Ansible Hangar

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DEVA Emergence Clock: 2021-01-27 08h17
Civilian Casualities: 5,314,283

Pilot Roster
Pilot O/J/R Status Affiliation Experience Arsenal Memes Crowns
Bucky Jockeying Order of the Blue Lotus 9 Bombardier Pod, Hot Blood Bombardier Pod, Hot Blood 2
Coderblaze Jockeying Order of the Blue Lotus 10 Bombardier Pod, Heavy Core - 0
Darknight Outfitting Meritous 0 - - 0
Raven1207 Recovering Meritous 3 Onboard AI, Efficient Circuitry - 0
Brendan Outfitting Meritous 0 - - 0
Jockeying Pilots
Pilot Shell Type Power Attack Defence Speed
CoderBlaze A-1 Nutcracker 35 22 12 18
Bucky The Mark I 10 16 20 18
Other Pilots' Shells
Pilot Shell Type Power Attack Defence Speed
Darknight - - - - -

ID Subspecies Energy Attack Defence Special Features
CHARIZARD VALKERIE 40-45 7-31 1-11 Acid Blood, EM Weapon
CATERPIE ? 5-145 1-57 1-24 None noticed

DEVA Sub-Species
Designation Properties Experience Yield Scratch Count
RAKSHASHA Energy range 110-145, Attack range 32-57, Defence range 21-34, 30% chance of "Refracted Crystal Heart", 25% chance of "Acid Blood". 5 1
KNIGHT Energy range 90-125, Attack range 10-28, Defence range 5-25, 75% chance of "Deflector Shield", 8% chance of having "Organic Resonance", 20% chance of "Refracted Crystal Heart". 4 0
OPHANIM Energy range 11-20, Attack range 11-20, Defence range 11-20, 75% chance of “Radiant Beam”, 50% chance of "Deflector Shield", 20% chance of "EM Weapon", 20% chance of "Refracted Crystal Heart". 4 1
GNOME Energy range 5-40, Attack range 1-20, Defence range 1-12, 20% chance of “Radiant Beam”, 70% chance of "Basilisk Eye", 20% chance of having "Organic Resonance", 20% chance of “Refracted Crystal Heart”. 3 2
VALKYERIE Energy range 40-45, Attack range 17-31, Defence range 1-12, 50% chance of “EM Weapon”, 50% chance of "Acid Blood",30% chance of “Refracted Crystal Heart”. 4 1
Corporation Crowns
Ace League 0
Air Power 0
Order of the Blue Lotus 3
Meritous 1