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= Core Rules =
= Core Rules =
== Ruleset and Gamestate ==
== Ruleset and Gamestate ==
This is the '''Ruleset''' for BlogNomic; all Scribes shall obey it. Section One consists of the “core rules” of BlogNomic, covering basic proposal mechanics; Section Two contains the rules of the current dynasty; and Section Three contains the appendix, which exists solely to clarify the remainder of the ruleset.
This is the '''Ruleset''' for BlogNomic; all Puzzlers shall obey it.
The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.
It comprises four Sections: 1) the “core rules” of BlogNomic, covering the essential elements of gameplay; 2) the rules of the current Dynasty; 3) rules which set metagame parameters for the current dynasty; and 4) the appendix, which complements and clarifies the Ruleset.
Scribes may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset and their own Pending Proposals at any time, including replacing Spivak and gender-specific pronouns with the singular “they”.
The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset. This document is considered to be, in effect, the only Ruleset for BlogNomic, so long as it is located at at the URL https://wiki.blognomic.com/index.php?title=Ruleset.
== Scribes ==
If the text of the Ruleset document does not reflect all legal changes that have been authorised to be made to it, any Puzzler may update it to do so.
Any human may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by registering at http://blognomic.com via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post making clear their wish to be a '''Scribe'''. An Admin shall add them to the roster in the sidebar and the GNDT, at which moment they become a Scribe.
A Scribe may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A Scribe may not rejoin the game within two weeks after having left. A Scribe may only change their name as a result of a proposal approving the change.
The gamestate tracking page for this dynasty is the [[Puzzle Board]] page of the wiki. Unless otherwise stated, all publicly tracked gamestate information is tracked on it.
Some Scribes are '''Admins''', responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Scribes who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation. New admins shall be given the GNDT configuration password when they become admins.
== Puzzlers ==
A human with access to the blog who is not already a Puzzler may make a blog post making clear their wish to be a Puzzler (plural form Puzzlers); in response, an Admin shall add them to the roster in the sidebar, at which moment they become a Puzzler. (See the [[FAQ#Can_I_join_in.3F|FAQ]] for guidance on how to apply for access to the BlogNomic blog.)
===Idle Scribes===
A Puzzler may only change their name as a result of a Proposal approving the change.
Some Scribes are '''Idle''', and shall be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of all Gamestate and the Ruleset, excluding Rules “Ruleset and Gamestate”, “Scribes”, “Dynasties”, “Fair Play” and any of those Rules’ subrules, Idle Scribes are not counted as Scribes.
Some Puzzlers are '''Admins''', responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Puzzlers who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation. Puzzlers may be made Admins through Proposal or CFJ.
If a Proposal contains a provision that targets a specifically named Idle Scribe, then that Idle Scribe is considered to be Unidle solely for the purposes of enacting that specific provision
A Puzzler may cease to be a Puzzler at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A human who has ceased to be a Puzzler in this way may not become a Puzzler again within the following two weeks.
When a Scribe is unidled, if they went Idle in the same dynasty, their personal gamestate retains the last legally endowed values it had, if they are still valid. Otherwise (including if a value is invalid, does not exist, or the Scribe Idled in a different dynasty), the Scribe is given the default value for new Scribe, if such a value exists.
===Idle Puzzlers ===
An Admin may render a Scribe Idle if that Scribe has asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past four days, or if that Scribe has not posted an entry or comment in the last seven days. In the latter case, the Admin must announce the idling in a blog post. Admins may render themselves Idle at any time, but should announce it in a post or comment when they do so. An Admin may Unidle a Scribe if that Scribe has asked to become Unidle in an entry or comment from the past four days, and Idle Admins may Unidle themselves at any time, unless the Scribe who would be Unidled asked to become (or rendered themselves) Idle within the previous four days, and within the current dynasty.
If a Puzzler is Idle, this is tracked by their name being removed or concealed in the list of currently active Puzzlers in the Sidebar. For the purposes of all Gamestate and the Ruleset, excluding the core and appendix Rules “Ruleset and Gamestate”, “ Puzzlers ”, “Dynasties”, “Fair Play”, "Mentors" and any of those Rules’ subrules, Idle Puzzlers are not counted as Puzzlers . The combined term “Idle Puzzlers” can be used to refer to Puzzlers who are Idle even in rules that do not treat them as Puzzlers.
Admins who are unidling themselves should, in their first vote following each unidling, highlight their changed idle status and any changes to quorum to have come about as a result of it.
If a Proposal contains a provision that targets a specifically named Idle Puzzler, then that Idle Puzzler is considered to be Unidle solely for the purposes of enacting that specific provision.
== Dynasties ==
When a Puzzler is unidled, if they went Idle in the same Dynasty, their personal gamestate retains the last legally endowed values it had, if they are still valid. Otherwise (including if a value is invalid, does not exist, or the Puzzler Idled in a different Dynasty), the Puzzler is given the default value for new Puzzlers, if such a value exists.
BlogNomic is divided into a number of '''Dynasties'''. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Scribe, known as the Editor. If there is no Editor, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.
== Votable Matters ==
An Admin may render a Puzzler Idle if that Puzzler has asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), or if that Puzzler has not posted an entry or comment in the past 168 Hours (7 days). In the latter case, the Admin must announce the idling in a blog post, and the 168 Hour idle timeout is considered to be reduced to 96 hours for that Puzzler during the current and subsequent dynasty. Admins may render themselves Idle at any time, but should announce it in a post or comment when they do so. An Admin may Unidle a Puzzler if that Puzzler is Idle and has asked to become Unidle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), and Idle Admins may Unidle themselves at any time, unless the Puzzler who would be Unidled has become Idle within the past 96 hours (4 days), and within the current Dynasty.
A '''Votable Matter''' is a post which Scribes may cast Votes on, such as a Proposal, a Call for Judgement or a Declaration of Victory.
Each Scribe may cast one Vote on a Votable Matter by making a comment to the Official Post that comprises that Votable Matter using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL. Additional voting icons may be permitted in some cases by other rules. A valid Vote is, except when otherwise specified, a Vote of FOR or AGAINST. A Scribe’s Vote on a Votable Matter is the last valid voting icon that they have used in any comment on that Votable Matter. Additionally, if the author of a Votable Matter has not used a valid voting icon in a comment to the post, then the author’s Vote is FOR. A non-Scribe never has a Vote, even if they were a Scribe previously and had cast a valid Vote.
Admins who are unidling themselves should, in their first vote following each unidling, highlight their changed idle status and any changes to Quorum to have come about as a result of it.
Votable Matters can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Votable Matter is first put forward, it is considered Pending.
Idle admins can resolve Votable Matters as a non-idle admin would.
Whenever an Admin resolves a Votable Matter, they must also mark their name, and report the final tally of Votes (or the fact that it was self-killed or vetoed). Comments cannot be made on Enacted or Failed Votable Matters.
If there are fewer than four Puzzlers (not including the Puzzle Master), then BlogNomic is on Hiatus.
This rule cannot be overruled by Dynastic Rules in its application to Calls for Judgement or Declarations of Victory.
== Dynasties ==
BlogNomic is divided into a number of '''Dynasties'''. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Puzzler, known as the Puzzle Master. If there is no Puzzle Master, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.
== Proposals ==
An Interregnum is the period between dynasties, after a DoV has been enacted and before a Dynastic Reset has been performed. During an Interregnum the game is in hiatus; additionally, no DoVs may be made, and no Puzzler may achieve Victory. However, dynastic actions that are specifically permitted to be carried out during an Interregnum may be carried out.
Any Scribe may submit a '''Proposal''' to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the “Proposal” category that describes those changes (unless the Scribe already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).
=== Special Proposal Voting ===
Unless otherwise stated by a dynastic or Building Blocks rule, then for the purposes of dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Puzzle Master is not a Puzzler.
When a Scribe casts a vote AGAINST their own Proposal (which is not in the form of a DEFERENTIAL vote), this renders the Proposal '''Self-Killed''', even if the author later changes their Vote. The Editor may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a proposal; when the Editor casts a vote of VETO on a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if the Editor later changes their Vote.
== Votable Matters ==
A '''Votable Matter''' is a post which Puzzlers may cast Votes on, such as a Proposal, a Call for Judgement or a Declaration of Victory.
If a Scribe other than the Editor casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, then the Vote of DEFERENTIAL is an indication of confidence in the Editor. When the Editor has a valid Vote other than VETO on a Proposal, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL are instead considered to be valid and the same as the Editor's Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified.
Each Puzzler may cast one Vote on a Votable Matter by making a comment to the Official Post that comprises that Votable Matter using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL. Additional voting icons may be permitted in some cases by other rules. A valid Vote is, except when otherwise specified, a Vote of FOR or AGAINST. A Puzzler‘s Vote on a Votable Matter is the last valid voting icon that they have used in any comment on that Votable Matter. Additionally, if the author of a Votable Matter has not used a valid voting icon in a comment to the post, then the author’s Vote is FOR. A non-Puzzler never has a Vote, even if they were a Puzzler previously and had cast a valid Vote.
=== Resolution of Proposals ===
If a Puzzler other than the Puzzle Master casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL, then the Vote of DEFERENTIAL is an indication of confidence in the Puzzle Master. When the Puzzle Master has a valid Vote other than VETO on a Votable Matter, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are instead considered to be valid and the same as the Puzzle Master’s Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified. When the Puzzle Master themselves casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL, it indicates an indication of confidence in the votes of the other players; please see the Rules and Votable Matters section of the Appendix for more information on how this is resolved.
The oldest pending [[#Proposals|Proposal]] may be '''enacted''' by any Admin (by updating the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal, and then setting that Proposal's status to Enacted) if either of the following is true:
A Votable Matter is '''Popular''' if any of the following are true:
* It has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum.
* It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid Vote cast on it, and more valid Votes cast on it are FOR than are AGAINST.
* It has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been Vetoed or Self-Killed.
A Votable Matter is '''Unpopular''' if any of the following are true:
* It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid Vote cast on it, more valid Votes cast on it are FOR than are AGAINST, and it has not been Vetoed or Self-Killed.
* The number of Puzzlers who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.
* It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and it is not Popular.
The oldest pending Proposal may be '''failed''' by any Admin, if any of the following are true:
=== Enacting and Failing ===
* It has been Vetoed or Self-Killed.
Votable matters have a status, which can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed, or Illegal. When a votable matter is first put forward it is considered Pending (which is tracked as having no status in the current blog software), and it remains Pending until it is Resolved.
* The number of Scribes who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.
* It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and cannot be Enacted.
If a proposal somehow ends up being pending for more than 7 days, it is ignored for the purpose of calculating the oldest pending proposal, and can be failed by any Admin.
A votable matter is resolved by an admin setting its status through use of the “status” field in the blog post editing form. When an admin resolves a votable matter they should mark their name, and are highly encouraged to report the final tally of Votes (or the fact that it was withdrawn or vetoed). Comments cannot be made on resolved Votable Matters.
== Calls for Judgement ==
A votable matter may not be resolved except as directed by the ruleset, and the status of a resolved votable matter, once resolved, is determined by the votes cast upon it, as assessed by the rules that govern the specific kind of votable matter (as well as any other considerations regarding the legality of the votable matter, such as the stipulations put forward in the Appendix rule Official Posts). When a Failed proposal has been Vetoed it may optionally have the Vetoed status upon resolution, which is considered to be the same as Failed for the purposes of all other rules.
If two or more Scribes actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Scribe feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Scribe may raise a '''Call for Judgement''' (abbreviated CfJ) by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgement” category.
A Pending CFJ may be Resolved by an Admin if it has a Quorum of FOR Votes, a Quorum of AGAINST Votes, or if it has been open for voting for more than 48 hours. When a CFJ is Resolved, it is to be Enacted if it has more FOR Votes than AGAINST Votes and Failed otherwise. When a CFJ is Enacted, the Admin Enacting it shall update the Gamestate and Ruleset, and correct the GNDT and other gamestate tracking entities, as specified in the CFJ.
This rule cannot be overruled by any other rule in its application to Calls for Judgement or Declarations of Victory.
Any CfJ that specifies neither changes to the Gamestate or Ruleset nor corrections to any gamestate tracking entities may be failed by any Admin.
Votable Matters have zero or more tags. Tags are represented in the title of a Votable Matter with the format “[X]” (e.g. “[Core] Wording Fix”, where “[Core]” is the tag).
This Rule may not be overruled by Dynastic Rules.
Votable Matters making changes to the Core Rules, the Building Blocks Rules or the Appendix Rules require any of the following to be true for each such change in order to make that specific modification to the ruleset:
* The Votable Matter has the appropriate Tag or Tags for that change: [Core] for Core Rules changes, [Building Blocks] for Building Blocks Rules changes and [Appendix] for Appendix Rules changes.
* The modification is preceded or followed immediately by an unambiguous statement of which section of the ruleset it takes place.
* The modification specifically states a rule using its number or the name of the stated rule only occurs once in the ruleset.
== Victory and Ascension ==
== Proposals ==
If a Scribe (other than the Editor) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, they may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the '''Declaration of Victory''' category, detailing this.
Any Puzzler may submit a '''Proposal''' to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the “Proposal” category that describes those changes (unless the Puzzler already has 2 Proposals pending or has already made 3 Proposals that day).
Upon doing so, the game immediately goes into '''Hiatus''', if it hasn’t already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules “Scribes”, “Votable Matters”, “Calls for Judgement”, “Gamestate Tracking” and “Victory and Ascension”.
=== Special Proposal Voting ===
Every Scribe may cast Votes on that DoV to indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposition that the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty.
When a Puzzler casts a vote AGAINST their own Proposal (which is not in the form of a DEFERENTIAL vote), this renders the Proposal '''Withdrawn''', even if the author later changes their Vote. The Puzzle Master may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Proposal; when the Puzzle Master casts a vote of VETO on a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if the Puzzle Master later changes their Vote.
A Pending DoV may be enacted if any of the following is true:
=== Resolution of Proposals ===
* It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, and either the Editor has Voted FOR it or it has no AGAINST Votes.
The oldest Pending [[#Proposals|Proposal]] may be '''Enacted''' by any Admin if all of the following are true:
* It has been open for voting for at least 24 hours, has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, and has a number of AGAINST Votes lesser than half of Quorum, rounded down.
* It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, has a number of Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, and more than half of its valid Votes are FOR.
A DoV may be failed if any of the following are true:
* It is Popular.
* It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours.
* It has not been Vetoed or Withdrawn.
* It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and the number of Scribes who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.
The oldest Pending Proposal may be '''Failed''' by any Admin, if any of the following are true:
* It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and cannot be Enacted.
When a DoV fails and there are no pending DoVs, Hiatus ends.
* It is Unpopular.
* It has been Vetoed or Withdrawn.
When a DoV is enacted, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Scribe who made the DoV as its Editor. That Scribe may pass this role to another Scribe at this point by making a post to that effect, if they wish. The Hiatus continues until the new Editor makes an '''Ascension Address''' by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category - this should specify the Editor's chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally specify that the terms Scribe and Editor will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire ruleset, and/or a number of dynastic rules to keep. Upon posting such an Ascension Address, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.
If a Proposal somehow ends up being pending for more than 7 days, it is ignored for the purpose of calculating the oldest pending Proposal, and can be failed by any Admin.
A DoV may not be started in the period between an enacted DoV and that DoV’s Ascension Address. When a DoV is failed, if it had at least one AGAINST vote, the Scribe who posted it cannot make another DoV until after 120 hours (5 days) have passed since the time their DoV was failed.
When a Proposal is Enacted, its stated effects are applied by treating the text in the Proposal as a series of steps starting from the beginning of that Proposal’s text and performing each step until reaching the end of that Proposal’s text, except that if the Admin Enacting it reaches a step which cannot be applied immediately (e.g. “two days after this Votable Matter enacts, Puzzler A gains 1 point”) or at all (e.g. applying to a rule which does not exist), that step is ignored for the purposes of Enactment; the Admin Enacting the Proposal shall update the Gamestate and Ruleset, and correct any gamestate-tracking entities, as specified in each step that was performed.
This rule cannot be overruled by Dynastic Rules as it relates to Declarations of Victory, but can be overruled in other matters.
== Calls for Judgement ==
If two or more Puzzlers actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Puzzler feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Puzzler may raise a '''Call for Judgement''' (abbreviated “CfJ”) by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgement” category.
== Fair Play ==
A Pending CfJ may be Enacted by any Admin if all of the following are true:
The following are BlogNomic’s rules of '''fair play'''. If any of these rules are found to have been broken, or if a Scribe's behaviour or actions are otherwise deemed unacceptable (socially or otherwise), a proposal or CfJ may be made to reprimand or punish the perpetrator or, in cases of extreme or repeated violations, remove them from the game and bar them from rejoining.
* A single person should not control more than one Scribe within BlogNomic.
* It is Popular.
* A Scribe should not “spam” the BlogNomic blog. What counts as spamming is subjective, but would typically include posting more than ten blog entries in a day, more than ten blog comments in a row, or posting a blog entry of more than 1000 words.
* A Scribe should not deliberately exploit bugs or unexpected behaviours in the software running the game (ExpressionEngine, MediaWiki or the GNDT).
* A Scribe should not edit their own blog comments once posted, nor those of any other Scribe.
* A Scribe should not edit the "Entry Date" field of a blog post.
* A Scribe should not make a DoV primarily to delay the game by putting it into Hiatus.
* A Scribe should not do any action meant to make the game unplayable (for example, changing multiple keywords to the same word in an ascension address).
==Seasonal Downtime==
A Pending CfJ may be Failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:
Blognomic goes into hiatus every year on December 24th, and remains in hiatus until December 27th. During this time no game actions may be taken except those described in the rules entitled “Votable Matters,” “Gamestate Tracking” and “Call for Judgement”.
* It is Unpopular.
* It specifies neither changes to the Gamestate or Ruleset nor corrections to any gamestate-tracking entities.
= Dynastic Rules =
When a CfJ is Enacted, the Admin Enacting it shall update the Gamestate and Ruleset, and correct any gamestate-tracking entities, as specified in the CfJ.
==Two-Player Mode==
This Rule may not be overruled by Dynastic Rules.
If all Proposals enacted in the previous seven days were made by only two Scribes, and if the current dynasty is at least nine days old, and if one of those Scribes is the Editor, then the game is in Two-Player Mode and the other Scribe is the Ineditor. Otherwise there is no Ineditor.  If for any reason there would otherwise be more than one Ineditor, the game is not in Two-Player Mode and there is no Ineditor.
== Victory and Ascension ==
The Ineditor may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a proposal made by the Editor; when the Ineditor casts a vote of VETO on a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed.  
If a Puzzler (other than the Puzzle Master) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, they may make a '''Declaration of Victory''' (abbreviated “DoV”) detailing this, by posting an entry in the “Declaration of Victory” category.
If the game is in Two-Player Mode, and the Editor hasn't vetoed any proposals except by the Ineditor in the previous seven days, the string “(other than the Editor)” is ignored in the rule Victory and Ascension.  
A Puzzler’s vote on a DoV is encouraged to reflect whether or not they agree with the proposition that the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty. If there is at least one pending DoV, BlogNomic is [[#hiatus|on Hiatus]], no Idle Puzzler may be made unidle, and no new player joining requests may be administered.
A Pending DoV may be Enacted by any Admin if any of the following are true:
As a Daily Action, but not more than three times in a given week, the Editor may Visit the Archives by either:
*Selecting a random previous Dynasty with an archived Ruleset, then selecting a random Dynastic Rule from the final version of that Ruleset (not counting subrules for the purpose of this random selection), including as many of the rule’s subrules as they deem appropriate. (The Editor may use a randomization method of their own choice for this action.)
* It has a number of FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Puzzlers, it has been open for at least 12 hours, and either the Puzzle Master has Voted FOR it or it has no AGAINST Votes.
*Selecting a rule (and any number of its subrules) as specified by a Map which has not been used before during a Visit to the Archives, and whose date has either arrived or passed, and whose rule it would be possible to select under the previous bullet point.
* It has a number of FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Puzzlers, and it has been open for at least 24 hours.
Upon selecting such a rule, they may copy its text and add it as a new Dynastic Rule to the current Ruleset, replacing the terms for Emperor-analog and Player-analog with “Editor” and “Scribe” as appropriate. The Editor must then Mark it as Provisional.
A Pending DoV may be Failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:
If adding such a rule would create a new victory condition, the Editor is not permitted to add it, but may instead Visit the Archives again without this counting towards the weekly or action limit.
* It is Unpopular, and it has been open for at least 12 hours.
* It is more than 48 hours old and cannot be Enacted
A Scribe may spend 1 Paper to draw a Map. Upon doing so, they should privately contact the Editor with a message specifying a single Dynastic Rule (including any number of its subrules) from any Dynasty, and any date; this is known as a Map.
If a DoV is Failed and it had at least one AGAINST vote, the Puzzler who posted it cannot make another DoV until after 120 hours (5 days) have passed since the time their DoV was Failed.
==Paper Money==
When a DoV is Enacted, all other pending DoVs are Failed, the Puzzler who posted the DoV becomes Puzzle Master, and the game enters an Interregnum. When a DoV is enacted then all game actions that led up to it are considered to be upheld.
Each Scribe has an amount of Paper, tracked in the GNDT.  New Scribes start with the same amount of Paper as the Editor unless another Dynastic Rule says they start with a different amount of Paper.
==Provisional Rules==
If the game is in an Interregnum then the new Puzzle Master must make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. The Ascension Address should specify the Puzzle Master’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specifiy one or more of the following:
A Dynsastic Rule is considered Provisional if its name ends in "[?]" or if it is a subrule of a Provisional rule.  To Mark a Dynastic rule as Provisional is to add "[?]" to the end of its name if it's not already there, and to Unmark a rule is to remove "[?]" from the end of its name. References to a Provisional Rule’s name may omit the “[?]” mark.
* New dynasty-specific terms as outline in the rule “Synonyms”
* A number of dynastic rules to keep (if none are specifed then the entire Dynastic Ruleset is repealed)
* Any number of Building Blocks rules to remove or insert, as per the instructions in the Building Blocks section
* The name of the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” to a different page that does not exist and does not start with the word “Ruleset”
* The Puzzle Master’s Imperial Style, which if specified is a set of nonbinding guidelines that the Puzzle Master is encouraged to follow, using the terms defined on the wiki page Imperial Styles.
If a Provisional rule contradicts a non-Provisional Rule, the non-Provisional Rule always takes precedence.  Additionally, a Provisional Rule cannot:
If it has not been done since the most recent posting of an Ascension Address, the Puzzle Master or any Puzzler (if it’s the latter, they must wait until at least 4 hours after that Ascension Address has been posted) may perform a Dynastic Reset, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
*Render illegal any pending Proposals or CfJs, or forbid any Scribe from making an otherwise legal Proposal or CfJ.
* Update the Ruleset to reflect any changed terms as outlined in the most recent Ascension Address.
*Modify the rules of voting or enactment on a proposal that modifies it.
* Repeal any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept in the most recent Ascension Address.
*Alter other Rules, or permit a person to alter those rules.
* Update the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” with the name specified in the most recent Ascension Address, if any.
*Directly cause a Scribe to become Idle.
* Make any specified or automatic changes to the Building Blocks section of the ruleset as described in the most recent Ascension Address.
*Directly cause anyone to achieve victory.
* Update the Building Blocks page to reflect any changes to the terms outlined in the rule Synonyms.</blockquote>
If a rule has been Provisional for the last week, any Scribe may Unmark it.
==Weekly Bonuses==
Once this Atomic Action has been completed the Interregnum ends and the new dynasty begins.
As a weekly action, the Editor shall award 1 Paper to each Scribe that submitted a Dynastic Proposal during the week before the current week. The Editor shall then make a blog post, the Weekly Report, listing the Scribes awarded Paper in this way.
== Fair Play ==
The following are BlogNomic’s rules of '''fair play'''. If any of these rules are found to have been broken, or if a Puzzler’s behaviour or actions are otherwise deemed unacceptable (socially or otherwise), a Proposal or CfJ may be made to reprimand or punish the perpetrator or, in cases of extreme or repeated violations, remove them from the game and bar them from rejoining. Puzzlers should vote against any DoV that relies on having broken a fair play rule.
When the Editor makes a Weekly Report, he may additionally name a Scribe (other than himself) that authored a Dynastic proposal enacted in the previous week as Scribe of the Week, replacing any previous Scribe of the Week.  Scribe of the Week is an Official Position. The Editor should decide who to name as Scribe of the Week based primarily on the quality of proposals enacted that week.
* A single person should not control more than one non-Idle Puzzler within BlogNomic, and should announce publicly if they control both a non-Idle Puzzler and any Idle Puzzlers. This extends to exerting full control over the actions of another Puzzler, defined here as the controlled Puzzler’s game behavior being functionally indistinguishable from if the controlling Puzzler was logged into their account and playing through it, over a period of more than a day.
* A Puzzler should not “spam” the BlogNomic blog. What counts as spamming is subjective, but would typically include posting more than ten blog entries in a day, more than ten blog comments in a row, or posting a blog entry of more than 1000 words.
* A Puzzler should not deliberately exploit bugs or unexpected behaviours in the software running the game (ExpressionEngine, MediaWiki or other blognomic.com scripts).
* A Puzzler should not edit their own blog comments once posted, nor those of any other Puzzler.
* A Puzzler should not edit the “Entry Date” field of a blog post.
* A Puzzler should not make a DoV primarily to delay the game by putting it into Hiatus.
* A Puzzler should not do any action meant to make the game unplayable (for example, changing multiple keywords to the same word in an Ascension Address).
* A Puzzler should not roll dice that are clearly associated with a particular action in the Ruleset, but with the intention to not use these rolled values to the best of their ability to resolve that action. a Puzzler must use their own name in the Dice Roller, when rolling dice.
* A Puzzler should not deliberately and unreasonably prolong the performance of a game action once they have started it.
* A Puzzler should not use a Core, Building Blocks, or Appendix rules scam to directly or indirectly cause a Puzzler to achieve victory.
* A Puzzler should not trade actions in BlogNomic for favors or compensation outside of BlogNomic, nor trade actions in any other game for favors within BlogNomic, nor trade actions or favours in one Dynasty of Blognomic for actions or favours in another Dynasty of Blognomic.
*A person with administrative, moderation, or other heightened access to the software running or supporting BlogNomic should not take any action using such heightened access for the purpose of causing any Puzzler or Puzzlers to gain, receive, maintain, or preserve gameplay advantage unless any of the following is true:
**Such action is required or explicitly permitted by the rules or required to implement an action required or explicitly permitted by the rules.
**A reasonable, impartial, and prudent external observer would deem such action necessary or reasonable for the purpose of supporting, moderating, or administering BlogNomic or such software.
==Material Requisition==
All Puzzlers and idle Puzzlers should be aware of the BlogNomic [[Community Guidelines]]. The contents of this page are not ruletext and are nonbinding as pertains to the ruleset, but Puzzlers are encouraged to commit to upholding them to whatever extent is possible.
As a weekly action, a Scribe may make a request for materials. A request for materials allows the requesting Scribe to gain 1 unit of any object that is tracked in the GNDT. This is done by making a post in the GNDT with a comment of RFM while increasing the chosen statistic by 1.
==Historic Tomes==
Archived Rulesets from previous dynasties cannot be modified except by CfJ, and Scribes shall not attempt to modify them.  This does not prohibit archiving the current Ruleset at the end of a dynasty.
Any non-Ruleset document on the Blognomic wiki that would qualify as gamestate under the final Ruleset of a dynasty before the current one (a “Historic Document”) may not be modified except as explicitly permitted by other rules. If a Dynastic Rule attempts modify a Historic Document, the following steps happen in order instead:<br>
= Dynastic Rules =
1) A copy of that wiki page is made at a subpage of that page found by adding “/dynasty141” to the end of its URL (that Historic Document’s “Manuscript”) if this process hasn’t already created the Historic Document’s Manuscript.<br>
2) All references in the Ruleset to the Historic Document are modified to refer to its Manuscript instead.<br>
3) The modification happens to the Manuscript instead of the Historic Document.
== The Game Board ==
Scribes can spend 3 of any one Commercial resource tracked in the GNDT to gain 1 of any Commercial, non-Valuable resource tracked in the GNDT.
The following resources are considered Commercial: Paper, Looks, Fame
The Game Board is a publicly tracked 10 by 10 grid of cells. Each cell has an integer Row and Column, which are each between 1 and 10 and correspond to that cell’s position in the game board. Each Cell also has a Content which can be Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Star, Bomb, Snowflake, Lightning Bolt, or Empty and defaults to Empty. Cells whose Content is Empty are considered to be Empty.
The following resources are considered Valuable:
Two Cells are Adjacent of they either share the same Column and their Row differs by one, or they share the same Row and their Column’s differ by 1.
A Cell is Above another Cell if they share the same Column, and the first Cell’s Row is less than the Second cells Row. A Cell is Immediately Above another Cell if it is both above that cell and adjacent to it.
Each Scribe has an amount of Looks and an amount of Fame, which are tracked as numeric variables in the GNDT. New Scribes start with the same amount of Looks and Fame as the Editor.
A Cell is Below another Cell if they share the same Column, and the first Cell’s Row is greater than the Second cells Row. A Cell is Immediately Below another Cell if it is both below that cell and adjacent to it.
If a Scribe has a value tracked as a numeric variable in the GNDT, that value is considered to be an object for the purposes of Dynastic Rules.
==Official Positions==
If any cell of the game board is Empty, the game board is considered to be Out Of Date.
A Scribe may be granted an Official Position, which is tracked as a selection field in the GNDT. While holding such a position, a Scribe may perform a Daily or Weekly Action that they would otherwise not be able to perform, called that Office’s Powers; each of these actions is described following the relevant position below. The list of Official Positions is as follows, with the name of each position in bold:
*'''Scribe of the Week''' - The Scribe of the Week may, as a Daily Action, select another Scribe and increase each of their numeric resources tracked in the GNDT by 1.
If the Game Board is Out Of Date any Contestant may perform the following actions:
Each Scribe has a Location, which by default is “Scriptorum” and can be any single English word. A Scribe whose location is XXX is considered to be “in the XXX”.
As a daily action, a Scribe may change their location. Upon doing so, the Stress of every scribe with the same location that the Scribe is changing their location to is increased by one (including the stress Scribe performing the action), unless that location is the Scriptorum in which case no Stress values are changed.
* If there is an empty cell (cell A) that has a non-empty cell (cell B) immediately above it, move the contents of cell B to cell A
* If there is an empty cell (cell A) such that every cell with a lower column is not empty, every cell above it is empty, and every cell below it is not empty, Fill Cell A.
==Apocryphal Rules Go Below This Point==
Filling a Cell consists of performing the following atomic action:
Whenever a proposal creates a Dynastic Rule, that rule is added to the ruleset immediately above this rule unless the proposal says otherwise.  Dynastic Rules added to the ruleset by other means must be placed at the end of the Dynastic Rules. Subrules are exempt from this rule; they are placed within their parent rule as normal.
* If the Cell is not Empty, cease performing the atomic action
* Roll a FRUIT. If the result is not Tangelo, set the Cell’s content to be the result of the roll. If the result is Tangelo, randomly the Cell’s content to be either Star, Bomb, Lighting Bolt or Snowflake.
These dice rolls may be made in advance when trying to filling multiple empty at the same time, using the first roll to fill the first slot that needs to be filled. (So, for example, if Row 1 Col 1, Row 2 Col 1, and Row 3 Col 1 are all empty, three FRUIT rolls may be made at the same time, using the result of the first roll to fill Row 3 Col 1, the second to fill Row 2 Col 1 and the third to fill Row 1 Col 1)
As a weekly action, a Scribe can Oust an Official Position currently held by some Scribe by spending 2 Paper. Upon doing so, the position in question ceases to be held, and the Scribe who held it just before the Ousting gains 2 Paper; additionally, daily and weekly actions described in that Office’s Powers cannot be performed for 48 hours. Editor is not an official position.
==Bathing [?]==
Each Cell is exactly one of the following, which is tracked with the colour of the Cell’s background on the game board:
Whenever a Scribe is in the Bathroom, as a weekly action, that Scribe may “Bathe” by making a comment in the GNDT of “Bathing” and a roll of DICE10. The Scribe then takes the roll to the ‘Bathing Effects Table’ below. If the dice roll is 1, the effect in the row titled ‘1’ is applied; if the dice roll is between 2 and 5 inclusive, the effect in the row titled ‘2-5’ is applied; if the dice roll is 6 or 7, the effect in the row titled ‘6-7’ is applied; if the dice roll is 8 or 9, the effect in the row titled ‘8-9’ is applied; and if the dice roll is 10, the effect in the row titled ‘10’ is applied.
* A Plain Cell (white). Any Cell that isn’t any of the other possibilities in this list is a Plain Cell.
* A Bonus Cell (gold), see “Turns” for more information
* A Frozen Cell (light blue). If a Turn Action would change a Frozen Cell’s Content, or if it would “move” the Cell’s Content to another Cell, the action is instead considered illegal.
* A Trap Cell (red), see “Turns” for more information
Bathing Effects Table:
=== Collecting Cells ===
* 1 The Scribe, after bathing, is in a good mood and decides to clean the Bathroom. The Scribe may increase their own Fame by 2, but must reduce their Looks by 1.
Collecting a group of Cells is an atomic action with the following steps that can be performed by a Puzzler, but only as elsewhere allowed by the ruleset:
* 2-5 The Scribe is cleaner. They may increase their own Looks by 1.
* 6-7 Bathing does wonders for the Scribe's image; they may increase their own Looks by 3.
* 8-9 Out of soap. Nothing happens.
* 10 The Scribe's singing annoys the other Scribes. The Bathing Scribe must reduce their own Fame by 1.
==Teaming Up [?]==
* Start with a list of cells, known as the collection list. While the collection list is not empty, repeat the following steps
Two Scribes who are Watching each other and have the same Status are a Team.
** Take the first cell from the collection list
** If that cell is a Bonus cell and its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, increase the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1
** If that cell is a Trap cell, decrease the Puzzler’s Matches by 1 (to a minimum of 0), their Multi Match Bonus by 5 (to a minimum of 0) and if its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, decrease the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1 (to a minimum of 0)
** Set the Cell Target to be an Empty Cell
** If the contents of that Cell are Bomb, add all non-Empty non-Frozen cells that are adjacent to it, including cells whose Rows and Columns both differ from the selected cell by 1, to the Collection List
** If the contents of that Cell are Snowflake, set the Cell Target to be a Frozen Cell, and set all plain cells that are not in the collection list and are adjacent to it to be Frozen Cells
** If its contents are Lightning Bolt, set the Cell Target to be a Trap Cell
** Set the contents of that cell to be empty
** Make the cell whatever the current Cell Target is
** Remove that cell from the collection list
For the purposes of all Dynastic Rules but this one that care about the Stress or Energy of a Scribe in a Team (a “Team Member”), the Energy of each Team Member in a Team is equal to the higher Energy in the team plus 15, and the Stress of each Team Member is equal to the higher Stress in the Team plus 3. However, if either Member of a Team takes Damage (due to a rule other than this one), so does the other; if either member of a Team gains or loses Paper (due to a rule other than this one), so does the other; and if either Member of a team loses Energy or gains Stress (due to a rule other than this one), so does the other.
== Turns ==
==Energy [?]==
Turn Order is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers. If a Puzzler’s name is at the start of the Turn Order list, it is considered to be that Puzzler’s Turn
Each Scribe has an amount of Energy, and a level of Stress, which are tracked in GNDT. New Scribes start with 50 Energy and 0 Stress. As a weekly action, a Scribe may rest, and set their Energy to either (100 - their Stress), or 35, whichever is larger.
== Proxies==
If a Puzzler goes Idle, their name is removed from Turn Order
A non-Scribe entity designated as a Proxy by this rule or its subrules is a Proxy. Each Proxy has its own GNDT row.  Proxies are considered to be Scribe for the purpose of other Dynastic Rules, except where they explicitly refer to non-Proxy Scribes.
If a rule allows a Scribes to cause a Proxy to act, that Scribes can update the gamestate on behalf of that Proxy as allowed by the rules.  If a Scribe needs to make comments or GNDT updates on behalf of a Proxy, they must start the comment with “PROXY (X):” where (X) is the name of the Proxy. Proxies designated as such by subrules of this rule cannot make blog posts.
If the Turn Order list is Empty, any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order as an atomic action by randomly arranging the names in the Turn Completed, setting the Turn Order to a list of those randomly arranged names, and setting the Turn Completed to an empty list (Puzzlers may use a private method of their choosing rather than the Dice Roller for this step).
=== Derelicts [?] ===
During their Turn a Puzzler may set their number of Coins to 3, provided they have not spent any Coins since the start of their most recent Turn.
Derelicts are a type of Proxy.  Any Scribe with the same Orbit as a Derelict may, as a Knock-On Action, cause that Derelict to take a GNDT action.
There are three Derelicts: MC Geran, MC Damanor and MC Keitalia.
Puzzlers may perform the Rotation action multiple times per turn, provided they spend the requisite number of Coins each time.
==Money [?]==
Any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, if the Game Board is not Out of Date, that Puzzler may perform Collect Match, and may perform it multiple times during their Turn. Collect Match is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Select one Group of Cells that is considered a Match
* Optionally select the cells of another Match that includes at least one currently selected cell. This step may be repeated any number of times.
* Collect all selected cells, collecting cells with the lowest column first and then for those with the same column the highest row first.
* Add 1 to that Puzzler’s Matches
* Increase that Puzzler’s Multi Match Bonus by (X-5) * (X-4) / 2, where X is the total number of different cells that were selected during this specific instance of the atomic action
Each adventurer has a collection of gold pieces tracked in the GNDT in a column called “gold”. When a Scribe joins the game for the first time, they receive 50 gold pieces.
Turn Completed is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers, defaulting to a list containing the names of all Puzzlers whose name is not in the Turn Order. At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, as an atomic action they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order and add it to the end of the Turn Completed, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn. At any time, a Puzzler whose name is not in either the Turn Order or Turn Completed may add their name to the end of the Turn Completed. If it is a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler if it has been at least 6 hours since the Game Board was last modified and that Puzzler has performed at least one Turn Action since the Turn Order was last modified. However, if the Turn Order becomes empty as a result of this action or within 6 hours after this action was last performed, the Turn Order may not be modified again until at least 6 hours after this action was last performed. At any time, a Puzzler may remove their name from Turn Order or Turn Completed.
A Scribe may, at any time, subtract a positive amount of gold pieces from their own collection and add that amount to the collection of any other Scribe or NPC.
=== Turn Actions ===
===Random Encounters [?]===
Turn Actions are atomic actions and have a cost, (which consist of a number of Coins and optionally a number of some or all of: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries, Stars). At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler may spend the cost of a Turn Action to perform that Turn Action.
The realm of Blognomic is littered with minor gold-carrying Monsters. Each proposal, in addition to being an attempt to change the rules, also represents an encounter with such monsters.
Should a proposal by a Scribe pass, enough other Scribes have joined that the random monsters have been defeated, and its author gains 2DICEX Gold, where X is quorum.  Should a proposal by a Scribe fail, the other Scribes leave its author to get mugged and lose 2DICEX gold, where X is the number of AGAINST votes on that proposal.  If the proposal was Self-Killed, they managed to escape some of the mugging.  In this case, X is the number of AGAINST votes cast before the author’s AGAINST vote.  However, if more than half the the Scribes who had their vote count as AGAINST on a failed proposal included the phrase “Nice try though” in the comments of that proposal, the other Scribes rescue them and no gold is lost or gained from that proposal.
Turn Actions may not be performed if the Game Board is considered Out of Date.
The money gained and lost from random encounters is doubled for proposals proposed at nighttime.
The following are Turn Actions:
* Rotation (Cost: 1 Coin)
** Do exactly one of the following:
*** Move all of the contents of one row left by 1 Cell, with the contents of the leftmost Cell of that row being moved to the rightmost Cell of that row.
*** Move all of the contents of one row right by 1 Cell, with the contents of the rightmost Cell of that row being moved to the leftmost Cell of that row.
*** Move all of the contents of one column up by 1 Cell, with the contents of the top Cell of that column being moved to the bottom Cell of that column.
*** Move all of the contents of one column down by 1 Cell, with the contents of the bottom Cell of that column being moved to the top Cell of that column.
* Swap (Cost: 1 Coin)
** Choose two Cells that are adjacent to each other and swap their Contents
* Seed (Cost: Free, if this turn action has not yet been performed this turn. Otherwise 1 coin)
** Randomly select a cell by rolling a DICE10 DICE10 and using the first value for the row and second value for the column. If the cell is not already a bonus cell, it becomes a bonus cell.
: When performing this turn action, the Puzzler performing it may spend one or more stars to repeat the above process of randomly selecting a cell and turning it into a bonus cell an additional three times per star spent
* Morph (0 coins, and exactly 2 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries or Stars)
** Choose a cell. Replace the contents of that cell with matching resource spent to perform this action (i.e. if Lemons were spent, replace the content of that cell with a Lemon)
* Market (Cost: 1 Lemon, 1 Orange, 1 Kiwi, 1 Grape, and 1 Cherry)
** Gain 2 Coins
* Activate (Cost: 1 Coin)
** Collect a cell whose contents are Bomb, Snowflake or Lightning Bolt
* Thaw (Cost: Exactly 1 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
** Choose a Frozen Cell whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action and make it a Plain Cell
* Fruit Juicer (Cost: 3 Coins and exactly 1 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
** Select any 5 Plain Cells, without selecting any Cell more than once, whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action. Collect the selected Cells and add 1 to your Matches.
* Wager (Cost: 1 Coin)
** Set your Bet to a valid non-empty value.
* Collect Winnings (Cost: Free if you have not yet performed any Turn Action or Collect Match on this Turn, otherwise you cannot perform this Turn Action)
** If your Bet is not empty and the Cell at the Row and Column mentioned in your Bet has a Content that matches the one in your Bet, add 1 to your Coins.
** Set your Bet to empty.
* Lemonade (Cost: 2 Lemons)
** On your next Collect Match action this turn, you may consider a Group to require only 4 Cells instead of 5 Cells.
* Runaway Reel (Cost: 2 Oranges)
** On your next Rotation action this turn, rotate the selected row (resp. column) any number of times instead of just once.
* Diagonal Slice (Cost: 2 Kiwis)
** On your next Collect Match action this turn, you may consider an unbroken sequence of 5 diagonally adjacent Cells to be a Group. (Two cells are diagonally adjacent if both their row numbers and their column numbers differ by 1.)
* Sticky Reels (Cost: 2 Grapes)
** On your next Rotation action this turn, instead of rotating a single row (resp. column), rotate up to 3 consecutive rows (resp. columns) in the same direction.
* Cherry Bomb (Cost: 2 Cherries)
** Collect all Cells in any one column.
* Bank (Cost: 1 Coin)
** When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Matches by M (to a minimum of 0) , where M is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 10*M
** When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Multi Match Bonus by B (to a minimum of 0) , where B is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by B
** When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes and/or Cherries by X (to a minimum of 0) , where X is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 5*X. This may be performed separately for each resource type.
** When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Stars by S (to a minimum of 0) , where S is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 10*S
* Disarm (Exactly 2 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
** Choose a Trap Cell whose Content is the same as the resources spent for this action and make it a Plain Cell.
=== Queued Actions ===
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= Appendix =
There is a publicly tracked list called the Action Queue. During a Puzzlers Turn, that Puzzler may append to end of the Action Queue a Turn Action or a Collect Match action that they wish to take, along with their name (paying the cost of the action, if any). At any time, any Puzzler may remove the first action from the Action Queue and perform that action on behalf of the Puzzler who added the action to the Action Queue, provided the action would be legal. For the purposes of determining legality, these actions are considered to take place at the time they were added, and considered to be performed by the Puzzler who added them to the Action Queue. If the first action would be illegal, any Puzzler may remove it from the Action Queue (refunding the cost paid, if any).
If the Action Queue is not empty, Puzzlers may not take any Turn Actions or Collect Match actions, except via the Action Queue.
A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "bananas are blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)
== Coins ==
:"is able to"
Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Coins, defaulting to 3.
:A blog comment published to the BlogNomic weblog at [http://blognomic.com blognomic.com]
;Core Proposal
== Matches ==
:A Proposal which mandates changes that, even if conditionally, are limited to the creation, deletion, and/or amendment of core rules and/or the glossary, and/or renaming, banning, and/or the granting or removing of admin status from one or more Scribes.
;Daily Action
Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Matches, defaulting to 0. Each Puzzler also has a publicly tracked numerical Multi Match Bonus, which also defaults to 0.
:If a game action is a Daily Action, each Scribe able to perform it may take that action once each day, but not more than once every ten hours.
;Daily Communal Action
Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number (defaulting to 0) of each of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries, Stars.
:A Daily Communal Action is a Daily Action that can only be performed by one Scribe per day.
A Group is a set of 5 Cells where the set of Cells in the Group form an unbroken sequence of Adjacent Cells all in the same Row or all in the same Column, and none of those Cells in that Group are Empty. If a Group of Cells all have the same Content, this is considered a Match. For the purposes of determining a Match, a Cell in a Group where that Cell has the Content of Star or Lightning Bolt is considered to have the same Content as any other Cell in that same Group.
:References to a “day” as an entity rather than as a duration (e.g. “Sunday”, “The day after performing this action”, or “August 2nd”), unless otherwise stated, refer to a day beginning at and including 00:00:00 UTC, ending when the next day begins. It can never be 2 different days at the same instant.
== Betting ==
:References to "YDICEX" refer to Y X-sided dice, rolled within the GNDT. To roll dice, post DICEX in the comments field of the GNDT, replacing X with the number of sides on the die you wish to roll.
;Dynastic Proposal
Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked Bet, which may be one of the following:
:A Proposal which mandates changes that, even if conditionally, are limited to the creation, deletion, and/or amendment of dynastic rules and/or gamestate defined by dynastic rules.
* Empty
* One of Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, or Cherry, followed by the row and column of a Cell in the format “Row-Column”.
;Effective Vote Comment (EVC)
== Score ==
:A Scribe’s Effective Vote Comment with respect to a given Votable Matter means that Scribe’s Comment to that Votable Matter, if any, that contains that Scribe’s Vote on that Votable Matter.
;Flavour Text
Each Puzzlers has a score, which defaults to 0.
:When posting a blog entry, a Scribe may use the “Commentary or flavour text” field of the blog publishing form to add their own comments or description of their post. For the purposes of all other rules, such text is not considered to be part of the post.
If the Turn Order list is Empty and a single puzzler has a score greater than the score of any other puzzler and also greater than 500, that puzzler has achieved victory
:Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, including all Wiki Pages, or GNDT columns, which the Dynastic Rules explicitly mention.
;IRC Channel
:The Blognomic IRC channel is located at #nomic on the slashnet network (irc.slashnet.org).
:"is permitted to"
<div style="padding:8px;background:#bbb;">
;May not
= Building Blocks =
:"is not permitted to"
Building Blocks are rules that can be substituted in and out of the ruleset as needed, usually as a result of an Ascension Address. All rules in the Building Blocks section are ruletext.
Potential Building Blocks rules can be found at the [[Building Blocks]] page of the wiki. That page’s contents are not rulestext. When the contents of the Building Blocks page are referred to as ‘rules’ by the ruleset or by a votable matter, it should be assumed that said contents are being referred to as potential rules rather than actual rules.
:A blog post published to the BlogNomic weblog at [http://blognomic.com blognomic.com]
;Private Message
When a Puzzle Master specifies the Building Blocks rules in use for a new dynasty in an Ascension Address, they should specify (by name) the rules from the Building Blocks page that they would like to be included in this section of the ruleset. When a Dynastic Reset is performed, the Building Blocks rules selected in the most recent Ascension Address (if any) must be transcribed faithfully to this section of the ruleset, and any Building Blocks rules not so named in that Ascension Address must be removed from the Building Blocks section. Some rules on the Building Blocks page are listed as being Recommended; if the new Puzzle Master makes no statement on Building Blocks rules to be included in their Ascension Address then the Recommended Building Blocks are considered to have been selected. There are currently no Recommended Building Blocks.
:A message sent via Blognomic’s Private Messages system at blognomic.com.
==Low-Player Mode==
:Quorum of a subset of Scribes is half the number of Scribes in that subset, rounded down, plus one. If the word Quorum is used without qualifying which subset of Scribes it is referring to, it is referring to a Quorum of all Scribes.
The Core Rule Dormancy is flavour text.
==Everyone’s Playing==
:If used in a context of a Votable Matter, the word “Resolve” means to perform the act, as an Admin, of enacting or failing a Votable Matter. The world “Resolution” means then the act of doing so. If used in any other context, the meaning of both “Resolve” and “Resolution” is the standard English meaning of these words
For the purposes of all dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Puzzle Master is a Puzzler.
:Each individually numbered section of the ruleset is a rule, including sections that are sub-rules of other rules.
If they have not already done so in the current dynasty, A Puzzler may make a post to the blog announcing that they are Reinitialising; if they do so then they must immediately set all of their gamestate tracked values to their defaults for new players, and if the Puzzle Master is privately tracking any information about them then they should do likewise at their first opportunity. When a Puzzler has Reinitialised, they are considered to have undertaken no actions in this dynasty for the purposes of determining the validity of limited actions taken after the Reinitialisation, except for the action of Reinitialising itself.
:"is required to"
:"is recommended that"
<div style="padding:8px;background:#ddd;">
;Sibling Rule
= Appendix =
:Two rules are “siblings” of each other if they are both direct subrules of the same rule.
:The BlogNomic Slack is located at blognomic.slack.com. Scribes may request an invite to the Slack while logged in by clicking the button in the sidebar.
A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (e.g. A rule specifying “bananas are blue” cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying “every day is Sunday” will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)
;Slack Channel
:A Slack Channel is any channel on the BlogNomic Slack. To reference a Slack Channel, use a hash (#) followed by the name of that channel. (For example, #random.)
;Can: “is able to”
;Shall: “is required to”
;Should: “is recommended that”
;Story Post
:A Story Post is an entry in the “Story Post” category.
;Daily Action: If a game action is a Daily Action, each Puzzler able to perform it may take that action once each day, but not more than once every ten hours.
;Daily Communal Action: A Daily Communal Action is a Daily Action that can only be performed by one Puzzler per day.
;Day: References to a “day” as an entity rather than as a duration (e.g. “Sunday”, “The day after performing this action”, or “August 2nd”), unless otherwise stated, refer to a day beginning at and including 00:00:00 UTC, ending when the next day begins. It can never be 2 different days at the same instant.
;Week: References to a week as an entity rather than as a duration (e.g. “At the beginning of each week”, or “already happened this week”), unless otherwise stated, refer to a period of time between the beginning of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
;Weekly Action: If a game action is a Weekly Action, each Puzzler able to perform it may take that action once each week, but not more than once every twenty-four hours.
;Weekly Communal Action: A Weekly Communal action is a Weekly Action that can only be performed by one Puzzler per week.  
:The "subject" of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is "" (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
;Comment: A blog comment published to the BlogNomic weblog at [http://blognomic.com blognomic.com]
;Core Proposal: A Proposal which mandates changes that, even if conditionally, are limited to the creation, deletion, and/or amendment of core rules and/or the glossary, and/or renaming, banning, and/or the granting or removing of Admin status from one or more Puzzlers.
;Dice: References to “DICEX” or “YDICEX” refer to X-sided dice and Y amount of X-sided dice, rolled using the Dice Roller.
;Dynastic Action: An action that is defined in the Dynastic rules.
;Dynastic Proposal: A Proposal which mandates changes that, even if conditionally, are limited to the creation, deletion, and/or amendment of dynastic rules and/or gamestate defined by dynastic rules.
;Effective Vote Comment (EVC): A Puzzler's Effective Vote Comment with respect to a given Votable Matter is that Puzzler's Comment to that Votable Matter, if any, that contains that Puzzler's Vote on that Votable Matter.
;Commentary: When posting a blog entry, a Puzzler may use the “Commentary or flavour text” field of the blog publishing form to add their own comments or description of their post. For the purposes of all other rules, such text is not considered to be part of the post.
;Discord: The BlogNomic Discord can be accessed at https://discord.gg/J7kP9KuHQK and is also linked to on the sidebar. Puzzlers , as well as people who are not Puzzlers but are interested in learning more about BlogNomic, may join the Discord by clicking the button in the sidebar.
;Discord Channel: A Discord Channel is any channel on the BlogNomic Discord in the BlogNomic Discussion category. All Puzzlers who are in the Discord should have the ability to access all of these channels. To reference a Discord Channel, use a hash (#) followed by the name of that channel (e.g. #random).
;Flavour Text: If a part of the ruleset or gamestate is defined as being “flavour text”, it retains its context, but is not considered to have any meaning beyond being a string of characters. Puzzlers are not required to obey flavour text and may not perform any action defined by it, and any statements that flavour text makes about gamestate are ignored.
;Gamestate: Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of. All wiki pages that the rules and Building Blocks explicitly mention (except for the FAQ, the dynastic histories and discussion pages) and any images or Templates contained within (or indirectly invoked by Templates contained within) those Wiki Pages are assumed to be Gamestate.
;<span id="hiatus">Hiatus</span>: If BlogNomic is on Hiatus, Dynastic Actions may not be taken (except where the rule defining the action explicitly requires it to be taken during Hiatus), and Proposals may not be submitted or Resolved. If multiple rules require BlogNomic to be on Hiatus at any given time, BlogNomic will continue to be on Hiatus until no rules require it.
;Post: A blog post published to the BlogNomic weblog at [http://blognomic.com blognomic.com]
;Quorum: Quorum of a subset of Puzzlers is half the number of Puzzlers  in that subset, rounded down, plus one. If the word Quorum is used without qualifying which subset of Puzzlers it is referring to, it is referring to a Quorum of all Puzzlers.
;Resolve/Resolution: If used in a context of a Votable Matter, the word “Resolve” means to perform the act, as an Admin, of enacting, failing, or marking illegal a Votable Matter. The world “Resolution” means then the act of doing so. If used in any other context, the meaning of both “Resolve” and “Resolution” is the standard English meaning of these words. The resolution of a votable matter is tracked by reference to its status in the blog post edit form. If otherwise legally applied, the application of any status through the blog post editing form is sufficient to consider that votable matter to have been correctly resolved, but a resolved votable matter should have the correct status wherever possible; if any admin believes that a resolved votable matter has an incorrect status then they may correct it.
;Rule: Each individually numbered and titled block of text (using the wikimedia section heading formatting) of the Ruleset is a rule, including rules that are subrules of other rules; with the exception that the top-level headings defined as ‘sections’ in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” are considered sections but not rules themselves.
;Sticky Post: A blog post where the “Make Entry Sticky” option has been enabled. Changing the state of this option is not considering altering or modifying the post with regards to the rules on Official Posts. The sticky status of posts should generally be left to the discretion of the Puzzle Master.
;Story Post: A Story Post is an entry in the “Story Post” category.
;Subject: The “subject” of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is “” (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
;Seasonal Downtime: On the 24th, 25th and 26th of December, BlogNomic is [[#hiatus|on Hiatus]]. In addition, game actions defined by the core rules titled “Puzzlers” and “Victory and Ascension” (with the exception of Voting in DoVs) may not be taken.
;Subrule: A subrule is a type of rule that is hierarchically ordered beneath another rule. Rules and proposals that refer to a rule do not also refer to its subrules, unless otherwise specified.
;Table of Contents: The directory of section headings that is generated by the MediaWiki software for most pages in the wiki.
;Uphold: To Uphold an illegal action is to retroactively declare the attempt to take it to have been successful, and to declare that all attempted game actions taken after it were attempted as if the Upheld action had been successful.
;Vote: The word “Vote”, used as a noun, means a Vote that is cast in accordance with Rule “Votable Matters”. The word “Vote”, used as a verb, means the act of casting such a Vote.
;Voting Icons: For use in voting, a check box http://blognomic.com/images/vote/for.gif shall represent a Vote FOR, an X http://blognomic.com/images/vote/against.gif shall represent a Vote AGAINST, a DEF http://blognomic.com/images/vote/imperial.gif shall represent a Vote of DEFERENTIAL, and a crossed-out circle http://blognomic.com/images/vote/seal.gif shall represent a vote to VETO.
;Wiki: The BlogNomic Wiki at http://wiki.blognomic.com
== Gamestate Tracking ==
:A subrule is a type of rule that is nested within another rule. A proposal that specifically affects a rule affects all of its subrules; a proposal that specifically affects a subrule does not affect its parent rule or any other subrule of that rule, unless they are also explicitly cited as being affected by that proposal.
===Official Posts===
:The word “Vote”, used as a noun, means a Vote that is cast in accordance with Rule “Votable Matters”. The word “Vote”, used as a verb, means the act of casting such a Vote.
;Voting Icons
Votable Matters and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at [http://blognomic.com http://blognomic.com]. Any Puzzler may [http://blognomic.com/update/index.php?C=publish post] to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the [[#Ruleset and Gamestate|Ruleset]] allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts. Any single official post cannot be of two different types of official post unless a rule explicitly states otherwise. Dynastic rules cannot define posts in the “Call for Judgement” category to be a type of official post other than a Call for Judgement, and this restriction cannot be overridden by dynastic rules.
:For use in voting, a check box http://blognomic.com/images/vote/for.gif shall represent a Vote FOR, an X http://blognomic.com/images/vote/against.gif shall represent a Vote AGAINST, an IMP http://blognomic.com/images/vote/imperial.gif shall represent a Vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal http://blognomic.com/images/vote/seal.gif shall represent the Imperial Veto.
An official post may only be removed as allowed by the Ruleset. An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Puzzler has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icons; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. However, despite this, official posts can never be changed from one category to another, or changed to be a different sort of official post, if they have been posted for more than fifteen minutes. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post’s Status must be changed to reflect its status. An official blog post that has the status of Enacted or Failed cannot change categories, except that a votable matter’s illegal resolution may be overturned. An official blog post’s status may never be altered except in accordance with the rules that define that official post.
:References to a week as an entity rather than as a duration (e.g. “At the beginning of each week”, or “already happened this week”), unless otherwise stated, refer to a period of time between the beginning of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
;Weekly Action
A non-official post may not, through editing of the blog or otherwise, be changed into an official post, with the following two exceptions: Firstly, whilst a non-official post has been posted for less than fifteen minutes and has no comments, the author may change the categories as they wish. Secondly, if a post is less than six hours old and appears to the Puzzle Master to have been intended as a Proposal, and if its author does not already have two Proposals pending, then the Puzzle Master may move it into the Proposal category, causing it to be considered to have been open for voting since the time that the post was first posted.
:If a game action is a Weekly Action, each Scribe able to perform it may take that action once each week, but not more than once every twenty-four hours.
;Weekly Communal Action
Any post that is or is made illegal as a result of an infraction against any of the prohibitions set out in this rule, except for a votable matter’s illegal resolution that has been overturned, continues to be an Official Post but may no longer have any effect on the ruleset or the gamestate. If it is a Votable Matter then it is Unpopular, regardless of any other performance against criteria set out in the core rules. When it is resolved it may be marked as Illegal by the resolving admin. A post that is illegal in this manner cannot subsequently be made legal by any means, except for the legal enactment of a CFJ. An illegal CFJ cannot cause itself to become legal.
:A Weekly Communal action is a Weekly Action that can only be performed by one Scribe per week.  
===Representations of the Gamestate===
:The BlogNomic Wiki at http://wiki.blognomic.com
If authorised by the rules as a result of a Puzzler’s action, changes to gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page) do not take effect until the representation of that gamestate has been updated to match the authorised change. One wiki update may contain one or more alterations, or one alteration may be split over multiple updates, as long as it is clear what is happening and the alterations are otherwise legal. The wiki merely represents the Gamestate tracked there, and is not the same thing. In the event that the Gamestate and its representations are different, any Puzzler may correct the representations to comply with the Gamestate.
== Gamestate Tracking ==
If a Puzzler feels that a representation of the gamestate (such as a wiki page) does not match the gamestate, they may either:
Votable Matters and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at [http://blognomic.com http://blognomic.com]. Any Scribe may [http://blognomic.com/update/index.php?C=publish post] to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the [[#Ruleset and Gamestate|Ruleset]] allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts. Any single official post cannot be of two different types of official post unless a rule explicitly states otherwise.
* Undo the effects of any alteration that led to it, if that alteration did not follow the rules at the time it was made.
* Alter the representation to match what they believe to be the correct application of an incorrectly-applied alteration. This may include completing incomplete actions on behalf of the original Puzzler, if doing so would not require the correcting Puzzler to make any decisions on behalf of the original Puzzler.
Instead of repeatedly reverting and re-reverting a disputed alteration, however, Puzzlers are encouraged to raise a Call for Judgement.
The historical fact of the occurrence of a defined game action is itself considered to be gamestate, tracked in the history of whatever resource is used to track the gamestate modified by that action, where possible, or in the wiki page [[Gamestate Modifications]] if this is not possible.
If no Scribe has commented on it, or if the only comments on it begin with “Note:” and contain no voting icons, an official post may be altered or removed by its author; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. However, despite this, official posts can never be changed from one category to another, or changed to be a different sort of official post, if they have been posted for more than fifteen minutes. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post's Status must be changed to reflect its status.
===Orphan Variables===
A non-official post may not, through editing of the blog or otherwise, be changed into an official post, with the following exception: Whilst a non-official post has been posted for less than fifteen minutes and has no comments, the author may change the categories as they wish.
An Orphan Variable is a dynastic gamestate variable which has neither a location in which it’s tracked, nor a reasonable manner in which it can be determined from other gamestate variables, specified in the Ruleset.
Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at [http://blognomic.com/gndt/generic.cgi?nomic=blog http://blognomic.com/gndt/generic.cgi?nomic=blog]. Any Scribe may update any Scribe's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.
A Puzzler may not take any dynastic actions that are contingent on the specific value of an Orphan Variable.
All updates to the GNDT are logged. Actions that change gamestate directly (defined in other rules) can normally be performed simply by applying their effects to the GNDT, which updates the gamestate accordingly, unless another rule specifies some other method of performing them; one GNDT update may contain one or more actions, or one action may be split over multiple GNDT updates, as long as it’s clear what is happening and the actions are otherwise legal. The GNDT merely represents the Gamestate, and is not the same thing. In the event that the Gamestate and the GNDT are different, any Scribe may correct the GNDT to comply with the Gamestate.
If a Scribe feels that the GNDT was altered such that it no longer matches the gamestate (such as by performing an action which was against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), or by any other means), they may simply undo the effects of that alteration. Instead of repeatedly reverting and re-reverting a disputed GNDT update, Scribes are encouraged to raise a Call for Judgement instead.
Scribes shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.
=== Random Generators ===
=== Random Generators ===
The GNDT can be used to generate random results.
The Dice Roller at https://blognomic.com/dice/roll.php can be used to generate random results.
* The DICE''N'' command can be used to generate a random number between 1 and ''N''.
* The DICE''N'' command can be used to generate a random number between 1 and N.
* The FRUIT command will return a random result from the following options: Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Tangelo.
* The FRUIT command will return a random result from the following options: Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Tangelo.
* The COLOUR (or COLOR) command will return a random result from the following: White, Red, Green, Silver, Yellow, Turquoise, Magenta, Orange, Purple, Black.
* The COLOUR (or COLOR) command will return a random result from the following: White, Red, Green, Silver, Yellow, Turquoise, Magenta, Orange, Purple, Black.
* The VEGGIE command will return a random result from the following: Potato, Carrot, Triffid, Pumpkin.
* The CARD command will return a card with a random suit (either Hearts, Diamonds, Spades or Clubs) and a random value (either Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King). A card with a value that is either Jack, Queen or King is a face card.
* A list of comma-separated values in curly brackets (eg {x,y}) will return one of the values at random.
Any changes to the potential outcomes of the Dice Roller’s random result commands must be made by Votable Matter.
If a Votable Matter proposes a change to this rule that would require server-level access to the BlogNomic site to fully enact its effects, that Votable Matter must name a Puzzler with such access. Only a Puzzler with such access may Enact that Votable Matter. If that Votable Matter does not name a Puzzler with such access, that Votable Matter is Illegal.
If a number or other game variable is selected “at random” or “randomly” from a range of possible values, its value shall always be taken from a uniform probability distribution over the entire range of possible values, unless otherwise specified. This value must be determined by an appropriate roll in the Dice Roller, unless otherwise specified, and which value the roll result corresponds to must be reasonably inferable from the nature of the roll and any comments supplied by the Puzzler making the roll before or while making the roll. If a selection is explicitly specified as being “secretly” random, the Puzzler making this determination may do so using a private method of their choosing, instead of the Dice Roller.
==Atomic Actions==
Any changes to the potential outcomes of the GNDT’s random result commands must be made by proposal; and any proposal that seeks to nominate a change to this rule must first identify an active Scribe with server-level access to the BlogNomic site who is able to perform the changes, and must also update this rule to reflect the new potential outcomes.
An Atomic Action combines otherwise separate game actions into a single action.
* All steps of an Atomic Action are considered one action, including the steps of an Atomic Action that is itself a step of a parent Atomic Action.
* When a Puzzler performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete.
* If a rule allows the Puzzler performing an Atomic Action to skip some of its steps, the skipped steps are considered to have been completed.
* If a Puzzler arrives at a step in an Atomic Action and they cannot perform that step, they undo all the steps they have performed of that Action and are considered never to have performed that Action.
* If one or more steps of an Atomic Action were done incorrectly, the Puzzler must redo the Atomic Action; for that purpose, the Puzzler uses any legal steps that have already been completed in the illegal Atomic Action and only redoes the illegal ones. (For example, if an Atomic Action consists of rolling a dice and then doing steps based upon its result, the Puzzler would have to reroll the dice only if they rolled the wrong one in the first place, and would then have to repeat any steps that depended upon the result of that dice; however, if they rolled the dice correctly but took an illegal step later on, the result of the original dice roll would still be used in the redone step.)
* For the purposes of determining the ordering or legality of game actions, the time of an Atomic Action shall be the time that it is completed. For Atomic Actions that are redone, the time of completion is the last redone step.
===Numbers and Variables===
===Numbers and Variables===
* If a set of valid values is not specified in their definition, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers. Any action that would set those values below zero is an illegal action unless explicitly otherwise stated in the ruleset.
* If a set of valid values is not specified in their definition, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers. Any action that would set those values below zero is an illegal action unless explicitly otherwise stated in the Ruleset.
* Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
* Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
* All numbers, unless stated otherwise by a rule, are in base ten.
* All numbers, unless stated otherwise by a rule, are in base ten.
* Unless otherwise specified, to “spend” or “lose” an amount X of a numeric value “V” means to subtract X from V; to “gain” X of a numeric value “V” means to add X to V; and to “transfer” X of a numeric value “V” from A to B means to subtract X from A’s V and add X to B’s V. Unless otherwise specified, only positive amounts can be spent, lost, gained, or transferred, and a rule that allows Scribes to transfer a numeric value only allows them to transfer that value from themselves to another Scribe (of their choice unless otherwise stated).
* Unless otherwise specified, to “spend,” “pay” or “lose” an amount X of a numeric value “V” means to subtract X from V; to “gain” X of a numeric value “V” means to add X to V; and to “transfer” or “pay” X of a numeric value “V” from A to B means to subtract X from A’s V and add X to B’s V. Unless otherwise specified, only positive amounts can be spent, paid, lost, gained, or transferred, a Puzzler can spend or pay from only their own values, and a rule that allows Puzzlers to transfer or pay a numeric value to another Puzzler only allows them to transfer that value from themselves to that other Puzzler (of their choice unless otherwise stated).
* A Scribe who has a choice in whether to take an action defined by a dynastic rule may not take that action if both of the following conditions are true: a) the action's effects are limited to changing values tracked in the GNDT and/or similar gamestate-tracking entities (such as a wiki page), and b) the action would change one or more of those values to an illegal value.
* If a Dynastic Action is defined as having a cost X of numeric value V, or defines a requirement to spend, pay, or lose X of numeric value V to accomplish an effect or multiple effects, then the arithmetic effects of spending or payment and the act of carrying out those effects are considered to be subsequent steps in an Atomic Action, with the spending or payment step taking place before the effects step unless stated otherwise.
* A Puzzler who has a choice in whether to take an action defined by a dynastic rule may not take that action if both of the following conditions are true: a) the action’s effects are limited to changing values tracked in gamestate-tracking entities (such as a wiki page), and b) the action would change one or more of those values to an illegal value.
* If a rule implies that the result of any calculation should be an integer (for instance, by attempting to store that result in, or add it to, a gamestate variable that can only hold integers), the result of the calculation is instead the result rounded towards 0.
* If a rule implies that the result of any calculation should be an integer (for instance, by attempting to store that result in, or add it to, a gamestate variable that can only hold integers), the result of the calculation is instead the result rounded towards 0.
* If a number or other game variable is selected 'at random' or 'randomly' from a range of possible values, its value shall always be taken from a uniform probability distribution over the entire range of possible values, unless otherwise specified. This value must be determined by an appropriate DICE roll in the GNDT, unless otherwise specified.
* If a game variable has a default value but no defined starting value, then its default value should also be considered a starting value. If a game variable has neither a default value nor a starting value, then both may be considered to be the nearest legal value to zero that it may take (for numerical variables, defaulting to positive if tied), blank (for a text string or list that may be blank), the alphabetically earliest legal text string it may take (for a text string which may not be blank, with the digits 0 through 9 considered to precede “A”), or the list which is alphabetically earliest from the set of lists with the fewest elements (for lists which may not be blank, and considering each list to be a single unpunctuated text string, with the digits 0 through 9 considered to precede “A”). For the purposes of this bullet point, the names of Puzzlers are not considered to be legal values for game variables, nor for list items within game variables.
* If a game variable has no defined starting value, then that starting value is the nearest legal value to zero that it may take (for numerical variables, defaulting to positive if tied), blank (for a text string or list that may be blank), the alphabetically earliest legal text string it may take (for a text string which may not be blank, with the digits 0 through 9 considered to precede “A”), or the list which is alphabetically earliest from the set of lists with the fewest elements (for lists which may not be blank, and considering each list to be a single unpunctuated text string, with the digits 0 through 9 considered to precede “A”).
* If the rules that define a game variable are amended, and some previously valid values become invalid as a consequence, any existing variables whose current values would become invalid are instead set to their starting value.
* Invalid values for game variables can never be used, even if the values stored in the GNDT remain valid. (for example, if X appears in a formula referring to a value that is a non-negative integer, X must be used as a non-negative integer)
* Invalid values for game variables can never be used, even if the values stored in a gamestate-tracking entity remain valid. (for example, if X appears in a formula referring to a value that is a non-negative integer, X must be used as a non-negative integer)
* DICEN cannot be rolled in the Dice Roller if N is greater than one million.
* If a piece of information is described as being tracked secretly or privately by the Puzzle Master (including secretly random selections), then that information may only be revealed by the Puzzle Master when the ruleset allows it. If a Puzzler should already know such a piece of information (in that the Puzzle Master has already told them it, or vice versa, and there is no way that the information could have been changed since then), the Puzzle Master may repeat it to them.
* A range of numerical values stated to be “between” one value and another value is treated as an inclusive range unless otherwise explicitly stated.
===Rules and Proposals===
===Rules and Votable Matters===
* If a new rule is created by a proposal and its location is not noted in that proposal, that new rule is to be placed in the Dynastic Rules.
* If a new rule is created by a Votable Matter and its location is not noted in that Votable Matter, that new rule is to be placed in the Dynastic Rules.
* If a wiki page becomes gamestate as a result of a proposal enacting, that page shall - unless otherwise specified - be reverted to whatever state it was in at the time of that proposal's submission (and if the page did not exist at that time, it shall be blanked).
* If a wiki page becomes gamestate as a result of a Votable Matter enacting, that page shall unless otherwise specified be reverted to whatever state it was in at the time of that Votable Matter’s submission (and if the page did not exist at that time, it shall be blanked).
* Where a [[#Proposals|Proposal]] would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their author a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own author, when enacted).
* Where a [[#Votable Matters|Votable Matter]] would amend the effects of Votable Matter Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (e.g. a Votable Matter proposing that enacted Votable Matters earn their author a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own author, when enacted).
* Rules which trigger upon the Resolution of a Votable Matter are the responsibility of the Admin who Resolves it.
* Rules which trigger upon the Resolution of a Votable Matter are the responsibility of the Admin who Resolves it.
* Unless otherwise specified, a new Dynastic rule shall be placed at the end of the Dynastic Rules.
* Unless otherwise specified, a new Dynastic rule shall be placed at the end of the Dynastic Rules.
* If a rule would ever have no name, it is instead named “Unnamed Rule”.
* If a dynastic rule has no text and no subrules, any Puzzler may delete it from the ruleset.
* The names of rules are not themselves rule text and have no effect other than being rule names.
* A rule may be accompanied by one or more illustrations, and an illustration may have a caption. In all situations, unless otherwise explicitly stated, an illustration and a caption to an illustration must be treated as flavour text.
* If the admin enacting a proposal reaches a step which cannot be applied immediately (eg. “two days after this proposal enacts, Scribe A gains 1 point”), that step is ignored for the purposes of enactment. Once a proposal has been enacted, it can have no further direct effect on the gamestate.
* When the ruleset calls for the use of a specific tool (such as the dice roller, or an off-domain website, or a specific piece of downloadable software), Puzzlers may not deliberately interfere with the function of that tool except in ways explicitly permitted by the ruleset.
* If the Puzzle Master has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, they are not considered to be a Puzzler for the purposes of totaling quorum on that Proposal. Votes of DEFERENTIAL made by other Puzzlers on the same Proposal are not considered to be valid, but the Puzzlers who made them still contribute to quorum
* For the purpose of all rules, time in Blognomic is in UTC.
* For the purpose of all rules, time in BlogNomic is in UTC.
* All references to time must be either specific or defined within the ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. "dinnertime", "twilight") cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
* All references to time must be either specific or defined within the Ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. “dinnertime”, “twilight”) cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
* Where the month, day and/or year of a calendar date are ambiguous (eg. "04/10/09"), it shall be assumed that the date is in a day/month/year format.
* Where the month, day and/or year of a calendar date are ambiguous (e.g. “04/10/09”), it shall be assumed that the date is in a day/month/year format.
* A Puzzler may not take more than one dynastic game action at the same time (excluding any actions which have been ongoing for more than three hours).
===Spelling and formatting===
* Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English and Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
* Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g. British English, American English and Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
* Puzzlers may correct obvious spelling, punctuation, and/or typographical mistakes in the Ruleset, the Building Blocks page, and their own Pending Votable Matters at any time, including replacing Spivak and gender-specific pronouns that refer to Puzzlers with the corresponding forms of the singular “they”.
* A Puzzler may reformat a list of items in the dynastic ruleset to have bullet points or other appropriate list markup, if doing so would not change the order of that list, nor how any rules interpreted its content.
* A Puzzler may change the layout or design of a gamestate wiki page if doing so would not change how any rules interpreted its content.
* Within the ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Scribe if it is explicitly stated that it refers to a Scribe's name.
* Within the Ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Puzzler if it is explicitly stated that it refers to a Puzzler's name.
* If a rule would ever have no name, it is instead given the name of the Votable Matter that created it, or (if this is not possible) the name “Unnamed Rule”.
* The names of rules and wiki pages (other than the Ruleset) are flavour text.
* Subrules can be referred to by a name which incorporates name of the rule they are a subrule of. Example: a subrule of the rule “Gin” is a “Gin Rule”, however the rule “Gin” is not a “Gin Rule” because it’s not a subrule of the rule “Gin”.
* When referring to a Votable Matter, the name used in reference to a specific Votable Matter may be simplified by not including braces and any text between the opening and closing braces. i.e. a Votable Matter named “Changes [Core]” could instead be referred to by the name “Changes”.
* When referring to a Rule, the name used in reference to a specific Rule may be simplified by not including braces and any text between a pair of opening and closing braces, as long as such a reference would be unambiguous.
* Where a Votable Matter refers to a second Votable Matter by name, it is assumed to refer to the most recently posted Votable Matter of that name which pre-dates the first Votable Matter.
* When changing their name or joining the game for the first time, a Puzzler's (or prospective Puzzler's ) new name must be between 3 and 30 characters in length, and may only include the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, underscores, hyphens, full stops and apostrophes.
* If two parts of the Ruleset contradict each other, precedence shall be construed in the following order:
* If two parts of the Ruleset contradict each other, precedence shall be construed in the following order:
# The Appendix has precedence over any Rule;
# The Appendix has precedence over any other Rule;
# A Dynastic Rule has precedence over a Core Rule, unless that Core Rule explicitly says it can’t be overruled by a Dynastic Rule;
# If a Core Rule explicitly says it cannot be overruled by a Dynastic Rule, that Core Rule has precedence over a Dynastic Rule, otherwise a Dynastic Rule has precedence over that Core Rule;
# If both contradicting parts are Core Rules, or if both of them are Dynastic Rules, the part with more limited scope applies. (e.g. if the rules “Scribes may Kick each other” and “Scribes may not kick each other on Tuesdays” exist, and it is Tuesday, Scribes may not Kick each other.)
# If a Building Blocks Rule explicitly says that it cannot be overruled by a Dynastic Rule, that Building Blocks Rule has precedence over a Dynastic Rule, otherwise a Dynastic Rule has equal precedence as that Building Blocks Rule;
# If two parts with the same scope contradict each other, the negative rule applies. (e.g. with “Scribes may Punch a Spaceman on Friday” and “Scribes may not Punch Spacemen on Friday”, then Scribes may not Punch Spacemen on Friday.)
# If two contradicting parts have equal precedence, the part with more limited scope applies (e.g. if the rules “Puzzlers may Kick each other” and “Puzzlers may not Kick each other on Tuesdays” exist, and it is Tuesday, Puzzlers may not Kick each other);
# If two contradicting parts have the same scope, or have scopes that only overlap where they contradict each other, the negative rule applies (e.g. with “Puzzlers may Punch a Spaceman on Friday” and “Puzzlers may not Punch Spacemen on Friday”, then Puzzlers may not Punch Spacemen on Friday).
A Puzzler may have another Puzzler as a Mentor. Puzzlers who are willing to act as a Mentor are listed on the [[Mentorships]] wiki page, and are said to be “Tenured”. An Admin may add or remove their own name, or the name of a Puzzler who has requested a change on their own behalf, from this list at any time. The Mentorships page is also used to list the names of players who are prohibited from becoming Tenured; this list may only be amended by the effect of a votable matter.
If an unmentored Puzzler requests a Mentor, or a new Puzzler has joined the game and has no Mentor, the Puzzle Master should select a Tenured Puzzler and ask them to take that Puzzler on as a Mentee; if they accept, then such a Mentorship is established. The members and starting dates of all active Mentorships are tracked on the Mentorships wiki page, and whenever a new Mentorship is established, the Puzzle Master should announce it in a blog post. The Puzzle Master should take care to consider game balance when selecting a potential mentor.
A relationship between a mentor and a mentee is a Mentorship. A Puzzler may dissolve a Mentorship they are part of at any time, by announcing this in a blog post.
If there is no Puzzle Master, any Puzzler who has been active in at least three previous dynasties may act as Puzzle Master for the purposes of this rule.
===Things that a mentor must do===
A mentor must do the following:
*Make pro-active contact with their mentee when appointed, and explain the dynamics of the Mentorship system;
*Be available to answer any questions that their mentee may have about the game, including explaining the rules, common standards and etiquette of play, proofreading posts and clarifying game events;
*Introduce their mentee to the various platforms of the game, including the wiki and Dice Roller, and optionally the game’s Discord and social media feeds
*If possible, give their mentee a nudge if it appears that they are at risk of becoming Idle;
*If they themselves go idle, communicate with their mentee to either continue to support them as an idle Puzzler or arrange a handover to another mentor if requested.
===Things that a mentor should do===
The following sets out suggested best practice for Mentorship relationships:
*The Mentorship lasts for four weeks or until the next Ascension Address, whichever occurs latest. It can continue informally for longer but after this threshold the mentor is no longer bound by any of the conditions set out in the parent rule to this rule, or any of its subrules.
*The mentor can and should advise the mentee on how to proceed in the mentee’s own best interests. This can include making connections with other Puzzlers .
*The mentor should consider copying the mentee in on private, game-related communications, where it does not unfairly prejudice their own interests. The mentee should keep this information private without explicit consent from the mentor.
*The mentor and mentee may work together to achieve victory. If a mentor achieves victory with support of their mentee then they should, if the mentee wishes it, pass the baton to the mentee.
===Things that a mentor should not do===
The following sets out a list of things that a mentor should not do in their relationship with their mentee. All of these are considered to be Fair Play rules, as per the rule Fair Play.
*The mentor should not sock-puppet, bully, coerce or otherwise manipulate the mentee into performing any game actions.
*The mentor should not seek to dissuade the mentee from pursuing other alliances.
*A former mentor should not seek to use the fact of a prior Mentorship to influence the former mentee on an ongoing basis.
== Synonyms ==
A dynasty may provide extra theming by using alternative terms for words like “Puzzler” and “Puzzle Master”.
Each term in this list is synonymous with the term in parentheses
* Puzzler (Player)
* Puzzle Master (Emperor)
When a new Dynasty is started, the Ascension Address may specify new terms for each entry in the above list, provided the newly chosen term does not appear anywhere in the Building Blocks page or the ruleset outside of this rule (though if it only appears in rules which are being removed as part of the Ascension Address, it is fine), and that doing so would not cause two terms in the above list to become synonymous with each other. Doing so causes the old corresponding value (including regional spelling variations) to be replaced by the new value everywhere in the ruleset except in any of the parentheses in the above list.

Latest revision as of 21:40, 26 September 2024

Core Rules

Ruleset and Gamestate

This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Puzzlers shall obey it.

It comprises four Sections: 1) the “core rules” of BlogNomic, covering the essential elements of gameplay; 2) the rules of the current Dynasty; 3) rules which set metagame parameters for the current dynasty; and 4) the appendix, which complements and clarifies the Ruleset.

The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset. This document is considered to be, in effect, the only Ruleset for BlogNomic, so long as it is located at at the URL https://wiki.blognomic.com/index.php?title=Ruleset.

If the text of the Ruleset document does not reflect all legal changes that have been authorised to be made to it, any Puzzler may update it to do so.

The gamestate tracking page for this dynasty is the Puzzle Board page of the wiki. Unless otherwise stated, all publicly tracked gamestate information is tracked on it.


A human with access to the blog who is not already a Puzzler may make a blog post making clear their wish to be a Puzzler (plural form Puzzlers); in response, an Admin shall add them to the roster in the sidebar, at which moment they become a Puzzler. (See the FAQ for guidance on how to apply for access to the BlogNomic blog.)

A Puzzler may only change their name as a result of a Proposal approving the change.

Some Puzzlers are Admins, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Puzzlers who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation. Puzzlers may be made Admins through Proposal or CFJ.

A Puzzler may cease to be a Puzzler at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A human who has ceased to be a Puzzler in this way may not become a Puzzler again within the following two weeks.

Idle Puzzlers

If a Puzzler is Idle, this is tracked by their name being removed or concealed in the list of currently active Puzzlers in the Sidebar. For the purposes of all Gamestate and the Ruleset, excluding the core and appendix Rules “Ruleset and Gamestate”, “ Puzzlers ”, “Dynasties”, “Fair Play”, "Mentors" and any of those Rules’ subrules, Idle Puzzlers are not counted as Puzzlers . The combined term “Idle Puzzlers” can be used to refer to Puzzlers who are Idle even in rules that do not treat them as Puzzlers.

If a Proposal contains a provision that targets a specifically named Idle Puzzler, then that Idle Puzzler is considered to be Unidle solely for the purposes of enacting that specific provision.

When a Puzzler is unidled, if they went Idle in the same Dynasty, their personal gamestate retains the last legally endowed values it had, if they are still valid. Otherwise (including if a value is invalid, does not exist, or the Puzzler Idled in a different Dynasty), the Puzzler is given the default value for new Puzzlers, if such a value exists.

An Admin may render a Puzzler Idle if that Puzzler has asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), or if that Puzzler has not posted an entry or comment in the past 168 Hours (7 days). In the latter case, the Admin must announce the idling in a blog post, and the 168 Hour idle timeout is considered to be reduced to 96 hours for that Puzzler during the current and subsequent dynasty. Admins may render themselves Idle at any time, but should announce it in a post or comment when they do so. An Admin may Unidle a Puzzler if that Puzzler is Idle and has asked to become Unidle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), and Idle Admins may Unidle themselves at any time, unless the Puzzler who would be Unidled has become Idle within the past 96 hours (4 days), and within the current Dynasty.

Admins who are unidling themselves should, in their first vote following each unidling, highlight their changed idle status and any changes to Quorum to have come about as a result of it.

Idle admins can resolve Votable Matters as a non-idle admin would.


If there are fewer than four Puzzlers (not including the Puzzle Master), then BlogNomic is on Hiatus.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Puzzler, known as the Puzzle Master. If there is no Puzzle Master, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.

An Interregnum is the period between dynasties, after a DoV has been enacted and before a Dynastic Reset has been performed. During an Interregnum the game is in hiatus; additionally, no DoVs may be made, and no Puzzler may achieve Victory. However, dynastic actions that are specifically permitted to be carried out during an Interregnum may be carried out.

Unless otherwise stated by a dynastic or Building Blocks rule, then for the purposes of dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Puzzle Master is not a Puzzler.

Votable Matters

A Votable Matter is a post which Puzzlers may cast Votes on, such as a Proposal, a Call for Judgement or a Declaration of Victory.


Each Puzzler may cast one Vote on a Votable Matter by making a comment to the Official Post that comprises that Votable Matter using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL. Additional voting icons may be permitted in some cases by other rules. A valid Vote is, except when otherwise specified, a Vote of FOR or AGAINST. A Puzzler‘s Vote on a Votable Matter is the last valid voting icon that they have used in any comment on that Votable Matter. Additionally, if the author of a Votable Matter has not used a valid voting icon in a comment to the post, then the author’s Vote is FOR. A non-Puzzler never has a Vote, even if they were a Puzzler previously and had cast a valid Vote.

If a Puzzler other than the Puzzle Master casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL, then the Vote of DEFERENTIAL is an indication of confidence in the Puzzle Master. When the Puzzle Master has a valid Vote other than VETO on a Votable Matter, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are instead considered to be valid and the same as the Puzzle Master’s Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified. When the Puzzle Master themselves casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL, it indicates an indication of confidence in the votes of the other players; please see the Rules and Votable Matters section of the Appendix for more information on how this is resolved.

A Votable Matter is Popular if any of the following are true:

  • It has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid Vote cast on it, and more valid Votes cast on it are FOR than are AGAINST.

A Votable Matter is Unpopular if any of the following are true:

  • The number of Puzzlers who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and it is not Popular.

Enacting and Failing

Votable matters have a status, which can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed, or Illegal. When a votable matter is first put forward it is considered Pending (which is tracked as having no status in the current blog software), and it remains Pending until it is Resolved.

A votable matter is resolved by an admin setting its status through use of the “status” field in the blog post editing form. When an admin resolves a votable matter they should mark their name, and are highly encouraged to report the final tally of Votes (or the fact that it was withdrawn or vetoed). Comments cannot be made on resolved Votable Matters.

A votable matter may not be resolved except as directed by the ruleset, and the status of a resolved votable matter, once resolved, is determined by the votes cast upon it, as assessed by the rules that govern the specific kind of votable matter (as well as any other considerations regarding the legality of the votable matter, such as the stipulations put forward in the Appendix rule Official Posts). When a Failed proposal has been Vetoed it may optionally have the Vetoed status upon resolution, which is considered to be the same as Failed for the purposes of all other rules.

This rule cannot be overruled by any other rule in its application to Calls for Judgement or Declarations of Victory.


Votable Matters have zero or more tags. Tags are represented in the title of a Votable Matter with the format “[X]” (e.g. “[Core] Wording Fix”, where “[Core]” is the tag).

Votable Matters making changes to the Core Rules, the Building Blocks Rules or the Appendix Rules require any of the following to be true for each such change in order to make that specific modification to the ruleset:

  • The Votable Matter has the appropriate Tag or Tags for that change: [Core] for Core Rules changes, [Building Blocks] for Building Blocks Rules changes and [Appendix] for Appendix Rules changes.
  • The modification is preceded or followed immediately by an unambiguous statement of which section of the ruleset it takes place.
  • The modification specifically states a rule using its number or the name of the stated rule only occurs once in the ruleset.


Any Puzzler may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the “Proposal” category that describes those changes (unless the Puzzler already has 2 Proposals pending or has already made 3 Proposals that day).

Special Proposal Voting

When a Puzzler casts a vote AGAINST their own Proposal (which is not in the form of a DEFERENTIAL vote), this renders the Proposal Withdrawn, even if the author later changes their Vote. The Puzzle Master may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Proposal; when the Puzzle Master casts a vote of VETO on a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if the Puzzle Master later changes their Vote.

Resolution of Proposals

The oldest Pending Proposal may be Enacted by any Admin if all of the following are true:

  • It is Popular.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours.
  • It has not been Vetoed or Withdrawn.

The oldest Pending Proposal may be Failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:

  • It is Unpopular.
  • It has been Vetoed or Withdrawn.

If a Proposal somehow ends up being pending for more than 7 days, it is ignored for the purpose of calculating the oldest pending Proposal, and can be failed by any Admin.

When a Proposal is Enacted, its stated effects are applied by treating the text in the Proposal as a series of steps starting from the beginning of that Proposal’s text and performing each step until reaching the end of that Proposal’s text, except that if the Admin Enacting it reaches a step which cannot be applied immediately (e.g. “two days after this Votable Matter enacts, Puzzler A gains 1 point”) or at all (e.g. applying to a rule which does not exist), that step is ignored for the purposes of Enactment; the Admin Enacting the Proposal shall update the Gamestate and Ruleset, and correct any gamestate-tracking entities, as specified in each step that was performed.

Calls for Judgement

If two or more Puzzlers actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Puzzler feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Puzzler may raise a Call for Judgement (abbreviated “CfJ”) by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgement” category.

A Pending CfJ may be Enacted by any Admin if all of the following are true:

  • It is Popular.

A Pending CfJ may be Failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:

  • It is Unpopular.
  • It specifies neither changes to the Gamestate or Ruleset nor corrections to any gamestate-tracking entities.

When a CfJ is Enacted, the Admin Enacting it shall update the Gamestate and Ruleset, and correct any gamestate-tracking entities, as specified in the CfJ.

This Rule may not be overruled by Dynastic Rules.

Victory and Ascension

If a Puzzler (other than the Puzzle Master) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, they may make a Declaration of Victory (abbreviated “DoV”) detailing this, by posting an entry in the “Declaration of Victory” category.

A Puzzler’s vote on a DoV is encouraged to reflect whether or not they agree with the proposition that the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty. If there is at least one pending DoV, BlogNomic is on Hiatus, no Idle Puzzler may be made unidle, and no new player joining requests may be administered.

A Pending DoV may be Enacted by any Admin if any of the following are true:

  • It has a number of FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Puzzlers, it has been open for at least 12 hours, and either the Puzzle Master has Voted FOR it or it has no AGAINST Votes.
  • It has a number of FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Puzzlers, and it has been open for at least 24 hours.

A Pending DoV may be Failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:

  • It is Unpopular, and it has been open for at least 12 hours.
  • It is more than 48 hours old and cannot be Enacted

If a DoV is Failed and it had at least one AGAINST vote, the Puzzler who posted it cannot make another DoV until after 120 hours (5 days) have passed since the time their DoV was Failed.

When a DoV is Enacted, all other pending DoVs are Failed, the Puzzler who posted the DoV becomes Puzzle Master, and the game enters an Interregnum. When a DoV is enacted then all game actions that led up to it are considered to be upheld.

If the game is in an Interregnum then the new Puzzle Master must make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. The Ascension Address should specify the Puzzle Master’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specifiy one or more of the following:

  • New dynasty-specific terms as outline in the rule “Synonyms”
  • A number of dynastic rules to keep (if none are specifed then the entire Dynastic Ruleset is repealed)
  • Any number of Building Blocks rules to remove or insert, as per the instructions in the Building Blocks section
  • The name of the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” to a different page that does not exist and does not start with the word “Ruleset”
  • The Puzzle Master’s Imperial Style, which if specified is a set of nonbinding guidelines that the Puzzle Master is encouraged to follow, using the terms defined on the wiki page Imperial Styles.

If it has not been done since the most recent posting of an Ascension Address, the Puzzle Master or any Puzzler (if it’s the latter, they must wait until at least 4 hours after that Ascension Address has been posted) may perform a Dynastic Reset, which is an atomic action with the following steps:

  • Update the Ruleset to reflect any changed terms as outlined in the most recent Ascension Address.
  • Repeal any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept in the most recent Ascension Address.
  • Update the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” with the name specified in the most recent Ascension Address, if any.
  • Make any specified or automatic changes to the Building Blocks section of the ruleset as described in the most recent Ascension Address.
  • Update the Building Blocks page to reflect any changes to the terms outlined in the rule Synonyms.

Once this Atomic Action has been completed the Interregnum ends and the new dynasty begins.

Fair Play

The following are BlogNomic’s rules of fair play. If any of these rules are found to have been broken, or if a Puzzler’s behaviour or actions are otherwise deemed unacceptable (socially or otherwise), a Proposal or CfJ may be made to reprimand or punish the perpetrator or, in cases of extreme or repeated violations, remove them from the game and bar them from rejoining. Puzzlers should vote against any DoV that relies on having broken a fair play rule.

  • A single person should not control more than one non-Idle Puzzler within BlogNomic, and should announce publicly if they control both a non-Idle Puzzler and any Idle Puzzlers. This extends to exerting full control over the actions of another Puzzler, defined here as the controlled Puzzler’s game behavior being functionally indistinguishable from if the controlling Puzzler was logged into their account and playing through it, over a period of more than a day.
  • A Puzzler should not “spam” the BlogNomic blog. What counts as spamming is subjective, but would typically include posting more than ten blog entries in a day, more than ten blog comments in a row, or posting a blog entry of more than 1000 words.
  • A Puzzler should not deliberately exploit bugs or unexpected behaviours in the software running the game (ExpressionEngine, MediaWiki or other blognomic.com scripts).
  • A Puzzler should not edit their own blog comments once posted, nor those of any other Puzzler.
  • A Puzzler should not edit the “Entry Date” field of a blog post.
  • A Puzzler should not make a DoV primarily to delay the game by putting it into Hiatus.
  • A Puzzler should not do any action meant to make the game unplayable (for example, changing multiple keywords to the same word in an Ascension Address).
  • A Puzzler should not roll dice that are clearly associated with a particular action in the Ruleset, but with the intention to not use these rolled values to the best of their ability to resolve that action. a Puzzler must use their own name in the Dice Roller, when rolling dice.
  • A Puzzler should not deliberately and unreasonably prolong the performance of a game action once they have started it.
  • A Puzzler should not use a Core, Building Blocks, or Appendix rules scam to directly or indirectly cause a Puzzler to achieve victory.
  • A Puzzler should not trade actions in BlogNomic for favors or compensation outside of BlogNomic, nor trade actions in any other game for favors within BlogNomic, nor trade actions or favours in one Dynasty of Blognomic for actions or favours in another Dynasty of Blognomic.
  • A person with administrative, moderation, or other heightened access to the software running or supporting BlogNomic should not take any action using such heightened access for the purpose of causing any Puzzler or Puzzlers to gain, receive, maintain, or preserve gameplay advantage unless any of the following is true:
    • Such action is required or explicitly permitted by the rules or required to implement an action required or explicitly permitted by the rules.
    • A reasonable, impartial, and prudent external observer would deem such action necessary or reasonable for the purpose of supporting, moderating, or administering BlogNomic or such software.

All Puzzlers and idle Puzzlers should be aware of the BlogNomic Community Guidelines. The contents of this page are not ruletext and are nonbinding as pertains to the ruleset, but Puzzlers are encouraged to commit to upholding them to whatever extent is possible.

Dynastic Rules

The Game Board

The Game Board is a publicly tracked 10 by 10 grid of cells. Each cell has an integer Row and Column, which are each between 1 and 10 and correspond to that cell’s position in the game board. Each Cell also has a Content which can be Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Star, Bomb, Snowflake, Lightning Bolt, or Empty and defaults to Empty. Cells whose Content is Empty are considered to be Empty.

Two Cells are Adjacent of they either share the same Column and their Row differs by one, or they share the same Row and their Column’s differ by 1.

A Cell is Above another Cell if they share the same Column, and the first Cell’s Row is less than the Second cells Row. A Cell is Immediately Above another Cell if it is both above that cell and adjacent to it.

A Cell is Below another Cell if they share the same Column, and the first Cell’s Row is greater than the Second cells Row. A Cell is Immediately Below another Cell if it is both below that cell and adjacent to it.

If any cell of the game board is Empty, the game board is considered to be Out Of Date.

If the Game Board is Out Of Date any Contestant may perform the following actions:

  • If there is an empty cell (cell A) that has a non-empty cell (cell B) immediately above it, move the contents of cell B to cell A
  • If there is an empty cell (cell A) such that every cell with a lower column is not empty, every cell above it is empty, and every cell below it is not empty, Fill Cell A.

Filling a Cell consists of performing the following atomic action:

  • If the Cell is not Empty, cease performing the atomic action
  • Roll a FRUIT. If the result is not Tangelo, set the Cell’s content to be the result of the roll. If the result is Tangelo, randomly the Cell’s content to be either Star, Bomb, Lighting Bolt or Snowflake.

These dice rolls may be made in advance when trying to filling multiple empty at the same time, using the first roll to fill the first slot that needs to be filled. (So, for example, if Row 1 Col 1, Row 2 Col 1, and Row 3 Col 1 are all empty, three FRUIT rolls may be made at the same time, using the result of the first roll to fill Row 3 Col 1, the second to fill Row 2 Col 1 and the third to fill Row 1 Col 1)

Each Cell is exactly one of the following, which is tracked with the colour of the Cell’s background on the game board:

  • A Plain Cell (white). Any Cell that isn’t any of the other possibilities in this list is a Plain Cell.
  • A Bonus Cell (gold), see “Turns” for more information
  • A Frozen Cell (light blue). If a Turn Action would change a Frozen Cell’s Content, or if it would “move” the Cell’s Content to another Cell, the action is instead considered illegal.
  • A Trap Cell (red), see “Turns” for more information

Collecting Cells

Collecting a group of Cells is an atomic action with the following steps that can be performed by a Puzzler, but only as elsewhere allowed by the ruleset:

  • Start with a list of cells, known as the collection list. While the collection list is not empty, repeat the following steps
    • Take the first cell from the collection list
    • If that cell is a Bonus cell and its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, increase the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1
    • If that cell is a Trap cell, decrease the Puzzler’s Matches by 1 (to a minimum of 0), their Multi Match Bonus by 5 (to a minimum of 0) and if its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, decrease the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1 (to a minimum of 0)
    • Set the Cell Target to be an Empty Cell
    • If the contents of that Cell are Bomb, add all non-Empty non-Frozen cells that are adjacent to it, including cells whose Rows and Columns both differ from the selected cell by 1, to the Collection List
    • If the contents of that Cell are Snowflake, set the Cell Target to be a Frozen Cell, and set all plain cells that are not in the collection list and are adjacent to it to be Frozen Cells
    • If its contents are Lightning Bolt, set the Cell Target to be a Trap Cell
    • Set the contents of that cell to be empty
    • Make the cell whatever the current Cell Target is
    • Remove that cell from the collection list


Turn Order is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers. If a Puzzler’s name is at the start of the Turn Order list, it is considered to be that Puzzler’s Turn

If a Puzzler goes Idle, their name is removed from Turn Order

If the Turn Order list is Empty, any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order as an atomic action by randomly arranging the names in the Turn Completed, setting the Turn Order to a list of those randomly arranged names, and setting the Turn Completed to an empty list (Puzzlers may use a private method of their choosing rather than the Dice Roller for this step).

During their Turn a Puzzler may set their number of Coins to 3, provided they have not spent any Coins since the start of their most recent Turn.

Puzzlers may perform the Rotation action multiple times per turn, provided they spend the requisite number of Coins each time.

Any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, if the Game Board is not Out of Date, that Puzzler may perform Collect Match, and may perform it multiple times during their Turn. Collect Match is an atomic action with the following steps:

  • Select one Group of Cells that is considered a Match
  • Optionally select the cells of another Match that includes at least one currently selected cell. This step may be repeated any number of times.
  • Collect all selected cells, collecting cells with the lowest column first and then for those with the same column the highest row first.
  • Add 1 to that Puzzler’s Matches
  • Increase that Puzzler’s Multi Match Bonus by (X-5) * (X-4) / 2, where X is the total number of different cells that were selected during this specific instance of the atomic action

Turn Completed is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers, defaulting to a list containing the names of all Puzzlers whose name is not in the Turn Order. At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, as an atomic action they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order and add it to the end of the Turn Completed, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn. At any time, a Puzzler whose name is not in either the Turn Order or Turn Completed may add their name to the end of the Turn Completed. If it is a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler if it has been at least 6 hours since the Game Board was last modified and that Puzzler has performed at least one Turn Action since the Turn Order was last modified. However, if the Turn Order becomes empty as a result of this action or within 6 hours after this action was last performed, the Turn Order may not be modified again until at least 6 hours after this action was last performed. At any time, a Puzzler may remove their name from Turn Order or Turn Completed.

Turn Actions

Turn Actions are atomic actions and have a cost, (which consist of a number of Coins and optionally a number of some or all of: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries, Stars). At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler may spend the cost of a Turn Action to perform that Turn Action.

Turn Actions may not be performed if the Game Board is considered Out of Date.

The following are Turn Actions:

  • Rotation (Cost: 1 Coin)
    • Do exactly one of the following:
      • Move all of the contents of one row left by 1 Cell, with the contents of the leftmost Cell of that row being moved to the rightmost Cell of that row.
      • Move all of the contents of one row right by 1 Cell, with the contents of the rightmost Cell of that row being moved to the leftmost Cell of that row.
      • Move all of the contents of one column up by 1 Cell, with the contents of the top Cell of that column being moved to the bottom Cell of that column.
      • Move all of the contents of one column down by 1 Cell, with the contents of the bottom Cell of that column being moved to the top Cell of that column.
  • Swap (Cost: 1 Coin)
    • Choose two Cells that are adjacent to each other and swap their Contents
  • Seed (Cost: Free, if this turn action has not yet been performed this turn. Otherwise 1 coin)
    • Randomly select a cell by rolling a DICE10 DICE10 and using the first value for the row and second value for the column. If the cell is not already a bonus cell, it becomes a bonus cell.
When performing this turn action, the Puzzler performing it may spend one or more stars to repeat the above process of randomly selecting a cell and turning it into a bonus cell an additional three times per star spent
  • Morph (0 coins, and exactly 2 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries or Stars)
    • Choose a cell. Replace the contents of that cell with matching resource spent to perform this action (i.e. if Lemons were spent, replace the content of that cell with a Lemon)
  • Market (Cost: 1 Lemon, 1 Orange, 1 Kiwi, 1 Grape, and 1 Cherry)
    • Gain 2 Coins
  • Activate (Cost: 1 Coin)
    • Collect a cell whose contents are Bomb, Snowflake or Lightning Bolt
  • Thaw (Cost: Exactly 1 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
    • Choose a Frozen Cell whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action and make it a Plain Cell
  • Fruit Juicer (Cost: 3 Coins and exactly 1 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
    • Select any 5 Plain Cells, without selecting any Cell more than once, whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action. Collect the selected Cells and add 1 to your Matches.
  • Wager (Cost: 1 Coin)
    • Set your Bet to a valid non-empty value.
  • Collect Winnings (Cost: Free if you have not yet performed any Turn Action or Collect Match on this Turn, otherwise you cannot perform this Turn Action)
    • If your Bet is not empty and the Cell at the Row and Column mentioned in your Bet has a Content that matches the one in your Bet, add 1 to your Coins.
    • Set your Bet to empty.
  • Lemonade (Cost: 2 Lemons)
    • On your next Collect Match action this turn, you may consider a Group to require only 4 Cells instead of 5 Cells.
  • Runaway Reel (Cost: 2 Oranges)
    • On your next Rotation action this turn, rotate the selected row (resp. column) any number of times instead of just once.
  • Diagonal Slice (Cost: 2 Kiwis)
    • On your next Collect Match action this turn, you may consider an unbroken sequence of 5 diagonally adjacent Cells to be a Group. (Two cells are diagonally adjacent if both their row numbers and their column numbers differ by 1.)
  • Sticky Reels (Cost: 2 Grapes)
    • On your next Rotation action this turn, instead of rotating a single row (resp. column), rotate up to 3 consecutive rows (resp. columns) in the same direction.
  • Cherry Bomb (Cost: 2 Cherries)
    • Collect all Cells in any one column.
  • Bank (Cost: 1 Coin)
    • When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Matches by M (to a minimum of 0) , where M is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 10*M
    • When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Multi Match Bonus by B (to a minimum of 0) , where B is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by B
    • When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes and/or Cherries by X (to a minimum of 0) , where X is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 5*X. This may be performed separately for each resource type.
    • When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Stars by S (to a minimum of 0) , where S is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 10*S
  • Disarm (Exactly 2 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
    • Choose a Trap Cell whose Content is the same as the resources spent for this action and make it a Plain Cell.

Queued Actions

There is a publicly tracked list called the Action Queue. During a Puzzlers Turn, that Puzzler may append to end of the Action Queue a Turn Action or a Collect Match action that they wish to take, along with their name (paying the cost of the action, if any). At any time, any Puzzler may remove the first action from the Action Queue and perform that action on behalf of the Puzzler who added the action to the Action Queue, provided the action would be legal. For the purposes of determining legality, these actions are considered to take place at the time they were added, and considered to be performed by the Puzzler who added them to the Action Queue. If the first action would be illegal, any Puzzler may remove it from the Action Queue (refunding the cost paid, if any).

If the Action Queue is not empty, Puzzlers may not take any Turn Actions or Collect Match actions, except via the Action Queue.


Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Coins, defaulting to 3.


Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Matches, defaulting to 0. Each Puzzler also has a publicly tracked numerical Multi Match Bonus, which also defaults to 0.

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number (defaulting to 0) of each of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries, Stars.

A Group is a set of 5 Cells where the set of Cells in the Group form an unbroken sequence of Adjacent Cells all in the same Row or all in the same Column, and none of those Cells in that Group are Empty. If a Group of Cells all have the same Content, this is considered a Match. For the purposes of determining a Match, a Cell in a Group where that Cell has the Content of Star or Lightning Bolt is considered to have the same Content as any other Cell in that same Group.


Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked Bet, which may be one of the following:

  • Empty
  • One of Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, or Cherry, followed by the row and column of a Cell in the format “Row-Column”.


Each Puzzlers has a score, which defaults to 0.

If the Turn Order list is Empty and a single puzzler has a score greater than the score of any other puzzler and also greater than 500, that puzzler has achieved victory

Building Blocks

Building Blocks are rules that can be substituted in and out of the ruleset as needed, usually as a result of an Ascension Address. All rules in the Building Blocks section are ruletext.

Potential Building Blocks rules can be found at the Building Blocks page of the wiki. That page’s contents are not rulestext. When the contents of the Building Blocks page are referred to as ‘rules’ by the ruleset or by a votable matter, it should be assumed that said contents are being referred to as potential rules rather than actual rules.

When a Puzzle Master specifies the Building Blocks rules in use for a new dynasty in an Ascension Address, they should specify (by name) the rules from the Building Blocks page that they would like to be included in this section of the ruleset. When a Dynastic Reset is performed, the Building Blocks rules selected in the most recent Ascension Address (if any) must be transcribed faithfully to this section of the ruleset, and any Building Blocks rules not so named in that Ascension Address must be removed from the Building Blocks section. Some rules on the Building Blocks page are listed as being Recommended; if the new Puzzle Master makes no statement on Building Blocks rules to be included in their Ascension Address then the Recommended Building Blocks are considered to have been selected. There are currently no Recommended Building Blocks.

Low-Player Mode

The Core Rule Dormancy is flavour text.

Everyone’s Playing

For the purposes of all dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Puzzle Master is a Puzzler.


If they have not already done so in the current dynasty, A Puzzler may make a post to the blog announcing that they are Reinitialising; if they do so then they must immediately set all of their gamestate tracked values to their defaults for new players, and if the Puzzle Master is privately tracking any information about them then they should do likewise at their first opportunity. When a Puzzler has Reinitialised, they are considered to have undertaken no actions in this dynasty for the purposes of determining the validity of limited actions taken after the Reinitialisation, except for the action of Reinitialising itself.



A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (e.g. A rule specifying “bananas are blue” cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying “every day is Sunday” will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)


“is able to”
“is required to”
“is recommended that”


Daily Action
If a game action is a Daily Action, each Puzzler able to perform it may take that action once each day, but not more than once every ten hours.
Daily Communal Action
A Daily Communal Action is a Daily Action that can only be performed by one Puzzler per day.
References to a “day” as an entity rather than as a duration (e.g. “Sunday”, “The day after performing this action”, or “August 2nd”), unless otherwise stated, refer to a day beginning at and including 00:00:00 UTC, ending when the next day begins. It can never be 2 different days at the same instant.
References to a week as an entity rather than as a duration (e.g. “At the beginning of each week”, or “already happened this week”), unless otherwise stated, refer to a period of time between the beginning of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
Weekly Action
If a game action is a Weekly Action, each Puzzler able to perform it may take that action once each week, but not more than once every twenty-four hours.
Weekly Communal Action
A Weekly Communal action is a Weekly Action that can only be performed by one Puzzler per week.


A blog comment published to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.com
Core Proposal
A Proposal which mandates changes that, even if conditionally, are limited to the creation, deletion, and/or amendment of core rules and/or the glossary, and/or renaming, banning, and/or the granting or removing of Admin status from one or more Puzzlers.
References to “DICEX” or “YDICEX” refer to X-sided dice and Y amount of X-sided dice, rolled using the Dice Roller.
Dynastic Action
An action that is defined in the Dynastic rules.
Dynastic Proposal
A Proposal which mandates changes that, even if conditionally, are limited to the creation, deletion, and/or amendment of dynastic rules and/or gamestate defined by dynastic rules.
Effective Vote Comment (EVC)
A Puzzler's Effective Vote Comment with respect to a given Votable Matter is that Puzzler's Comment to that Votable Matter, if any, that contains that Puzzler's Vote on that Votable Matter.
When posting a blog entry, a Puzzler may use the “Commentary or flavour text” field of the blog publishing form to add their own comments or description of their post. For the purposes of all other rules, such text is not considered to be part of the post.
The BlogNomic Discord can be accessed at https://discord.gg/J7kP9KuHQK and is also linked to on the sidebar. Puzzlers , as well as people who are not Puzzlers but are interested in learning more about BlogNomic, may join the Discord by clicking the button in the sidebar.
Discord Channel
A Discord Channel is any channel on the BlogNomic Discord in the BlogNomic Discussion category. All Puzzlers who are in the Discord should have the ability to access all of these channels. To reference a Discord Channel, use a hash (#) followed by the name of that channel (e.g. #random).
Flavour Text
If a part of the ruleset or gamestate is defined as being “flavour text”, it retains its context, but is not considered to have any meaning beyond being a string of characters. Puzzlers are not required to obey flavour text and may not perform any action defined by it, and any statements that flavour text makes about gamestate are ignored.
Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of. All wiki pages that the rules and Building Blocks explicitly mention (except for the FAQ, the dynastic histories and discussion pages) and any images or Templates contained within (or indirectly invoked by Templates contained within) those Wiki Pages are assumed to be Gamestate.
If BlogNomic is on Hiatus, Dynastic Actions may not be taken (except where the rule defining the action explicitly requires it to be taken during Hiatus), and Proposals may not be submitted or Resolved. If multiple rules require BlogNomic to be on Hiatus at any given time, BlogNomic will continue to be on Hiatus until no rules require it.
A blog post published to the BlogNomic weblog at blognomic.com
Quorum of a subset of Puzzlers is half the number of Puzzlers in that subset, rounded down, plus one. If the word Quorum is used without qualifying which subset of Puzzlers it is referring to, it is referring to a Quorum of all Puzzlers.
If used in a context of a Votable Matter, the word “Resolve” means to perform the act, as an Admin, of enacting, failing, or marking illegal a Votable Matter. The world “Resolution” means then the act of doing so. If used in any other context, the meaning of both “Resolve” and “Resolution” is the standard English meaning of these words. The resolution of a votable matter is tracked by reference to its status in the blog post edit form. If otherwise legally applied, the application of any status through the blog post editing form is sufficient to consider that votable matter to have been correctly resolved, but a resolved votable matter should have the correct status wherever possible; if any admin believes that a resolved votable matter has an incorrect status then they may correct it.
Each individually numbered and titled block of text (using the wikimedia section heading formatting) of the Ruleset is a rule, including rules that are subrules of other rules; with the exception that the top-level headings defined as ‘sections’ in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” are considered sections but not rules themselves.
Sticky Post
A blog post where the “Make Entry Sticky” option has been enabled. Changing the state of this option is not considering altering or modifying the post with regards to the rules on Official Posts. The sticky status of posts should generally be left to the discretion of the Puzzle Master.
Story Post
A Story Post is an entry in the “Story Post” category.
The “subject” of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is “” (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
Seasonal Downtime
On the 24th, 25th and 26th of December, BlogNomic is on Hiatus. In addition, game actions defined by the core rules titled “Puzzlers” and “Victory and Ascension” (with the exception of Voting in DoVs) may not be taken.
A subrule is a type of rule that is hierarchically ordered beneath another rule. Rules and proposals that refer to a rule do not also refer to its subrules, unless otherwise specified.
Table of Contents
The directory of section headings that is generated by the MediaWiki software for most pages in the wiki.
To Uphold an illegal action is to retroactively declare the attempt to take it to have been successful, and to declare that all attempted game actions taken after it were attempted as if the Upheld action had been successful.
The word “Vote”, used as a noun, means a Vote that is cast in accordance with Rule “Votable Matters”. The word “Vote”, used as a verb, means the act of casting such a Vote.
Voting Icons
For use in voting, a check box http://blognomic.com/images/vote/for.gif shall represent a Vote FOR, an X http://blognomic.com/images/vote/against.gif shall represent a Vote AGAINST, a DEF http://blognomic.com/images/vote/imperial.gif shall represent a Vote of DEFERENTIAL, and a crossed-out circle http://blognomic.com/images/vote/seal.gif shall represent a vote to VETO.
The BlogNomic Wiki at http://wiki.blognomic.com

Gamestate Tracking

Official Posts

Votable Matters and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at http://blognomic.com. Any Puzzler may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the Ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts. Any single official post cannot be of two different types of official post unless a rule explicitly states otherwise. Dynastic rules cannot define posts in the “Call for Judgement” category to be a type of official post other than a Call for Judgement, and this restriction cannot be overridden by dynastic rules.

An official post may only be removed as allowed by the Ruleset. An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Puzzler has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icons; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. However, despite this, official posts can never be changed from one category to another, or changed to be a different sort of official post, if they have been posted for more than fifteen minutes. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post’s Status must be changed to reflect its status. An official blog post that has the status of Enacted or Failed cannot change categories, except that a votable matter’s illegal resolution may be overturned. An official blog post’s status may never be altered except in accordance with the rules that define that official post.

A non-official post may not, through editing of the blog or otherwise, be changed into an official post, with the following two exceptions: Firstly, whilst a non-official post has been posted for less than fifteen minutes and has no comments, the author may change the categories as they wish. Secondly, if a post is less than six hours old and appears to the Puzzle Master to have been intended as a Proposal, and if its author does not already have two Proposals pending, then the Puzzle Master may move it into the Proposal category, causing it to be considered to have been open for voting since the time that the post was first posted.

Any post that is or is made illegal as a result of an infraction against any of the prohibitions set out in this rule, except for a votable matter’s illegal resolution that has been overturned, continues to be an Official Post but may no longer have any effect on the ruleset or the gamestate. If it is a Votable Matter then it is Unpopular, regardless of any other performance against criteria set out in the core rules. When it is resolved it may be marked as Illegal by the resolving admin. A post that is illegal in this manner cannot subsequently be made legal by any means, except for the legal enactment of a CFJ. An illegal CFJ cannot cause itself to become legal.

Representations of the Gamestate

If authorised by the rules as a result of a Puzzler’s action, changes to gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page) do not take effect until the representation of that gamestate has been updated to match the authorised change. One wiki update may contain one or more alterations, or one alteration may be split over multiple updates, as long as it is clear what is happening and the alterations are otherwise legal. The wiki merely represents the Gamestate tracked there, and is not the same thing. In the event that the Gamestate and its representations are different, any Puzzler may correct the representations to comply with the Gamestate.

If a Puzzler feels that a representation of the gamestate (such as a wiki page) does not match the gamestate, they may either:

  • Undo the effects of any alteration that led to it, if that alteration did not follow the rules at the time it was made.
  • Alter the representation to match what they believe to be the correct application of an incorrectly-applied alteration. This may include completing incomplete actions on behalf of the original Puzzler, if doing so would not require the correcting Puzzler to make any decisions on behalf of the original Puzzler.

Instead of repeatedly reverting and re-reverting a disputed alteration, however, Puzzlers are encouraged to raise a Call for Judgement. The historical fact of the occurrence of a defined game action is itself considered to be gamestate, tracked in the history of whatever resource is used to track the gamestate modified by that action, where possible, or in the wiki page Gamestate Modifications if this is not possible.

Orphan Variables

An Orphan Variable is a dynastic gamestate variable which has neither a location in which it’s tracked, nor a reasonable manner in which it can be determined from other gamestate variables, specified in the Ruleset.

A Puzzler may not take any dynastic actions that are contingent on the specific value of an Orphan Variable.

Random Generators

The Dice Roller at https://blognomic.com/dice/roll.php can be used to generate random results.

  • The DICEN command can be used to generate a random number between 1 and N.
  • The FRUIT command will return a random result from the following options: Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Tangelo.
  • The COLOUR (or COLOR) command will return a random result from the following: White, Red, Green, Silver, Yellow, Turquoise, Magenta, Orange, Purple, Black.
  • The CARD command will return a card with a random suit (either Hearts, Diamonds, Spades or Clubs) and a random value (either Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King). A card with a value that is either Jack, Queen or King is a face card.
  • A list of comma-separated values in curly brackets (eg {x,y}) will return one of the values at random.

Any changes to the potential outcomes of the Dice Roller’s random result commands must be made by Votable Matter.

If a Votable Matter proposes a change to this rule that would require server-level access to the BlogNomic site to fully enact its effects, that Votable Matter must name a Puzzler with such access. Only a Puzzler with such access may Enact that Votable Matter. If that Votable Matter does not name a Puzzler with such access, that Votable Matter is Illegal.

If a number or other game variable is selected “at random” or “randomly” from a range of possible values, its value shall always be taken from a uniform probability distribution over the entire range of possible values, unless otherwise specified. This value must be determined by an appropriate roll in the Dice Roller, unless otherwise specified, and which value the roll result corresponds to must be reasonably inferable from the nature of the roll and any comments supplied by the Puzzler making the roll before or while making the roll. If a selection is explicitly specified as being “secretly” random, the Puzzler making this determination may do so using a private method of their choosing, instead of the Dice Roller.

Atomic Actions

An Atomic Action combines otherwise separate game actions into a single action.

  • All steps of an Atomic Action are considered one action, including the steps of an Atomic Action that is itself a step of a parent Atomic Action.
  • When a Puzzler performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete.
  • If a rule allows the Puzzler performing an Atomic Action to skip some of its steps, the skipped steps are considered to have been completed.
  • If a Puzzler arrives at a step in an Atomic Action and they cannot perform that step, they undo all the steps they have performed of that Action and are considered never to have performed that Action.
  • If one or more steps of an Atomic Action were done incorrectly, the Puzzler must redo the Atomic Action; for that purpose, the Puzzler uses any legal steps that have already been completed in the illegal Atomic Action and only redoes the illegal ones. (For example, if an Atomic Action consists of rolling a dice and then doing steps based upon its result, the Puzzler would have to reroll the dice only if they rolled the wrong one in the first place, and would then have to repeat any steps that depended upon the result of that dice; however, if they rolled the dice correctly but took an illegal step later on, the result of the original dice roll would still be used in the redone step.)
  • For the purposes of determining the ordering or legality of game actions, the time of an Atomic Action shall be the time that it is completed. For Atomic Actions that are redone, the time of completion is the last redone step.


Numbers and Variables

  • If a set of valid values is not specified in their definition, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers. Any action that would set those values below zero is an illegal action unless explicitly otherwise stated in the Ruleset.
  • Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
  • All numbers, unless stated otherwise by a rule, are in base ten.
  • Unless otherwise specified, to “spend,” “pay” or “lose” an amount X of a numeric value “V” means to subtract X from V; to “gain” X of a numeric value “V” means to add X to V; and to “transfer” or “pay” X of a numeric value “V” from A to B means to subtract X from A’s V and add X to B’s V. Unless otherwise specified, only positive amounts can be spent, paid, lost, gained, or transferred, a Puzzler can spend or pay from only their own values, and a rule that allows Puzzlers to transfer or pay a numeric value to another Puzzler only allows them to transfer that value from themselves to that other Puzzler (of their choice unless otherwise stated).
  • If a Dynastic Action is defined as having a cost X of numeric value V, or defines a requirement to spend, pay, or lose X of numeric value V to accomplish an effect or multiple effects, then the arithmetic effects of spending or payment and the act of carrying out those effects are considered to be subsequent steps in an Atomic Action, with the spending or payment step taking place before the effects step unless stated otherwise.
  • A Puzzler who has a choice in whether to take an action defined by a dynastic rule may not take that action if both of the following conditions are true: a) the action’s effects are limited to changing values tracked in gamestate-tracking entities (such as a wiki page), and b) the action would change one or more of those values to an illegal value.
  • If a rule implies that the result of any calculation should be an integer (for instance, by attempting to store that result in, or add it to, a gamestate variable that can only hold integers), the result of the calculation is instead the result rounded towards 0.
  • If a game variable has a default value but no defined starting value, then its default value should also be considered a starting value. If a game variable has neither a default value nor a starting value, then both may be considered to be the nearest legal value to zero that it may take (for numerical variables, defaulting to positive if tied), blank (for a text string or list that may be blank), the alphabetically earliest legal text string it may take (for a text string which may not be blank, with the digits 0 through 9 considered to precede “A”), or the list which is alphabetically earliest from the set of lists with the fewest elements (for lists which may not be blank, and considering each list to be a single unpunctuated text string, with the digits 0 through 9 considered to precede “A”). For the purposes of this bullet point, the names of Puzzlers are not considered to be legal values for game variables, nor for list items within game variables.
  • If the rules that define a game variable are amended, and some previously valid values become invalid as a consequence, any existing variables whose current values would become invalid are instead set to their starting value.
  • Invalid values for game variables can never be used, even if the values stored in a gamestate-tracking entity remain valid. (for example, if X appears in a formula referring to a value that is a non-negative integer, X must be used as a non-negative integer)
  • DICEN cannot be rolled in the Dice Roller if N is greater than one million.
  • If a piece of information is described as being tracked secretly or privately by the Puzzle Master (including secretly random selections), then that information may only be revealed by the Puzzle Master when the ruleset allows it. If a Puzzler should already know such a piece of information (in that the Puzzle Master has already told them it, or vice versa, and there is no way that the information could have been changed since then), the Puzzle Master may repeat it to them.
  • A range of numerical values stated to be “between” one value and another value is treated as an inclusive range unless otherwise explicitly stated.

Rules and Votable Matters

  • If a new rule is created by a Votable Matter and its location is not noted in that Votable Matter, that new rule is to be placed in the Dynastic Rules.
  • If a wiki page becomes gamestate as a result of a Votable Matter enacting, that page shall – unless otherwise specified – be reverted to whatever state it was in at the time of that Votable Matter’s submission (and if the page did not exist at that time, it shall be blanked).
  • Where a Votable Matter would amend the effects of Votable Matter Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (e.g. a Votable Matter proposing that enacted Votable Matters earn their author a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own author, when enacted).
  • Rules which trigger upon the Resolution of a Votable Matter are the responsibility of the Admin who Resolves it.
  • Unless otherwise specified, a new Dynastic rule shall be placed at the end of the Dynastic Rules.
  • If a dynastic rule has no text and no subrules, any Puzzler may delete it from the ruleset.
  • A rule may be accompanied by one or more illustrations, and an illustration may have a caption. In all situations, unless otherwise explicitly stated, an illustration and a caption to an illustration must be treated as flavour text.
  • When the ruleset calls for the use of a specific tool (such as the dice roller, or an off-domain website, or a specific piece of downloadable software), Puzzlers may not deliberately interfere with the function of that tool except in ways explicitly permitted by the ruleset.
  • If the Puzzle Master has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, they are not considered to be a Puzzler for the purposes of totaling quorum on that Proposal. Votes of DEFERENTIAL made by other Puzzlers on the same Proposal are not considered to be valid, but the Puzzlers who made them still contribute to quorum


  • For the purpose of all rules, time in BlogNomic is in UTC.
  • All references to time must be either specific or defined within the Ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. “dinnertime”, “twilight”) cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
  • Where the month, day and/or year of a calendar date are ambiguous (e.g. “04/10/09”), it shall be assumed that the date is in a day/month/year format.
  • A Puzzler may not take more than one dynastic game action at the same time (excluding any actions which have been ongoing for more than three hours).

Spelling and formatting

  • Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g. British English, American English and Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
  • Puzzlers may correct obvious spelling, punctuation, and/or typographical mistakes in the Ruleset, the Building Blocks page, and their own Pending Votable Matters at any time, including replacing Spivak and gender-specific pronouns that refer to Puzzlers with the corresponding forms of the singular “they”.
  • A Puzzler may reformat a list of items in the dynastic ruleset to have bullet points or other appropriate list markup, if doing so would not change the order of that list, nor how any rules interpreted its content.
  • A Puzzler may change the layout or design of a gamestate wiki page if doing so would not change how any rules interpreted its content.


  • Within the Ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Puzzler if it is explicitly stated that it refers to a Puzzler's name.
  • If a rule would ever have no name, it is instead given the name of the Votable Matter that created it, or (if this is not possible) the name “Unnamed Rule”.
  • The names of rules and wiki pages (other than the Ruleset) are flavour text.
  • Subrules can be referred to by a name which incorporates name of the rule they are a subrule of. Example: a subrule of the rule “Gin” is a “Gin Rule”, however the rule “Gin” is not a “Gin Rule” because it’s not a subrule of the rule “Gin”.
  • When referring to a Votable Matter, the name used in reference to a specific Votable Matter may be simplified by not including braces and any text between the opening and closing braces. i.e. a Votable Matter named “Changes [Core]” could instead be referred to by the name “Changes”.
  • When referring to a Rule, the name used in reference to a specific Rule may be simplified by not including braces and any text between a pair of opening and closing braces, as long as such a reference would be unambiguous.
  • Where a Votable Matter refers to a second Votable Matter by name, it is assumed to refer to the most recently posted Votable Matter of that name which pre-dates the first Votable Matter.
  • When changing their name or joining the game for the first time, a Puzzler's (or prospective Puzzler's ) new name must be between 3 and 30 characters in length, and may only include the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, underscores, hyphens, full stops and apostrophes.


  • If two parts of the Ruleset contradict each other, precedence shall be construed in the following order:
  1. The Appendix has precedence over any other Rule;
  2. If a Core Rule explicitly says it cannot be overruled by a Dynastic Rule, that Core Rule has precedence over a Dynastic Rule, otherwise a Dynastic Rule has precedence over that Core Rule;
  3. If a Building Blocks Rule explicitly says that it cannot be overruled by a Dynastic Rule, that Building Blocks Rule has precedence over a Dynastic Rule, otherwise a Dynastic Rule has equal precedence as that Building Blocks Rule;
  4. If two contradicting parts have equal precedence, the part with more limited scope applies (e.g. if the rules “Puzzlers may Kick each other” and “Puzzlers may not Kick each other on Tuesdays” exist, and it is Tuesday, Puzzlers may not Kick each other);
  5. If two contradicting parts have the same scope, or have scopes that only overlap where they contradict each other, the negative rule applies (e.g. with “Puzzlers may Punch a Spaceman on Friday” and “Puzzlers may not Punch Spacemen on Friday”, then Puzzlers may not Punch Spacemen on Friday).


A Puzzler may have another Puzzler as a Mentor. Puzzlers who are willing to act as a Mentor are listed on the Mentorships wiki page, and are said to be “Tenured”. An Admin may add or remove their own name, or the name of a Puzzler who has requested a change on their own behalf, from this list at any time. The Mentorships page is also used to list the names of players who are prohibited from becoming Tenured; this list may only be amended by the effect of a votable matter.

If an unmentored Puzzler requests a Mentor, or a new Puzzler has joined the game and has no Mentor, the Puzzle Master should select a Tenured Puzzler and ask them to take that Puzzler on as a Mentee; if they accept, then such a Mentorship is established. The members and starting dates of all active Mentorships are tracked on the Mentorships wiki page, and whenever a new Mentorship is established, the Puzzle Master should announce it in a blog post. The Puzzle Master should take care to consider game balance when selecting a potential mentor.

A relationship between a mentor and a mentee is a Mentorship. A Puzzler may dissolve a Mentorship they are part of at any time, by announcing this in a blog post.

If there is no Puzzle Master, any Puzzler who has been active in at least three previous dynasties may act as Puzzle Master for the purposes of this rule.

Things that a mentor must do

A mentor must do the following:

  • Make pro-active contact with their mentee when appointed, and explain the dynamics of the Mentorship system;
  • Be available to answer any questions that their mentee may have about the game, including explaining the rules, common standards and etiquette of play, proofreading posts and clarifying game events;
  • Introduce their mentee to the various platforms of the game, including the wiki and Dice Roller, and optionally the game’s Discord and social media feeds
  • If possible, give their mentee a nudge if it appears that they are at risk of becoming Idle;
  • If they themselves go idle, communicate with their mentee to either continue to support them as an idle Puzzler or arrange a handover to another mentor if requested.

Things that a mentor should do

The following sets out suggested best practice for Mentorship relationships:

  • The Mentorship lasts for four weeks or until the next Ascension Address, whichever occurs latest. It can continue informally for longer but after this threshold the mentor is no longer bound by any of the conditions set out in the parent rule to this rule, or any of its subrules.
  • The mentor can and should advise the mentee on how to proceed in the mentee’s own best interests. This can include making connections with other Puzzlers .
  • The mentor should consider copying the mentee in on private, game-related communications, where it does not unfairly prejudice their own interests. The mentee should keep this information private without explicit consent from the mentor.
  • The mentor and mentee may work together to achieve victory. If a mentor achieves victory with support of their mentee then they should, if the mentee wishes it, pass the baton to the mentee.

Things that a mentor should not do

The following sets out a list of things that a mentor should not do in their relationship with their mentee. All of these are considered to be Fair Play rules, as per the rule Fair Play.

  • The mentor should not sock-puppet, bully, coerce or otherwise manipulate the mentee into performing any game actions.
  • The mentor should not seek to dissuade the mentee from pursuing other alliances.
  • A former mentor should not seek to use the fact of a prior Mentorship to influence the former mentee on an ongoing basis.


A dynasty may provide extra theming by using alternative terms for words like “Puzzler” and “Puzzle Master”.

Each term in this list is synonymous with the term in parentheses

  • Puzzler (Player)
  • Puzzle Master (Emperor)

When a new Dynasty is started, the Ascension Address may specify new terms for each entry in the above list, provided the newly chosen term does not appear anywhere in the Building Blocks page or the ruleset outside of this rule (though if it only appears in rules which are being removed as part of the Ascension Address, it is fine), and that doing so would not cause two terms in the above list to become synonymous with each other. Doing so causes the old corresponding value (including regional spelling variations) to be replaced by the new value everywhere in the ruleset except in any of the parentheses in the above list.