Ruleset 46

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Core Rules

Ruleset and Gamestate

This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Corporations must obey it. Section One consists of the "core rules" of blognomic, covering basic proposal mechanics; Section Two contains the rules of the current dynasty; and Section Three contains the glossary, which exists solely to clarify the remainder of the ruleset. Rules may be referred to by their type and entire number or type and name. (e.g. This Rule may be referred to as Rule 1.1 or the Rule entitled “Ruleset and Gamestate"). If a Proposal refers to a Rule by number and that Rule has been renumbered since the Proposal posting, that Proposal does nothing if enacted.

The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.

No Rule may contain a provision that bars itself from being altered and/or repealed. If at any moment a Rule exists or is altered in a manner that renders it to contain such a provision, the entirety of that Rule shall be considered void and with no effects on the Gamestate. The provisions on this paragraph supersede any text in a Rule.

Admins may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset at any time.


Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by registering at via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post announcing their arrival. An Admin will add them to the roster in the sidebar, at which moment they become a Corporation.

A Corporation may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A Corporation may only change their name as a result of a proposal approving the change.

Some Corporations are Admins, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Corporations who wish to become Admins shall sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation.

Some Corporations are Idle, and shall be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of the Ruleset, excluding Rules 1.1 and 1.2, Idle Corporations are not counted as Corporations. Admins may render a Corporation Idle if that Corporation has asked to become Idle or if that Corporation has not posted a entry or comment for more than 7 days. Admins may de-Idle a Corporation at their request - the Corporation's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to their going Idle. If one or more values would be undefined, it is set to the value new Corporations receive, if such a value exists.

A single person may not control more than one Corporation within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Corporation, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Corporations from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.


Any Corporation may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the "Proposal" category that describes those changes (unless the Corporation already has 2 Proposals pending that have not been self-killed, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).

Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.


Any Corporation may cast their Vote on a Pending Proposal by making a comment on that entry using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL.

If the Corporation who made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR. If a Corporation casts more than one Vote on a Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Corporation leaves the game or goes Idle, their Vote no longer counts. If a Corporation votes against their own proposal, that vote may not be changed. This is referred to as a Self-Kill.

A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Government. The vote will count as the same as the Government's vote. The Government cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Government, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.


The oldest pending Proposal may be enacted by any Admin (and the Ruleset and/or Gamestate updated to include the specified effects of that Proposal) if either of the following is true:-

  • It has a number of FOR votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been vetoed or self-killed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid vote, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.

The oldest pending Proposal may be failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:-

  • It has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its votes are FOR.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and has fewer than 2 valid votes.
  • The Corporation who proposed it has voted AGAINST it.
  • The Government has voted to VETO it.

Whenever an Admin marks a proposal as enacted or failed, they must also mark their name, and report the final tally of votes (or the fact that the proposal was self-killed or vetoed).

Calls for Judgment

If two or more Corporations actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Corporation feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Corporation may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry in the "Call for Judgment" category. If the Corporation wishes, they may post anonymously by choosing "Call for Judgment" from the Author drop-down menu on the OPTIONS tab. The post shall go on to describe the issue, and measures that shall be taken to resolve it.

All Corporations may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Corporation's later votes overriding their earlier ones). Unfailed CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset shall be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails. A Failed CfJ has no further effect.

A Corporation may choose to make a Call for Judgment a “Time Freeze” as well by putting the words “Time Freeze” in the CfJ’s title. If they do so, they may not post the CfJ anonymously.

When a Time Freeze is posted, the game goes into Hiatus, if it hasn’t already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules “Corporations”, “Calls for Judgment”, “Gamestate Tracking” and “Victory and Ascension”

If the Government or any 3 other Corporations make comments to a Time Freeze that include the VETO icon, then that Time Freeze is no longer considered a Time Freeze (but it is still a Call for Judgement), and provided there no other DoVs or Time Freezes pending, the Hiatus ends.

When a Time Freeze is resolved, provided there no other DoVs or Time Freezes pending, the Hiatus ends. Otherwise, the Hiatus continues until there are no pending DoVs or Time Freezes.

Gamestate Tracking

Proposals, Calls for Judgment, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at Any Corporation may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the Ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.

If no Corporation has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed by its author; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post's Status must changed to reflect its status.

A non-official post may not, through editing of the blog or otherwise, be changed into an official post, with the following exception: Whilst a non-official post has been posted for less than five minutes and has no comments, the author may change the categories as they wish.

Voting and comments are accessible through the link at the bottom of every post.

Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at Any Corporation may update any Corporation's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.

All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Corporation feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), they may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment shall be raised.

Corporations shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty is headed by a single Government, and is named according to the number of Dynasties they have headed (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").

The Government may vote to VETO any Proposal.

Victory and Ascension

If a Corporation (other than the Government) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, they may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this.

Upon doing so, the game immediately goes into Hiatus, if it hasn't already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules "Corporations", "Calls for Judgment", "Gamestate Tracking" and "Victory and Ascension".

Every Corporation may respond to an active DoV saying whether or not they believe the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty (using the FOR and AGAINST icons).

The Declaration of Victory may be resolved after 24 hours, or after 12 hours if the Government has voted on it. Upon resolution, if a Quorum of Corporations have voted on the DoV and more than half of those votes were in favour, then the DoV passes - otherwise the DoV fails, and if no other DoVs or Time Freezes are still pending, the Hiatus ends.

When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Corporation who made the DoV as its Government. (That Corporation may pass this role to another Corporation at this point, if they wish.) The Hiatus continues until the new Government posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify the Government's chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Dynastic Rules will be repealed, and that any keywords will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms.

Dynastic Rules


Each Corporation has a currency value “Cash” tacked in the GNDT. New Corporations start with $50M in cash.

Each Corporation also has a Credit Limit, which is calculated from its other assets. The Government is considered to have a Credit Limit of negative infinity. Every other Corporation has a Credit Limit equal to -$6M times the number of Factories they have plus -$3M times the number of Offices they have. If a Corporation’s Cash is lower than their Credit Limit, it is considered Bankrupt. No Corporation may take any action that directly and immediately causes their Cash to become lower than their Credit Limit. No Bankrupt Corporation may take an action to lower their own Cash. If there are no Factories or Offices, this paragraph removes itself from the Ruleset.

A Corporation may give another Corporation any positive amount of Cash less than the amount it has minus its credit limit.

Immediately after anyone, including but not limited to the Government, Advances Time, any Corporation with a negative amount of Cash has eir Cash multiplied by 1.1 and rounded to the nearest $1M.

The Commodities

There is a page in the Wiki called Inventory. It may only be edited as permitted by the Dynastic Rules. Any Corporation without a subsection on the Inventory page may add one.

Any Corporation with an account on the Wiki and a subsection on the Inventory page is a Major Corporation.


A Corporation has a certain number of Production points, which it may allocate to Products. Unless otherwise stated in the Ruleset, a Corporation’s maximum Production is equal to the square of its number of Factories (defined below). For example, a Corporation with one Factory may allocate one point of Production; a Corporation with two Factories may allocate up to four points of Production; a Corporation with ten Factories may allocate one hundred points of Production; and so on.

A Product is a numerical status column in the GNDT. There is a Product for every subrule of this Rule, named after that subrule and tracked in the GNDT.

Each Corporation’s Inventory section should contain a clear statement about how it is allocating its production. If it does not, that Corporation may add such a statement at any time, following any requirements for reallocating production. Each Corporation may reallocate its Production at any time, as long as it follows the following requirements:

  • Each Product must be either declared a Public Domain product or one for which they have Production Rights to.
  • The amount of Production allocated to each Product must be a natural number. i.e. an integer greater than or equal to 0.
  • The total amount allocated must not exceed their Production.

The Government may Advance Time, as a Daily Action. To do so, for each Corporation and each Product that company has allocated Production to, he adds an amount to that Corporation’s corresponding GNDT stat equal to the square root of the Production that Company allocated to that Product. Subrules of this Rule override this with respect to that Rule’s Product. When the Government is about to Advance Time, if the total amount of Production allocated by a Corporation exceeds that Corporation's current Production, the Government may adjust that Corporation's allocated Production to make it comply eith that Corporation's current Production.

If over 48 hours have passed since Time was Advanced, any Corporation may make a post to the blog entitled “Corporate Time Advancement,” stating that they are Advancing Time in the Government’s stead. They must then immediately Advance Time, just as the Government would do. This counts as the Government Advancing Time for the purpose of all Rules in the Ruleset (Daemon Maintenance Cost, multiplication of negative Cash, etc.). The advancing Corporation does not gain any of the other privileges reserved for the Government, except that they may adjust overallocated Production values to make them comply with actual Production (see previous paragraph). The Government may not Advance Time again that day, or within the next six hours.

A Corporation may destroy their own non-Cash Products at any time simply by lowering their corresponding score in the GNDT.

Any partial units produced are wasted.

Each Corporation begins with one Office, one Factory and ten Souls.


Cash is easier to produce than other goods. Instead of the normal yield, anyone producing Cash gains $1M for every point of Production allocated to producing Cash, up to a maximum of five times the square root of the amount of Production they spent producing Cash.

The production rights for Cash are in the Public Domain.


Factories require more costly materials to produce than other products. Whenever a factory is produced, its new owner loses $10M in cash.

If any Corporation has more than three times as many Factories as Offices, the excess Factories do not count towards calculating Production. No Corporation may count Production from more than 50 of its own Factories. The Production Rights for Factories are in the Public Domain.


Offices require more costly materials to produce than other products. Whenever an Office is produced, its new owner loses $5M in cash. The Production Rights for Offices are in the Public Domain.


Offices and Factories require Souls; Souls take time but not money. The production rights for Souls are in the public domain. No Corporation may build more Factories, Offices, and Outlets combined, than they have Souls. As long as a Corporation has fewer Souls than Offices, Outlets and Factories combined, their Production is 0.


Outlets require more costly materials to produce than other products. Whenever an Outlet is produced, its new owner loses $3M in cash. The production rights for Outlets are in the Public Domain.


Goods do not do anything on their own. Whenever time advances, a Corporation loses an amount of Goods they own equal to number of Outlets they own (or all their Goods, if they own fewer Goods than Outlets), and gains the same amount of cash as goods lost. (in other words, Outlets produce $1M per turn, but only if they are kept stocked). The production rights for Goods are in the Public Domain.


If a Corporation is Bankrupt, any other Major Corporation may give it enough cash to leave the Bankrupt Corporation with at least $5M in Cash. The first Corporation then ceases to become Bankrupt and becomes a Subsidiary of the other Corporation involved, and this must be recorded on the Inventory of both Corporations involved. This is called "Buying Out" the Bankrupt Corporation, and the Corporation doing the Buyout is called the Subsidiary's Parent Corporation. Corporations may use Production Rights or Naming Rights belonging to their Subsidiaries.

When one Corporation becomes a Subsidiary of another, all the former Corporation’s Subsidiaries cease to be its Subsidiaries, and become the Subsidiaries of the latter Corporation instead. This must be recorded on the Inventories of all Corporations involved.

If any Bankrupt Corporation has a positive amount of Cash, it is no longer Bankrupt. Bankrupt Corporations may not Produce anything but Cash.

If any Corporation has a Quorum of Corporations as Subsidiaries, that Corporation has achieved victory.

If a Corporation becomes a Subsidiary of its own Subsidiary Corporation, the latter Corporation is no longer a Subsidiary. For example: if Corporation A were a Subsidiary of Corporation B, Corporation B went Bankrupt, and Corporation A gave Corporation B enough Cash so that they had at least $5M; then Corporation B would be Corporation A’s Subsidiary, and the reverse would no longer be true. A Subsidiary Corporation may not attempt to Buy Out any other Corporation except its own Parent Corporation. No Corporation may attempt to Buy Out another Corporation’s Subsidiary.

While a Corporation is a Subsidiary, its may allocate no more than 90% of its maximum Production (rounded to the nearest whole number). A Parent Corporation’s maximum Production is increased by 10% (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the sum total maximum Productions of its Subsidiaries.

A Parent Corporation may release its Subsidiary at any time by editing the Inventory page, and making a post to the blog, to indicate the former Subsidiary’s new status.

Immediately after Time is Advanced (and after any negative Cash is multiplied by 1.1), each Parent Corporation must pay $(x)M per non-bankrupt Subsidiary it owns and $(5 * x)M per bankrupt Subsidiary it owns, where x is the number of other Parent Corporations in the game.

Brute Force

Even if a Corporation is not Bankrupt, any other non-Bankrupt Corporation may Buy it Out by destroying eir own Cash according to the formula -5R+C, where R is the target Corporation’s Credit Limit and C is the target Corporation’s Cash. The target Corporation gains $1M for every $3M destroyed and becomes the second Corporation’s Subsidiary. This may not occur if either Corporation involved has either joined the game in the last week or unidled for the first time this Dynasty in the same time period.


A Corporation may place Products they own in Escrow by making a blog post entitled “Escrow: [Name 1] to [Name 2],” where [Name 1] is the posting Corporation and [Name 2] is the name of another Corporation who will be the recipient of said Products if certain conditions come to pass. These conditions, along with the Products at stake, are specified within the body of the post. The body of the post may optionally contain a paragraph that clearly identifies the post’s “Expiration criteria”. Upon placing Products in Escrow, the Corporation must immediately remove them from their own row in the GNDT.

No Corporation may place in Escrow more Products than they have, with the exception of Cash. No Corporation may place more Cash in Escrow than their Cash total at the time of posting, plus the absolute value of its Credit Limit.

If the conditions come to pass as specified in the post, the recipient gains the Products so placed, and may immediately add them in the GNDT. Until that point, as long as all of the post’s “Expiration criteria” (if there are any) are satisfied, the original posting Corporation may take back the Products by posting again with the title “Escrow Cancelled: [Name 1] to [Name 2]”, placing a link to the original Escrow post in the body of the post, and restoring their own Products in the GNDT.

No Escrow condition may be triggered more than once.

For example, Brendan could make a post entitled “Escrow: Brendan to Bucky” with the body “2 Factories, upon the removal of all spivak pronouns from the Ruleset.” This assumes that Brendan owns at least 2 Factories. In this case, Brendan would then lose 2 Factories immediately, and Bucky would gain them if and when said pronouns were removed.


A Corporation may, in the interest of serving their stockholders, summon Daemons to help them compete in our increasingly global economy. A Corporation’s Daemons are tracked by means of a list in the GNDT, which should contain either “(none)” or a list with the names of the Daemons they currently employ. Each name of Daemon is named and described in a subrule to this rule.

Summoning a Daemon is a Daily Action. Unless otherwise stated, a Corporation may not summon a Daemon they already employ.

To summon a Daemon, the Corporation simply changes their Daemon option to include a given name, then pays that Daemon’s Summoning Cost in Souls. The Daemon is then summoned, and becomes employed by the Corporation until removed or replaced. If they already employ any Daemons at that time, the cost for the new Daemon is doubled once for each Daemon that Corporation already employs.

As with Products and Production Rights, Daemons are covered by Naming Rights; a Corporation may only summon a Daemon whose Naming Rights they own, or whose Naming Rights are Public Knowledge.

Unless otherwise stated, whenever Time is Advanced by the Government, each Corporation that employs a Daemon loses one Soul for the first Daemon they employ, 2 for the second, 4 for the third, and so on, doubling the cost for each additional Daemon they employ. If the Corporation has insufficient Souls to meet this demand (known as the Maintenance Cost), their Daemon is set to “(none)” and their Cash is set to $1M less than their Credit Limit, rendering them Bankrupt.

At any time, a Corporation may release a Daemon they employ, by paying the summoning cost of the Daemon being released, double once for each Daemon they currently control, including the one being released, and deleting said Daemon from their list in the GNDT.


Summoning Cost: 3 Souls

While a Corporation employs Dimurgos, they may count Production from a number of Factories equal to six times their Offices, instead of three.


Summoning Cost: 4 Souls

Mephistopheles shall not be considered when computing Maintenance Costs, i.e., a Corporation pay no souls to maintain Mephistopheles as they employee, nor does Mephistopheles double the Maintenance Cost of any other Daemon. Additionally, a Corporation controlling Mephistopheles gains one extra Soul per Daemon they employ each time Time is Advanced by the Government, in addition to any Production spent on Souls.


Summoning Cost: 2 Souls

Any Lawsuit filed against a Corporation that employs Astaroth is considered to have received two extra AGAINST votes, when calculating its wins and losses.


Summoning Cost: 5 Souls

At any time and as often as they wish, a Corporation employing Kasadya may pay 1 Soul to add -$5m to their Credit Limit. This additional credit expires 24 hours after the Soul is paid, as per GNDT timestamping (even if the Corporation no longer employs Kasadya at that time).


Summoning Cost: 3 Souls

While a Corporation employs Baal, they may count themselves as having double their actual number of Souls, only for the purposes of determining how many Factories, Offices, and Outlets they may build or own without penalty (as per the Production subrule called Souls).


Summoning Cost: 4 Souls

While a corporation employs Morgroth, they may add 4 to their production value, after production value from factories has been calculated.


Summoning Cost: 3 Souls

As a Daily Action, the employer of Ifrit may pay up to 4 pairs of souls to Ifrit. Then, in the GNDT roll, 1DICEX, where X is the number of souls paid(total souls, not pairs), plus one(1). They may then target any corporation who has more souls then they do (after souls have been paid to Ifrit) and remove souls from targeted corporation equal to the result of the dice roll.


Summoning Cost: 3 Souls

A Corporation employing Ziz may produce Cash up to 6 times the square root of their Production allocated to Cash, instead of the normal 5-times-square-root limit.


Summoning Cost: 6 Souls

At any time and as often as they wish, a Corporation employing Iblis may pay 1 Soul to add $3M to another Corporation’s Credit Limit, so long as they do not take it above $0M. The acting Corporation must state which Corporation they are affecting in a GNDT comment at payment time. This effect expires 24 hours after the Soul is paid, as per GNDT timestamping (even if the Corporation no longer employs Iblis at that time).


Summoning Cost: 5 Souls

As a Daily Action, an employer of Gillbates may reduce eir soul count by X and roll a DICEX to attempt to acquire the Naming Rights for a daemon. Before doing this, e must declare which Daemon e is wishing to acquire Naming Rights for by making a comment to the GNDT containing this Daemon's name. If the result of the DICEX is strictly greater than the summoning cost of this Daemon e may add eir name to the Naming Rights for that Daemon E may not attempt this action on any Daemon which e currently posses naming rights for, nor may e attempt this action on a Daemon in public domain.


Summoning Cost: 6 Souls

The Corporation controlling Lucifer may occasionally expend x souls in an attempt to steal another Corporation’s Daemon. The names of the target Daemon and Corporation must be noted in a comment to the GNDT when the attempt takes place. The theft is accomplished by rolling DICEy, where y is equal to the total number of souls owned by all Corporations; if the result is equal to or lower than x then the attempt is successful and the initiating Corporation now controls the target Daemon, as well as Lucifer. The Corporation from whom the Daemon was stolen gains x/2 souls, rounded up where necessary.


Summoning Cost: 5 Souls

No Corporation with less than 2 more Souls than the total of eir Factories, Offices and Outlets may employ Amon. A Corporation employing Amon is considered to have 2 more than eir actual number of factories for the purposes of calculating Production. Extra Factories created by employing Amon are subject to all rules that apply to normal Factories, unless these rules are overridden by another Daemon employed by the Corporation.


Summoning Cost: 5 Souls

As a daily action, a corporation employing Reaper may spend up to $60M to transfer 1 soul per $10M spent, minus 1, from a single target corporation to their own.


Summoning Cost: 4 souls

Any corporation employing Ponus may produce Goods equal to the square-root of production points allocated to production times 2, instead of the usual square-root of production points allocated.

Daemon Research

Today’s high-tech Corporations are constantly working to discover new and interesting denizens of the Nine Hells. Due to the Government’s antitrust laws, of course, the public must be given a chance to obtain Naming Rights to these discoveries.

A Corporation may create Proposals with a title that includes the text “(Daemon Research)”. These follow all the same rules as normal Proposals, but their text must comprise only a new subrule (and thus a name) for the rule called “Daemons.”

On such Proposals, in addition to voting, Corporations may post comments with the text “Bid: $xm”, where x is an amount of Cash. A Corporation may bid more than once, and their later bids are always considered to override their earlier ones. No Corporation may bid more than their total amount of Cash, plus the absolute value of their Credit Limit, at the time of the bid. No Corporation may bid exactly the same amount of Cash as any other Corporation’s latest bid.

If a Daemon Research Proposal passes, its Naming Rights are awarded to its creator, along with the two Corporations with the highest standing bids in the comments; their names should be listed in the Naming Rights line of the new subrule. The winning bidders lose the amount of Cash they bid, and the proposing Corporation gains the combined total of these two bids. The new Daemon’s name should be added to the Daemon dropdown in the GNDT as part of the Proposal’s passage. An Admin may not enact a Daemon Research proposal if it has placed a bid on that proposal in the last six hours.

If a Daemon Research Proposal passes with fewer than two bids from different Corporations, then the Proposal’s creator gains no cash, its bidders (if any) do not lose their bids, and the Naming Rights are made Public Knowledge.

Sale of Rights

Each Product and each Daemon in the Ruleset shall have its Production Rights or Naming Rights, respectively, tracked on the Inventory page.

If a Corporation owns Production Rights to a Product or Naming Rights to a Daemon, they may share such rights with any other Corporation at any time. To do so, the sharing Corporation must make a blog post stating with whom they are sharing the rights, and edit the relevant Production Rights or Naming Rights line of the Inventory page accordingly.

A Corporation may give up the Production Rights to a Product or the Naming Rights to a Daemon if it wishes--again, by posting as much, and editing the relevant Rights line.

Along the same lines, a Corporation may put Production Rights it owns into the Public Domain, or make Naming Rights it owns Public Knowledge.

All-Out War

Should a Corporation feel wronged by another Corporation (or just feel like starting a racket), it may make a Story Post with a title beginning with the string “Lawsuit:”. The first line of the post must end with the text “Multiplier: $xM” with ‘x’ replaced by a positive integer. It must go on to name a Corporation to be the Victim and describe the specific grievances. This type of post is called a Lawsuit, and the act of creation of a lawsuit is called filing. Upon filing a lawsuit, the Corporation who filed it must pay court fees equal to the Multiplier to the Government.

Once a lawsuit has been filed, there is a 24-hour period for discussion of the lawsuit. Bribery, slander and blackmail are encouraged during this phase. During this period the Government may veto the lawsuit, although e will only do so under extreme circumstances such as lawsuits for an infinite or practically infinite amount of money.

After the bribery and discussion period is over, Each Corporation may vote up to one time on the Lawsuit. Valid votes are FOR and AGAINST. If a Corporation votes more than once on the same Lawsuit, only its most recent vote counts.

48 hours after a Lawsuit has been filed, a Settlement is reached. The Corporation who filed the Lawsuit receives Cash according to the formula M(F-A) where M is the Lawsuit’s Multiplier and F and A are the number of FOR and AGAINST votes it received. The Victim loses the same amount of Cash. (If the formula results in a negative amount of cash, the Victim has successfully countersued.)


This is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity.

  • It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
  • Rules which trigger upon the Enacment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the Admin who Enacts or Fails it.
  • Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box shall represent a vote FOR, an X shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently shall represent the Imperial Veto.
  • The "subject" of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is "" (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
  • "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at
  • A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)
  • Unless otherwise specified, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers, and any action that would set those values below zero instead sets them to zero. Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
  • Unless otherwise specified: When “X” is a number, to spend X of a numeric value “V” means to subtract X from V (i.e. replace V with V-X); no action may be taken which requires spending X of a numeric value when the subtraction would result in a number which is illegal as a replacement for that value (e.g. if the value represents a variable which is restricted to non-negative integers, but the subtraction comes up negative).
  • Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English and Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
  • Gamestate is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Corporations' names and the blog colour scheme.

Typographic Conventions

  • Italicized text is not considered part of the ruleset and may be used to clarify rules with examples, notes, and flavor text. For example, this italicized text provides an example of the use of italicized text.


  • References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog, which is considered to be GMT for all purposes.
  • References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
  • All references to time must be either specific or defined within the ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. "dinnertime", "twilight") cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
  • If a game action is a Daily Action, each Corporation able to perform it may take that action once per day, but not more than once every six hours.
  • If a game action is a Weekly Action, each Corporation able to perform it may take that action once per week, but not more than once every twenty-four hours.


  • Quorum is equal to half the number of Corporations, rounded down, plus one.


References to "YDICEX" refer to Y X-sided dice. To roll dice, post DICEX in the comments field of the GNDT, replacing X with the number of sides on the die you wish to roll.


  • The IEEE auxiliary verbs used in Blognomic are:
    • Is required to: "shall";
    • Is recommended that: "should";
    • Is permitted to: "may";
    • Is able to: "can".