Ruleset 61
Dynastic Rules
First Metadynasty of Rodlen
During this metadynasty, Rodlen is treated as the Watcher, but may only veto his own proposals and proposals that have been self-killed. The theme is Blo vs Gno vs Mic. This rule may not be removed until the First Metadynasty of Rodlen ends.
There exist three Factions called BLO, GNO and MIC, respectively. For each one of these factions, there exists a Ruleset and a Gamestate to which those rules apply. Each faction’s Ruleset is tracked on that faction’s wiki page. Every rule in Sections 1 and 3 are considered implicit in each Faction’s Ruleset with “Blognomic” replaced with the name of that Faction throughout, even if a Faction’s rule states otherwise. All Citizens of every Faction must obey all rules in Section 2 of the Blognomic Ruleset. Rules existing only in a Faction’s Ruleset have no effect outside that Faction’s Gamestate and Ruleset. An exception to this is relics, as detailed in the Relics sub rule.
2.3 Membership
Each Citizen may belong to at most one Faction (also known as being member of that Faction). This shall be tracked in a GNDT column named Faction. As a weekly action, a Citizen may change their Faction to any one of the three valid Factions. A Citizen is considered to be idle within each Faction that e doesn’t belong to. If a Citizen is ever un-Idle in a Faction of which e is not a member, e immediately becomes Idle within that Faction.
Whenever a Citizen makes an official post with the text “[Faction]” at the beginning of its subject (Where Faction is replaced by the Faction that the poster is a member of), then that post shall be known as a Faction Post and is considered to be made only within the context of the Ruleset and Gamestate for that Citizen’s Faction. Otherwise, it is considered to be made within the Ruleset and Gamestate of Blognomic as a whole.
Faction Posts cannot be made if the Citizen’s Faction has less than three Players (and if they are made, they shall be marked as invalid).
2.4 Victory
If a citizen has three relics, he may make a Declaration of Victory. One of the relics must be the BLO relic, another must be the GNO relic and the final must be the MIC relic.
2.4.1 Relics
There exist three relics, the BLO relic, the GNO relic and the MIC relic. Each relic may only be owned by a maximum of one citizen. Each relic may be given to any citizen at any time by the citizen who currently owns the relic. If more than one of any relic would exist at any one time, all versions of that relic are referred to as copies of that relic. If any copies of a relic exist, all copies except the newest must be removed. If multiple copies of the same relic were created at the same time, all those copies are removed, along with any other copies of that relic.
Only a faction proposal belonging to the same faction as the relic may create or change any rule regarding the relic. An exception to this is a proposal which isn’t a Faction Post and which reaches quorum from each of the three factions (BLO, GNO and MIC) in addition to reaching the Blognomic quorum. If a faction’s ruleset gives a citizen the relic belonging to that faction, this applies to all gamestates.
There exists a GNDT tracked variable called “Relics”. This will keep track of which relics each citizen owns. In this variable the BLO relic will be abbreviated to B, the GNO relic will be abbreviated to G and the MIC relic will be abbreviated to M.
2.5 Magic Dust
Each Citizen has an amount of Magic Dust measured in ounces and tracked in the GNDT. New Citizens start with 0 ounces of Magic Dust. When a Citizen “uses X ounces of Magic Dust”, an amount of Magic Dust equal to X is subtracted from that Citizen’s Magic Dust. A Citizen may not use more Magic Dust than he currently has. The effects of Magic Dust may be determined by each Faction; however, the effects of Magic Dust within a Faction may not extend beyond that Faction’s Ruleset and Gamestate.
A Citizen may, at any time, subtract any positive amount of Magic Dust from their own Magic Dust, not to exceed the amount of Magic Dust he currently has, and add that amount to any other Citizen’s Magic Dust.