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In BlogNomic, like in many other games, there are "plays". This is an informal attempt at a list, based on various players' observations. Names may be yet to stick.


(Benefiting a Majority/Punishing a Minority). Proposals that benefit a majority that includes yourself and/or punishes a minority that doesn't include yourself. It's based on the voting system, because quorum is required to make a proposal pass, and the benefit you would share with your majority works as incentive/bribe to get the proposal (and therefore benefit for yourself) passed.
(from "Spring Cleanup") Making a proposal that doesn’t change the effect of any of the rules, but redefines them in a way that is more comprehensible and takes up less space to write. Based on Bamdam, as the players who are comfortable with esoteric writing of the rules will tend to be a minority, and more clarity will make playing the game (and therefore making winning plays) more easy (and enjoyable) for the majority.
(Free) Handout
Immediate grant of a resource.
Gerrymandering (in the context of Bampam)
The art of choosing which will be the majority/minority for a Bamdam play.
Hail Mary play
Last-ditch efforts during an endgame, when victory by another player seems imminent.
Voting on a proposal or on another official votable matter so that the post can't be edited.
A proposal that contains a rule which removes itself.
The making of an absurd proposal to highlight an issue in the game. The idea is to get someone else to make a rule change.
Incomplete and often function-less proposal, designed to be expanded by other proposals (typically from other players).
A proposal where the votes can do something in the comments to change what the proposal does. For instance it could have a line that says "If the majority of valid For votes have the text "X" in them then ..." and then do something different in the proposal. It doesn't always work as intended.
A proposal that contains a variable in the proposal which is replaced upon its enactment. Example: "Replace each instance of VOTE with the number of voting icons in the comment section of this proposal" or "Replace TIME with the time this proposal is enacted."
Drilled Proposal
A proposal with deliberate loopholes.
Example: The First Dynasty of Tantusar, Josh's Drilled Proposal allowed him to declare victory


Actively defensive plays based on consuming other player's attention span or IRL time economy, to prevent them from using that time or attention on countermeasures against you.

Air keyboarding
Making complex proposals when you’re about to win, to make it look as if you think the game is ongoing.
Making deliberately flawed or controversial proposals to move the focus away from others in the queue, or from game actions you’re taking.
Humbly making a proposal to remove an advantage in your favour, but self-killing it before it enacts so that players will have to start the fix process from scratch again.


Coin-flip victory
Two or more players agreeing to assist one of their number to victory, in exchange for that player promising to randomly select a member of the group to pass the victory mantle to. (If two players both feel that they have a lower-than-50% chance of winning alone, working together for an exactly 50% chance of victory can make some sense.)
Example: In the Second Dynasty of Brendan, two zombie players idled so that the third zombie could trigger the "last remaining zombie" victory condition.
Getting a large amount of players to join for the purpose of creating your own Cabal with them.
Real life person whose nomic actions are in control of another player.
Example: In The First Dynasty of ais523, Bucky suspected that DDA was "employing metapuppets from outside the nomic"
Privately asking an idle player to unidle and perform a few simple actions (typically which would allow the asking player to win immediately).
Tactical Enactment (Admin)
The enactment of a proposal at a timed moment to grant yourself an advantage and/or thwart another player/s.


Alliance of players with a common goal to employ Bampam with each other, often in secret.
Fool’s Gold
A resource which is stockpiled by a minority of players before any use is proposed for it, meaning that the majority will probably never want to give it a use.
Consensus Reality
Nomic doesn't run on formal space like mathematics does, but instead on the reality created by the consensus of the players. For example, if, in formal space, A=B is true, but all players believe or are willing to vote for that A=B isn't true, then A=B isn't true in the context of the BlogNomic, regardless of formal truth.
Admin Advantage
Compare to "Card Advantage" in other games. Admin Advantage involves the mechanical advantage an Admin has, especially in regards to performing advanced scams (because they possess enactment, failing, etc powers).
Bucky's attempt to counterplay the Agoran Invasion by enacting an old CfJ depended on his Admin Advantage.