Motion to track ability to make motions

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Go stones.png This page was gamestate during The Third Dynasty of Chronos Phaenon. It is being kept for archival purposes and is not part of the current BlogNomic game.

Whereas the ability to make motions is the key to winning this nomic, and

Whereas there exist no way at current to prevent any Iudex from making a motion; therefore

I move the adoption of the following resolution, within the GDNT there exist a field called "Debating" which is either yes or no. This field will start as set to Yes for every Iudex within the game, and every Iudex that joins the game. If an Iudex ever has no as their "Debating" then that Iudex may not make motions. No Iudex may ever change the Debating field for any Iudex unless specifically called for by the rules.