Discussion: Dynasty Ideas

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This page is for people who would like to practice giving an Ascension Address, and to discuss ideas for future dynasties.

  • 1. The Poetic Dynasty. AA- ?

Replace all instances of Scribe with Poet, replace all instances of Editor with Director, replace all instances of Rule with Sonnet. Repeal all dynastic rules, and add the following: A poet, like my father : All rules, with the exception of this one, must have an acceptable rhyme scheme that that rule follows and is written withen the rule. It must not simply be an alphabetical string of letters. ExampleYes:ABAB ExampleNo:ABCD

  • 2. The Nomic Time Travel Dynasty.

A Dynasty based on the mechanic of taking "snapshots" of the Ruleset every week (each Sunday?), and granting players the ability to remove themselves from the current Ruleset, and play according to a snapshotted Ruleset.

  • 3. Seeing the future Dynasty.

A Dynasty where you state your actions X days in advance, and by consuming a resource, you can check on someone else's stated action planning and then change your own, as if seeing the future allows you to change your timeline because you have new information. (In true future-seeing, wouldn't the act of seeing the future also be predicted by that same future seeing? Anywhoo, like this its more cool and mechanics-worthy lol)

  • 4. BlogNomic Dynasty

A Dynasty where a sub-game of nomic is being played that initially has no effect on the outer Dynasty. It might be interesting to have the initial rules of the sub-game be slightly edited Core rules of BlogNomic, but it may be weird if a sub-Dynasty starts up.