Site Changelog

From BlogNomic Wiki
Revision as of 14:05, 28 June 2019 by Kevan (talk | contribs)
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  • 5 August 2015: Site changelogs are a category. - Tantusar (Although we're putting them here now, this is still super relevant.)
  • 18 August 2015: Twitter link in sidebar. - Tantusar
  • 19 August 2015: Closed the div the Twitter link was in (Oops.) and changed the Slack div to not require the user to be logged in. - Tantusar
  • 22 September 2015: Category "Site Changelogs" removed. - Kevan
  • 22 September 2015: "Compose a Message" commented out in sidebar. - Kevan (X years on and I'm still occasionally clicking this when I want to compose a blog post. Raised on Slack a while ago with no objections.)
  • 25 September 2015: Added class="blogpostlink" to the blognomic/posts template. - Kevan (When Tantusar changed the h3 headings into links a month or two ago BNScript was no longer able to detect Proposals, so DEF votes were no longer tallied. This is to make the links identifiable so that that can be fixed.)
  • 25 September 2015: Fixed BNScript to version - Kevan
  • 7 October 2015: Sidebar now has Scheduled Maintenance div. To remove, set its display style to none. Change the text in the <p> tag and set display to block to change and reenable the div. - Tantusar
  • 15 October 2015: Emoji enabled 👍
  • 22 April 2017: Recaptcha deprecation has started rejecting all signup attempts as spam, so the signup process in the FAQ has been changed to ask new players to request an account by email. - Kevan
  • 5 June 2017: I've belatedly replaced the <a href="{path="member/register"}">Register</a> link from the sidebar with a FAQ link, as it no longer works. - Kevan
  • 24 June 2019: In the CSS I've replaced body:not(.archive) #main2 > .post:nth-of-type(n+11) { display: none; } with #frontpage > .post:nth-of-type(n+11) { display: none; }, and re-id'd the main2 div to frontpage in the "index" template. The original code was trying to hide posts on everything except the page with the "archive" id, I think under the misconception that this was the monthly archives (but it's actually the individual blog posts).