Ruleset 35

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Core Rules

Ruleset and Gamestate

This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Monks must obey it. Section One consists of the “core rules” of blognomic, covering basic Monk and proposal mechanics; Section Two contains the rules of the current dynasty; and Section Three contains the glossary, which exists solely to clarify the remainder of the ruleset. Rules may be referred to by their type and entire number or type and name. (e.g. This Rule may be referred to as Rule 1.1 or the Rule entitled “Ruleset and Gamestate").

The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.

No Rule may contain a provision that bars itself from being altered and/or repealed. If at any moment a Rule exists or is altered in a manner that renders it to contain such a provision, the entirety of that Rule shall be considered void and with no effects on the Gamestate. The provisions on this paragraph supersede any text in a Rule.

Spivak pronouns, as defined in the Glossary, shall be used whenever a Monk is referred to.

Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset at any time.


Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if e is not already playing) by registering at via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post announcing eir arrival. An Admin will add em to the roster in the sidebar, at which moment e becomes a Monk.

A Monk may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A Monk may only change eir name as a result of a proposal approving the change.

Some Monks are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Monks who wish to become Admins shall sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation.

Some Monks are idle, and shall be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of the Ruleset, excluding Rules 1.1 and 1.2, idle Monks are not counted as Monks. Admin may render a Monk idle if that Monk has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Monk at eir request - the Monk's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to eir idling.

A single person may not control more than one Monk within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Monk, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Monks from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.


Any Monk may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the “Proposal” category that describes those changes (unless the Monk already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).

Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.


Any Monk may cast eir Vote on a Pending Proposal by making a comment on that entry using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL.

If the Monk who made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, eir Vote is counted as FOR. If a Monk casts more than one Vote on a Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Monk leaves the game or goes idle, eir Vote no longer counts.

A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Abbot. The vote will count as the same as Abbot's vote. Abbot cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Abbot, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.


If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum and that Proposal has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, or it has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.

If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if the Monk who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its votes are FOR, or the Abbot has voted to VETO the proposal, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed. When the proposer votes against eir own proposal, that vote may not be changed.

Whenever an Admin marks a proposal as enacted or failed, e must also mark eir name, and report the final tally of votes (or the fact that the proposal was self-killed or vetoed).

Calls for Judgment

If two or more Monks actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Monk feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Monk may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry in the "Call for Judgment" category. If the Monk wishes, e may post anonymously by choosing "Call for Judgment" from the Author drop-down menu on the OPTIONS tab. The post shall go on to describe the issue, and measures that shall be taken to resolve it.

All Monks may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Monk's later votes overriding eir earlier ones). Unfailed CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset shall be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails. A Failed CfJ has no further effect.

Gamestate Tracking

Proposals, Calls for Judgment, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at Any Monk may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the Ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.

If no Monk has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed by its author; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post's Status must changed to reflect its status.

A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an official post.

Voting and comments are accessible through the link at the bottom of every post.

Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at Any Monk may update any Monk's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.

All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Monk feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), e may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment shall be raised.

Monks shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty is headed by a single Abbot, and is named according to the number of Dynasties they have headed (eg. “The First Dynasty of Myke").

The Abbot may vote to VETO any Proposal.

Victory and Ascension

If a Monk (other than the Abbot) believes that e has achieved victory, e may Make a Post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this.

Upon doing so, the game immediately game goes into Hiatus, if it hasn't already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.9.

Every Monk may respond to an active DoV saying whether or not e believes the poster has achieved victory (using the FOR and AGAINST icons).

The Declaration of Victory may be resolved after 24 hours, or after 12 hours if the Abbot has voted on it. Upon resolution, if a Quorum of Monks have voted on the DoV and more than half of those votes were in favour, then the DoV passes - otherwise the DoV fails, and if no other DoVs are still pending, the Hiatus ends.

When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Monk who made the DoV as its Abbot. (That Monk may pass this role to another Monk at this point, if they wish.) The Hiatus continues until the new Abbot posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify Abbot's chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Dynastic Rules will be repealed, and that any keywords will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms.

Dynastic Rules


All Monks have a Blessings value, tracked in the GNDT in a column entitled Blessings. When a Monk is Awarded a Blessings, that Entity's Blessings value goes up by one. No Monk's Blessings value may be higher than ten; all attempts to add to an Monk's Blessings value when it is equal to 10 fail. Monks may only be Awarded a Blessings by proposal, or by the passage of a Proposal, proposed by em, for which more than one fourth of the counted voting comments contain the word 'Blessings' and not the phrase 'no Blessings', and more of the counted voting comments contain the word 'Blessings' and not the phrase 'no Blessings' than contain the phrase 'no Blessings'.

Blessings are not set to 0 or blank upon ascension, unless this rule is repealed. In such an event, a note should be made upon each Monk’s user page detailing how many Blessings they attained.

Blessings is meant to be Awarded to those who have contributed in a particularly helpful or awesome way to Blognomic, whether through excellence in rule design, the creation of helpful tools for the players of Blognomic, or any other act worthy of, well, Blessings.


The duties of the Monastery of St. Passignano are divided amongst the Monks. Each Monk may have a Station, which is to be recorded in the GNDT. No Monk may have more than one Station, and any Station that is held by a Monk may not be held by any other Monk unless otherwise noted.

The Abbot may change the Station of any Monk by posting notice to the front page.

The following are a list of all Stations in the game.

===Cellarer=== The Cellarer of the Abbey is in charge of all of the foodstock, produce, and general property that passes through into the hands of the Abbey. E may have several assistants among the brothers to see that all of his duties are accomplished. The Cellarer is also in charge of collecting rents from the peasant families on Monastery lands.

The Cellarer may spend ten Moves to gain any Item from the following list: Books, Keys, Odds and Ends, and Butcher's Knives. The Cellarer is urged by the Abbot not to injudiciously distribute keys to other Monks, or to wander where e is not permitted.

===Porter=== The Porter of the Abbey is charged with keeping the gates and receiving visitors. Under the Abbot's orders, the Porter is exempt from general labor under the Rule while e is keeping the gate.

===Librarian=== As per the orders of the Abbot, only the Librarian and Assistant Librarian are allowed access to the Library. The Librarian knows the contents and layout of the Library, as well as any secrets that it may contain, and is responsible for the organization, maintenance, and increase of the Abbey's collection. The Librarian is under order from the Abbot to reveal his knowledge only to eir Assistant, to whom e may confide any knoweldge as e sees fit. The Librarian may spend five Moves and two points of Integrity to gain any Book.

===Assistant Librarian=== The Assistant Librarian is also permitted access to the Library. E serves the Librarian with the books and such general clerical duties as per instruction of the Librarian.

The Assistant Librarian may spent five Moves and two points of Integrity to gain any Book.

===Herbalist=== The Herbalist of the Monastery is in charge of the botanical gardens situated adjacent to the Monastery proper. The Herbalist has access to the Infirmary, which is situated outside of the Abbey, and e may forbid any other Monk to enter the Infirmary without his permission.

===Lector=== The Lector of the Monastery is appointed by the Abbot to read to the Monks from canonical texts. The Lector may often make an official post titled ‘Passage of the Day’, in which e posts appropriate passages related to the flow of game events as e sees fit, and may choose to alter Monks’ Integrity appropriately, as a result. The Lector may make up to ten such alterations, each being the adding or subtraction of one from any Monk’s Integrity. (The same Monk may be affected by different alterations.)

===Heaven=== Monks, being human, die. Being in the service of God, they naturally go to Heaven upon doing so. More than one Monk may have this Station.

===Hell=== Some Monks may not necessarily be so pious. They end up in Hell when they pass on. More than one Monk may have this Station.


The panetier is in charge of the pantry and the distribution of Comestibles to the other monks within the monestary grounds. Only e is allowed in the Pantry outside the Game Day.

The Abbey

The Monastery of St. Passignano is a rectangular building filled with twists of passages located on well-tended grounds. The Map of the Monastery may be found on the wiki here. Each Location is Designated by a number followed by a letter, and Represented by one ASCII character.


A Monk can move in the 4 orthogonal directions to any adjacent Empty Location adjacent to eir Location. A Location is Empty if it is Represented by +, #, >, _, h, *, &, a capital letter, or a period. (e.g. a Monk at 17P can move to 16P, 18P, or 17Q.)

If a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 1. Daily, at midnight UTC, a Monk's Moves shall automatically be set to twice eir Fitness

A Location is represented in the GNDT by the following code: X-MN, where X is the Map letter (A,B,C, etc.), and M and N are the algebraic coordinates on the Map. Examples: A-17Q,B-0P, and C-2L.

Any Monk on A-22Z may move to C-A3, or vice versa--this is the Path to the Infirmary.

Any Monk on A-0V may move to B-E7, or vice versa--this is the Path to the Graveyard.

Any Monk on A-11G may move to D-B1, or vice versa--this is the Path to the Catacombs.

New Monks start at location A-18N.

For all Rules, a Bookcase on the Map counts as Library.

The Abbot may edit the Monastery Map during a Story Post.


There exist Vows, which Monks can undergo. Vows are tracked in the GNDT. The Abbot may at any time ask a Monk to undergo a Vow. E does this by posting notice to the front page. If the Abbot asks a Monk to undergo a Vow, the asked Monk immediately undergoes it. No Monk may undergo multiple Vows simultaneously.

In addition, any Monk may undergo a Vow, if e is not already doing so, by posting notice to the front page. The effects of a Vow last until the Vow is removed. On noon Wednesday and noon Sunday, all Vows are removed. The following are the only possible Vows that Monks may undergo.

Vow of Humility: Monks undergoing this vow may not take any action which would increase any of their numerical GNDT values, except for Moves, and Integrity gained as a result of this vow.

Vow of Pacifism: Monks undergoing this Vow shall not Pick a Fight.

Vow of Poverty: Monks undergoing this vow may not carry Items.

Vow of Silence: In all posts and comments, official and unofficial, except for Calls for Judgment, GNDT comments, and official administrator text, Monks shall only use the voting icons and the following character strings: “(sigh)”, “grrrr”, and “/me grins”.

Monk Stats

Each Monk has several Stats representing various measures of that Monk's Monking abilities. These are tracked in the GNDT.


Integrity is the measure of how Monkly a Monk’s character is.

New Monks start with an Integrity of 10.

Whenever a Monk undergoes a Vow, e gains 2 Integrity every 24 hours if it is voluntary, or 1 Integrity every 24 hours if it isn’t, until either e breaks the Vow, or the Vow is removed.

Whenever a Monk breaks a Vow, e loses 5 Integrity.

No Monk may have Integrity more than 100. If a Monk’s Integrity would be legally increased past 100, it becomes 100 instead.


Knowledge is the measure of how much a Monk knows about Monking.

No Monk may have Knowledge more than 100. If a Monk’s Knowledge would be legally increased past 100, it becomes 100 instead.

When each Monk votes on a Proposal, e may accompany eir vote with one or more relevant verses from the King James Bible (found HERE in the columns "Old Testament" and "New Testament"). After that Proposal becomes Enacted or Failed, e may increase eir Knowledge by 1 at any time in the next 24 hours, up to 1 per Proposal e did this on. However, if the Abbot believes the verse(s) is(are) irrelevant, e may deduct 2 from that Monk's Knowledge. New Monks start with a Knowledge of 2.


Fitness is the measure of how physically able a Monk is.

A new Monk has a Fitness of 10.

No Monk may have Fitness more than 30. If a Monk’s Fitness would be legally increased past 30, it becomes 30 instead.

Fitness may be negative.


If there is a Porter, the Abbot may create a Guest at any time by making a post and specifying the Guest's identity. The Porter may then Accompany the Guest by adding its name to the 'Accompanying' column in the GNDT while e is in the Entrance Room or in a doorway directly beneath it. Each Monk may Accompany any Guest Accompanied by any other Monk by moving its name from that Monk to emself in the GNDT, provided both Monks are in the same location. Additionally, the Porter may force another Monk in eir Location to accompany a Guest e's accompanying in the same manner. Whenever a Monk Accompanies a Guest, e must reply to the post made by the Abbot for that Guest with a :FOR: icon.

If a Guest's Goal is accomplished, the Porter shall be awarded 2 integrity in addition to any reward specified below, and the Guest shall be removed from the GDNT, unless otherwise specified. If a Guest's Goal isn't fulfilled within 48 hours since its creation, that Guest will be removed from the GDNT, and both the Porter and the Monk accompanying the Guest shall lose 4 integrity, unless the Porter was accompanying the Guest, in which case e loses only 5 integrity.

If two Guests would have the same name, add to the name of the most recently added one a number so this isn't the case.

The current possible Guests, as well as their goals and the rewards for accomplishing them, are listed below:

  • Tourist: When a Tourist is created, the Abbot must add to its name a Location. A Tourist's goal is to get to that location (Or for the Monk accompanying it to reach it). When the Tourist's goal is fulfilled, each Monk that has accompanied it receives Integrity equal to the amount of Monks that have accompanied the Tourist.

  • Devil’s Advocate: While a Monk is accompanying a Devil’s Advocate, e should vote AGAINST all pending proposals. Also, whenever e votes AGAINST a proposal, e must also make a comment that points out a flaw or otherwise discourages others from voting for that proposal. A Devil’s Advocate does not expire normally. Instead, at least 48 hours after the creation of a Devil’s Advocate, anyone may roll DICE(Proposals adminned while Advocate existed). If the result is less or equal to than the number of failed or vetoed proposals, the Advocate acheives its goal and the Player accompanying it receives 4 Integrity times the DICE roll. Otherwise, it ceases to exist without acheiving its goal with the normal loss of Integrity.


When a Monk’s Fitness becomes below 0, eir Station immediately becomes Heaven.

The Story

A Story Post is a post to the Blog with a title containing "Story Post:" followed by a unique description string. The post itself should describe an event or series of events within the Monastery. When possible, these events should be consistent with the GNDT state at some past or present time. The Story Post may also specify some changes to any part(s) of the Gamestate besides the Ruleset. In addition, a Story Post by the Abbot may specify changes to the rule entitled "Movement", if such a rule exists.

If the Abbot approves of a Story Post, e should respond to the Story Post with a comment containing a :FOR: within 48 hours. E then update the Gamestate to reflect what happened in the Story Post. Story Posts by the Abbot do not require approval.

Any Monk may make a Story Post once per forty-eight hours. The Abbot can make a Story Post whenever e wants.

The Codex

Some rules may be Encrypted for the duration of this game. Any such Encrypted rule is to be listed as ciphertext as a separate clause at the end of this rule. Any game action taken under an Encrypted rule must be accompanied by a post to the front page with the subject of “Encrypted Rule” and the body beginning with the string unique to each encrypted rule. These strings are kept by the Abbot, and shall be obtained by a Monk by messaging the Abbot once e feels e has successfully decrypted an encrypted rule. The Abbot is responsible for policing the legality of such plays, and any Monk making a play by an Encrypted rule is strongly advised to contact the Abbot to inform em of the play.

For the purposes of adding, editing, or removing ciphertext, the Abbot may alter this rule at any time, provided that e gives notice on the front page that an alteration has been made.

If a Monk's Knowledge is greater than or equal to 8, that Monk may decrease eir Knowledge by 8 at any time to request a cipher hint from the Abbot. The Monk shall post an entry specifying about which cipher e wants a hint. The Abbot shall then e-mail that Monk a hint concerning the specified cipher. The Abbot shall consistently give the same hint about a given cipher.













Thanks, Hix, for correcting an error. --Angry Grasshopper.



Thanks, Hix, for correcting an error. --Angry Grasshopper.





Occult Knowledge

Temporal Effects

For the purposes of game play, a Circadian Cycle is the following:

A Game Day of 5 hours, which is followed by a Midlight Period of 1 hour(s), which is followed by a Game Night of 5 hours, which is followed by another Midlight Period of 1 hour(s).

Midlight is the mysterious time between day and night, and between night and day.

Noon is defined to be the third hour of Game Day. Midnight is defined to be the third hour of Game Night.

Monk's Code

The restrictions in this rule may be broken at the cost of Integrity, enforced by Monks other than the one who broke it. If no integrity cost is listed, assume 2 Integrity.

No Monk besides the [Assistant] Librarian may enter the library. (costs 4 Integrity only if the monk is still in the library when this is enforced)

No Monk may consume more than one food ration per day. (1 per extra food ration)

Aside from this one, references to the Apocrypha are heresy and will not be tolerated!

Location Effects

Some classes of Locations, as denoted by their ASCII representations on the Map, have game effects on the Monks who occupy those Locations. A list of all such effects shall follow at the end of this rule.


Any Monk whose Location in the GNDT corresponds to an L on the Map may once per day e-mail the Abbot with a request for a clue on one specific cipher. The Abbot shall respond with some hint within 48 hours.


Any Monk whose Location in the GNDT corresponds to an _ on the Map may make a Supplication. Until Supplication is defined in the ruleset, this rule has no effect on the game.


A monk adjecent to a location represented by a 't' may use 6 of eir Moves to 'Trim the Tree' and gain 1 Fitness. A 't' may not be trimmed again for 48 hours after the change is reflected in the GNDT. When updating the GNDT a Monk must specify which tree is being trimmed by co-ordinates.


A monk adjadent to a location represented by an 'h' may use 6 of eir Moves to 'Study Botany' and gain 1 Knowledge. A Monk may not study botany again for 24 hours after the change is reflected in the GNDT.


As long as any Monk is in the Detention Cell, e may not achieve victory.


Any monk in the Pantry may often select a comestible item to add to eir items, if e has space. Any monk caught in the Pantry by the Panetier outside the Game Day shall lose 2 integrity (only if the monk and the Panetier are still in the pantry when this is enforced).

The Big Room

A Room is defined to be a set of contiguous Locations on the Map that are represented by the same uppercase ASCII symbol. Examples:

GGG           LL
GGG           LL            YYY


Each Monk has a Temporary Fitness, tracked in parentheses after eir Fitness. Temporary Fitness may be negative. If such a number does not exist, it is assumed to be equal (but not equivalent) to Fitness.

Any Monk may Pick a Fight with another Monk who is within 2 Moves of the first Monk's Location. When e does this, e picks a single Severity number(S) from the set [0(Fruit),1(Fists),2(Sticks and Stones),4(Knives),8(Broadswords),16(Wands of Death)]. E then performs a Fight consisting of 3 Rounds.

In each Round, the Monk who Picked the Fight rolls DICEF, where F is eir Temporary Fitness. If this is greater than eir opponent's Blessings plus a quarter of eir opponent's Temporary Fitness, subtract DICES from eir opponent's Temporary Fitness. If eir opponent is not undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponent's Temporary Fitness. If this is greater than eir own Blessings plus a quarter of eir Temporary Fitness, subtract DICES from eir Temporary Fitness. However, if a Monk’s Temporary Fitness plus twice eir Blessings is less than -1/3 times eir Fitness, e loses Fitness instead of Temporary Fitness.

Being involved in a fight causes a loss of Integrity equal to 2*S for whoever starts it and S for the other Monk. If either Monk is undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, the Integrity loss for a Monk who starts a fight is three times the normal amount. If there has already been a Fight of greater Severity in the same Room as either Monk in the last 24 hours, the Integrity loss for both monks is one quarter what it would be otherwise. Round losses down. This loss may make either Monk’s Integrity negative.

At the end of the Fight, if either Monk has a Temporary Fitness of 0 or less, e is moved to C-4L in the Infirmary. Then, if either Monk has an Integrity of 0 or less, e is moved to the Detention Cell at A-12e. Monks in the Detention Cell may not Fight. When a Monk Picks a Fight, e makes a Noise.

Each Monk with a Temporary Fitness less than eir Fitness may often increase eir Temporary Fitness by 1, or 3 if e is in the Infirmary. If e chooses, e may instead decrease eir Fitness by 2, then set eir Temporary Fitness to eir Fitness.

Bell Pull

The bell may be reached by all monks in the main doorway (A-L20, A-M20 and A-N20) and in the entrance hall (E&B). Any monk who can reach the bell may ring it by posting a note to that effect to the front page.

Any monk ringing the bell…

a) more than twice in any one day, or b) during the night

...shall lose 1 Integrity for each ring at night or in addition to their twice daily allowance, except that a new arrival to the monastery (who is not yet a monk) may ring the bell once at any time of the day or night for the purpose of announing eir arrival without loss of Integrity.

Additionally, any monk may ring the bell during the night to alert others to an Emergency (as defined by the Ruleset).

I Can Hear You

Two Monks are considered to be an Audible Distance away if both Monks are within ten Moves of one another without going through any Doors, Locked Doors, Walls, or Blank Spaces.

Any Monk can hear a Noise made by a Monk an Audible Distance away.


Any Monk may often start a Chant if e hasn’t chanted in the last 24 hours.

When a Monk starts a Chant, e chants.

Any Monk that is within Audible Distance of a chanting monk also chants, unless e has already chanted in the last 24 hours.

When a Monk chants, e gains X Integrity, where X is the number of Monks that wouldn’t have chanted if e hadn’t chanted.

Example: Hix starts a Chant. Eir chanting causes both Elias IX, who is 10 moves left, and Bucky, who is 10 moves right, to chant. Bucky’s chanting causes Rodney and Thelonious, who are both 7 moves right of Bucky, to chant.

If Hix hadn’t chanted, five Monks (Hix, Elias IX, Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 5 integrity. If Bucky hadn’t chanted, three Monks (Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 3 integrity. Rodney and Thelonious both gain one, since they can’t cause each other to chant, since even if either hadn’t chanted, the other one still would. Lastly, Elias gains 1 integrity.


Any Monk may once per each period of Game Day, Game Night, or Midlight Period initiate a game of "Jesus, Peter, Judas" with any Monk within two Moves of em. Initiating a game of Jesus, Peter, Judas makes a Noise.

E does this by first posting a comment to the GNDT choosing only one of the following: "Jesus", "Peter", and "Judas". E then rolls a DICE3, which determines the other Monk's play. A roll of a 1 means the other Monk played "Jesus", a roll of 2, "Peter", and a roll of 3, "Judas".

If one Monk played "Jesus" and the other played "Peter", than the Monk that played "Jesus" wins. If one Monk played "Peter" and the other played "Judas", than the Monk that played "Peter" wins. If one Monk played "Judas" and the other played "Jesus", than the Monk that played "Judas" wins.

If both Monks played the same, then increase both Monks' Integrity by 1 for showing exemplary biblical unity. Then decrease both Monks' Integrity by 1 for ungodly telepathy.

Winning or losing a game of Jesus, Peter, Judas have no effects until this Ruleset explicitly defines effects for those events, at which time this sentence shall be deleted.

Jesus, Peter, Judas is a relatively sacred game for Monks, and thus may have different effects during different times of day/night/midlight.

The Monk that initated the game shall then post to the Main Page the results of the game.


Although the Benedictine rule forbids private ownership, a Monk may have on his person any number of objects, generally carried in eir hands. Let the ‘Items’ column denote objects carried by a Monk. The ‘Items’ column may not be changed unless another rule allows it to be so.

Some Items have a Use. A Monk may Use an Item that e has by giving some notice on the front page as long as e satisfies its conditions for use. A Perishable Item is deleted from the GNDT immediately after it is Used.

No Monk may have more than three Items at any time.

A Monk may give an Item to another Monk, provided that both Monks are at the same Location and both have consented in advance to the transfer of the Item. If a Monk's Station is either Heaven or Hell, then any other Monk with the same Location as the first may Take an Item from the deceased by deleting it from the fallen Monk's Items and adding it to eir own.

A Monk may at any time Drop an Item of eirs by deleting it from the GNDT.


Ginseng. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who Uses Ginseng may increase eir Temporary Fitness by seven points. If this Use causes Temporary Fitness to be greater than Fitness, set the Temporary Fitness equal to Fitness instead.

Curaria Mancox. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who Uses Curaria Mancox and is Poisoned ceases to be Poisoned.

White Oak Bark. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who has uses White Oak Bark and whose Fitness is less than or equal to three may set eir fitness to 10.

Garlic. A Perishable Herb. A Monk may often Use Garlic to increase eir Fitness by one.

Fairy Grass. A Perishable Herb.

Mandrake root. A Perishable Herb.

Nightshade berries. A Perishable Herb.

Bloodmoss. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who has Bloodmoss may use it to increase eir Moves by fifteen.

Nettle leaf. A Perishable Herb.

Seeds. For growing new herbs, though not an Herb itself.


Manual of Botany. A Book. As long as a Monk has a Manual of Botany, e is Proficient in Botany.

Manual of Prayer. A Book. Lists all of the Orthodox prayers that any Monk might want to know.

Lives of the Noble Romans. A Book.

The Gospel of Belial. A Book.

Ecology of Fieldmice. A Book.

Latin Declensions. A Book.

Aristotle's Poetics. A Book.

Java in a Nutshell. A Book.

Malleus Maleficarum. A Book. No Monk may use the Rule 'Goodwill Towards Men' to gain this Book.


Library Key. Any Monk who has a Library Key may move through the doors % on A-6N, A-7S. and A-9J as if they were empty.

Chapel Key. Any Monk who has a Chapel Key may move through the doors % on A-9Y and A-10Z as if they were empty.

Catacombs Key. Any Monk who has a Catacombs Key may move through the door % on A-H11 as if it were empty.

Abbot Key. Any Monk who has an Abbot Key may move through any door % as if it were empty.


Butcher's Knife. From the Kitchen. Hefty.

Sword. Pointy on one end.

Helmet. Sometimes city guards wear these.

Wooden Club: How did this get into the Cutlery list? It's a big wooden stick.

Odds and Ends

Telescope. For stargazing. Is Trammel in first quarter or third?

Hourglass. Keeps exactly one hour.

Scales. More like a counterbalance, for measuring weights. For great justice!

Shovel. Useful for digging holes.

Looking Glass. Makes small things appear larger.

A Bell. Hand-held.

A Candle. For lighting the dark.

Icky Things

Skull. A human skull in perfect, unblemished condition.

Bone. A small bone from the hand.

Grave earth. Used to fill, well, graves.

A frog. Eats flies. Ribbit!


Quartz. A clear crystal.

Iron. A chunk of metal.

Malachite. A green mineral. Pretty.

Lead. Heavy. Good for laying pipe, tableware.

Religious Objects

Incense. Probably frankincense, or myrhh.

Rosary. For praying.

Abbot's Ring. A big ring that the Abbot wears.

Papers from Rome. A stack of messages, sealed and tied with twine.


Coffee. A Perishable Refreshment. A Monk may use Coffee no more than Often. Any Monk Using Coffee gains twenty Moves and loses four temporary fitness.

Cookie. A Perishable Refreshment. A Monk may use a Cookie no more than Often. Any Monk Using a Cookie may increase eir Knowledge, Fitness, and Integrity by one point.


Some Monks are Suspicious. If a Monk arranges (in a Story Post, via secret consultation with the Abbot, etc.) to undertake an action that might be thought of as reasonably suspicious by any Monk in the Monastery, and in the opinion of the Abbot such game actions cause that Monk to be observed by at least one other Monk in their undertaking, then that Monk becomes Suspicious.

Whether or not a Monk is Suspicious shall not be tracked in the GNDT--however, the number of distinct Suspicious Monks shall be listed in the sidebar.


A Monk may have Proficiency in a Skill. All Skills are listed as clauses within this Rule.


Any Monk who has Proficiency in this Skill whose location is represented by an 'h' on the Map may decrease eir Moves by eight, if eir Moves are greater than eight. The 'h' then becomes a '.' on the Map. After doing so, e shall make a DICE20 check in the GNDT, and gains an Item according to the following table:

DICE20 Item
1Fairy Grass
2No Item gained
3Curaria Mancox
4Nightshade berries
5White Oak bark
6Nettle leaf
8No Item gained
10Nettle leaf
11White Oak Bark
12Fairy Grass
16Curaria Mancox
17Nettle leaf
19No Item gained
20Mandrake root

The Herbalist has Proficiency in Botany. There can not be less than 3 "h" spaces in map C. If only 3 "h"s are present on map C a monk may not attempt to gain an item from an "h".

A Monk who is Proficient in Botany, has a Shovel, a Seed, and has eir Location represented by a ‘.’ on the Map, may spend three Moves to plant the Seed. When a Monk plants a Seed, e shall make a DICE4 check in the GNDT and the Seed is destroyed. If the check is a 2 or a 3, e may replace that ‘.’ with an ‘h’ on the Map, but no sooner than twenty-four hours and no later than seventy-two hours after the Seed was Planted.

Classical Literature

Any Monk who has Proficiency in this skill who also has a Book may spend two Knowledge and make a DICE9 check in the GNDT with the comment 'Research from Book X', where X is the name of the Book. If the result is odd, the Book is destroyed and removed from the GNDT. If the result is even, e may send a private communication to the Abbot, who will then reveal to him a rule from the secret ruleset.

Any Monk who has Knowledge greater than five has Proficiency in Classical Literature. The Lector has Proficiency in Classical Literature. The Assistant Librarian has Proficiency in Classical Literature. The Librarian has Proficency in Classical Literature.

Monastery Staff

An Actor is a proxy Monk that is controlled by the Abbot. Actors do not count as Monks for the purposes of the Core Ruleset, that is, they may not vote, nor may they make proposals. An Actor (through the Abbot) may do anything that Monks are allowed to do by the Dynastic Rules. All Dynastic Rules that apply to Monks also apply to Actors. Actors do not count towards Quorum.

All Actors shall be listed in the GNDT.

The Abbot may add or remove any number of Actors to / from the GNDT by making a Story Post. The Abbot shall determine the GNDT stats of a new Actor when e adds it to the GNDT.


If the Abbot's Station ever becomes Heaven, then each Monk should send one email to the Abbot to nominate a single Monk, whom e feels is "outstanding beyond the other Monks". E may not nominate emself or the Abbot. After a reasonable amount of time, if the Abbot's station is still Heaven, e may pick one of the three Monks with the most nominations, and post the result to the Blog including a count of all nominations received. The chosen Monk has achieved Victory.

The Abbot may handle ties for third place however e wants.

Goodwill Towards Men

Any Monk who has more than ten points of Integrity may spend nine points to gain any Book that is not a Manual.

Treasure Hunt

A Monk who has more than three Moves may Search a Location that e is at (listed in the GNDT) by spending three Moves, documenting the Location of the search and the cost paid in the GNDT, and sending a communication to the Abbot.

The Abbot shall then check a list of secret rules that contain a list of Locations and Items. If the Monk is on one such Location and meets the stated conditions (possibly referencing the Items the Monk has, the state of Game Time, probability checks, etc) the Abbot shall inform them of this and add that Item to their inventory in the GNDT if they have less than three Items.

The Abbot may edit that list of Items for plot reasons and as the need for new Locations arises.

A Monk may not Search more than six Locations in one twenty-four hour period.


For the purposes of Gematria, the following table will provide the official correspondence between letters and numbers for the duration of this game:

Letter Value
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
K 20
L 30
M 40
N 50
0 60
P 70
Q 80
R 90
S 100
T 200
U 300
V 400
W 500
X 600
Y 700
Z 800


This is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity.

  • It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
  • Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, who is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
  • Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box shall represent a vote FOR, an X shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently shall represent the Imperial Veto.
  • The “subject” of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is “” (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
  • "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at
  • A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)
  • Unless otherwise specified, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers, and any action that would set those values below zero instead sets them to zero. Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
  • Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English, Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
  • Gamestate is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Monks' names and the blog colour scheme.

Typographic Conventions

  • Italicized text is not considered part of the ruleset and may be used to clarify rules with examples, notes, and flavor text. For example, this italicized text provides an example of the use of italicized text.


  • References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog, which is considered to be GMT for all purposes.
  • References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
  • All references to time must be either specific or defined within the ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. "dinnertime", "twilight") cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
  • An action which may be taken 'often' may be taken once per day, but not more than once every six hours.
  • An action which may be taken 'occasionally' may be taken once per week, but not more than once per twenty-four hours.


  • Quorum is equal to half the number of Monks, rounded down, plus one.


References to "YDICEX" refer to Y X-sided dice. To roll dice, post DICEX in the comments field of a post, replacing X with the number of sides on the die you wish to roll.


  • The Spivak pronouns used in Blognomic are:
    • Subject case: "e";
    • Object case: "em";
    • Possessive Adjective case: "eir";
    • Possessive Pronoun case: "eirs";
    • Reflexive case: "emself".


  • The IEEE auxiliary verbs used in Blognomic are:
    • Is required to: “shall”;
    • Is recommended that: “should”;
    • Is permitted to: “may”;
    • Is able to: “can”.