Wizard Duel Spell List 4

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Effect: If no other Wizard cast the Greed spell this Duel, gain 5 stars


Effect: Gain DICE3 Stars


Inputs: A numerical position in the Wizard Ring
Effect: The wizard in the targeted position loses 3 stars. Their neighbors lose 1 star


Inputs: A numerical position in the Wizard Ring which is not the position of the Wizard selecting the spell
Effect: The wizard in the targeted position gains 3 stars


Inputs: A numerical position in the Wizard Ring, which is adjacent to that of the caster.
Effect: If this Wizard is in a targeted position for the Input of any Spell with a lower Speed than this Spell, the targeted position is changed to the Input position. This does not apply to a targeted position changed by another Wizard’s Misdirection spell.
Speed: 2


Effect: If any Wizards other than this Wizard received any Stars from one or more Spells, other than Siphon, randomly select one of those Wizards to lose 1 Star, then this Wizard gains 1 Star. This Wizard can also receive Stars from other Spells and still trigger this Effect.
Speed: 0

Doom Cloud

Cost: 1
Effect: Every other Wizard participating in the Duel loses 2 Stars.


Inputs: A single possible Style other than “None”.
Effect: Change this Wizard’s Hat, Robes, Staff or Beard (whichever is applicable) to match the chosen Style.


Inputs: The name of another Wizard participating in the current duel and the name of a spell other than Snipe from the spell list for the current duel
Effect: If the named Wizard has selected to cast the named spell in this duel, their casting of that spell does nothing and the Wizard casting this spell gains 2 stars.


Effect: If this Wizard is in the targeted position of one or more Spells, secretly randomly select one of those Spells, or select that Spell if it is just one Spell. After applying the Effects of the selected Spell to this Wizard, apply the same Effects to the Wizard who cast the selected Spell. If this Effect triggers due to Misdirection, the Spell whose target changed is the Spell that this Effect applies to.


Effect: If this Wizard is Unique, they gain 5 stars.


Effect: All Trendy Wizards gain 1 star.

Magical Armor

Effect: If the Wizard that cast this spell didn’t previously during Wizard Duel X-1 or Wizard Duel X-2(X being the current duel number), then that Wizard is not effected by any spells casted during Wizard Duel X. However, if another Wizard were to cast Snipe and successfully named the Wizard that casted Magic Armor, the spell is considered casted for the condition in the first sentence of this effect but the Wizard who casted Magic Armor will not gain the effects of the Magic Armor.