Ruleset 36

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Core Rules

Ruleset and Gamestate

This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Travellers must obey it. Section One consists of the "core rules" of blognomic, covering basic Traveller and proposal mechanics; Section Two contains the rules of the current dynasty; and Section Three contains the glossary, which exists solely to clarify the remainder of the ruleset. Rules may be referred to by their type and entire number or type and name. (e.g. This Rule may be referred to as Rule 1.1 or the Rule entitled "Ruleset and Gamestate").

The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.

No Rule may contain a provision that bars itself from being altered and/or repealed. If at any moment a Rule exists or is altered in a manner that renders it to contain such a provision, the entirety of that Rule shall be considered void and with no effects on the Gamestate. The provisions on this paragraph supersede any text in a Rule.

Spivak pronouns, as defined in the Glossary, shall be used whenever a Traveller is referred to.

Admin Staff may correct obvious spelling and typographical mistakes in the Ruleset at any time.


Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if e is not already playing) by registering at via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post announcing eir arrival. An Admin will add em to the roster in the sidebar, at which moment e becomes a Traveller.

A Traveller may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A Traveller may only change eir name as a result of a proposal approving the change.

Some Travellers are Admin Staff, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. Travellers who wish to become Admins shall sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation.

Some Travellers are idle, and shall be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of the Ruleset, excluding Rules 1.1 and 1.2, idle Travellers are not counted as Travellers. Admin may render a Traveller idle if that Traveller has failed to vote for more than a week, or if it has asked to become idle. Admins may un-idle a Traveller at eir request - the Traveller's personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to eir idling.

A single person may not control more than one Traveller within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Traveller, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Travellers from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.


Any Traveller may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the "Proposal" category that describes those changes (unless the Traveller already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).

Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.


Any Traveller may cast eir Vote on a Pending Proposal by making a comment on that entry using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL.

If the Traveller who made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, eir Vote is counted as FOR. If a Traveller casts more than one Vote on a Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Traveller leaves the game or goes idle, eir Vote no longer counts. If a Traveller votes against eir own proposal, that vote may not be changed.

A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Arbiter. The vote will count as the same as Arbiter's vote. Arbiter cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Arbiter, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.


The oldest pending Proposal, or the oldest pending non-Local Proposal, may be enacted by any Admin (and the Ruleset and/or Gamestate updated to include the specified effects of that Proposal) if either of the following is true:-

  • It has a number of FOR votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been vetoed or self-killed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid vote, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.

The oldest pending Proposal, or the oldest pending non-Local Proposal, may be failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:-

  • It has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its votes are FOR.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and has fewer than 2 valid votes.
  • The Traveller who proposed it has voted AGAINST it.
  • The Arbiter has voted to VETO it.

Whenever an Admin marks a proposal as enacted or failed, e must also mark eir name, and report the final tally of votes (or the fact that the proposal was self-killed or vetoed).

Calls for Judgment

If two or more Travellers actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Traveller feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Traveller may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry in the "Call for Judgment" category. If the Traveller wishes, e may post anonymously by choosing "Call for Judgment" from the Author drop-down menu on the OPTIONS tab. The post shall go on to describe the issue, and measures that shall be taken to resolve it.

All Travellers may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Traveller's later votes overriding eir earlier ones). Unfailed CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the cast votes are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset shall be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CfJ fails. A Failed CfJ has no further effect.

Gamestate Tracking

Proposals, Calls for Judgment, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at Any Traveller may post to the blog at any time, but may only make official posts to the blog when the Ruleset allows it. Posts following the format specified by a rule are considered official posts.

If no Traveller has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed by its author; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post's Status must changed to reflect its status.

A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an official post.

Voting and comments are accessible through the link at the bottom of every post.

Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by the Generic Nomic Data Tracker at Any Traveller may update any Traveller's data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it.

All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Traveller feels that an alteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), e may simply undo the effects of that alteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgment shall be raised.

Travellers shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they join the Nomic.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty is headed by a single Arbiter, and is named according to the number of Dynasties they have headed (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke").

The Arbiter may vote to VETO any Proposal.

Victory and Ascension

If a Traveller (other than the Arbiter) believes that e has achieved victory, e may Make a Post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this.

Upon doing so, the game immediately game goes into Hiatus, if it hasn't already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.9.

Every Traveller may respond to an active DoV saying whether or not e believes the poster has achieved victory (using the FOR and AGAINST icons).

The Declaration of Victory may be resolved after 24 hours, or after 12 hours if the Arbiter has voted on it. Upon resolution, if a Quorum of Travellers have voted on the DoV and more than half of those votes were in favour, then the DoV passes - otherwise the DoV fails, and if no other DoVs are still pending, the Hiatus ends.

When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Traveller who made the DoV as its Arbiter. (That Traveller may pass this role to another Traveller at this point, if they wish.) The Hiatus continues until the new Arbiter posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify Arbiter's chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Dynastic Rules will be repealed, and that any keywords will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms.

Dynastic Rules


There exists a fictional timeline, which is not the same as the real-world timeline. All references to "game time" (including related phrases such as "game year" or "game date") refer to the fictional timeline, and references to "real time" refer to the real-world timeline. No part of the Gamestate may be misinterpreted as referring to the wrong timeline, if it is clear to Arbiter in context which it refers to. The Core Rules and the Glossary only refer to the real-world timeline.


A Game Year consists of 365 Game Days, which are named in the same fashion as the days in a real non-leap year are named under the Gregorian calendar (January 1 - December 31). There exists a Game Year named for every integer (negative, zero, or positive), with greater integers naming years that come after ones named by lesser integers.

The "Standard Form" for any Game Date is "X/Y/Z", where X is the year, Y is the month (an integer from 1 to 12), and Z is the day of the month.

Whenever you go, then you are

Each Traveller has a Temporal Location (TL), which is tracked in the GNDT as a Game Date in Standard Form. New Travellers start at TL 1419/11/26.


Each Traveller may select a Companion, adding the name of eir Companion to the "Companion" column in the GNDT, provided that eir Companion entry was blank beforehand. A Traveller may not choose a Companion with the same name as either a Traveller (active or otherwise) or the Companion of a Traveller (active or otherwise).

Companions Have Locations

The Companion (if any) of each Traveller has a Companion's Temporal Location (CTL), which is tracked in the GNDT as a Game Date in Standard Form. At the point of creation, new Companions start at the TL of the Traveller of whom they are a Companion.

Travellers Leaving Companions

If a Traveller and eir Companion are at the same location, then when the Traveller's TL changes, at the same time, the CTL changes to the same value. However, when a Traveller changes eir own TL, e may choose not to change the CTL if e wishes.

A Traveller may abandon their Companion by blanking their Companion and CTL GNDT fields.

The Timeline

Scattered throughout time (and recorded in the Timeline page of the wiki) are a number of significant Node Events, each with a unique game date and description. Some Node Events may have keywords, which are listed in brackets as part of their description.

New or redescribed Node Events must have at least one keyword in common with at least one earlier Node Event (although the Arbiter may ignore this restriction).

Any Traveller may create or redescribe a non-Perilous Node Event at their current Temporal Location, if they have not done so in the previous 24 real-world hours - this is done by editing the wiki page appropriately, and then posting an entry to the weblog that includes the dates and the new descriptions (including keywords) of all affected Events.

Redescribing a Node Event (the "Trigger Event") may cause side effects, which must be made as part of the same update and post. For each keyword that the Trigger Event had prior to the change, a single later-occurring Node Event that shares that keyword (if one exists) may also be redescribed. (Node Events altered through side effects do not trigger further side effects.)

The Arbiter may redescribe or delete Node Events anywhere on the Timeline, if he feels their causality to be discordant (including the addition or removal of overlooked or inappropriate keywords).

Anomalous Events

Node Events with the “Anomalous” keyword are intrinsically damaging to the time-space continuum if left unchecked. Such anomalies are often caused by timeline pollution from reckless Travellers - disabling the anomaly-inhibition mechanisms of a time travel device is a cheap and dangerous way to boost its power. Correcting these anomalies is rewarded by the Council of Time.

After creating or redescribing a Node and processing all side-effects, a Traveller gains 1 Influence for each Node which has become Anomalous (or has been created in an Anomalous state) as a result of these actions, and is awarded 1 Influence for each Node which was previously Anomalous and is now no longer so.

Perilous Events

Node Events with the "Perilous" keyword are too dangerous to manipulate directly, and can only be redescribed as the result of a side-effect, or by the Arbiter.

The Grand Scheme

If a Node Event has a Traveller's name as one of its keywords, then the Event has been engineered to benefit that Traveller - perhaps the Traveller has stolen a valuable object from that day, or has made some change of subtle or sentimental importance. (A new Traveller may not choose an existing keyword as their name.)

A Traveller's name may only be added as a keyword by that Traveller themselves, and may only be added as a Trigger Event, not as a side effect.

If a Traveller's name ever appears as the keyword for exactly seven separate Node Events, then they have shown their worth in manipulating the Timeline (or have saved the world, or destroyed it) and have achieved victory.

Death Events

If a Node Event contains the keyword “Death:Name” (where “Name” is the name of a Traveller or Companion), then it is known as a Death Event, and signifies the death of that character. (If a character has multiple Death Events, the Arbiter may replace any number of the relevant “Death:Name” keywords with “Anomalous”.)

If a Traveller's TL matches the date of their Death, then they may take no game actions except those defined in the Core Ruleset.

If a Traveller's CTL matches the date of their Companion's Death, then the Traveller's Range only includes the TL component, and not that of the CTL.


Each Traveller has an Influence, which is tracked in the GNDT as a nonnegative integer. New Travellers start with an Influence equal to the Influence of the already-existing Traveller with the Qth highest Influence, where Q is Quorum (before the New Traveller joined).

If a Traveller has Influence X and either e has no Companion or eir CTL is the same as eir TL, then that Traveller's Range consists of all Game Dates from X years before eir TL to X years after eir TL. If a Traveller with a Companion has Influence X and eir CTL is not the same as eir TL, then that Traveller's Range consists of all Game Dates from X/2 years before eir TL to X/2 years after eir TL and all Game Dates from X/2 years before eir CTL to X/2 years after eir CTL. All date ranges are inclusive of the end dates. All fractions are rounded towards the centre of the Range and fraction rounding occurs immediately on the years so that Ranges always stretch a whole number of years either side of the centre.

For example, if a Traveller has a TL of 1550/5/5, a CTL of 1440/3/2 and an Influence of 9 then eir range is 1546/5/5 to 1554/5/5 and 1436/3/2 to 1444/3/2.

Temporal Uncertainty

Some Travellers may be in one or more Heisenberg Loops, denoted by one asterisk per Loop after eir Influence in the GNDT.

When a Traveller is in one loop e is “out of time”. When a Traveller is in two loops e is a “rellevarT lamron” (and is not “out of time"). When a Traveller is in three loops (or more) e has a “melt down” (and is not “out of time” or a “rellevarT lamron").

out of time

When a Traveller is “out of time”:

  • 1)e can not preform “Marching Time”.
  • 2)local proposals have no effect on em.
  • 3)e can not change, create or remove Node Events.
  • 4)e can not vote on local proposals.

rellevarT lamron

When a Traveller is a “rellevarT lamron”:

  • 1)upon preforming “Marching Time”, e will move one day backwards instead of one day forward.
  • 2)arrow of time reversed: e is known as rellevarT. see below
  • 3)when posting or commenting, e will write backwards.

example: .sdraekcab etirw lliw e ,gnitnemmoc ro gnitsop nehw(3

this doesn't includes templates and comments in the gndt.

  • 4)when creating or redescribing a node event in the wiki, the description will be written backwards but the time and the keywords will be written forwards (only the description is effected).

special rules for backward writing:

  • 1)when a proposal that was written backward is enacted, the enacted text will be written backwards.
  • 2)if a rule has two meaning, one when reading forward and another when reading backward, the forward version takes precedence.
  • 3)the voting mechanism is not effected: when voting, the last vote takes precedence.
  • 4)any violation of backward writing will be a chronocrime (see 2.9.4).

melt down

When a Traveller has a “melt down”, e can not post or vote exept for voting on a Call for Judgment untill e resolves the melt down (e can post in the gndt or comment in general).

melt down resolution

A traveller can resolve a melt down by following all these steps

  • 1)post “DICE3 resolve meltdown” in the gndt.
  • 2)where the result of the DICE3 is d:
    • if d=1 the traveller sets eir tl to 1419/11/26
    • if d=2 the traveller sets eir influence to DICEX where X is eir current influence.
    • if d=3 all nodes containing the travellers name as a keyword are deleted.

the last sentence does not apply to nodes with the [TIME BOMB] keyword.

  • 3)remove all asterisks (Heisenberg Loops) from eir gndt.

(melt down resolved.)

Arrow of Time

Subrules of this Rule are known as Local Rules. Their titles may only be of the form “X (Y)” where Y is a Game Date in Standard Form; the date Y is the Local Rule's Locale. Any non-rellevarT Traveller whose Temporal Location is before a Local Rule's Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of that Local Rule. Any rellevarT whose Temporal Location is after a Local Rule's Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of that Local Rule.

Local Proposals do not count towards the two-Proposals-pending or three-Proposals-per-day limits, although a Traveller may not submit more than one Local Proposal per real-time day.

Any Proposal with a subject of the form “X (Y)” where Y is a Game Date in Standard Form is called a Local Proposal, and the date Y is the Local Proposal's Locale. No Traveller may make a Local Proposal with a Locale that is not in eir Range. No non-Arbiter Traveller may vote on a Local Proposal that is not in eir Range. Any Local Proposal which (upon Enactment) would alter any part of the Ruleset, except for the creation or alteration of Local Rules with the same Locale as the Proposal's Locale, instead has no effect upon Enactment. Any non-rellevarT Traveller whose Temporal Location is before a Local Proposal's Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of the Gamestate being updated to include the specified effects of the Proposal. Any rellevarT whose Temporal Location is after a Local Proposal's Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of the Gamestate being updated to include the specified effects of the Proposal.

When a Traveller votes on a Local Proposal, e must include eir current TL in the comment containing their vote for their vote to be counted.

When this Rule is Repealed, remove all occurences of ", or the oldest pending non-Local Proposal, " from the Core Rule “Enactment”.

A Slow Drip (758/12/25)

Any Traveler may often make a DICE2 check in the GNDT with the comment ‘Influence Drip'. If the result is 1, e loses one point of Influence. If the result is 2, e gains two points of Influence. The results of this check shall be posted on the front page.

Acquital (1482/11/25)

Whenever a Traveller's travels to 1482/11/25, that Traveller is acquited of all eir previous Chronocrimes, and may change eir Company's from “Renegade” to “Freelance” upon changing eir TL to 1482/11/25.

Electronic Voting (1995/1/1)

A Traveller may vote on any Local Proposal with a Locale that is both:

  • After the Locale of this Rule, and
  • Within 50 years of eir TL regardless of eir Range.

E may also vote normally.

The Continuum

The time-space continuum is always weakened around one particular date, which changes according to the acts of Travellers - this is known as the “Focus Date”, and is tracked in the GNDT in the “Focus Date” row under the “TemporalLocation” column.

The Laws of time

The subrules to this rule are considered the Laws of Time, which are a number of rules designed to prevent Chronocrime running rampant. Travellers do not necessarily have to follow the provisions stipulated in the Laws of Time, but any breach of these guidelines is automatically considered a Chronocrime.

No Littering

A Traveller may not abandon their Companion if the Companion's Temporal Location is different to that of the Traveller.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

A Traveller may not create a Death Event, nor change an existing Node into a Death Event, unless the subject of the Death Event is a Renegade (or a Renegade's Companion).

A Traveller using the “Displacement” action may not choose a “Target Date” on which there exists a Death Event for “Target Traveller”.

Don't Splode Stuff Up

Without the permission of the Arbiter, no Traveller may do any of the following:

  • Create a Node Event with the [TIME BOMB] keyword
  • redescribe a Node Event which does not have the [TIME BOMB] keyword into one which does have it.
  • Voluntarily cause eir own Range to include The TL of a Node Event with a [TIME BOMB] keyword, unless eir Range already included that TL.

New Travellers always have the Arbiter's permission to join blognomic, even if that would be in violation of the third bullet point above.

Don't Break the Flow of Time

A rellevarT may not break the writing rules in rellevarT lamron.

The Modus Ponens

All subrules to this rule are in the following format:

Requirements: Description
Action: Description

Often, a Traveller may choose a sequence of up to three different subrules, and process each of them in turn - if a subrule's Requirements are met at the time of processing, then its Action is carried out. The Traveller must then post a weblog entry summarising the Actions. (If no such post is made within ten minutes of the Actions, then the Actions are illegal.)


Fake Title
Requirements: Traveller is named Kaddar
Action: Traveller may increase another Traveller's influence by 1

Heisenberg Snare

  • Requirements: Target Traveller is within this Traveller's range, and this Traveller has an influence greater than 10 (the target traveller may be this Traveller emself).
  • Action: This traveller reduces eir Influence by 10. Target Traveller gains a Heisenberg Loop. The Target Traveler may lose this Heisenberg Loop after 96 real world hours.


  • Requirements: Target Traveller has a TL within 30 games days of this Traveller's TL.
  • Action: This Traveller may set eir TL to the TL of target Traveller.

Range Moving

  • Requirements: This Traveller has not done the action allowed by “Range Moving” in the last 48 hours.
  • Action: This Traveller may set eir TL to any date within eir Range.

Marching Time

  • Requirements: None.
  • Action: This Traveller may change eir TL forward one day. For example, a Traveller whose TL is 1422/4/30 may change it to 1422/5/1, but not 1423/4/30.

Continuum Swirling

  • Requirements: None.
  • Action: The Traveller may alter either the year, month or day value of the Focus Date.

Continuum Jump

  • Requirements: The Traveller has not altered the Focus Date earlier in the current set of actions, and the Focus Date is a valid Game Date.
  • Action: The Traveller may set their TL to the current Focus Date.

Quantum Leap

  • Requirements: The Traveller has at least one Node event with their name as a keyword.
  • Action: The Traveller may move to the Location of a Node event with their name as a keyword.


  • Requirements: Target Traveller (other than this Traveller) is within this Traveller's Range. Target Date is within this Traveller's Range OR Target Traveller has at least one Hiesenberg Loop.
  • Action: This Traveller may set Target Traveller's TL to Target Date.

Warp of Necessity

  • Requirements: The Traveller hasn't used a Warp of Necessity within the past 48 hours.
  • Action: The Traveller moves forward DICEX years, where X is ten times the Traveller's influence. The Traveller then changes eir Month to DICE12, and eir Day to DICEY, where Y is the number of days in eir new Month.

Warp of Sufficiency

  • Requirements: The Traveller hasn't used a Warp of Sufficiency within the past 48 hours.
  • Action: The Traveller moves backward DICEX years, where X is ten times the Traveller's influence. The Traveller then changes eir Month to DICE12, and eir Day to DICEY, where Y is the number of days in eir new Month.

Time Companies

Travellers are members of a single Company, (GNDT tracked). By default, each Traveller is a member of the non-company “Freelance”. A Traveller may join or quit a Company at any time by giving notice on the front page, unless otherwise stated in that company's rules.

Companies have Leaders. A Leader must be a member of that Company, and must not be idle. The Arbiter must appoint a Leader if none exists (If Able), unless otherwise stated in that Company's rules.

All subrules to this rule are Company descriptions. Subrules to this rule are in the following format:

Company Title
Leader: (LeaderTitle) Leadername or “No Current Leader”
Rules: Rules affecting the game.
Description: Flavor Description.

Description must be in italics. Leader must be updated when the Leader of the company changes.

Paradox Reduction Company

Paradox Reduction Company
Leader: (High Sheriff of Time) Rodney
Rules: If a Traveller in this company were to calculate range, e must calculate range as though e had 12 additional influence. The Arbiter is always a member of this company. A member of the PRC may change a chosen Traveller's Company to “Renegade”, if the chosen Traveller has committed a Chronocrime within the past 24 real-time hours.
Description: The PRC, enforcing causality and prosecuting Cronocrime.


Leader: None
Rules: The Renegade Company has no Leader. A member of the Renegade Company may not change their own Company status.
Description: Operating outside the Laws of Time to pursue their own goals, for good or for evil.


This is always at the end of the Ruleset. Its only effect can be to clarify ambiguity.

  • It is noted that where a Proposal would amend the effects of Proposal Enactment, this does not apply to its own enactment unless explicitly stated (eg. a proposal proposing that enacted proposals earn their writer a banana when enacted would not earn a banana for its own writer, when enacted).
  • Rules which trigger on Enactment or Failure of a Proposal are the responsibility of the acting Admin, who is responsible to check if Quorum is met at the moment of the Enactment.
  • Appropriate Icons: For use in voting, a check box shall represent a vote FOR, an X shall represent a vote AGAINST, an I shall represent a vote of DEFERENTIAL, and an Imperial Seal (currently shall represent the Imperial Veto.
  • The "subject" of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is after the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, then the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is "" (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
  • "Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at
  • A keyword defined by a rule supersedes the normal English usage of the word. A keyword defined in this glossary supersedes that defined by a rule. (eg. A rule specifying "Bananas are Blue" cannot be overruled by posting a dictionary definition or a photo of a banana, and a rule specifying "every day is Sunday" will be overruled by the glossary entry below.)
  • Unless otherwise specified, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers, and any action that would set those values below zero instead sets them to zero. Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
  • Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English, Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
  • Gamestate is defined as any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, such as Travellers' names and the blog colour scheme.

Typographic Conventions

  • Italicized text is not considered part of the ruleset and may be used to clarify rules with examples, notes, and flavor text. For example, this italicized text provides an example of the use of italicized text.


  • References to "a day" (as an entity rather than a duration, eg. "Sunday") refer to that day in the timezone of the BlogNomic blog, which is considered to be GMT for all purposes.
  • References to a "week" refer to the period of time between the start of a Monday and the end of the following Sunday.
  • All references to time must be either specific or defined within the ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate. Abstract concepts of time (e.g. "dinnertime", "twilight") cannot be achieved until they fulfil one of these criteria.
  • An action which may be taken 'often' may be taken once per day, but not more than once every six hours.
  • An action which may be taken 'occasionally' may be taken once per week, but not more than once per twenty-four hours.


  • Quorum is equal to half the number of Travellers, rounded down, plus one.


References to "YDICEX" refer to Y X-sided dice. To roll dice, post DICEX in the comments field of the GNDT, replacing X with the number of sides on the die you wish to roll.


  • The Spivak pronouns used in Blognomic are:
    • Subject case: "e";
    • Object case: "em";
    • Possessive Adjective case: "eir";
    • Possessive Pronoun case: "eirs";
    • Reflexive case: "emself".


  • The IEEE auxiliary verbs used in Blognomic are:
    • Is required to: "shall";
    • Is recommended that: "should";
    • Is permitted to: "may";
    • Is able to: "can".