The Nomicnecron
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This page was gamestate during The Third Dynasty of JonathanDark. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game. |
The Dark Arts
Death Date: January 10, 2024
The following are publicly-tracked for each Necromancer:
- Mana: A number that defaults to 0.
- Location: One of the values described in the Locations subrule, defaulting to Tower.
Death Date: January 10, 2024
At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Location and their desire to do one of the following:
- Travel to the chosen Location (the chosen Location must be Tower or its Area must be the same as the Necromancer’s current Location’s)
- Possess a Corpse in the chosen Location (the chosen Location must have a number of Corpses greater than zero)
The possible values for Location are described in the table below. Each Location has Effects, optionally an Area in which they are located, and may also have a number of Corpses.
The Effects of a Location only apply to a Necromancer if they have that Location.
Location | Effects | Corpses | Area |
Tower | Hourglass Action: The Necromancer gains 10 Mana. | 0 | - |
Graveyard | When rolling a dice in a Reanimate Corpses action, may treat a single dice roll as if the result were one greater or lower. As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 10. | 4 | Old Church |
Library | At any time, you may spend 10 mana to gain 1 Knowledge | 0 | Haunted Mansion |
Dungeon | As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 5 | 5 | Ruined Castle |
Cellar | As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 3 | 0 | Haunted Mansion |
Beast’s Den | As a communal weekly action, any Necromancer may increase the Corpses of this Location by 3. Hourglass Action: if the Necromancer has any Shamblers then they lose one at random from their Cohort; if they do not, the Necromancer is instead moved to the Tower. Either way, the number of Corpses of this Location is increased by 1. | 3 | Dark Woods |
Battlefield | After December 31 2023 and before January 3 2024, after performing the Reanimate Corpses action, the risen Shambler becomes a Ghoul if the Necromancer spends an additional 2 mana. If the Necromancer cannot or does not spend the additional cost, then the Shambler remains whatever it originally was. After January 3 2024 and before January 6 2024, after performing the Reanimate Corpses action, the risen Shambler becomes a Skeleton; the mana cost is not modified. The number of Corpses at this Location cannot be increased. After January 6 2024 the battle has returned to this field, any Necromancer still at this location has their location set automatically to Tower, and the Battlefield is no longer a valid Location, therefore no Necromancer may have it as their Location. | 50 | Ruined Castle |
Ancient Portal | You may use the Planar Portal Ultimate Truth | 0 | Ruined Castle |
Another Dimension | - | 0 | The Planes |
Aid for New Players
When a Necromancer becomes active for the first time in this dynasty, before adding them to the Gamestate, they receive a Mana value equal to the average of the Gamestate’s currently active Necromancer’s Mana that applies after they are added to the game. They also receive a number of Zombies equal to the average number of zombies of those same Necromancers. If a Necromancer becomes active after becoming idle in this same dynasty, they receive their same values from before becoming idle.
Death Date: January 11, 2024
Central to the art of Necromancy is the skill to reanimate corpses.
A Cohort is made up of Shamblers, which may be Skeletons, Zombies or Ghouls. Each Necromancer has a Cohort, which is publicly tracked and which may be expressed in the form ‘xS, yZ, zG’, where x, y and z are numbers, referring to the number of Skeletons, Zombies and Ghouls in that Necromancer’s Cohort, respectively. The Attack Power of a Cohort is the sum of y and z. The Defense of a Cohort is the sum of x and z. If a Necromancer’s Cohort’s Attack Power is greater than the Defense of an other Necromancer’s Cohort, the former Necromancer is considered to be Stronger than the latter Necromancer and the latter Necromancer is considered to be Weaker than the former Necromancer.
Each Necromancer is either Stunned or not Stunned, defaulting to not Stunned.
As a daily action, a Necromancer may spend 5 Mana to Reanimante a Corpse. Reanimating a Corpse is an atomic action with the following steps:
- If your current location has no Corpses, this action ends with no further effect;
- Reduce the number of Corpses in this location by 1;
- Generate the age of the Corpse by rolling DICE100. If the Corpse’s age is 40 or over, then the Corpse is Reanimated as a Skeleton. Otherwise, generate its malevolence by rolling DICE8; if the result is lower than 6 then the Corpse is Reanimated as a Zombie, and if it is not then it is Reanimated as a Ghoul;
- Add the resulting Shambler to your Cohort.
Death Date: January 13, 2024
Each Necromancer has Knowledge, which is a publicly tracked number defaulting to zero.
There are some Ultimate Truths, described in the table below, each of which has a name, a nonnegative integer cost and an effect.
Name | Cost | Effect |
The Colour of Magic | 1 | Whenever you gain mana, you gain one additional mana (this does not count as a separate mana gain) |
Necrotic Redirection | 3 | Choose a type from your Cohort of Skeletons, Zombies, or Ghouls, where you have at least 3 of that type and privately communicate to the Grim Reaper that you want to use this Knowledge, your choice of Cohort type, and a Dimension you wish to travel to. |
Planar Portal | 3 | If you have at least 15 Mana and your Dimension is not Material Plane or your Location is the Ancient Portal, privately communicate to the Grim Reaper that you want to use this Knowledge and a Dimension you wish to travel to. |
The Illusion of Time | 2 | As a daily action, you may spend 10 mana to execute any one Hourglass Action of your choice, as if your Location was set to the Location whose effects that Hourglass action is described in |
The Meaning of Life | 2 | You may ignore the normal limitations for daily actions when performing the Reanimate a Corpse action |
Each Necromancer has a publicly tracked list of Discovered Truths, which defaults to an empty list. At any time, a Necromancer may Discover an Ultimate Truth that is not already in their Discovered Truths by spending an amount of Knowledge equal to the cost of that Ultimate Truth, and add it to their Discovered Truths. The effects of a Ultimate Truth apply to the Necromancers who have it in their Discovered Truths and to them only.
No Necromancer may have more than X minus 2 items in their list of Discovered Truths, where X is the total number of different Ultimate Truths.
Dimensional Travel
Death Date: January 17, 2024
Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked Dimension, defaulting to The Void, and a number called Power defaulting to 10.
Dimension | Effects |
The Underworld | Hourglass Action: Gain 1 Power. |
The Void | Hourglass Action: Lose 1 Power, to a minimum of 0. You cannot use Necrotic Redirection or Planar Portal to change your Dimension. |
The Effects of a Dimension only apply to a Necromancer if they have that Dimension.
Increase each Necromacer’s Cheese by half their Power, rounded up.
Replace “Power” with “Cheese” wherever it appears in the rule “The Horde” or steps of the Sands of the Hourglass action
Remove “with the same Dimension as you” from the effects of all Cards
Death Date: January 23, 2024
Each Necromancer has a non-negative integer Legacy which is publicly tracked and defaults to 0.
The Horde
Death Date: January 21, 2024
Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked Menagerie, which is a list that may be empty or may contain 1, 2, or 3 Cards from the table in the subrule “Cards”.
Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked number named Prestige, defaulting to 0.
There is a Horde which is a list of Cards from the table in the subrule “Cards”. The Horde is created by the Grim Reaper using the Assemble Horde action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
- Un-sticky the post with the current Horde, if there is any. The contents of this post are no longer considered the Horde.
- Randomly select a Card from the table in the subrule “Cards”, and repeat until there are as many Cards selected as there are non-Idle Necromancers, then put the selected Cards into a numbered list called the Horde, starting with the number 1. Duplicates of the same Card are allowed.
- Create a new Story Post with the title “Horde” followed by today’s date and with the body containing the Horde, and make this post sticky.
At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from the Horde that they want to Draw, using its number in the Horde list, but only if they have fewer than 3 Cards in their Menagerie.
At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from their Menagerie that they wish to play, and any choices that the Card allows the Necromancer to make as described in that Card’s Effects.
At any time, a Necromancer may spend Prestige to gain an equal amount of Mastery.
Every Card has a Name, a number named Attack, a number named Defense, and a Description.
When a Card is played with Target in the Effects, the Grim Reaper determines a Combat Win using the Card Combat action, which is an atomic action with the following steps and where the Necromancer who selected this Card to be played is the Attacker:
- The Attack is the Attack value of the Card that the Attacker selected.
- If the Target selected a Card to be played, the Defense is the Defense of the Card that the Target selected. If the Target did not select a Card to play, the Defense is 0.
- If the Attack is greater than the Defense, this is a Combat Win for the Attacker.
Name | Attack | Defense | Effects |
Drain | 1 | 0 | Choose a Necromancer to be the Target. On a Combat Win, gain 1 Cheese for the Necromancer who selected this Card if the Target has at least 1 Cheese, then subtract 1 Cheese from the Target, to a minimum of 0. |
Skeleton | 1 | 1 | Choose a Necromancer to be the Target. On a Combat Win, the Necromancer who selected this Card gains 1 Prestige. |
Cloak of Shadows | 0 | 2 | - |
Zombie | 2 | 0 | Choose a Necromancer to be the Target. On a Combat Win, the Necromancer who selected this Card gains 1 Prestige. |
Absorption | 0 | 1 | The Necromancer who played this Card gains one Prestige if at least one other Necromancer chose them as the Target when playing a Card (since the last Sands of the Hourglass action was completed). |
Concentration | 0 | 0 | When performing the next Sands of the Hourglass action, all Cards played by the Necromancer who played this card are considered to have twice greater values for Attack and Defense than listed in the table “Cards” |
Dimensional Blast | 1 | 0 | For each other Necromancer, do the following: Set that Necromancer as the Target. Determine a Combat Win using the Card Combat action, with the Necromancer who selected this Card as the Attacker. On a Combat Win, the target loses one Cheese, to a minimum of zero. Otherwise, the Attacker loses one Cheese, to a minimum of zero. |
Steal | 0 | 0 | - |