Wizard Duels Preview

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Each Wizard has an integer number of Stars, which defaults to twenty or the lowest number of Stars held by any Wizard, whichever is higher.


A Spell has a Name, an Input, and a Effect. Spells are tracked as subrules to this rule, with the name of the Spell being the name of the subrule and rest of the spell information being tracked in the subrule itself.


Inputs: None
Effect: If no other Wizard cast the Greed spell this Duel, gain 5 stars


Inputs: None
Effect: Gain DICE4 stars


Inputs: A numerical position in the Wizard Ring
Effect: The wizard in the targeted position loses 3 stars. Their neighbors lose 1 star


A Duel consists of a Number, Battle Time, A Wizard Ring and A Spell List. Duels are either Open, Pending or Resolved.

The Battle Time for a duel is a UTC Date and Time.

A Wizard Ring consists of the names of the Wizards (including possibly Idle Wizards) who are actively participating in a Duel, as well as their numerical position in the ring (starting at 1). Each Wizard is considered to be neighbors with the Wizards numerically adjacent to them in the ring (so Wizard in position 4 is neighbors with Wizards 3 and 5). Additionally, the Wizard Ring loops so the Wizard in position 1 is adjacent to the Wizard in the last position and vice versa.

The Spell List is a link to a wiki page which contains the spells available to cast in that duel. The spell list for all duels is considered game state.

Creating A Duel

If there is no open or pending duel, the Battle Master may Schedule a Duel by performing the following atomic action:

  • Set the Duel Number to be one higher than the previous duel number or 1 if it’s the first duel
  • Set the Battle Time to the soonest date and time which is 15:00:00 UTC and at least 44 hours from the current date and time.
  • Set the Wizard Ring to be all Wizards, ordered randomly
  • Clear the contents of the wiki page titled “Wizard Duel Spell List X” where X is the duel number
  • Set the contents of the wiki page titled “Wizard Duel Spell List X” where X is the duel number to be the current spell list in the ruleset
  • Make a story post to the blog titled “Wizard Duel X” where X is the duel number which consists of the Battle Time, Wizard Ring and Spell List for that duel

Engaging in a Duel

Wizards who are named in the Wizard Ring for a duel are considered to be participants in that duel. A wizard who is a participant in an open duel may select which spell they want to cast or change which spell they are casting in that duel by choosing a spell from the spell list for the duel and privately communicating with the Battle Master the name of the spell and any inputs for that spell.

Commencing a Duel

If there is an open duel, and the current date and time are after the battle time for that duel, the Battle Master may make a comment in the blog post for that duel indicating that the battle is about to commence and the duel is now pending. At this point the duel becomes pending.

If there is a pending duel, the Battle Master may resolve the duel by performing the following atomic action

  • Each spell selected for casting by a Wizard is cast simultaneously. When a spell is cast, apply the effect of that spell according to the spell list for the current duel, applying the effect to the caster of the spell unless otherwise stated. Idle Wizards who are targeted by a spell are still considered Wizards for the purposes of resolving a spells effects and may still have their gamestate values changed by other spells, but do not cast spells themselves.
  • Reply to the duel post specifying which spells were cast and how many stars each wizards gained or lost from those spells

At this point, the duel becomes closed and the Battle Master is encouraged to promptly schedule the next duel