The Tenth Parallel Dynasty of Kevan

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Kevan, Moonroof, See also, Mutilation Movies, MadisonSilver

Ascension Text

Welcome to The Hollow Word. My name is Mary Beth and I am so excited to be sharing my reviews on everything I read with everyone. I am a born and bred New Yorker and I live with my boyfriend, three crazy cats and a sweet little puppy. For more information about me click here.

Memorable Quote:

Ceridwen was confused. She knew there was something that she was supposed to do, but she was certain she had no idea what it could be. Her grandparents, the only people who had ever believed in her, had disappeared without a trace years ago. While their disappearance was terrible for her personally, it had been terrible for her family too. And for the entire human race. She knew that her parents and uncle and aunt would never tell her what they did to keep her grandparents away. The knowledge was so horrifying, even to think about it was enough to send her running. There was no other alternative: staying away from everyone was the only safe thing for her.


Emperor: Mary Beth

Players: Reader