Beginner's Strategy Guide

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Hello, I'm Cuddlebeam and this is my beginner's guide to playing Blognomic with a competitive spirit. After achieving victory in Blognomic a few times and seeing how others have won, I've made this quick guide to give insight and pointers as to how to play this wacky, strange but beautiful game. At the bottom you have some posting templates to use for your convenience.

How to win

Nomic is an extremely varied game, however, the Core Rules and the ideal of how the game should be is quite consistent throughout all of the Dynasties, which allow us to make some general strategies. There are three strategies for victory that I suggest for new players:



I heavily recommend this for new players, because it is one of the most straightforwards and easy way to win. You cluster enough of a thing in a single person to have them reach the victory condition and win. This is possible because "having the most of a thing" is a very common style of win condition, and being able to transfer that thing between players is a common mechanic. Who should be the beneficiary of the pooling can be done via a private dice roll (for example, through our dice bot on Slack). You don't need a large group for this, it's often very effective and a lot easier to do with just two players.

Conventional play


Winning by playing the subgame and its proposals: The "conventional" way of playing. The subgame is the game created and shaped by proposals, it could be a Monopoly theme, Mafia, Basketball, etc. What form the subgame takes is very variable, but it relies on proposals to exist and change, which will influence your wealth (although what "wealth" is, prior to an explicit way to win, is largely speculative; because anything could be proposed to be a way to win). There are two phenomenons to have in mind for that:

  • Benefit a Majority, Punish a Minority (Bampam): Always looming at proposals, and arguably one of the worst parts of nomic as a game, because of the simple natural motivation that people want stuff that is favorable to them. Generally, any change - any proposal - to a sufficiently mature subgame will benefit a group of people and punish another group. Thus, proposals are a way to change the wealth of people in the subgame aside from actually "playing" the subgame: they could make gaining more of a certain thing easier or harder, change the value of a thing, etc. Through this, for example, a proposal that allows all players except the top player to become richer will generally have a higher chance of passing than a proposal that makes the singular top player even richer.
  • Fool's Gold: Related to Bampam, if you have a lot of a certain thing in comparison to everyone else - for example, balloons, it's going to be very hard to make it actually worth something (ie. make it significant to actually winning the game), because people would be reluctant to pass proposals that would make it so. Thus, leaving you with "Fool's Gold".


Law-book (1).png

Also known in the nomic slang as "scams"! These generally involve achieving (extreme) profit through an unexpected interaction and the "letter of the law" versus the spirit of it, very much like exploiting bugs and glitches in videogames. The specifics of how you could profit from a scam entirely depends on the rules at the time, but it's generally best to reveal a scam to achieve an immediate victory, because reaction is the worst enemy of a loophole. Scams that don't end the dynasty are susceptible to being reverted (or the scam's extreme profit is left as Fool's Gold) and loopholes are nearly always promptly fixed by someone once it's made public. It's also possible that you've found an interesting interaction, an infinite loop for an infinite amount of a thing for example, but there is no practical use for it yet. In that case, you can propose such a use, but make sure to make it subtle! Don't be too obvious, or people might see the loophole and patch it! Also, make sure that the wording for your loophole is entirely clear and iron-clad. Loose interpretation has a very hard time working at all because a loophole's success (and possibly a DoV) relies on the recognition of its legitimacy by the other players.



Adding a new rule:

Add a new rule called “Name Here” with:

<blockquote>Content here</blockquote>

Replacing something in a rule:

Replace the following:

<blockquote>Content here</blockquote>


<blockquote>Content here</blockquote>

Ascension Address

(Lore here. For example, explain how an asteroid fell on Earth, only robots have survived, and that this is now a robot Dynasty!)

Repeal all Dynastic Rules.

Replace “old player term here” with “new player term here” and “old emperor term here” with “new emperor term here”.