Motion to Declare Party Affiliation

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Go stones.png This page was gamestate during The Third Dynasty of Chronos Phaenon. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.

Whereas every Iudex has eir own agenda, and

whereas every agenda is supported by many Iudices; therefore

It is resolved by The Iudices Assembled that, A new text field will be entered into the GDNT with the title "Political Affiliation". Any Iudex with this field blank is considered to have "No Political Affiliation". An Iudex may change eir Political Affiliation Often, to either: (Party Name) Leader - as long as their exist no other Iudex with this Political Affiliation, or (Party Name) Member - as long as their exist an Iudex with the Political Affiliation (Party Name) Leader, where (Party Name) is replaced by any string. X is a member of the Y Party if X's affiliation is either Y Member or Y Leader. If one party has more than half of those Iudicies who have declared a party affiliation as members it shall be declared the Majority Party.
