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Topical Dynastic Information

This page has a list of information that is topical to this Dynasty, but may not be immediately apparent on reading the ruleset or following recent plays on the front page or GNDT. This page is not official and can be edited by any registered Blognomic member, but as all entries are opinions as to what is important, it might be good to sign your edits. This page should remain current with the Ruleset and Gamestate to give new players and the confused a good idea of important mechanics for this game.

Topical Information for the Second Dynasty of Angry Grasshopper

Encrypted Rules

This Dynasty has Encrypted Rules, that is, rules whose plaintext is not given in the Ruleset, although the plaintext is a game rule. Interested parties who have little to no background in cryptology are advised to read up on elementary cryptology and cryptograms on any online reference, such as Wikipedia. It would be worthwhile to know the definitions of several terms, such as subsitution ciphers, transposition ciphers, frequency analysis, and caesar ciphers.

There are other ways of accessing the plaintext of Encrypted Rules. Currently, a Monk may:

  • Use the Library. By Location Effects, 2.14.1, any Monk in the Library may get a hint once per day.
  • Buy a hint. The Codex Rule, 2.10, allows a Monk to buy a hint on any cipher for eight points of Knowledge.
  • Use Classical Literature. Any Monk who has Proficiency in Classical Literature (which is contigent on having more than five points of Knowledge) can use a Book for research on secret rules, 2.23.2. Although this rule specifically references a secret Ruleset, the Abbot attests that this Proficiency also can gain information on ciphers.
  • Observation. Any use of Encrypted Rules must be noted on the front page. If you see an encrypted rule being used, you may be able to deduce the plaintext by observing the game state. The Abbot will correct you if you employ the rule incorrectly, so be bold.
  • Conspiracy. You might be able to entice someone who knows an Encrypted Rule to share the plaintext with you, or give you hints.

Secret Rules

Some rules are Secret--Secret Rules are not listed in the core ruleset, but have rules that enable their existence and make them binding on this Dynasty.

There are several ways to learn of Secret Rules:

  • Use Classical Literature. Any Monk who has Proficiency in Classical Literature (which is contigent on having more than five points of Knowledge) can use a Book for research on Secret Rules. This is a certain way of learning about them. Any Monk can get a Book by spending nine point of Integrity by Rule 2.27, 'Good Will Towards Men'.
  • Conspiracy and Observation. If another Monk has a Secret Rule, they may share it with you. Be warned that use of some Secret Rules in tandem may have undesirable effects. Also, as several Secret Rules require some notice at use to the front page, one may be able to infer and appropriately use a Secret Rule by observation.

Stat Pumping

In addition to any known rules, any number of encrypted or secret rules may allow an increase of the following stats.


  • Take a Vow. It's 2 points a day if voluntary, 1 point a day if not.
  • Chanting is an excellent way to increase integrity, especially if surrounded by other Monks.


One may increase Knowledge by including relevant Biblical verse with a vote (inappropriate quotation may be penalized at the Abbot's discretion), see Rule 2.6.2.

A Monk standing next to an 'h' on the Map may also increase their knowledge by Studying Botany--this requires six Moves and may only be done one per day, see Rule 2,14.5


Did I miss anything? Angry grasshopper 23:56, 6 Jun 2006 (GMT)

Links to Story Posts -Bucky 05:33, 7 Jun 2006 (GMT)