admin who idled them may drop public support for all Parties by 10% (unless a Lord had become idle earlier in the day).
< <b>33 _ Voter Apathy</b>
> <b>33 - Voter Apathy</b>
> <b> 34 - Victory and Revolution </b>
> If public support for a single Party ever exceeds 90%, then the Speaker of that Party goes down in history, and may declare Victory.
> If public support for all Parties ever totals less than 30%, then any Lord may declare the outbreak of Revolution; all Rules except the Core Ruleset, the Glossary and this Rule are repealed. During a Revolution, any Lord may declare Victory.
< If a Lord is involved in a Scandal any Lord may make a post with the subject "Scandal: [Lord name]". The body of the post must include a description of the trigger event causing the named Lord to be involved in the Scandal. If that same event has already been described in an existing Scandal for the named Lord, the Scandal has already been made public and cannot be posted.
> If any Lords are involved in a Scandal a Lord may make a post with the subject "Scandal: [Lord names]". The body of the post must include a description of the trigger event causing the named Lords to be involved in the Scandal. If that same event has already been described in an existing Scandal for any of the named Lords, the Scandal has already been made public for those Lords and cannot be posted.
< The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lord named by half. If this would reduce the Confidence of that Lord to below 10, the Lord posting the Scandal may, exactly once, transfer one Electoral Vote from the Lord named in the Scandal to himself, if the Lord named in the Scandal has more than one Electoral Vote.
> The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lords named by half. If this would reduce the Confidence of a Lord to below 10, the Lord posting the Scandal may, exactly once, transfer one Electoral Vote from that Lord named in the Scandal to himself, if the Lord named in the Scandal has more than one Electoral Vote.
> If there is more than one Lord from the same Party named in a Scandal, the Lord posting the Scandal must also reduce the popular support of the Party to which those Lords belong by a random amount determined by the result of (DICE - 1) x 5% (a range of 0-25%).
> This is a Wiki for the Ruleset and the Dynastic History of BlogNomic; since it has such specific content, it cannot be edited by members of the public. (Admin Players of BlogNomic can edit it using the same admin password that the GNDT uses.)
< This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Lords must obey it. Rules 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Lord and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
> This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Families must obey it. Rules 1-10 are the "core Ruleset", covering basic Family and proposal mechanics; Rules 11 onwards are those specific to the current round.
< The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Lords' names and Confidence totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
> The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be changed when a Rule specifically permits their being changed. ("Gamestate" is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Families' names and Thalers totals, or the blog colour scheme.)
< <b>2 - Lords</b>
> <b>2 - Families</b>
< Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to in the Lord roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a Member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Lord from the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar.
> Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by contacting any of the Admin Staff, specifying the name they wish to use in the game and the URL or email address they want their name to link to in the Family roster. The Admin may choose to approve or reject this application; if it is approved, the applicant will be signed up as a Member of the BlogNomic weblog, and will be considered a Family from the moment that they first appear on the roster in the sidebar.
< A Lord may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such action.
> A Family may change their name or their sidebar link, or leave the game, at any time, by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such action.
< Some Lords are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Lords who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation.
> Some Families are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Families who wish to become Admin should sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves an Admin. Existing Admin may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation.
< Some Lords are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of rules other than 1 and 2, idle Lords are not counted as Lords. Admin may render a Lord idle if that Lord has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Lord at their request - the Lord's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
> Some Families are idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of rules other than 1 and 2, idle Families are not counted as Families. Admin may render a Family idle if that Family has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Family at their request - the Family's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their idling.
< A single person may not control more than one Lord within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Lord, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Lords from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
> A single person may not control more than one Family within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Family, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Families from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
< <b>3 - Confidence</b>
> <b>3 - Thalers</b>
< Each Lord has an amount of Confidence, which may vary during the course of the game.  Confidence may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Confidence beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
> Each Family has an amount of Thalers, which may vary during the course of the game.  Thalers may not fall below 0 or rise above 200. Any effect which would take Thalers beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary, unless the change must be made as a precondition of a game action (such as paying a "cost"), in which case that action cannot be performed.
< Admins gain 10 Confidence for setting up new Lords. Within 24 hours of joining the game, and only once, a Lord may nominate a single (other) Lord as being responsible for their joining - the nominated Lord gains 20 Confidence, and the new Lord gains 10 as a reward for nominating.
> Admins gain 10 Thalers for setting up new Families. Within 24 hours of joining the game, and only once, a Family may nominate a single (other) Family as being responsible for their joining - the nominated Family gains 20 Thalers, and the new Family gains 10 as a reward for nominating.
< Confidence is normalized at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Lord's Confidence was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new Prime Minister, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
> Thalers is normalized at the beginning of each new dynasty. If a Family's Thalers was higher than 125 before the Ascension of the new Emperor, it drops to 125. If it was lower than 75 before the Ascension, it rises to 75. If it was between 125 and 75, it retains its value for the new dynasty.
< New Lords begin the game with 100 Confidence.
> New Families begin the game with 100 Thalers.
< If at any time a fractional value would occur for Confidence that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
> If at any time a fractional value would occur for Thalers that value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
< Any Lord may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry with the subject "Proposal : [Title]" (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
> Any Family may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting an entry with the subject "Proposal : [Title]" (where [Title] is a title of their choosing), and describes the changes they wish to be made.
< (A Lord can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
> (A Family can state in his Proposal's title that the Proposal is Trivial, if they feel that it only makes minor changes, or is otherwise unworthy of reward.)
< Any Lord may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Lord on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Lord leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
> Any Family may cast their vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Family on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Family leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Prime Minister. The vote will count as the same as the Prime Minister's vote. The Prime Minister cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Prime Minister, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
> A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Emperor. The vote will count as the same as the Emperor's vote. The Emperor cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Emperor, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
< If the Lord who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
> If the Family who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
< Quorum is equal to half the number of Lords, rounded down, plus one.
> Quorum is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
< If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Lords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Lord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
> If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Families have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Family who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed.  When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
< When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Confidence, or 2 Confidence if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Confidence.
> When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Thalers, or 2 Thalers if it was Trivial. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Thalers.
< Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Confidence. Whenever they Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Confidence.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, they may claim 5 Thalers. Whenever they Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Thalers.
< Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Confidence from the accounts of all active Lords who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
> Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Thalers from the accounts of all active Families who did not vote on the Proposal.  This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
< If two or more Lords actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Lord feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Lord may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
> If two or more Families actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Family feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Family may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Call for Judgment" in bold text, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
< All Lords may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Lord's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
> All Families may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Family's later votes overriding its earlier ones). CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails and may have no further effect.
< Proposals, Calls for Judgement, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at http://blognomic.blogspot.com. Any Lord may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.
> Proposals, Calls for Judgement, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at http://blognomic.blogspot.com. Any Family may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.
< Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Lord may update any Lord's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.
> Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at http://kevan.org/generic?nomic=blog. Any Family may update any Family's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.
< All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Lord feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised.
> All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Family feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment should be raised.
< Lords shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.
> Families shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.
< Each Dynasty has a single Prime Minister and is named according to the number of times which that Lord has been the Prime Minister (or the Prime Minister equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
> Each Dynasty has a single Emperor and is named according to the number of times which that Family has been the Emperor (or the Emperor equivalent) (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").
< The Prime Minister has the following powers:-
> The Emperor has the following powers:-
< A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their Prime Minister or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Lords may submit Dynasty Records to the Prime Minister - the Prime Minister may award the submitter 20 Confidence for any Records it uses.
> A page of Dynasty Records are kept on a separate weblog, recording events that took place during past Dynasties, noting their themes, their Emperor or equivalent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accurately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. Families may submit Dynasty Records to the Emperor - the Emperor may award the submitter 20 Thalers for any Records it uses.
< If a Lord believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
> If a Family believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
< Every Lord may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Lords consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Prime Minister may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
> Every Family may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether they regard it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of Families consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Emperor may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
< When a Dynasty has been won, all Lords' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Lords who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Prime Minister's discretion.
> When a Dynasty has been won, all Families' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Families who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Emperor's discretion.
< The Hiatus then continues until the new Prime Minister posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Prime Minister's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Lord", "Prime Minister" and "Confidence" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Prime Minister chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Prime Minister's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new Prime Minister may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Confidence penalty for the proposer.
> The Hiatus then continues until the new Emperor posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Emperor's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10), and/or that the words "Family", "Emperor" and "Thalers" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Emperor chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Emperor's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new Emperor may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Thaler penalty for the proposer.
< <B>11 - Parties</B>
< A Lord’s Party and Vote for Speaker are tracked in the GNDT.
< Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party, no more than once per day, by posting an entry with the subject “Party Creation: [Party Name]”. Optionally any number of invites may be included in the format “Invite: [Lord Name]”. Lords who are invited in this way may immediately join the Party without requesting permission. If the creating Lord was already in a Party, creating a Party costs 10 Confidence and all other Lords in the Party lose 5 Confidence. Upon announcing the creation of a Party, a Lord's Party is set to that Party. Announcements may not be edited as soon as the announced Party has more than one Lord.
< Parties have a Speaker.  Any Lord in a Party and not Speaker of that Party is referred to as a Member.  All Lords within a Party must name a Lord, within that Party, which they want to be the Speaker, and they may only change that nomination once per day. At any time, if a Party has no Speaker Selection Protocol in place, then if the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming a Lord for Speakership exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes of all Lords thus naming the current Speaker, any Lord in the effected Party may change the Party’s Speakership.
< If a Party has a Speaker Selection Protocol in place, at any time, any Lord in that Party may change the Speaker of his Party to be one of any Lords in that Party made Eligible by that Protocol.
< If a Party has currently no Speaker, any Lord of that Party may change the Party’s Speakership so it goes to the Lord with the higher totaled number of Electoral Votes of Lords naming him.
< A Party’s Speakership is indicated by adding a * to the end of the Speaker’s Party name.
< Lords who are not in a Party are not considered Lords for rules other than 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 and 12.
< If a Party has only one Lord, that Lord is called a Maverick. Maverick Lords are not considered Lords for the purpose of Requesting Caucuses with any Party.  This restriction does not apply to Caucuses requested under Rule 24 -- Party Fusion.
< If at any time a Lord would be in multiple Parties, they are in the last Party they joined only.
< Any time a Lord joins a Party, all invitations that have been extended for that Lord to join other Parties cease to apply.
< If an invitation to join a Party has been standing for more than 48 hours, it ceases to apply. 
< <B>12 - Joining Parties</B>
< At any time a Lord may attempt to join a Party by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Application".
< If the Caucus is approved, any Lord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Party, once. If the Lord was already in a Party, he or she loses 10 Confidence and all other Lords in that Party lose 5.
< If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
< <B>13 - Leaving Parties</B>
< A Lord of more than 20 Confidence may voluntarily leave a Party at any time for the cost of 20 Confidence. This cost is waived if the Party being left is the Exiles. This clears the Lord's Party status but does not, taken by itself, cause them to join a new Party.
< No Lord may belong to more than one Party at any given time.
< <B>15 - Chain of Command</B>
< This rule takes precidence over Rule 5.
< If a Lord is a Member of a Party, not the Speaker of that Party and that Party has a Speaker then a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts the same as the vote of the Speaker of that Party.
< If the Prime Minister is a Member of a Party, and not its Speaker, then they may vote DEFERENTIAL.
< <B>16 - Caucuses</B>
< Lords may request Caucuses with any Party for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Caucus with [Party]: [Topic]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.  A Lord may not request more than one Caucus per day.
< Any Lord in the relevant Party may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Lord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Lord leaves their Party, their vote no longer counts for that Party's Caucuses. 
< A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Speaker. The vote will count as the same as the Speaker's vote. The Speaker itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Speaker, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention. 
< A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Speaker, and instantly denies the request. 
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Caucus is considered approved.
< If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Lords in the Party, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Caucus is considered rejected.
< <B>19 - Electoral Votes</b>
< Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT. When a Lord votes on a Proposal, they may cast any number of their Electoral Votes, with a minimum of one - this is signified by including the relevant number of vote icons in a single comment. (If a later comment from the same Lord uses a different number of icons, that takes precedence.) All Electoral Votes cast in a single comment must be the same. If a plural number of DEFERENTIAL votes are ever tallied, they will be tallied as a group (either FOR, AGAINST, or abstentation), as provided for in other rules. Regardless of the number of Electoral Votes a Lord is entitled to cast, there is only one, singular, result of his vote.
< A Lord may add false Electoral Votes to the real Electoral Votes they cast by using "[X]" to indicate AGAINST and "[V]" to indicate FOR instead of the usual voting icons. Up to three of these false Electoral Votes may be included in a Lord's vote. These false Electoral Votes are tallied just as if they were real Electoral Votes.
< A Lord may not hold more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party. At any time, if a Lord holds more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.
< There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
< * A Maverick Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
< * A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
< * The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3
< <B>20 - Electoral Vote Counting</B>
< This rule supersedes the second and third paragraphs of rule 6. Instead of using the procedure delineated there, these shall be used:
< Any Admin Staff may mark the oldest pending Proposal as Enacted and update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal if any of those conditions is met: 
< * The number of Lords voting FOR that Proposal exceeds or equals Quorum and the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by those Lords exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST it;
< * That Proposal is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting FOR it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST it; 
< Any Admin Staff may mark the oldest pending Proposal as Failed if any of those conditions is met: 
< * The totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST that Proposal is enough that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed; 
< * All Lords have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted; 
< * The Lord who proposed it has voted AGAINST it; 
< * It is more than 48 hours old and the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting AGAINST it exceeds the totaled number of Electoral Votes cast by the Lords voting FOR it. 
< When the proposer votes against his or her own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
< If Electoral Votes that were cast on a Proposal are no longer available to the Lord who cast them, but were available at the time of casting, then they still stand.
< When tallying votes, if the total number of Electoral Votes cast for that post is higher than the total number of Electoral Votes held by all Lords, the processing admin must append a note saying that there is evidence of voting fraud. After a post has been so marked, all Lords who used false Electoral Votes on that post are involved in a Scandal.
< <B>21 - Electoral Gain</B>
< At any time, if a Lord has more than 100 Confidence, that Lord may spend ALL his current Confidence and increase his Electoral Votes by 1.
< The Speaker of a Party may transfer any number of his or her Electoral Votes to other members of that Party, provided that no Electoral Votes have been transferred within that Party within the past 24 hours.
< <b>23 - Supporters</b>
< Each Speaker has a non-negative percentage of the population supporting their party. Any action which would make that percentage a negative number is illegal and may not be taken. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.
< Upon selection of a new Speaker, that Lord assumes the same Percent as the previous Speaker of their Party. If there was no previous Speaker, then the Percent is equal to either 100 minus the sum total of all existing Parties Percent values or the Percent value of the Party with the highest Percent, whichever is smaller. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.
< Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.
< Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 2% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 5% of the population. 
< If at anytime a Party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every Lord in that Party may gain 10 Confidence. None of these Lords may gain more Confidence in this way for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided their Party still has > 45%. This process continues until the Party has < 45%.
< <b>24 - Party Fusion</b>
< At Any time, the Speaker of a Party may attempt to fuse his Party (hereby called Party 1) to another Party (hereby called Party 2), by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "Fusion with [Party 1], become [New Name]".
< Any Lord belonging to either Party 1 or Party 2 may block this request by casting an AGAINST vote in the Caucus. If that happens, the Caucus shall be processed as if the Speaker of Party 2 had vetoed it.
< If the Caucus is approved, all Lords belonging to both Party 1 and Party 2 now belong to a Party named [New Name], as specified in the Request topic, and any Lord in either original Party may adjust the GNDT to reflect that condition. The Lord doing so may transfer to himself, once, 5 Confidence from the Speaker of the resulting Party. No Confidence penalty shall be deducted for any Lord leaving his original Party this way.
< If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner and any Lord who voted FOR it lose 15 Confidence each.
< If there is a tie between the Votes for Speaker nominating the Speaker of the resulting Party, the former Speaker of Party 2 shall be granted Speakership of the resulting Party.
< If the Fusion results in any violation of a boundary to Electoral Votes quantity, as set in rule 19, those violations shall be solved by reducing the number of Electoral Votes held by one of the offending Lords.
< The Speaker of the new Party shall keep the Percentual (Perc) of Supporters his former Party had before the Fusion.
< <b>25 - Corruption</b>
< If a Proposal specifies Gamestate changes that act specifically on any Lord based on how they voted on a Proposal, it contains a Kickback. 
< When voting on a Proposal containing a Kickback, a Lord may expose it by including the word "kickback" in the comments with their vote, if their vote is not FOR. If the Lord later votes again on the same proposal, their vote is counted as an exposure if and only if the later vote is not a FOR and contains the word "kickback". 
< When the Votes are tallied, if the number of Lords exposing the Kickback outnumber those that don't, the Proposal's author and any Lords who voted on the proposal but did not expose the Kickback become involved in a Scandal. 
< No exposing of kickbacks may take place after the proposing Lord has cast an AGAINST vote on his own proposal (i.e. a self-kill) or after the Prime Minister has VETOed the proposal. 
< <b>26 - Scandal</b>
< If any Lords are involved in a Scandal a Lord may make a post with the subject "Scandal: [Lord names]". The body of the post must include a description of the trigger event causing the named Lords to be involved in the Scandal. If that same event has already been described in an existing Scandal for any of the named Lords, the Scandal has already been made public for those Lords and cannot be posted.
< The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lords named by half. If this would reduce the Confidence of a Lord to below 10, the Lord posting the Scandal may, exactly once, transfer one Electoral Vote from that Lord named in the Scandal to himself, if the Lord named in the Scandal has more than one Electoral Vote.
< If there is more than one Lord from the same Party named in a Scandal, the Lord posting the Scandal must also reduce the popular support of the Party to which those Lords belong by a random amount determined by the result of (DICE - 1) x 5% (a range of 0-25%).
< <b>27 - Platforms</b>
< Party Platforms shall summarize the primary missions of a Party and detail events which modify Gamestate data regarding that Party or Lords belonging to it. The modifications mandated by a Platform can only be applied once per day, per Lord. 
< Prosperity Plaform: Economic Development. If the average Budget controlled by all Lords is greater than half the Budget controlled by the Lord who controls the biggest Budget, each Lord belonging to the Prosperity Party may raise his Confidence by 1 for every full $1,000 by which the average exceeds the half. 
< New Democratic Plaform: Electoral Equality. If the average Electoral Votes held by all Lords is greater than half the Electoral Votes controlled by the Lord who hold most Electoral Votes, each Lord belonging to the New Democratic Party may raise his Confidence by 1 for every full Electoral Vote by which the average exceeds the half. 
< <b>28 - Protocols</b>
< At any time a Lord may attempt to create or repeal a Protocol inside his own Party, by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "[Create/Repeal] Protocol: [Title]".
< If the Caucus is approved, any Admin may append or delete the text of the approved or repealed Protocol to the end of this rule. Upon doing so, the Admin may transfer to himself up to 5 Confidence from the Petitioner. The text of all Protocols shall at all times be found on this rule and comply with it.
< All Protocols must be written in one of the following templates. Except as explicitly outlined below, no Protocol may contradict any other rule not marked as allowing such a contradiction by a Protocol, cause any change of gamestate, cause any modification of the Rules, cause a declaration of victory, or allow any action not specifically authorized by a non-Protocol section of the ruleset.
< Any text in the following templates enclosed in square brackets must be replaced when the Protocol is proposed. The only legal replacements are described below. In all cases, [Party] must be replaced by the name of the Party the Protocol applies to, and no other text, except for the word "the" before the Party name if desired for esthetic reasons.
< '''Speaker Selection Template:'''
< : A Speaker Selection Protocol must be of the form "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ". 
< '''Party Discipline Template:'''
< : A Party Discipline Protocol must be of the form : "If a Lord in the [Party] fulfills all of the following conditions : [conditions], then [Enforcer] may remove the aforementioned Lord from [Party] by setting his Party entry in the GNDT to "-". If there is a penalty specified elsewhere in the ruleset for leaving a Party, [Enforcer] must apply this penalty after removing the affected Lord." This type of Protocol is allowed to change gamestate in only the following two ways: the removal of the Lord who fulfills the [conditions], and the penalties for removal described elsewhere in the rule set applied to that same Lord. There only valid values for Enforcer are "the Speaker of [Party]" or a named Lord who is in the Party the protocol applies to. The Enforcer must be a member of the Party the Protocol applies to at the instant of enforcement.
< '''Party Reward Template:'''
< : A Party Reward Protocol must be of the form: "If all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then [Enforcer] may [reward]." Only one reward is allowed per Protocol. The only legal values of Reward are "transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in [Party] who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord." or "transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in [Party] to any other Lord." Protocols of this type are allowed to modify gamestate only in the [reward] segment, as provided above. 
< '''Party Realignment Template:'''
< : A Party Realignment must be of the for: "If the Speaker of [Party] has greater than 1% Perc and all of the following conditions are met: [conditions], then the Speaker of [Party] may transfer 1% Perc to the Speaker of any Party other than [Party]." No gamestate changes are allowed to result from this Template other than the transfer of 1% of Perc.
< All Protocols are to be listed below, in the following format:
< Protocol Name<br>
< Party Name<br>
< Template Type<br>
< Text of Template altered as specified above.
< Solidarity<br>
< Prosperity<br>
< Party Reward Template<br>
< If all of the following conditions are met: The Lord who will receive the Confidence belongs to Prosperity, then the Lord who is giving the Confidence may transfer a positive amount of Confidence less than the total amount possessed from any Lord in Prosperity to any other Lord.
< Plutocracy<br>
< Prosperity<br>
< Speaker Selection Template<br>
< A Lord in Prosperity is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of Prosperity if all of the following conditions are met: That Lord has EV equal to the current Speaker and the Lord is eligible for an EV increase.
< Popular Soverignty<br>
< New Democratic Party<br>
< Speaker Selection<br>
< A Lord in the New Democratic Party is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of the New Democratic Party if all of the following conditions are met: no Lord in the New Democatic Party has more Electoral Votes than the Lord to be made Eligible.
< Kleptocracy<br>
< Prosperity<br>
< Speaker Selection<br>
< A Lord in the Prosperity Party is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of the Prosperity Party if all of the following conditions are met: no Lord in the Prosperity Party has more Electoral Votes than the Lord to be made Eligible.
< Solidarity II<br>
< Prosperity<br>
< Party Reward Template<br>
< If all of the following conditions are met: The Lord who will receive the EV belongs to Prosperity, then the Lord who is giving the EV may transfer an Electoral Vote from a Lord in Prosperity who has more than one Electoral Vote to any other Lord.
< <b>29 - Ministerial Takeover</b>
< This rule doesn’t create a Victory Condition. If someone becomes Prime Minister under this rule, this is still the First Dynasty of Chronos. If Chronos is not the current Prime Minister, he may style himself H.L.Chronos, where H.L. stands for High Lord.
< This rule repeals itself in the end of this Dynasty.
< A Lord may Request to become Prime Minister if he meets all these conditions:
< * He is the Speaker of Party with at least 3 Lords;
< * The totaled number of Electoral Votes held by Lords in his Party is greater than one third of the totaled number of Electoral Votes held by all Lords in the game;
< * He is not currently the candidate in a Request to become Prime Minister;
< * He is not precluded to post a Request to become Prime Minister by any rule;
< * He must have been Prime Minister fewer times than the current Prime Minister;
< If a Lord meets all conditions required to do so, he may post an entry with subject: "Request to become Prime Minister". In the body of the entry the Candidate may say why he should become the new Prime Minister. This Lord may cast 2 extra Electoral Votes on this Request for each day over a week the current Prime Minister has held that position.
< All Lords may cast their Electoral Votes in the comments of an entry with a Request to become Prime Minister. These Votes are not binding, and their function is to signal the current Prime Minister about the popularity of the Candidate. No Electoral Vote may be cast on a Request to become Prime Minister that has already been Granted or Denied by the Prime Minister.
< After 24 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister may Grant or Deny the Request. After 48 hours of the posting of a Request to become Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister has neither Granted nor Denied it, it is considered Denied and any Lord may update the Gamestate to apply any consequences of a Denial as if he were the Prime Minister. The consequences of either Granting or Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister may be applied only once to the Gamestate.
< If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request, he is entitled to take up to 5 Confidence from each Lord who had cast votes AGAINST it and distribute that Confidence freely between any Lord or Lords who have voted FOR it. 
< If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Grants the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each AGAINST Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Grant the Request this way if he has not enoug Confidence to lose.
< If more than half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are FOR it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request anyway, he must lose 5 Confidence for each FOR Electoral Vote it has. The current Prime Minister may not Deny the Request this way if he has not enough Confidence to lose.  Additionally, if the Prime Minister would not have enough Confidence to pay the penalty, and the Request expires at 48 hours with a majority of votes cast FOR, then the request is automatically Granted instead of being Denied.
< If at least half of the Electoral Votes cast on the Request are AGAINST it and the current Prime Minister Denies the Request, he is entitled to take up to 5 Confidence from each Lord who had cast votes FOR it and distribute that Confidence freely between any Lord or Lords who have voted AGAINST it.
< The current Prime Minister may not Grant or Deny a Request to become Prime Minister if there is an older such Request without Granting or Denial.
< Upon the Granting of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate becomes the new Prime Minister immediately after the announcing of the Grant.
< Upon the Denying of a Request to become Prime Minister, the Candidate is precluded to post another such Request until 72 hours has passed since the announcing of the Denial.
< The office of Prime Minister is tracked in the Portfolio field of the GNDT for the Lord with that title, although it is not considered a Cabinet Portfolio.
< <b>30 - Cabinet</b>
< The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
< The Prime Minister may grant any Lord, except himself, a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]". The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: "Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]" or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio. A Prime Minister may only post a Cabinet member nomination if no other nomination for the same Portfolio exists in the 24 hours before the posting of the new one.
< All Cabinet Portfolios shall be defined by a rule, which shall establish the powers granted to the Lord holding each Portfolio.
< A Lord holding a Portfolio is granted the status of Minister.
< If there is a time limit on the powers a Minister is entitled to exert, that limit applies to any holder of that office, even if another Lord assumes the Portfolio in the mean time.
< Currently, the Portfolios are:
< * Lord Keeper of the Seal – The Lord Keeper of the Seal is entitled to, as if he were the Prime Minister, apply the Imperial veto to any proposal which is pending for more than 24 hours and which has not a FOR vote cast by the Prime Minister.
< * Chancellor of the Exchequer – Once a day, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is entitled to take 1 Confidence from each Lord, except the Prime Minister and the High Lord, if one exists, and distribute that Confidence between any Lord or Lords, except himself and the Prime Minister. Within the period of 24 hours after a Lord’s Budget was increased, if that increase was not consequence of a transfer from other Lord, the Chancellor of the Exchequer may Tax that increase by transfering to himself, to the Prime Minister or to the High Lord, from the Lord whose budget was increased up to 10% of that increase.
< * Lord Great Chamberlain – the Lord Great Chamberlain is entitled to have 6 Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending. This conforms to and supersedes the specific portion of rule 4.
< * Minister without Portfolio - The Lord with this position has no additional powers.
< Once a week, each Minister may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000.
< <b>31 - Committees</b>
< Each Lord may be a member of a Committee with special legislative oversight. Committee positions are tracked in the GNDT as a list of numbers corresponding to rules in the ruleset. The core ruleset is constitutionally protected; rules 1-10 or 99 may not be chosen for Committees.
< Committee positions can only be changed when allowed by the ruleset. Whenever an Admin reorders the ruleset, they must update the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. Whenever an Admin removes a rule, they must remove the corresponding Committee values of affected Lords. The Prime Minister's duties preclude committee participation; if a Lord is Prime Minister their Committee values are cleared.
< When tallying Votes on a Proposal, if a Lord has a Committee position which corresponds to a rule amended or repealed by that Proposal, then the Electoral Votes cast by that Lord are doubled for the purposes of Failing or Enacting that Proposal only.
< Once every 48 hours, the Prime Minister may create a Proposal entitled "Committee Assignment Committee Meeting [n]" where [n] is the number of the meeting being held, expressed in Roman numerals. Any Lord who votes FOR this Proposal may include the name of one rule that they would like to be on the Committee for. If the Proposal passes, then the Lords who voted FOR have the number of their chosen rule added to their Committee list. Neither the Prime Minister nor the Admin enacting it gain or lose any Confidence as a result of the passage or failure of this type of Proposal. This type of Proposal may not make any change to the Gamestate other than specified in this rule, may only be enacted after 48 hours of its posting and may not be considered as the Oldest Pending Proposal when tallying any Proposal for failure or Enactment.
< Once within the period of 48 hours after a Proposal is enacted which creates a rule, the Lord who authored it may add the number of that rule to his Committee list.
< <b>32 - Budget</b>
< Each Lord controls a Budget, which is tracked by the GNDT as a non-negative amount of BlogDollars (B$). No action may be taken that makes a Lord budget a negative number. New Lords start with a budget of B$ 10.000.
< At any time, a Lord may spend 5 Confidence to increase the budget he controls by B$ 5.000.
< At any time, a Lord may reduce the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000 to increase his Confidence by 5.
< At any time, a Lord may transfer as much of the Budget he controls to any other Lord, provided that the value transferred is not potentially taxable by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
< Once a week, the Prime Minister may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 15.000.
< Once a week, the High Lord may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000.
< <b>33 - Voter Apathy</b>
< Whenever a Proposal fails, any Lord may decrease public support for the Proposer's Party by 5%, within the next 24 hours, if no Lord has previously done so for that proposal.
< When a Lord becomes idle, the Admin who idled them may drop public support for all Parties by 10% (unless a Lord had become idle earlier in the day).
< <b> 34 - Victory and Revolution </b>
< If public support for a single Party ever exceeds 90%, then the Speaker of that Party goes down in history, and may declare Victory.
< If public support for all Parties ever totals less than 30%, then any Lord may declare the outbreak of Revolution; all Rules except the Core Ruleset, the Glossary and this Rule are repealed. During a Revolution, any Lord may declare Victory.
< * A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal english usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry above.)
> * A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal english usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry above.)
> * The FirstDynastyOfTrumanCapote - The Family Dynasty