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Go stones.png This page was gamestate in an unspecified dynasty (see which pages link here). It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.


To use this template, you can either specify the full page name of a dynasty (eg. {{gamestate|The First Dynasty of Hix}}) or leave it blank ({{gamestate}}). In the latter case, the page will be added to the category Category:Gamestate from unspecified dynasties for future cleanup.

In all cases, any page with this template will be automatically added to Category:Gamestate Tracking.


For example, {{gamestate|The Tenth Metadynasty}} produces:

Go stones.png This page was gamestate during The Tenth Metadynasty. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.
Go stones.png It was also gamestate during The Tenth Metadynasty.

If adding multiple copies of the template to a page, add |also=1 (eg. {{gamestate|The Sixth Dynasty of Josh|also=1}}) on all but the first templates, to reduce the amount of repeated text.

Live gamestate

The gamestate tracking page of a dynasty doesn't need this template as it's assumed that all players understand it to be gamestate, but for other more surprising pages, {{gamestate|now}} can be added to produce the notification that:

Go stones.png This page is defined as being gamestate under the current ruleset. It may only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.