Ruleset 58

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Core Rules

Ruleset and Gamestate

This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Breeders shall obey it. Section One consists of the "core rules" of BlogNomic, covering basic proposal mechanics; Section Two contains the rules of the current dynasty; and Section Three contains the glossary, which exists solely to clarify the remainder of the ruleset. Rules may be referred to by their type, entire number and name or type and name. (e.g. This Rule may be referred to as Rule 1.1 Ruleset and Gamestate or the Rule entitled “Ruleset and Gamestate").

The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.

Admins may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset at any time, including replacing Spivak pronouns with the singular "they". A typographical mistake is defined as “A mistake in printing, typesetting, or typing, especially one caused by striking an incorrect key on a keyboard.”


Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if he is not already playing) by registering at via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post announcing her arrival. An Admin shall add her to the roster in the sidebar and the GNDT, at which moment he becomes a Breeder.

An Breeder may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A Breeder may only change her name as a result of a proposal approving the change.

Some Breeders are Admins, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Breeders who wish to become Admins shall sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation. New admins shall be given the GNDT configuration password when they become admins.

Some Breeders are Idle, and shall be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of the Ruleset, excluding Rules 1.1, 1.2 and 1.8, Idle Breeders are not counted as Breeders. Admins may render a Breeder Idle if that Breeder has asked to become Idle or if that Breeder has not posted a entry or comment for more than 7 days. Admins may de-Idle a Breeder at her request - the Breeder's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to her going Idle. If one or more values would be undefined, it is set to the value new Breeders receive, if such a value exists.

A single person may not control more than one Breeders within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Breeder, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Breeder from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.


Any Breeder may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the "Proposal" category that describes those changes (unless the Breeder already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).

Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.


Any Breeder may cast his Vote on a Pending Proposal by making a comment on that entry using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL.

If the Breederwho made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, his Vote is counted as FOR. If a Breederuses more than one Voting Icon in comments on a Pending Proposal, his Vote is the last voting icon he uses. If a Breederleaves the game or goes Idle, his Vote is no longer valid. If a Breeder votes against his own proposal, that vote may not be changed. This is referred to as a Self-Kill.

A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Dragonmaster. The vote will count as the same as the Dragonmaster’s vote. The Dragonmaster cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Dragonmaster, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.


The oldest pending Proposal may be enacted by any Admin (and the Ruleset and/or Gamestate updated to include the specified effects of that Proposal) if either of the following is true:-

  • It has a number of FOR votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been vetoed or self-killed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid vote, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.

The oldest pending Proposal may be failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:-

  • It has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its votes are FOR.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and has fewer than 2 valid votes.
  • The Breeder who proposed it has voted AGAINST it.

Whenever an Admin marks a proposal as enacted or failed, he must also mark his name, and report the final tally of votes (or the fact that the proposal was self-killed or vetoed).

Proposals the Dragonmaster has voted to VETO are considered vetoed. Proposals the author has voted against are considered self-killed unless the Dragonmaster has voted VETO on them, or they have fulfilled one of the other requirements to fail a proposal before the author’s self-kill vote is placed.

When Dragonmaster votes to VETO a Proposal, any Admin may fail that Proposal from that moment on, even if it is not the oldest Pending proposal.

Calls for Judgment

If two or more Breeders actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Breeder feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Breeder may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry in the "Call for Judgment" category. If the Breeder wishes, he may post anonymously by choosing "Call for Judgment" from the Author drop-down menu on the OPTIONS tab. The post shall go on to describe the issue, and measures that shall be taken to resolve it.

All Breeders may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Breeder's later votes overriding their earlier ones). Unfailed CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset shall be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails. A Failed CfJ has no further effect.

Gamestate Tracking

Proposals, Calls for Judgment, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at Any Breeder may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the Ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.

If no Breeder has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed by its author; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post's Status must changed to reflect its status.

A non-official post may not, through editing of the blog or otherwise, be changed into an official post, with the following exception: Whilst a non-official post has been posted for less than five minutes and has no comments, the author may change the categories as they wish.

Voting and comments are accessible through the link at the bottom of every post.

Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at Any Breeder may update any Breeder's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.

All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Breeder feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), he may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment shall be raised.

Breeders shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty is headed by a single Breeder, known as the Dragonmaster, and is named according to the number of Dynasties he has headed (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").

The Dragonmaster may vote to VETO any Proposal.


Some Dynasties (called Metadynasties) have no Dragonmaster and are named according to the number of Metadynasties of Blognomic (eg. First Metadynasty). Metadynasties may only be started by a successful Proposal, CfJ, or as allowed by another rule.

When a Metadynasty begins, the previous Dynasty ends and all Dynastic rules are repealed. The theme (and appropriate substitution of keywords) may be chosen by any method deemed necessary.

Because there is no Dragonmaster, DEFERENTIAL votes are counted as explicit votes of abstention and no one may VETO a Proposal.

Victory and Ascension

If a Breeder (other than the Dragonmaster) believes that he has achieved victory in the current Dynasty, he may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this.

Upon doing so, the game immediately goes into Hiatus, if it hasn’t already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules “Breeders”, “Calls for Judgment”, “Gamestate Tracking” and “Victory and Ascension”.

Every Breeder may respond to an active DoV saying whether or not he believes the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty (using the FOR and AGAINST icons).

The Declaration of Victory may be resolved after 24 hours, or after 12 hours if the Dragonmaster has voted on it. Upon resolution, if a Quorum of Breeders have voted on the DoV and more than half of those votes were in favour, then the DoV passes - otherwise the DoV fails, and if no other DoVs are still pending, the Hiatus ends.

When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Breeder who made the DoV as its Dragonmaster. (That Breeder may pass this role to another Breeder at this point, if he wishes.) The Hiatus continues until the new Dragonmaster posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify the Dragonmaster’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Dynastic Rules will be repealed, and that any keywords will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms.

A DoV may not be started in the period between a passing DoV and that DoV’s Ascension Address. When a DoV is failed, if it has a number of AGAINST votes that exceed Quorum, the Breeder who posted it cannot make another DoV until after 120 hours (5 days) have passed since the time their DoV was failed.

Dynastic Rules


For the purposes of Dynastic Rules and the contents of proposals, the Dragonmaster is not considered a Breeder unless specifically referred to as the Dragonmaster.


All Breeders are entitled to owning at least one Dragon. If at any time a Breeder has no Dragon, or if their Dragon is Dead, they may adopt one by naming it and choosing color for it, or they may hatch a Dragon Egg they own. Once a Breeder has a Dragon, it’s Name and Color shall be recorded in the GNDT by its owner’s name (under Columns “Dragon Name” and “Color” respectively). A newly adopted Dragon cannot be named after any existing Dragon, Breeder or Dragonmaster. The color of an adopted Dragon can be any of the ones defined as a sub-rule to the rule, “Colors”. The newly adopted Dragon becomes the Breeder’s active Dragon.

If the Breeder hatches a Dragon Egg, the Egg is removed from the wiki page, and they choose a name in the same way that they would adopt a Dragon. This new Dragon has the color and stats of the Egg it was hatched from.



Silver dragons are playful and energetic. They are quick learners and are relatively easy to train. They have a set small horns on their head that resemble a coronet.


Red dragons are temperamental and touchy. They tend to be smaller than other dragons, but possess a larger flame bladder than similarly sized dragons. They also have a distinctive set of tail spikes.


Purple dragons are the only dragon type with opposable claws. They must be kept in a different kind of pen after the age of two months, as they will eventually learn to open the gate themselves. To make matters worse, they have both the wit and temperament to play minor practical jokes on their breeders.


Black dragons are squat and muscular, with a prominent row of spines down their back . They respond to most situations with total apathy, and are considered the most difficult type to train properly. However, a fully grown and trained Black is extremely formidable.


Physically, green dragons are a compromise between other types, with a frame midway between Silver’s sleek grace and Black’s bulk. They have a calm temperament in general, but are unstoppable when they’re angry.


Each Breeder and Dragonmaster has an non-negative integer amount of Cookies which is tracked in the GNDT under column Cookies. As a weekly action, if a Breeder has less than 20 Cookies, that Breeder may set their Cookies to 30. As a separate weekly action, each Breeder may increase their Cookies by 10, or by 20% of their current Cookies (rounded up).

As a daily action, a Breeder or Dragonmaster may spend any amount of Cookies and include a comment in the GNDT with the format “Feeding X” where X must be replaced by the name of an existing non-dead non-battling Dragon, and then increase the Heartbeat of that Dragon by an amount equal to the Cookies spent this way. This action is called Feeding (the named Dragon is subsequently the fed Dragon). A Dragon may not be fed if that would cause its Heartbeat to raise above 100.

Vital Signs

Each dragon has five stats, to be tracked on the GNDT. The stats are called Heartbeat, Muscle, Scales, Flame and Wings. Muscle represents how strong a dragon’s attack is, Scales represents how well a dragon defends from an attack, Flame represents the power of the dragon’s breath attack and Wings represents its airborne speed and maneuverability. Heartbeat represents how much damage a dragon can take. Muscle, Flame and Scales can never fall below 1, if they would then set them to 1 instead. Wings may drop to exactly 0, but can never be less than 0. Heartbeat can be any integer, positive or negative.

A dragon with a Wings stat of 0 is considered Crippled. A dragon with a Heartbeat of 0 or less is considered Dead and its Breeder must start raising a new dragon.

A new Dragon has a value of 5 for all stats except for Heartbeat and a Heartbeat of 100.


As a daily action, each Breeder may train their active dragon using one of the training methods described in the subrules to this rule.

This training will modify the stats of the dragon. This modification depends only on the dragon’s color and its stats before the training, and may contain random elements


This set of exercises builds the dragon’s stamina and lung capacity. The breeder posts a comment in the GNDT of “Aerobics DICE3”. The dragon being trained gains Flame equal to the result of the DICE roll. If the result of the DICE roll was a 1 or 2, the dragon also gains 1 point of Muscle; if it was 1, the dragon gains 10 Heartbeat. (This can result in a very fit dragon with a Heartbeat over 100.)

A Red dragon training in Aerobics gains an additional point of Flame on a 1. A Black dragon training in Aerobics does not gain any Heartbeat on a 1, but gains an additional point of Muscle instead. A Purple dragon gains only two points of flame on a 3 instead of three.

Obstacle Course:

This set of exercises teaches a dragon to maneuver at high speeds. The breeder posts a comment in the GNDT of “Obstacle Course DICE3” If the result is a 3, the dragon being trained gains 3 points of Wings. If the result was a 2, the dragon gains 2 point of Wings and 1 point of Scales. If the result was a 1, roll DICE10 in the GNDT. The dragon gains 2 points of Scales and loses Heartbeat equal to the result of the DICE roll.

A Silver dragon gains an extra point of Wings on a 2. A Green dragon gains one fewer point of Wings on a 3 and one more point of Scales on a 1. A Purple dragon does not lose any Heartbeat on a 1. A Black dragon rolls DICE2 instead of DICE3 as it blunders thorough the course, but always gains 1 extra point of Scales.

Weight Training:

This exercise is good for building power and little else. The breeder posts a comment in the GNDT of “Weight Training DICE3”. The dragon being trained gains 3 muscle regardless of the result, but loses 1 point of Wings if the result was a 1.

A Silver dragon loses Flame instead of Wings on a 1. A Purple dragon loses Scales instead of Wings on a 1. A Black dragon loses Heartbeat equal to the result of the DICE roll.

Hunting Expedition:

This field exercise gives the dragon the chance to hone a variety of skills. The breeder posts a comment in the GNDT of “Hunting Expedition DICE4”. Regardless of the result, the dragon being trained loses 5 Heartbeat from the exertion. If the result was a 1, the dragon gains 2 Flame and 1 Muscle. If the result was a 2, the dragon gains 2 Scales and 1 Flame. If the result was a 3, the dragon being trained gains 2 Wings and 1 Scales. If the result was a 4, the dragon gains 2 Wings, 1 Flame, and 1 Scales and loses 10 extra Heartbeat.

A Silver dragon loses 5 fewer Heartbeat. A Green dragon gains Muscle instead of Scales on a 4. A Black dragon gains extra Muscle instead of Flames on a 2.

Ritual of Power:

This is a gruelling and dangerous exercise with high payoffs. The Breeder posts a comment in the GNDT of “Power Training DICE3 DICE39”. Regardless of the result of the DICE3 roll, the dragon being trained gains 1 point of each stat except Heartbeat, and loses Heartbeat equal to the result of the DICE39 roll. If the result of the DICE roll was a 1, the dragon gains 1 additional point of Flame. If the result of the DICE roll was 2, the dragon gains 1 additional point of Scales. If the result of the DICE roll was a 3, the dragon gains 1 additional point of Muscle.

If the dragon being trained was Black, it loses 6 additional points of Heartbeat; if the result of the roll was a 2, it gains an additional point of Scales, and if the result of the roll was a 3, it gains an additional point of Muscle.


Dragons may fight with each other, and such an event is called a Battle. There are two types of Battles: Duels and Challenges. If a Dragon is currently participating in a battle, its Breeder may not join another battle at the same time. Sub-rules “Duels” and “Challenges” explain how to start and join battles, while sub-rule “System” explains how to proceed once a battle starts. Battles may not take place if these three sub-rules are not defined. All battles are handled through story posts (one for each battle) and the story post where a battle takes place is called the Battle Thread. The Breeder that starts a Battle Thread is known as the Host, other Breeders that participate in that battled are the Guests. When a Battle Thread is created, its Host may include “[Hardcore]” in its title.


A Breeder who is not currently in a battle may announce a Duel by creating a Battle Thread with “[Duel]” at the beginning of its title. The text of the story post must contain the following information: the name of another Breeder (the Guest to be, or Invitee) who the poster attempts to duel and the amount of Cookies that will be bet on the Duel. Then, the Host must spend an amount of Cookies equal to the amount that was bet on the story post. The Invitee has up to 48 hours to respond to the duel by making a comment on the story post and spending an amount of Cookies equal to the amount that was bet on the story post, then makes a roll of DICE2 on the GNDT. On a result of 1, the Guest takes the first turn that battle, otherwise the other Host does. If the Invitee does not join the battle within 48 hours, the Battle is canceled and the Host obtains all the Cookies that were spent on the bet for that Battle Thread.

When a Breeder loses a Duel, the other participating Breeder wins that Duel. The winner of a Duel adds an amount of Cookies equal to twice the amount that was bet. Also, both the winner and the loser of the Duel receive an amount of Cookies equal to one-third of the total Heartbeat lost during the Duel, rounded down.


A Dragonmaster who is not currently in a battle(excluding the Succession Challenge) may announce a Challenge by creating a Battle Thread with “[Challenge]” at the beginning of its title. The text of the story post must specify an admittance cost in Cookies that must be spent by Breeders joining in the Challenge, and the full stats, name and color of the Dragon that the Dragonmaster will be considered to be using for that challenge (the stats can be anything that the Dragonmaster wants, and are valid only within that Battle Thread) Breeders not currently in battle may join the Challenge and become Guests by spending the Cookie admittance cost specified, but only if there are no other Guests in the Challenge. Upon joining, a Guest has a turn immediately. If a Guest loses the battle, that Breeder stops being a Guest but the Battle Thread continues, allowing other Breeders to join. If the Dragonmaster loses the Challenge while there is a Guest, that Guest wins the Challenge. The Guest who won the Challenge obtains an amount of Cookies equal to three times the admittance cost, then the Challenge ends and no more Breeders may join.


There exists a Battle Thread, called the Succession Challenge, with the subject “Succession Challenge”. This Battle Thread follows the same rules as a Challenge. If a Breeder wins the Succession Challenge, he has achieved victory.


Once a Battle has initiated and the turn order has been decided, Breeders may take turns posting their actions to the Battle Thread. A turn lasts until the Breeder’s Dragon uses a Move or until 24 hours have elapsed after the start of the turn. The Dragonmaster is also considered a Breeder for this rule.

When Breeders are participating in a Battle, they may not use Potion or Artifact Items except during their turn, and only may use one Item each turn. If they wish to use an item during the battle, they must include a message in their Battle Thread comment like, “Using X:” replacing X with the name of the Item and followed by the result of using the item (including the results of any dice rolls made while using the Item).

If a move used by a Dragon would inflict zero or less damage, that move inflicts no damage instead. If a Dragon becomes Dead while it is in a Battle, its Breeder automatically loses that Battle.

A Breeder or may also opt to use a special action instead of using a Dragon’s Move during their turn. These special actions are “Retreat!” and “Defend!”. Each of these actions are invoked by making a comment on the battle thread including the name of the special action. Their effects are:

Retreat: The Breeder using it immediately losses the Battle. This special action has no effect if the Battle Thread’s title contains the text “[Hardcore]” or the user is the Dragonmaster.

Defend: The Dragon makes no move, but the turn ends. Next turn, if damage would be received by your Dragon, the opponent must roll 1DICE5 and get a 1, or no damage is dealt. You may not use this special action again within 72 hours.


A Dragon may perform a move only while in battle and only during its turn. When the Dragon performs a move, the turn ends unless the attack specifies it otherwise. Each of the sub-rules to this rule defines one of the valid moves that a Dragon may perform. In this sub-rules, the Dragon performing the move is the attacker, and the other Dragon in the battle is the opponent.

When a rule says that a Dragon takes damage, it means that its Heartbeat becomes reduced by an ammount equal to that damage. If a Dragon is said to avoid damage, it means the avoided damage does not reduce its Heartbeat.

Dragon Claw:

The attacker throws a swipe at its enemy with its powerful claws. Multiply the attacker’s Muscle by 2, then substract the opponent’s Scales. The opponent takes that much damage, and if at least 1 damage is dealt this way, the opponent’s Scales or Wings (attacker chooses which) are reduced by 1DICE3 until the end of the battle.

Dragon Fang:

The attacker bites its enemy with sharp fangs, inflicting a grievious wound. Roll 3DICEX where X is the attacker’s Muscle, then substract the opponent’s Scales. If the result greater than zero, the attacker deals that much damage to the opponent. If damage dealt with this move is more than the oponent’s Muscle, the turn does not end.

Dragon Breath:

The attacker spits flames at the oponent, which not even a dragon’s hide can resist. Roll XDICE3 where X is the attackers Flame. The opponent takes that much damage and it may not be reduced in any form by the Scales or Wings of the opponent. This move cannot be used on your following two turns.

Dragon Flight:

The dragon begins to fly, making it easier to avoid enemy attacks. The attacker (the one performing this move) automatically avoids the next XDICE2 damage done to it during this battle, where X is its Wings at the time they performed this move.

Dragon Dive:

Can only be performed if the attacker used Dragon Flight on its last turn. Roll 2DICEX where X is the Muscle and Wings of the attacker added together, and substract the Scales of the opponent. If the result is greater than zero, the opponent takes that much damage. If the opponent took no damage from this attack, the attacker skips its next turn.

Dragon Roar:

The dragon makes a powerful thundering roar that makes its foe tremble. Choose a stat (except Heartbeat) then roll XDICE2, where X is the number of stats (including Heartbeat) that your Dragon has over 10. The chosen stat for the opponents dragon is decreased by that amount. The effect lasts until the end of battle, or until you use Dragon Roar again (whichever happens first).

Dragon Throw:

The dragon makes a quick dart forward to grab its enemy and throw it away. Roll 2DICEX where X is your Wings and if the result is greater than your opponent’s Wings, you successfully throw the opponent away, dealing damage equal to the result of the roll plus Muscle minus the opponent’s Scales. Damage dealt by your opponent next turn is halved.

Dragon Charge:

The dragon tightens its scales and muscles, preparing for a charge or swipe with full force next turn. Add XDICE2 to your Scales until your next turn, where X is your current Scales. On your next turn, if you deal damage to your opponent, you may roll DICE4 and on a 1 deal 50% more damage with that move (rounded up).


There exist objects called Items, which belong to one of three Item Types: Artifacts, Talismans and Potions. A Breeder may own Items if a rule or proposal allows it, and keeps track of them in the “Backpack” wiki document. This document shall be formated as a list of Breeders that own items, followed by a colon and a comma separated list of the items they own. If they own more than 1 of the same Item, they may instead specify their quantity before the item’s name. A Breeder may not own more than 6 Items at the same time. Owners of purple Dragons may carry 2 additional items from the start. Each Item has a Name, Type, Description and a Cost in Cookies. Only the owner of an Item may use it. The purpose and rules for an Item varies according to its Type and the actual item itself, as follows:

Potions: Items of this type may be used once, then their user removes them from their list of items. When the item is used, follow the instructions on the description of that item.

Talismans: Talismans are never used, they have effects that apply all the time. The description of the item specifies what kind of effect it has.

Artifacts: Items of the Artifact type can be used more than once, but may only be used as a weekly action. Their description contains instructions to follow when using them.

Item Shop

There exists a shop where Dragonmasters and non-battling Breeders may purchase items by spending cookies. All items that can be purchased from the shop are listed in this rule after this sentence, each one including their Name, Type, Cost and Description in that order (eg. Item - Type Cost: Description)

Blood Salve - Potion 20: If used in battle, adds 10DICE3 to the User’s Dragon Heartbeat, or 15DICE3 if the user’s Dragon is Green.

Miracle Elixir - Potion 50: If used in battle, adds 5DICE2 to each of your Dragon’s stats except Heartbeat during this turn and the next.

Resist Ring - Talisman 30: If your Dragon where to take damage, it takes 1 less damage instead, or 2 less damages if the user’s Dragon is Silver.

Anger Crown - Talisman 60: Whenever you use a move, your opponent takes 1DICE2 extra damage, or 3 if their user’s Dragon is Red.

Staff of Greed - Artifact 80: Spend 10 Cookies. If you do, choose a stat other than Heartbeat. Your dragon’s chosen stat goes up by 2, or 3 if the user’s Dragon is Black.

Chromatic Wand - Artifact 120: Change the color of your Dragon to any different valid color.

Charm of Feathers - Potion 20: If used during battle, the Wings and Scales of the user’s Dragon are increased by 1DICE4 (roll once for each stat), until the end of the battle.

Charm of Thorns - Potion 20: If used during battle, the Muscle and Flames of the user’s Dragon are increased by 1DICE4 (roll once for each stat), until the end of the battle.

Exploding Flask - Potion 35: If used during battle, roll 3DICE10 and substract your opponent’s Scales. If the result is greater than 0, your opponent’s Dragon takes that much damage.

Replicating Bag - Artifact 120: Choose an item you own of type Potion. You obtain a copy of that item.

Fortune Cookie - Artifact 150: You gain 1DICE100 Cookies.

Everlasting Vial - Artifact 80: Add 1DICE20 to your active Dragon’s Heartbeat, or 1DICE30 if the color of your Dragon is Green.

Frozen Gasp - Talisman 90: If the Heartbeat of your Dragon would be reduced to zero, it is reduced to one instead, then remove this item from your backpack.

Thunder Ring - Talisman 130: When your Dragon uses a move, you may roll DICE10. On a 1, the opponent’s Dragon takes 3DICE4 damage (ignoring Scales) and loses it’s next turn.

Acid Armlet - Talisman 75: While in a battle, your opponent’s Muscle and Scales are considered to be 1 point lower than their actual value.

Dragon Eggs

Each Breeder may own Dragon Eggs. They are tracked in the wiki document titled “Dragon Eggs”. In it there will be a heading for every Breeder, and under each heading are the Dragon Eggs that that Breeder owns. Dragon Eggs have all the same stats that Dragons do, and they also have a color from the list of colors Dragons can be. A Breeder may transfer a Dragon Egg to another Breeder at any time.


Breeders may breed Dragons together. To do so, one Breeder, whose Dragon is known as the Base, makes a post titled “[Breeding] (Base) + (Mate)”, where (Base) is replaced by the name of the Base, and Mate is replaced by the name of the prospective Dragon to be the Mate. This counts as a weekly action. The owner of the second Dragon named may post a comment containing the FOR symbol, and if he does the Breeding occurs. If he posts an AGAINST, or does not post either within forty-eight hours, the Breeding does not occur.

When Breeding occurs

When Breeding occurs, within forty-eight hours of it occouring, either Breeder involved may post one comment in the GNDT of “Claiming Eggs DICE2”. If they roll a one, they may add a Dragon Egg to the Dragon Eggs page in the wiki under their heading, with the color of the Base (unless otherwise noted by another sub-rule) and each stat equal to (Base’s stat + Mate’s stat)/2, rounded down. If they roll a two, they may add a Dragon Egg in this way twice. In either case, they may not post another comment for this Breeding.


Each Breeder may compete in a Tournament. Each Breeder is either Competing or Eliminated, which is tracked in the Tournament column of the GNDT. All Breeders start Eliminated. A Breeder may set themselves to Eliminated at any time. A Breeder may only set themselves to Competing if there are no Competing Breeders, or if another Breeder has become Competing within the last 24 hours.

If there is at least one Competing Breeder and no Breeder has become Competing within the last 24 hours, the Tournament begins! If there are at least two Competing Breeders that are not currently in Battle, any of them may start a Match by first rolling DICEX in the GNDT, where X is the number of Competing Breeders that are not currently in battle, minus one. This roll will pick another Competing Breeder not in a battle, determined by going down through the Current Active Breeders list, skipping any Eliminated Breeders, Breeders in Battle, and the roller.

Example: Suppose arthexis, Bucky, Qapmoc, Rodney, and Xaxyx were all Competing and Bucky and Rodney were dueling each other. If Qapmoc started a match, he would roll DICE2 and if he rolled a 1, he’d fight arthexis. If he rolled a 2, he’s fight Xaxyx.

The Breeder chosen in this way is known as the Opponent.

The Breeder who started the Match must fight the Opponent in one of two ways:

The first is an Official Duel. The Breeder who started the Match may post a Duel with the text “[Official]” in the title and name the Opponent as the Guest. The bet may not be more than 10 Cookies, and it may not be hardcore. If the Guest does not accept this Duel, but they were able to, they are Eliminated.

The alternate method is an unofficial Duel. The Breeder who started the Match may post any sort of Duel as long as the Opponent is the guest, including a hardcore duel. The Opponent has no obligation to accept this Duel, the option is only there for more bloodthirsty Breeders.

Either way, if the Breeder who started the Match and Opponent do Duel, the loser is Eliminated. If the Breeder who started the Match did not choose an Official Duel and they did not otherwise succeed in starting a Duel with the Opponent within 48 hours of the Match starting, the Breeder who started the Match is Eliminated. If a Competing Breeder’s Dragon is Dead at any time, they are automatically Eliminated.

If there is only a single Competing Breeder and the Tournament has begun, they may end the Tournament by adding 100 to their Cookies and Eliminating themselves. Then, any Breeder may become Competing again as above and once 24 hours has passed since any Breeder became Competing, the cycle starts anew.


This is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity.

  • It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
  • Rules which trigger upon the Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the Admin who Enacts or Fails it.
  • Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box shall represent a vote FOR, an X shall represent a vote AGAINST, an IMP shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently shall represent the Imperial Veto.
  • The "subject" of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is "" (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
  • "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at
  • A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)
  • Unless otherwise specified, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers, and any action that would set those values below zero instead sets them to zero. Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
  • Unless otherwise specified: When "X" is a number, to spend X of a numeric value "V" means to subtract X from V (i.e. replace V with V-X); no action may be taken which requires spending X of a numeric value when the subtraction would result in a number which is illegal as a replacement for that value (e.g. if the value represents a variable which is restricted to non-negative integers, but the subtraction comes up negative).
  • Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English and Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
  • Gamestate is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Breeders’ names.
  • All integers, unless stated otherwise by a rule, are in base 10.

Typographic Conventions

  • Italicized text, also known as Flavor Text, is not considered part of any form of gamestate and may be used to clarify proposals or rules with examples, notes, and flavor text. For example, this italicized text provides an example of the use of italicized text.


  • References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog, which is considered to be GMT for all purposes.
  • References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
  • All references to time must be either specific or defined within the ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. "dinnertime", "twilight") cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
  • If a game action is a Daily Action, each Breeder able to perform it may take that action once per day, but not more than once every six hours.
  • If a game action is a Weekly Action, each Breeder able to perform it may take that action once per week, but not more than once every twenty-four hours.
  • Calendar Dates shall be represented in dd/mm/yy (day/month/year) format.


  • Quorum is equal to half the number of Breeders, rounded down, plus one.
  • Dragonmaster
  • Breeder


References to "YDICEX" refer to Y X-sided dice. To roll dice, post DICEX in the comments field of the GNDT, replacing X with the number of sides on the die you wish to roll.


  • The IEEE auxiliary verbs used in Blognomic are:
    • Is required to: "shall";
    • Is recommended that: "should";
    • Is permitted to: "may";
    • Is able to: "can".