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Create a new Dynastic Rule "The Machine" with the text:

Rube Goldberg machine or device is any exceedingly complex apparatus that performs a very simple task in a very indirect and convoluted way. The Workers of Goldberg Technology are responsible for creating such a machine. The Machine has many pieces that are divided into two sub-groups, Parts and Variables.

Create a new sub-rule of The Machine: "Parts":

There exists a wiki page "Parts of the Machine" which is a list of all current parts of Goldberg Technology's machine. Each piece has the following information:

  • Name: The name by which the part is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered)
  • Crafter: The name of the worker(s) that are responsible for adding the device to the machine, and the wiki page.
  • Initiator: The requirements that must be met for this Part to take effect.
  • Effect: What changes are made to the Variables Page when this Part is initiated.

Create a new Sub-rule of Machine: "Variables":

There exists a wiki page "Machine Variables" which is a list of all the changing parts of the machine. Each variable is tracked as follows:

  • Name: The name by which the Variable is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered)
  • Creator: Who add this variable to the Machine
  • Possible States: What the possible states the variable may be in, and the order by which the variable advances
  • Current State: what the current state of the vaiable is.

Add the following to the "Machine Parts" wiki page:

  • Name: Master Switch
  • Creator: Amnistar
  • Initiator: Proposal with the title "Flip that Switch" is passed
  • Effect: increase the energy output of the Outlet by 10.

  • Name: Electric Fork
  • Creator: Amnistar
  • Initiator: Outlet is set to more that 7.
  • Effect: Ball on Ramp is set to "Pushed Down"

  • Name: Sonic Spoon
  • Creator: Amnistar
  • Initiator: Outlet is set to less than 5 but more than 2.
  • Effect: Ball on Ramp is set to "At the Top"

Add the following to the "Machine Variables" wiki page:

  • Name: Outlet
  • Creator: Amnistar
  • Possible States: Energy Output 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,10 (If increased beyond 10 resets back to 0).
  • Current State: 0
  • Name:Ball on Ramp
  • Creator: Amnistar
  • Possible States: "At the Top", "Pushed Down"
  • Current State: "At the Top"