GNDT 168

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Go stones.png This page was gamestate during The Third Dynasty of Derrick. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.
  • 25/06 08:32 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Brendan's Food = 0 (was 10) (Blanking a mystery value from an old dynasty.)
  • 25/06 13:16 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Food = 0 (setting Kaia's stats (so she'll show up in the GNDT))
  • 25/06 17:01 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Swan (A first beast)
  • 25/06 17:36 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Numbat (I am unable to resist this callback to Thring Nomic.)
  • 25/06 17:37 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Numbat; Venomous Swan (was Numbat) (Mutating a Swan.)
  • 25/06 17:52 (UTC) - pokes
    • pokes's Stable = Badger (Found this in a hole outside. An American badger, taxidea taxus, although that is untracked)
  • 25/06 19:06 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Mole (My patronus is one...)
  • 25/06 19:06 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Mole (was Mole) (My patronus is one...)
  • 25/06 19:15 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Stable = Flying Squirrel (Just creating a creature with zero modifiers.)
  • 25/06 19:39 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Emu (Emus are terrifying. Anything Australian is terrifying.)
  • 25/06 19:49 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Stable = Winged Emu (was Flying Squirrel) (Actually, naught is right. Kicking out the old one.)
  • 25/06 19:53 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Emu; Gaudy Venomous Swan (was Emu) (As tempting as it is to give it wings, I think making the mutations useful before there are any consequences is against the spirit of the Dynasty. Plus, those chichi chickens deserve to be grounded. They're almost as bad as those %$&@! cockroaches.)
  • 25/06 19:58 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Mole; Swift Venomous Swan (was Mole) (Pass on gaudiness)
  • 25/06 19:58 (UTC) - derrick
    • Brendan's Food = 10 (was 0) (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 19:59 (UTC) - derrick
    • card's Food = 10 (was 0) (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 19:59 (UTC) - derrick
    • Farsight's Food = 10 (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 19:59 (UTC) - derrick
    • Farsight's Food = 10 (was 10)
  • 25/06 20:00 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Food = 10 (was 0) (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 20:00 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Food = 10 (was 0) (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 20:00 (UTC) - derrick
    • naught's Food = 10 (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 20:00 (UTC) - derrick
    • pokes's Food = 10 (was 0) (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 20:01 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Food = 10 (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 20:01 (UTC) - derrick
    • ubq323's Food = 10 (Weekly Food allowance)
  • 25/06 21:13 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Swan; Giant Badger (was Swan) (Stealing from pokes, adding giant. Doesn't change food quite yet.)
  • 25/06 21:45 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar
  • 25/06 21:58 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan (was Caterpillar)
  • 25/06 22:19 (UTC) - pokes
    • pokes's Stable = Badger; Winged Swan (was Badger) (well, I mean, it is)
  • 26/06 08:03 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Brendan's Food = 8 (was 10) (Enacting "Frog's Breakfast")
  • 26/06 08:04 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 9 (was 10)
  • 26/06 08:05 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Food = 7 (was 10)
  • 26/06 08:05 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Food = 9 (was 10)
  • 26/06 08:05 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Food = 9 (was 10)
  • 26/06 08:05 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 10 (was 9) (Wrong player there.)
  • 26/06 08:05 (UTC) - Kevan
    • pokes's Food = 9 (was 10)
  • 26/06 17:49 (UTC) - ubq323
    • ubq323's Stable = Zonkey ("A wizard with zero creatures in their stable may create a creature- ...


  • 26/06 17:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 13 (was 10) (Enacting "Universal Battle Income")
  • 26/06 17:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Brendan's Food = 11 (was 8)
  • 26/06 17:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • pokes's Food = 12 (was 9)
  • 26/06 17:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • card's Food = 13 (was 10)
  • 26/06 17:55 (UTC) - Kevan
    • naught's Food = 13 (was 10)
  • 26/06 17:55 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Food = 10 (was 7)
  • 26/06 17:55 (UTC) - Kevan
    • ubq323's Food = 13 (was 10)
  • 26/06 17:55 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Food = 12 (was 9)
  • 26/06 17:55 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Food = 12 (was 9)
  • 26/06 19:15 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Food = 3 (was 12) (Setting my own underlings to Giant by spending 3*abs(3)=9)
  • 26/06 19:15 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Underling = Giant (Setting my own underlings to Giant by spending 3*abs(3)=9)
  • 26/06 19:19 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Giant Badger; Giant Zonkey; Giant Emu; Giant Numbat (was Swan; Giant Badger) (Create 4 giant creatures (since they have 0 upkeep for me). Delete Swan on creating Giant Numbat.)
  • 26/06 19:21 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Giant Badger; Giant Zonkey; Giant Emu; Giant Numbat; Giant Swift Venomous Swan (was Giant Badger; Giant Zonkey; Giant Emu; Giant Numbat) (Clone TyGuy6's Swan paying 3 food for (1) Swift and (2) Venomous))
  • 26/06 19:21 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Food = 0 (was 3) (Clone TyGuy6's Swan paying 3 food for (1) Swift and (2) Venomous))
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • Brendan's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • card's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • Farsight's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • naught's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • pokes's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:27 (UTC) - derrick
    • ubq323's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:27 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 5
  • 26/06 19:49 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Allies = Queen(0); Treasurer(0); Chamberlain(0); Northern General(0); Southern General(0); Most Eligible Courtier(0); Royal Mistress(0); ArchBishop(0) (For each Court Ally, I spend 0 Courtly Favor to associate with them.)
  • 26/06 20:36 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Food = 5 (was 11) (I'm sure this will be fine.)
  • 26/06 20:36 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Underling = Venomous (I'm sure this will be fine.)
  • 26/06 21:29 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 7 (was 13) (His Majesty surely would approve of my use of fire in this situation. I have always said that those Westerners are heathens in need of a baptism of fire.)
  • 26/06 21:29 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Underling = Fire-breathing (His Majesty surely would approve of my use of fire in this situation. I have always said that those Westerners are heathens in need of a baptism of fire.)
  • 26/06 21:46 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole (was Emu; Gaudy Venomous Swan) (Most of my mutations were successful, but I somehow made the Numbat less tame. I recommend against mutating this one further; it will only serve as a burden on the battlefield.)
  • 26/06 21:46 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 1 (was 7) (Most of my mutations were successful, but I somehow made the Numbat less tame. I recommend against mutating this one further; it will only serve as a burden on the battlefield.)
  • 27/06 03:09 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: ( DICE2:1 : Kiai gets a win on one, Naught on 2)
  • 27/06 05:14 (UTC) - card
    • card's Stable = Sponge (fear the mighty sponge!)
  • 27/06 05:19 (UTC) - card
    • card's Food = 4 (was 13) (using my weekly action to make my underling giant)
  • 27/06 05:19 (UTC) - card
    • card's Underling = Giant (using my weekly action to make my underling giant)
  • 27/06 05:23 (UTC) - card
    • card's Stable = Sponge; Swimming Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Numbat; Swimming Giant Emu; Swimming Giant Badger (was Sponge) (mutating 4 creatures that have Giant and giving them all swimming, I assume I pay for the swimming part)
  • 27/06 05:23 (UTC) - card
    • card's Food = 0 (was 4) (mutating 4 creatures that have Giant and giving them all swimming, I assume I pay for the swimming part)
  • 27/06 09:13 (UTC) - Kevan
    • card's Stable = Sponge (was Sponge; Swimming Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Numbat; Swimming Giant Emu; Swimming Giant Badger) (No, you pay for the Giant part. ("A Wizard may mutate a Creature in another Wizard’s Stable by spending an amount of Food equal to that Creature’s Upkeep"))
  • 27/06 09:13 (UTC) - Kevan
    • card's Food = 4 (was 0) (No, you pay for the Giant part. ("A Wizard may mutate a Creature in another Wizard’s Stable by spending an amount of Food equal to that Creature’s Upkeep"))
  • 27/06 10:14 (UTC) - ubq323
    • ubq323's Stable = Zonkey; Giant Fire-breathing Badger (was Zonkey) (taking fire breathing badger and mutating it)
  • 27/06 10:14 (UTC) - ubq323
    • ubq323's Food = 11 (was 13) (taking fire breathing badger and mutating it)
  • 27/06 14:08 (UTC) - ubq323
    • Comment: (i am trying to see how the dice command works DICE6:1 )
  • 27/06 14:57 (UTC) - card
    • card's Stable = Sponge; Swimming Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Numbat; Swimming Giant Emu; Swimming Giant Badger (was Sponge) (but I did pay for the Giant part, it just costs 0 for me ("As long as a Wizard’s Underling Type is a given quality, for that Wizard, the Upkeep of that quality is considered to be 0."))
  • 27/06 14:57 (UTC) - card
    • card's Food = 0 (was 4) (but I did pay for the Giant part, it just costs 0 for me ("As long as a Wizard’s Underling Type is a given quality, for that Wizard, the Upkeep of that quality is considered to be 0."))
  • 27/06 23:54 (UTC) - card
    • card's Food = 4 (was 0) (wait a minute, i did overpay because the mutate wording is all wonky (to me at least). You pay the upkeep of another wizard's creature, which in my case all had Giant so I paid 0 for them, then add a quality without paying for that added qualities cost as per "As an atomic action a Wizard who can complete all of the steps may breed a creature. #That wizard (known as the breeder) selects a creature (known as the stock) in a stable belonging to another wizard (known as the proprietor) #creates a new creature (known as the whelp) exactly one more or one less quality than the stock #spends food equal to the stock’s upkeep #Adds the whelp in their stable, optionally removing a creature from their stable as normal.")
  • 27/06 23:55 (UTC) - card
    • Comment: (opps, that per " A Wizard may mutate a Creature in another Wizard’s Stable by spending an amount of Food equal to that Creature’s Upkeep; the resulting Creature is added to the mutator’s own Stable.")
  • 28/06 11:34 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 0 (was 10) (reluctantly surrendering food hoarded since like 2011)
  • 29/06 15:40 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: (test: 3DICE6:10 )
  • 29/06 15:41 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: (going on campaign, creating 3 battlefields using listed order of battle effects: DICE12:4 , DICE12:6 , DICE12:10 ;; DICE12:1 , DICE12:1 , DICE12:5 ;; DICE12:5 , DICE12:1 , DICE12:10 )
  • 29/06 18:27 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Stable = Winged Emu; Venomous Swimming Swan (was Winged Emu) (Whelping from Kevan's Venomous Swan with my Venomous Underlings.)
  • 29/06 18:27 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Food = 4 (was 5) (Whelping from Kevan's Venomous Swan with my Venomous Underlings.)
  • 29/06 18:28 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Stable = Winged Emu; Venomous Swimming Swan; Venomous Sure-Footed Mole (was Winged Emu; Venomous Swimming Swan) (Whelping from naught's sure-footed mole with my venomous underlings.)
  • 29/06 18:28 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Food = 3 (was 4) (Whelping from naught's sure-footed mole with my venomous underlings.)
  • 29/06 18:33 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Stable = Winged Emu; Venomous Swimming Swan; Venomous Sure-Footed Mole; Venomous Sponge (was Winged Emu; Venomous Swimming Swan; Venomous Sure-Footed Mole) (Whelping from card's sponge with my venomous underlings.)
  • 29/06 18:33 (UTC) - Brendan
    • Brendan's Food = 3 (was 3) (Whelping from card's sponge with my venomous underlings.)
  • 30/06 09:28 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Numbat; Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge (was Numbat; Venomous Swan) (Whelping a Sponge.)
  • 30/06 21:20 (UTC) - card
    • Kaia's Allies = - (was Queen(0); Treasurer(0); Chamberlain(0); Northern General(0); Southern General(0); Most Eligible Courtier(0); Royal Mistress(0); ArchBishop(0)) (enacting "Court Out")
  • 01/07 20:46 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Food = 20 (was 13) (7 food added (-3 creature upkeep))
  • 01/07 20:47 (UTC) - derrick
    • Brendan's Food = 5 (was 3) (2 food added (-5 creature upkeep, -2 underling upkeep))
  • 01/07 20:47 (UTC) - derrick
    • Ienpw III's Food = 10 (was 0) (10 food added)
  • 01/07 20:48 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Wild Zonkey; Wild Caterpillar; Wild Sponge; Swift Venomous Swan (was Mole; Swift Venomous Swan) (Replacing my Mole with three mutatoes for my swan to eat this week.)
  • 01/07 20:49 (UTC) - derrick
    • card's Food = 7 (was 4) (added 3 food (-4 creature upkeep, -3 underling upkeep))
  • 01/07 20:51 (UTC) - derrick
    • naught's Food = 1 (was 1) (No food increase. So much upkeep!)
  • 01/07 20:52 (UTC) - derrick
    • Farsight's Food = 15 (was 10) (increased food by 5. (-5 creature upkeep))
  • 01/07 20:53 (UTC) - derrick
    • ubq323's Food = 15 (was 11) (added 4 food (-6 creature upkeep))
  • 01/07 20:54 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Food = 22 (was 12) (added 10 food (0 upkeep, as wilds canceled out the swift venomous swan))
  • 01/07 20:55 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Food = 4 (was 0) (added 4 food (-3 creature upkeep, -3 underling upkeep))
  • 01/07 22:12 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 13 (was 22) (-9 for Giant underling type)
  • 01/07 22:12 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Underling = Giant (-9 for Giant underling type)
  • 01/07 22:22 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Swimming Winged Giant Badger; Swift Venomous Swan (was Wild Zonkey; Wild Caterpillar; Wild Sponge; Swift Venomous Swan) (Borrowing most of card's entourage, at discount, adding Winged for free, and replacing my wild mutatoes.)
  • 01/07 22:22 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 10 (was 13) (Borrowing most of card's entourage, at discount, adding Winged for free, and replacing my wild mutatoes.)
  • 02/07 14:57 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 9 (was 15)
  • 02/07 14:57 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Underling = Armoured
  • 02/07 15:01 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Swimming Sponge (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan)
  • 02/07 15:01 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 8 (was 9)
  • 02/07 15:01 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Underling = Armoured (was Armoured)
  • 02/07 15:03 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Swimming Sponge) (Gaining 1 Food for breeding a Wild Numbat (thank you naught!))
  • 02/07 15:03 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 9 (was 8) (Gaining 1 Food for breeding a Wild Numbat (thank you naught!))
  • 02/07 15:03 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Underling = Armoured (was Armoured) (Gaining 1 Food for breeding a Wild Numbat (thank you naught!))
  • 02/07 15:09 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 0 (was 5)
  • 02/07 15:09 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Queen(5)
  • 02/07 15:12 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: (Closing 1st campaign. Five Emus are, in order, DICE6:3 DICE6:3 DICE6:1 DICE6:6 DICE6:2 )
  • 02/07 15:41 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: (Kaia's force tied in the campaign. Additional win by die roll. 1=Kaia 2=Western Force. DICE2:2 )
  • 02/07 15:47 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • card's Stable = Sponge; Swimming Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Numbat; Swimming Giant Badger (was Sponge; Swimming Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Numbat; Swimming Giant Emu; Swimming Giant Badger) (Won the battle, lost the Emu.)
  • 02/07 15:47 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • card's Favor = 10 (was 5) (Won the battle, lost the Emu.)
  • 02/07 15:48 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • card's Favor = 11 (was 10) (Sorry that was +6)
  • 02/07 15:50 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Stable = Giant Badger; Giant Zonkey; Giant Emu; Giant Swift Venomous Swan (was Giant Badger; Giant Zonkey; Giant Emu; Giant Numbat; Giant Swift Venomous Swan) (Lost Numbat)
  • 02/07 15:51 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Swift Venomous Swan (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Swimming Winged Giant Badger; Swift Venomous Swan) (Won the battle, lost the Badger.)
  • 02/07 15:51 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 6 (was 0) (Won the battle, lost the Badger.)
  • 02/07 15:55 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 7 (was 6) (Forgot my Queen bonus. ;))
  • 02/07 16:49 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Favor = 11 (was 5) (The numbat did not die in vain!)
  • 03/07 17:59 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Swift Venomous Swan; Mole; Swimming Giant Winged Badger (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Swift Venomous Swan) (Buying my basic mole back by removing sure-footed, and another insanely cheap badger.)
  • 03/07 17:59 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 8 (was 10) (Buying my basic mole back by removing sure-footed, and another insanely cheap badger.)
  • 03/07 23:08 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • King's Favor = 0
  • 03/07 23:08 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = - (was 10)
  • 03/07 23:08 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 0
  • 03/07 23:09 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 10 (was -) ((reversing mistaken change))
  • 03/07 23:09 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 0 (was 0) ((reversing mistaken change))
  • 03/07 23:09 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • King's Food = - (this is what i meant to do)
  • 03/07 23:09 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • King's Favor = 0 (was 0) (this is what i meant to do)
  • 03/07 23:22 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • derrick's Favor = 0 (oops, misunderstood the rules for a sec there)
  • 05/07 14:07 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: (going on campaign, creating 3 battlefields using listed order of battle effects: DICE12:1 , DICE12:12 , DICE12:4 ;; DICE12:7 , DICE12:7 , DICE12:9 ;; DICE12:3 , DICE12:12 , DICE12:2 )
  • 05/07 18:09 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Giant Swift Venomous Swan; Swimming Giant Sponge (was Giant Badger; Giant Zonkey; Giant Emu; Giant Swift Venomous Swan) (Stole Card's swimming giants and Kevan's swimming sponge each costing me 1.)
  • 05/07 18:09 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Food = 0 (was 4) (Stole Card's swimming giants and Kevan's swimming sponge each costing me 1.)
  • 05/07 18:35 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Sponge (was Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Giant Swift Venomous Swan; Swimming Giant Sponge) (oh what the heck! im burning spectral on TyGuy6's swimming winged giant zonkey and tossing my Swan.)
  • 05/07 21:31 (UTC) - derrick
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 0 (was -)
  • 05/07 21:39 (UTC) - derrick
    • Druid's Food = 0 (initializing Druid)
  • 05/07 21:39 (UTC) - derrick
    • Druid's Underling = Wild (initializing Druid)
  • 05/07 21:39 (UTC) - derrick
    • Druid's Favor = 0 (initializing Druid)
  • 05/07 21:51 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Druid's Stable = Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (Breeding for the Druid.)
  • 05/07 21:51 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Druid's Food = Infinite (was 0) (Breeding for the Druid.)
  • 06/07 07:40 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 17 (was 20) (Hiring a Swimming Underling.)
  • 06/07 07:40 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Underling = Swimming (Hiring a Swimming Underling.)
  • 06/07 07:43 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Numbat; Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat (was Numbat; Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge) (Breeding a Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat.)
  • 06/07 07:43 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 14 (was 17) (Breeding a Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat.)
  • 06/07 07:46 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Numbat; Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge (was Numbat; Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat) (Breeding a Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge.)
  • 06/07 07:46 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 11 (was 14) (Breeding a Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge.)
  • 06/07 11:53 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 14 (was 0) (Visiting the Soup Kitchen)
  • 06/07 17:54 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Mole; Swimming Giant Winged Badger (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Swift Venomous Swan; Mole; Swimming Giant Winged Badger) (Gotta keep my mole familiar. Breeding from Druid.)
  • 06/07 17:54 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 3 (was 8) (Gotta keep my mole familiar. Breeding from Druid.)
  • 06/07 20:59 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: ( DICE2:1 : Kiai gets a win on one, Tyguy on 2)
  • 06/07 21:04 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Favor = 18 (was 11) (awarding favor from duel. )
  • 06/07 21:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Caterpillar, Wild Sponge (Breeding)
  • 06/07 21:42 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Sponge (was Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Sponge) (welcome to animal crossing wild world)
  • 06/07 21:45 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Wild Sponge (was Wild Caterpillar, Wild Sponge) (Breeding again)
  • 06/07 21:46 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Numbat, Wild Zonkey (was Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Sponge)
  • 06/07 21:48 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Wild Sponge, Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Zonkey (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Wild Sponge) (Breeding)
  • 06/07 21:50 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Stable = Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Wild Zonkey (was Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Numbat, Wild Zonkey)
  • 06/07 22:05 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Favor = 17 (was 18)
  • 06/07 22:05 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Allies = Royal Mistress(1) (was -)
  • 07/07 07:42 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 5 (was 14) (T H I C C)
  • 07/07 07:42 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Underling = Giant (T H I C C)
  • 07/07 07:45 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Zonkey; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Wild Sponge, Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Zonkey) (Breeding the Wild cousins of Card's stable.)
  • 07/07 17:21 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Wild Sponge, Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Zonkey (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Zonkey; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger) (Unless something has changed, I'm afraid you must still pay 1 for Swimming for each stock of card's. Undoing illegal fourth breeding steps, and you may have been in AA limbo (for whichever one was first) when going on campaign.)
  • 07/07 18:39 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Zonkey; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar, Wild Wild Wild Sponge, Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Zonkey) (1 (Swimming) - 1 (Wild) - 0 (Underlinged Giant)= 0)
  • 07/07 18:45 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 2 (was 5) (Ty was right actually, I pay the Stocks upkeep, not the Whelps.)
  • 07/07 18:48 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Zonkey; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Zonkey; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger) (AAs performed. GNDT should have the right values now)
  • 07/07 18:48 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 2 (was 2) (AAs performed. GNDT should have the right values now)
  • 07/07 19:53 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 3 (was 2) (i do pictuer adn get food yea)
  • 07/07 20:02 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: ( DICE2:2 : Kiai gets a win on one, Tyguy on 2 (royal swamps))
  • 07/07 20:13 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 17 (was 7) (won a duel!)
  • 07/07 20:21 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 12 (was 11) (Grinding up some portrait food.)
  • 08/07 06:21 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 4 (was 3) (Whoops, I posted a portrait several hours ago )
  • 08/07 13:33 (UTC) - derrick
    • Brendan's Food = 8 (was 5) (increasing brendans food by 3. He had 5 creature upkeep and 3 underling upkeep)
  • 08/07 13:34 (UTC) - derrick
    • Ienpw III's Food = 20 (was 10) (increasing Ienpw III's food by 10. easy calculation)
  • 08/07 13:35 (UTC) - derrick
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 16 (was 3) (increasing cuddlebeam's food by 13 (-6 creature upkeep, 3 underling) )
  • 08/07 13:36 (UTC) - derrick
    • card's Food = 11 (was 7) (increasing card's food by 4. 3 creature upkeep, 3 underling)
  • 08/07 13:37 (UTC) - derrick
    • Farsight's Food = 12 (was 9) (increasing food by 3. 5 creature upkeep, 2 underling)
  • 08/07 13:38 (UTC) - derrick
    • ubq323's Food = 19 (was 15) (increasing food by 4. 3 creature upkeep, 3 underling.)
  • 08/07 13:39 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Food = 3 (was 0) (increasing food by 3. 4 in creature upkeep, 3 in underling.)
  • 08/07 13:40 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: (Kevan and TyGuy receive no food. Kevan by a hair, Tyguy by a large margin. The druid adds negligible food to his infinite stash.)
  • 08/07 14:22 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Comment: (Closing Campaign: DICE8:8 DICE8:1 DICE8:5 DICE8:1 DICE8:6 )
  • 08/07 14:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kevan's Favor = 12 (was 5)
  • 08/07 14:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Brendan's Favor = 3 (was 5)
  • 08/07 14:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • card's Favor = 9 (was 11)
  • 08/07 14:39 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Farsight's Favor = 3 (was 5)
  • 08/07 14:39 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • ubq323's Favor = 3 (was 5)
  • 08/07 14:39 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 24 (was 17)
  • 08/07 14:45 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • derrick's Favor = -1 (was 0)
  • 08/07 15:26 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 25 (was 24) (Queen bonus from campaign.)
  • 08/07 15:27 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Favor = 25 (was 17) (Campaign actually won, plus ally bonus.)
  • 08/07 15:28 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Stable = Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge (was Numbat; Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge) (Lost Numbat)
  • 08/07 15:29 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Stable = Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Wild Zonkey (was Spectral Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Wild Zonkey) (Lost Spectral Zonkey)
  • 08/07 15:31 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Zonkey; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger) (Lost Zonkey (in the war))
  • 08/07 20:09 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Druid's Food = 50 (was Infinite) (Enacting Breakfast at Hilbert's)
  • 09/07 05:11 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Giant Wild Wild Wild Numbat, Giant Wild Wild Wild Zonkey; Wild Zonkey (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Wild Swimming Giant Numbat; Wild Swimming Giant Badger) (Breeding)
  • 09/07 09:51 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 17 (was 16) (purtreit fewd yeas)
  • 09/07 10:01 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 13 (was 12) (Grinding more portrait food.)
  • 09/07 18:43 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 13 (was 12) (Food for my portrait!)
  • 09/07 20:27 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 5 (was 4) (Mole portrait)
  • 10/07 09:46 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Cuddlebeam's Stable = Wild Caterpillar; Wild Sponge; Giant Wild Numbat, Giant Wild Zonkey; Wild Zonkey (was Wild Wild Wild Caterpillar; Wild Wild Wild Sponge; Giant Wild Wild Wild Numbat, Giant Wild Wild Wild Zonkey; Wild Zonkey) (Enacting "Wild Goose Chase")
  • 10/07 09:46 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Stable = Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Numbat, Wild Zonkey (was Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Wild Wild Numbat, Wild Wild Wild Zonkey)
  • 10/07 10:01 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 14 (was 13) (Portrait bonus.)
  • 10/07 10:04 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Food = 4 (was 5) (TyGuy's post did not contain the word "Portrait", which is required by the rule.)
  • 10/07 10:19 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 18 (was 17) (gib pertreit fud yeas)
  • 10/07 13:40 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: (going on campaign, creating 3 battlefields using listed order of battle effects: DICE12:9 , DICE12:1 , DICE12:10 ;; DICE12:9 , DICE12:2 , DICE12:1 ;; DICE12:8 , DICE12:12 , DICE12:4 )
  • 10/07 16:05 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat) (Bred Kaia's Badger, paid upkeep of 3 instead of 5 due to my underling.)
  • 10/07 16:05 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 10 (was 13) (Bred Kaia's Badger, paid upkeep of 3 instead of 5 due to my underling.)
  • 10/07 19:32 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Wallaby (gettin my free first creature)
  • 10/07 19:33 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Wallaby, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat (was Armored Wallaby) (breeding the druid's numbat)
  • 10/07 19:33 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 12 (was 20) (breeding the druid's numbat)
  • 10/07 19:35 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat (was Armored Wallaby, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat) (Breeding Cuddlebeam's Zonkey)
  • 10/07 19:35 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 9 (was 12) (Breeding Cuddlebeam's Zonkey)
  • 10/07 19:36 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat (was Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat) (Underlinging myself)
  • 10/07 19:36 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 0 (was 9) (Underlinging myself)
  • 10/07 19:36 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Underling = Giant (Underlinging myself)
  • 11/07 01:41 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 5 (was 4) (Drew a Caterpillar)
  • 11/07 10:36 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 15 (was 14) (Portrait grind.)
  • 11/07 10:59 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 19 (was 18)
  • 11/07 19:18 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Comment: ( COLOUR:Purple )
  • 11/07 19:18 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Comment: ( FRUIT:Cherry )
  • 12/07 03:01 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: ( DICE100:31 )
  • 12/07 09:39 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Ienpw III's Food = 9 (was 0) (Spectral creatures are free to breed, and wild knocks 1 off the price of the zonkey.)
  • 12/07 16:34 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Food = 0 (was 9) (I think that 9 was for the Giant Underling.)
  • 12/07 16:35 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Food = 9 (was 0) (Oh, it was a different nine.)
  • 12/07 16:40 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 3 (was 0) (winrar)
  • 12/07 21:52 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 2 (was 3) (Sorry, but duel rules weren't a flat 3 favor when this duel took place. 7/5 rounded up = 2 is your winnings.)
  • 12/07 22:58 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 3 (was 2) (It was a flat 3 when I chose to resolve it.)
  • 13/07 07:03 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 6 (was 5) (Mole portrait #2, old one was invalid (and a first draft))
  • 13/07 08:39 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge (was Venomous Swan; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge) (Breeding a Wild Sponge at no cost, overwriting the Swan.)
  • 13/07 08:56 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 16 (was 15) (Portrait food.)
  • 13/07 09:31 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Allies = -
  • 13/07 09:31 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Druid's Allies = -
  • 13/07 14:54 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: (Closing campaign three: RAND10 RAND10 RAND10 RAND10 RAND10 )
  • 13/07 14:55 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: (Closing campaign three: DICE10:1 DICE10:6 DICE10:6 DICE10:3 DICE10:10 )
  • 13/07 15:01 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Mole; Swimming Giant Winged Badger) (Campaign three fallout)
  • 13/07 15:01 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 33 (was 25) (Campaign three fallout)
  • 13/07 15:01 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 34 (was 33) (Queen bonus from campaign.)
  • 13/07 18:13 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kevan's Favor = 10 (was 12)
  • 13/07 18:13 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 1 (was 3)
  • 13/07 18:14 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Farsight's Favor = 1 (was 3)
  • 13/07 18:14 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • ubq323's Favor = 1 (was 3)
  • 13/07 18:14 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Favor = 22 (was 25)
  • 13/07 18:14 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 23
  • 13/07 18:15 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 0 (was 23)
  • 13/07 18:15 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Favor = 23 (was 22)
  • 14/07 17:16 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kaia's Favor = 27 (was 23) (gained three favor from winning a duel, plus a bonus for the court ally.)
  • 15/07 07:30 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Druid's Stable = Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat ) (Druid breeds to add Venomous to the biggest creature)
  • 15/07 07:30 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Druid's Favor = 39 (was 0) (Druid breeds to add Venomous to the biggest creature)
  • 15/07 07:31 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger) (Oops, food not favor)
  • 15/07 07:31 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 39 (was 6) (Oops, food not favor)
  • 15/07 07:31 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 0 (was 34) (Oops, food not favor)
  • 15/07 07:32 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat ) (Oops again, not mine!)
  • 15/07 07:32 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 6 (was 39) (Oops again, not mine!)
  • 15/07 07:32 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 34 (was 0) (Oops again, not mine!)
  • 15/07 07:33 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger (was Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat ) (I must be tired. Reverting my stable.)
  • 15/07 07:34 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Druid's Food = 39 (was 50) (Ok, Druid should be right, now.)
  • 15/07 07:34 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Druid's Favor = 0 (was 39) (Ok, Druid should be right, now.)
  • 15/07 07:52 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Gaudy Caterpillar (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger) (Adding Gaudy Caterpillar from Proprietor Farsight's stock)
  • 15/07 08:04 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Favor = 20 (was 10) (Update disputed GNDT edit by Cuddlebeam, per Third Campaign thread.)
  • 15/07 08:11 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Allies = - (was Queen(5)) (Enacting "Royal Banquet".)
  • 15/07 08:12 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Allies = - (was Royal Mistress(1))
  • 15/07 08:14 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Comment: (Reassigning allies, die results being in GNDT order (skipping Derrick): Queen = DICE8:2 ; Treasurer = DICE8:7 ; Chamberlain = DICE8:5 ; Northern General = DICE8:5 ; Southern General = DICE8:6 ; Most Eligible Courtier = DICE8:3 ; Royal Mistress = DICE8:7 ; ArchBishop = DICE8:4 ; His Majesty = DICE8:4 ; Ambassador = DICE8:7 )
  • 15/07 08:14 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Favor = Queen (5) (was 1)
  • 15/07 08:15 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Favor = 1 (was 20) (wrong column)
  • 15/07 08:15 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Allies = Queen (5) (wrong column)
  • 15/07 08:15 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Allies = - (was Queen (5)) (and wrong player...)
  • 15/07 08:15 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 1 (was Queen (5))
  • 15/07 08:15 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Allies = Queen (5)
  • 15/07 08:15 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Cuddlebeam's Allies = Most Eligible Courtier (5) (was -)
  • 15/07 08:16 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Allies = Archbishop (5); His Majesty (5)
  • 15/07 08:16 (UTC) - Kevan
    • ubq323's Allies = Chamberlain (5); Northern General (5)
  • 15/07 08:16 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (5) (was -)
  • 15/07 08:17 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Allies = Treasurer (5); Ambassador (5) (was -)
  • 15/07 08:17 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Allies = Treasurer (5); Ambassador (5); Royal Mistress (5) (was Treasurer (5); Ambassador (5))
  • 15/07 08:25 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • derrick's Favor = -2 (was -1) (3rd campaign was unsuccessful)
  • 15/07 08:37 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Favor = 20 (was 1) (He swapped out his favor value on accident.)
  • 15/07 08:46 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 28 (was 34) (Associating with Royal Mistress for 6.)
  • 15/07 08:46 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (5); Royal Mistress (6) (was Southern General (5)) (Associating with Royal Mistress for 6.)
  • 15/07 08:48 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Allies = Treasurer (5); Ambassador (5) (was Treasurer (5); Ambassador (5); Royal Mistress (5)) (Took Royal Mistress)
  • 15/07 08:49 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Ienpw III's Allies = Queen (8) (was Queen (5)) (Increasing all trusts by 3.)
  • 15/07 08:50 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Cuddlebeam's Allies = Most Eligible Courtier (8) (was Most Eligible Courtier (5))
  • 15/07 08:51 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Archbishop (8); His Majesty (8) (was Southern General (5); Royal Mistress (6))
  • 15/07 08:51 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • ubq323's Allies = Chamberlain (8); Northern General (8) (was Chamberlain (5); Northern General (5))
  • 15/07 08:52 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Farsight's Allies = Archbishop (8); His Majesty (8) (was Archbishop (5); His Majesty (5))
  • 15/07 08:53 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (8); Royal Mistress (9) (was Archbishop (8); His Majesty (8))
  • 15/07 08:54 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Allies = Treasurer (8); Ambassador (8) (was Treasurer (5); Ambassador (5))
  • 15/07 09:10 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: (Action completed: "As a weekly communal action, the trust of all courtly allies may be raised by the campaign number of the most recent campaign")
  • 15/07 09:13 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Favor = 3 (was 1) (Per the Third Campaign post, disagree that Farsight's comment was invalid.)
  • 15/07 17:11 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge) (Lost his Surefooted ... Sponge in campaign 3)
  • 15/07 22:30 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 7 (was 6) (...Numbat art)
  • 16/07 08:53 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 20 (was 19) (peortreiaut feouod)
  • 16/07 10:30 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 8 (was 7) (Emu Portrait)
  • 16/07 18:25 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat) (Restoring Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge removed by TyGuy6, Armored Creatures are safe in Campaigns.)
  • 16/07 18:35 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 17 (was 16) (Portrait.)
  • 16/07 18:39 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Favor = 30 (was 20) (Enacting "One last favor")
  • 16/07 18:39 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 11 (was 1)
  • 16/07 18:40 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 10 (was 0)
  • 16/07 18:40 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Favor = 13 (was 3)
  • 16/07 18:40 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 38 (was 28)
  • 16/07 18:40 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Favor = 37 (was 27)
  • 16/07 18:41 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Favor = 27 (was 37) (Aah, wait, I can't legally enact this rule because "The Druid cannot achieve victory, has zero favour" - dialling back.)
  • 16/07 18:42 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 28 (was 38)
  • 16/07 18:42 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Favor = 3 (was 13)
  • 16/07 18:42 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 0 (was 10)
  • 16/07 18:42 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 1 (was 11)
  • 16/07 18:42 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Favor = 20 (was 30)
  • 17/07 09:55 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Favor = 30 (was 27)
  • 17/07 13:07 (UTC) - derrick
    • derrick's Favor = 33 (was -2) (adding 5 favor: 3 from the duel, one from gaudiness, one from the royal mistress)
  • 17/07 13:25 (UTC) - derrick
    • derrick's Favor = -2 (was 33) (no, war situation is still -2.)
  • 17/07 13:25 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 33 (was 28) (tyguy6 won the duel, had the swan, and is cozy with the royal mistress)
  • 17/07 13:26 (UTC) - derrick
    • derrick's Favor = 33 (was -2) (going on campaign#4, creating 3 battlefields using listed order of battle effects: DICE12:2 , DICE12:7 , DICE12:7 ;; DICE12:5 , DICE12:3 , DICE12:12 ;; DICE12:6 , DICE12:10 , DICE12:2 )
  • 17/07 13:27 (UTC) - derrick
    • derrick's Favor = -2 (was 33) (ugg)
  • 18/07 07:58 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Favor = 30 (was 20) (Enacting "Last Favor (for real this time)")
  • 18/07 07:58 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 11 (was 1)
  • 18/07 07:59 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 10 (was 0)
  • 18/07 07:59 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Favor = 13 (was 3)
  • 18/07 07:59 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 43 (was 33)
  • 18/07 07:59 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Favor = 40 (was 30)
  • 18/07 09:36 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 0 (was 10) (Yoink)
  • 18/07 09:36 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Allies = Archbishop (10), Most Eligible Courtier (8) (was Most Eligible Courtier (8)) (Yoink)
  • 18/07 09:37 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Favor = 0 (was 0) (Woops, wrong one. Thankfully I didn't complete the steps for the action, phew.)
  • 18/07 09:37 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Allies = Royal Mistress (10), Most Eligible Courtier (8) (was Archbishop (10), Most Eligible Courtier (8)) (Woops, wrong one. Thankfully I didn't complete the steps for the action, phew.)
  • 18/07 09:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 0 (was 43) (There we go)
  • 18/07 09:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (8) (was Southern General (8); Royal Mistress (9)) (There we go)
  • 18/07 09:38 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 43 (was 0)
  • 18/07 13:13 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Food = 19 (was 17) (awarding 2 food: 7 upkeep in creatures, 1 upkeep in an underling.)
  • 18/07 13:16 (UTC) - derrick
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 32 (was 20) (cuddlebeam receives 12 food (-5 creature upkeep, +3 underling upkeep))
  • 18/07 13:17 (UTC) - Kevan
    • derrick's Elimination = - (Not a Wizard.)
  • 18/07 13:17 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Druid's Elimination = 1 (Out.)
  • 18/07 13:19 (UTC) - derrick
    • derrick's Food = 9 (was 0) (kaia receives 6 food. 4 creature upkeep, 3 underling upkeep, +3 from treasurer)
  • 18/07 13:20 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: (Ienpw III, Farsight, Tyguy and the Druid receive no food)
  • 18/07 13:22 (UTC) - derrick
    • Comment: ( DICE6:5 The chamberlain was not awarded randomly like the other allies. alphabetical order.)
  • 18/07 13:23 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Food = 22 (was 19) (giving Kevan his court ally, and extra food the alliance gives him from the food distribution.)
  • 18/07 13:23 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Underling = Chamberlain(5) (was Swimming) (giving Kevan his court ally, and extra food the alliance gives him from the food distribution.)
  • 18/07 14:01 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat)
  • 18/07 14:01 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 2 (was 9)
  • 18/07 14:07 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat, Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat) (this is what I was trying to do (whelping from Kevan) )
  • 18/07 14:07 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 2 (was 2) (this is what I was trying to do (whelping from Kevan) )
  • 18/07 14:09 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Armored Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat, Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat) (illegal accidental duplicate creature )
  • 18/07 17:09 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Underling = Swimming (was Chamberlain(5)) (Fixing ally overwriting underling. Also bumping the favor as per weekly action that happened.)
  • 18/07 17:09 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Allies = Chamberlain (8) (was -) (Fixing ally overwriting underling. Also bumping the favor as per weekly action that happened.)
  • 18/07 17:16 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 27 (was 8) (Wait, no, illegal retroactive assignment -- Chamberlain and Northern General were just lost when ubq was idled.)
  • 18/07 17:16 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = - (was Southern General (8)) (Wait, no, illegal retroactive assignment -- Chamberlain and Northern General were just lost when ubq was idled.)
  • 18/07 17:16 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Food = 27 (was 22) ((Wait, no, illegal retroactive assignment -- Chamberlain and Northern General were just lost when ubq was idled.))
  • 18/07 17:16 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kevan's Allies = - (was Chamberlain (8)) ((Wait, no, illegal retroactive assignment -- Chamberlain and Northern General were just lost when ubq was idled.))
  • 18/07 17:18 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 8 (was 27) (Bah humbug)
  • 18/07 17:18 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (8) (was -) (Bah humbug)
  • 18/07 17:27 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Ienpw III's Food = 7 (was 2) (Ien overspent, breeding Kevin's Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat costs him 2, for stealthy and swimming.)
  • 18/07 20:54 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Comment: ( DICE2:1 (stands for the duel result for "this forest ain't big enough for the two of us duel" to see who achieves victory)
  • 18/07 20:57 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Comment: ( DICE2:1 (Please disregard the previous dice roll I made as I made a mistake. This dice roll stands for the duel result for "this forest ain't big enough for the two of us duel" to see who achieves victory). Kaia wins on a 1, Cuddlebeam wins on a 2.)
  • 18/07 21:08 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Cuddlebeam's Elimination = 1 (Kaia defeats Cuddlebeam!)
  • 18/07 21:08 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Favor = 43 (was 40) (Kaia defeats Cuddlebeam!)
  • 18/07 21:08 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Elimination = 1 (Kaia defeats Cuddlebeam!)
  • 18/07 21:08 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Elimination = 0 (was 1)
  • 19/07 22:20 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Mole (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Gaudy Caterpillar) (The Mole is back, like in the original Jurassic Park, it's DNA restored from Naught's amber-encased tomb.)
  • 19/07 22:20 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 7 (was 8) (The Mole is back, like in the original Jurassic Park, it's DNA restored from Naught's amber-encased tomb.)
  • 19/07 23:29 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 43 (was 1) (I am visiting the food kitchen, as I have even unable to receive the royal allotment of food.)
  • 20/07 00:31 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Comment: ( DICE13:13 . Rolling to determine a battlefield for a duel vs TyGuy6.)
  • 20/07 00:35 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Mutant Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Stealthy Numbat; Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Sure-footed Numbat (was Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole) (Doing some breeding. Luckily, I’m on friendly terms (as friendly as a Wizard can be, anyway) with the Druid, so I had access to some good stock.)
  • 20/07 00:35 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 10 (was 43) (Doing some breeding. Luckily, I’m on friendly terms (as friendly as a Wizard can be, anyway) with the Druid, so I had access to some good stock.)
  • 20/07 00:41 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Elimination = Treasurer (8); Ambassador (8); Northern General (43) (was 0) (Buying Northern General.)
  • 20/07 00:45 (UTC) - Kaia
    • Kaia's Favor = 0 (was 43)
  • 20/07 13:51 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole (was Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Mutant Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Stealthy Numbat; Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Sure-footed Numbat) (I’m an imbecile. 7*4=24, not 42.)
  • 20/07 13:51 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 25 (was 10) (I’m an imbecile. 7*4=24, not 42.)
  • 20/07 14:05 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Mutant Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Sure-footed Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger (was Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole) (Redoing my breeding)
  • 20/07 14:05 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 3 (was 25) (Redoing my breeding)
  • 20/07 14:08 (UTC) - naught
    • Kaia's Allies = Treasurer (8); Ambassador (8); Northern General (43) (was Treasurer (8); Ambassador (8)) (Fixed)
  • 20/07 14:08 (UTC) - naught
    • Kaia's Elimination = 0 (was Treasurer (8); Ambassador (8); Northern General (43)) (Fixed)
  • 20/07 19:01 (UTC) - Kevan
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole (was Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Mutant Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Winged Fire-breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Sure-footed Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger) (Naught's "4*7" Soup Kitchen action is illegal - Naught gained Food in the 25th June in the first Food handout. Bear in mind the most recent Food handout may have been illegal per
  • 20/07 19:01 (UTC) - Kevan
  • 20/07 20:05 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • naught's Food = 1 (was 10) (Kevan is correct, but this was the original food amount.)
  • 23/07 17:59 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • derrick's Food = 0 (was 9) (Kaia's food was given to derrick this week.)
  • 23/07 18:00 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Food = 9 (was 3) (Kaia's food was given to derrick this week.)
  • 23/07 20:14 (UTC) - derrick
    • Farsight's Elimination = 1
  • 23/07 20:14 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 46 (was 43)
  • 23/07 21:04 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 21 (was 7) (Visiting the Soup Kitchen for 14)
  • 23/07 21:06 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Mole) (Adding Digging to Druid's Numbat. Releasing Badger into the wild.)
  • 23/07 21:06 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 11 (was 21) (Adding Digging to Druid's Numbat. Releasing Badger into the wild.)
  • 23/07 21:35 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger) (Bred Kevan's sponge, paid 4 food.)
  • 23/07 21:35 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 6 (was 10) (Bred Kevan's sponge, paid 4 food.)
  • 23/07 21:44 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Farsight's Food = 8 (was 6) (Refund on 2 food, either for Armoured Underling, or for paying for whelp instead of stock.)
  • 23/07 21:46 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Druid's Stable = Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Numbat; Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat ) (Oh, look, the Druid is swapping one unnatural creature for another! Digging put onto Farsight's sponge.)
  • 23/07 21:46 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Druid's Food = 33 (was 39) (Oh, look, the Druid is swapping one unnatural creature for another! Digging put onto Farsight's sponge.)
  • 24/07 05:26 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Elimination = 1
  • 24/07 05:27 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Favor = 3 (was 0)
  • 24/07 05:27 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Elimination = 0 (was 0)
  • 24/07 05:40 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Elimination = 0 (was 1)
  • 24/07 05:40 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Favor = 0 (was 3)
  • 24/07 05:40 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Kaia's Elimination = 1 (was 0)
  • 24/07 05:41 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 14 (was 11)
  • 24/07 06:33 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 15 (was 14) (+1 for Queen.)
  • 24/07 12:33 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 21 (was 7) (2 soups from kitchen )
  • 24/07 12:34 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey, Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat) (yoinking Kaia's Zonkey per my victory in our duel)
  • 24/07 12:34 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 21 (was 21) (yoinking Kaia's Zonkey per my victory in our duel)
  • 24/07 12:35 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Kaia's Stable = Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Wild Numbat, Wild Zonkey (was Swimming Giant Armored Badger; Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey; Wild Numbat, Wild Zonkey) ((sorry Kaia) )
  • 24/07 12:49 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 15 (was 8) (Had some soup from the soup kitchen. I offered some to the swan, but he was too dank to accept.)
  • 24/07 19:35 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Giant Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger) (Bred the Druid's sponge.)
  • 24/07 19:35 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 9 (was 15) (Bred the Druid's sponge.)
  • 24/07 20:08 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Giant Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger) (I forgot "digging". Apologies all.)
  • 24/07 20:15 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole) (Thx for the swole Sponge, Farsight! Yoink!)
  • 24/07 20:20 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole (was Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole) (Actually, before I finish that transfer, I want to breed it. Undo undo!)
  • 24/07 20:24 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole (was Swimming Winged Giant Zonkey; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole) (Breeding from Farsight for 8. Adding Leaping.)
  • 24/07 20:24 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 3 (was 11) (Breeding from Farsight for 8. Adding Leaping.)
  • 24/07 20:25 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole (was Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Swimming Winged Giant Emu; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole) (Okay, now yoink.)
  • 24/07 20:28 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Farsight's Stable = Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger) (Yoinked. (Also, help, I broke GNDT with my giganto stable ))
  • 25/07 17:44 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Caterpillar (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge) (Whelping a Caterpillar, and you'll never believe what happened to it.)
  • 25/07 17:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Gaudy Caterpillar (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Caterpillar) (Whelping a Gaudy Caterpillar.)
  • 25/07 17:56 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Caterpillar (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Gaudy Caterpillar) (Second thoughts, let's go Winged.)
  • 25/07 18:36 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 0 (was 32) (Transferring)
  • 25/07 18:36 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Food = 53 (was 21) (Transferring)
  • 25/07 19:04 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Stable = Wild Armored Wallaby; Wild Armored Caterpillar; Wild Armored Sponge; Wild Armored Zonkey; Wild Armored Numbat (was Caterpillar; Winged Gaudy Venomous Swan; Armoured Wild Numbat; Giant Armoured Badger) (All for free!)
  • 25/07 20:38 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Wild Gaudy Sponge (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Caterpillar) (Breeding a Wild Gaudy Sponge.)
  • 25/07 20:43 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 34 (was 27) (Getting some Soup.)
  • 25/07 20:52 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Gaudy Zonkey; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Gaudy Mole; Wild Gaudy Sponge (was Stealthy Wild Sponge; Swimming Sponge; Stealthy Swimming Giant Numbat; Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Wild Gaudy Sponge) (Breeding four new creatures.)
  • 25/07 20:52 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Favor = 21 (was 30) (Buying the Treasurer.)
  • 25/07 20:52 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Allies = Treasurer (8) (was -) (Buying the Treasurer.)
  • 25/07 20:53 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Allies = Treasurer (9) (was Treasurer (8)) (9, rather.)
  • 25/07 20:53 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Allies = Ambassador (8); Northern General (43) (was Treasurer (8); Ambassador (8); Northern General (43))
  • 25/07 20:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Gaudy Zonkey; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Wild Mole; Wild Gaudy Sponge (was Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Gaudy Zonkey; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Gaudy Mole; Wild Gaudy Sponge) (Breeding a Wild Mole.)
  • 25/07 20:54 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 48 (was 34) (Feeding everyone.)
  • 25/07 20:55 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 45 (was 46)
  • 25/07 20:55 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (8); Chamberlain (1) (was Southern General (8))
  • 25/07 20:56 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 51 (was 48) (+3 for Treasurer.)
  • 25/07 20:57 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 12 (was 0)
  • 25/07 20:58 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Farsight's Food = 22 (was 9)
  • 25/07 21:00 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kaia's Food = 10 (was 9)
  • 25/07 21:00 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 10 (was 51) (I think that's everything, everyone else gets zero Food.)
  • 25/07 21:02 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 51 (was 10) (Forgot to blank that field before talking.)
  • 25/07 21:28 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 0 (was 45) (Time to collect this (small) combat advantage, while I can.)
  • 25/07 21:28 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (8); Chamberlain (1); Northern General (45) (was Southern General (8); Chamberlain (1)) (Time to collect this (small) combat advantage, while I can.)
  • 25/07 21:29 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Kaia's Allies = Ambassador (8) (was Ambassador (8); Northern General (43))
  • 26/07 06:58 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Food = 0 (was 22)
  • 26/07 06:58 (UTC) - Farsight
    • TyGuy6's Food = 25 (was 3) (Farsight transfers his food to TyGuy6)
  • 26/07 07:01 (UTC) - Farsight
    • Farsight's Allies = Archbishop (8)(Swimming); His Majesty (8) (was Archbishop (8); His Majesty (8)) (I hereby make the quality Swimming unholy.)
  • 26/07 09:02 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Cuddlebeam's Food = 0 (was 12) (Transferring)
  • 26/07 09:03 (UTC) - Cuddlebeam
    • Ienpw III's Food = 65 (was 53)
  • 26/07 13:22 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 3 (was 0) (triumphed in a duel)
  • 26/07 13:24 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Favor = 25 (was 21) (increase favor by four: won a duel and owns an awful lot of gaudy creatures)
  • 26/07 15:35 (UTC) - derrick
    • Kevan's Elimination = 1 (kevan lost a duel. Badly.)
  • 26/07 15:36 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 6 (was 3) (Tyguy6 won another duel)
  • 26/07 16:25 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Stable = Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey, Giant Wild Fire-Breathing Zonkey, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat (was Swimming Giant Armored Zonkey, Armored Wallaby, Armored Giant Wild Zonkey, Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Spectral Numbat, Stealthy Swimming Giant Armored Numbat) (whelping from cuddlebeam)
  • 26/07 16:25 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Ienpw III's Food = 62 (was 65) (whelping from cuddlebeam)
  • 26/07 18:29 (UTC) - Ienpw III
    • Comment: ( FRUIT:Grape )
  • 26/07 18:34 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Mole (was Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Venomous Digging Numbat; Mole) (Undoing an illegal breeding on TyGuy's part, as digging and winged are incompatable.)
  • 26/07 20:25 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 29 (was 1) (Visiting soup kitchen (I verified it was the correct number this time).))
  • 26/07 20:56 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Leaping Digging Fire-breathing Surefooted Armored Swimming Sponge; Leaping Giant Digging Fire-breathing Surefooted Armored Swimming Venomous Sponge; Stealthy Leaping Giant Digging Fire-breathing Surefooted Armored Swimming Sponge (was Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole) (Breeding some animals in preparation of my duel.)
  • 26/07 20:56 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 1 (was 29) (Breeding some animals in preparation of my duel.)
  • 26/07 20:57 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Favor = 0 (was 5) (Buying the Camberlain's favor because I can.)
  • 26/07 20:57 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Allies = Chamberlain (5) (Buying the Camberlain's favor because I can.)
  • 26/07 21:33 (UTC) - naught
    • Comment: (Test: 2DICE4:5 +4)
  • 26/07 21:35 (UTC) - naught
    • Comment: (Closing the Fourth Campaign: 2( DICE4:4 )+4 2( DICE4:4 )+4 2( DICE4:3 )+4 2( DICE4:2 )+4 2( DICE4:4 )+4)
  • 26/07 21:44 (UTC) - naught
    • Comment: (naught(1): DICE2:1 )
  • 26/07 21:48 (UTC) - naught
    • derrick's Favor = -3 (was -2) (Unsuccessful campaign.)
  • 26/07 21:48 (UTC) - naught
    • Kevan's Favor = 23 (was 25)
  • 26/07 21:48 (UTC) - naught
    • Ienpw III's Favor = 13 (was 15)
  • 26/07 21:48 (UTC) - naught
    • Farsight's Favor = 11 (was 13)
  • 26/07 21:49 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 4 (was 6)
  • 26/07 22:23 (UTC) - naught
    • Comment: (Friendly PSA: did you know there is a VEGGIE:Pumpkin command, on top of those listed in the Ruleset?)
  • 26/07 22:57 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Stealthy Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Wild Gaudy Sponge (was Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Gaudy Zonkey; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Wild Mole; Wild Gaudy Sponge) (Breeding some Sponges.)
  • 26/07 22:57 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Food = 29 (was 51) (Breeding some Sponges.)
  • 26/07 23:01 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Mechanical Stealthy Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Mechanical Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Spectral Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Mole (was Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Mole) ((breeding 2 Mechanical and 1 Spectral, paying 23 food))
  • 26/07 23:01 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • TyGuy6's Food = 2 (was 25) ((breeding 2 Mechanical and 1 Spectral, paying 23 food))
  • 26/07 23:02 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Mole; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Wild Gaudy Mole; Wild Gaudy Sponge (was Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Stealthy Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Wild Gaudy Sponge) (Breeding some Moles.)
  • 26/07 23:04 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Kevan's Stable = Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Mole; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Wild Gaudy Zonkey; Wild Gaudy Sponge (was Wild Gaudy Caterpillar; Wild Mole; Wild Gaudy Numbat; Wild Gaudy Mole; Wild Gaudy Sponge) (Breeding a Mole and a Zonkey instead.)
  • 26/07 23:19 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • naught's Stable = Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Wild Numbat; Fire-breathing Badger; Sure-footed Mole (was Giant Winged Emu; Winged Swift Venomous Swan; Leaping Digging Fire-breathing Surefooted Armored Swimming Sponge; Leaping Giant Digging Fire-breathing Surefooted Armored Swimming Venomous Sponge; Stealthy Leaping Giant Digging Fire-breathing Surefooted Armored Swimming Sponge) (Rolled back since naught gets max 21 food, and needed 27-28 for the breedings.)
  • 26/07 23:19 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • naught's Food = 1 (was 1) (Rolled back since naught gets max 21 food, and needed 27-28 for the breedings.)
  • 27/07 06:44 (UTC) - card
    • card's Food = 18 (was 11) (setting elimination to default and claiming soup kitchen reparations)
  • 27/07 06:44 (UTC) - card
    • card's Elimination = 1 (setting elimination to default and claiming soup kitchen reparations)
  • 27/07 06:46 (UTC) - card
    • card's Food = 0 (was 18) (giving all my favor to naught)
  • 27/07 06:46 (UTC) - card
    • card's Favor = 0 (was 9) (giving all my favor to naught)
  • 27/07 06:46 (UTC) - card
    • naught's Food = 29 (was 1) (food too)
  • 27/07 06:46 (UTC) - card
    • naught's Favor = 9 (was 0) (food too)
  • 27/07 13:09 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 7 (was 4) (Won a duel and lost a duel)
  • 27/07 13:09 (UTC) - derrick
    • TyGuy6's Elimination = 1 (Won a duel and lost a duel)
  • 27/07 13:09 (UTC) - derrick
    • Ienpw III's Elimination = 1 (was 0) (lost a duel by not showing up. )
  • 27/07 13:12 (UTC) - derrick
    • naught's Favor = 12 (was 9) (won a duel?)
  • 27/07 16:11 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Food = 40 (was 29) (card gave me all his food, but my total afterwards should have been 19, not 29. Also visiting the soup kitchen (hopefully for the last time).)
  • 27/07 16:13 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Favor = 3 (was 12) (I'll take that, thank you very much.)
  • 27/07 16:13 (UTC) - naught
    • naught's Allies = Chamberlain (5); Archbishop (9) (was Chamberlain (5)) (I'll take that, thank you very much.)
  • 27/07 16:14 (UTC) - naught
    • Farsight's Allies = His Majesty (8) (was Archbishop (8)(Swimming); His Majesty (8)) (I'll take that, thank you very much.)
  • 27/07 16:15 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Allies = Southern General (8); Northern General (45) (was Southern General (8); Chamberlain (1); Northern General (45)) (Just realized I forgot to rid TyGuy6 of the Chamberlain when I snatched him.)
  • 27/07 16:28 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 4 (was 7) (Enacting "Soup Starvation Settlement")
  • 27/07 16:28 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Elimination = 0 (was 1) (Enacting "Soup Starvation Settlement")
  • 27/07 16:28 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Mole (was Mechanical Stealthy Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Mechanical Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Spectral Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Mole) (Unfortunately, TyGuy's breeding was based on my Stable, which was concluded to be an illegal Gamestate because of my illegal breeding (not enough food). Ergo, his current stable his illegal.)
  • 27/07 16:28 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Food = 25 (was 2) (Unfortunately, TyGuy's breeding was based on my Stable, which was concluded to be an illegal Gamestate because of my illegal breeding (not enough food). Ergo, his current stable his illegal.)
  • 27/07 16:28 (UTC) - Kevan
    • naught's Favor = 0 (was 3) (Enacting "Soup Starvation Settlement")
  • 27/07 16:29 (UTC) - Kevan
    • Ienpw III's Elimination = 0 (was 1) (Enacting "Soup Starvation Settlement")
  • 27/07 16:33 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Stable = Mechanical Stealthy Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Mechanical Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Spectral Venomous Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Mole (was Leaping Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Giant Digging Fire-Breathing Surefooted Armoured Swimming Sponge; Winged Fire-Breathing Swimming Giant Armored Numbat; Swimming Giant Winged Badger; Mole) (Apparently, it was legal)
  • 27/07 16:33 (UTC) - naught
    • TyGuy6's Food = 2 (was 25) (Apparently, it was legal)
  • 27/07 19:44 (UTC) - Kevan
    • naught's Elimination = 1 (Enacting "Done Deuel")
  • 27/07 19:44 (UTC) - Kevan
    • TyGuy6's Favor = 7 (was 4) (Enacting "Done Deuel")
  • 28/07 17:07 (UTC) - TyGuy6
    • Comment: (I just want to thank, *snifffff* the DICE100:13 or so little people (and creatures) whose heads I stepped on to get here!)