Mission Status

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Revision as of 13:41, 6 June 2017 by Cpt Koen (talk | contribs) (→‎Boot Camp Supply Delivery: Mission Hand-in: Mission Completed!)
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Dynasty Stats

Amount of Missions Completed 0
Ancient One's Satisfaction 0


Boot Camp Supply Delivery

Boot Camp is deserted! Are the explorers getting cold feet? We must resupply Boot camp so that it attracts hungry explorers from all around the Antarctic. This effort will be rewarded by dog sleds made out of recycled boots.

Status Completed
Goal Boot Camp has fifty (50) supplies.

The Participants who are eligible for the reward are all the Explorers who transferred supplies to Boot Camp while both of the following conditions are true:

  • Boot Camp has less than 50 supplies
  • This mission status is Completed
Reward One (1) Dog Sled
Secret Treasure None

Establishing a Dig Site

The expedition tracks through the heavy snow, comparing the sculpted wastes to their ancient maps and charts as they seek a place to begin their research.

Status Pending
Goal Be the first Explorer to have created a Camp whose description contains the words “dig site”. The Participant is that Explorer.
Reward +6 Supplies if the Participant is a Scholar and/or a Cultist; -6 Supplies (to a minimum of zero) if they are not.
Secret Treasure Unknown