History of player terms

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This is a list of Player and Emperor terms for past dynasties, gathered through a simple grep of past Rulesets and tidied up manually.

Ruleset Emperor Players
1 none Players
2 Emperor Players
3 Empress Players
4 Emperor Players
5 Emperor Citizens
6 Emperor Citizens
7 Control Unit Robots
8 Doctor Specimens
9 Speaker Representatives
10 Radio Lifeforms
11 Archmage Sorcerors
12 The Don / The Man Persons
13 Super Villain Heroes
14 Poet Mariners
15 Poet Players
16 Computer Crew Members
17 District Manager Teamspersons
18 Control Strain Strains
19 High Lord Warlords
20 High Lord Lords
21 Duke Families
22 Overlord Hordes
24 King of the Beach Gremmies
25 Computer Crewmembers
26 Illuminatus Rex Illuminati
27 Philosopher-King Disciples
28 GM Players
29 Emperor Players
30 Hegemonist Countries
31 Archon Deities
32 Ego Voices
33 Narrator Protagonists
34 Captain Swashbucklers
35 Ché-Háme-Háme Gostaks
36 Abbot Monks
37 Arbiter Travellers
38 Conductor Musicians
39 Top Banana Vegetables
40 Director Students
41 Coach Olympians
42 Investor Actors
43 Arbiter Iuri Iudices
44 Mastermind Agents
45 Apprentice of Will Wright Lifeforms
46 CEO Workers
47 Government Corporations
48 Top Banana Monkey
49 Tokyo Kaiju Gods
50 Mayor Villagers
51 Allfather Valkyries
52 Dealer Players
53 Dread Pirate Captains
54 Overlord Henchmen
55 DDA Commander DDA Members
56 Dungeon Master Adventurers
57 President Thog Candidates
58 Dragonmaster Breeders
59 Patriarch Clansmen
60 Narrator Characters
61 Watcher Citizens
62 Writer Members of the Staff
63 General Soldiers
64 Producer Scripters
65 Host Contestants
66 Tour Guide Tourists
67 Phil Bill Murrays
68 Leader Survivors
69 Leader Players
70 Artisan Apprentices
71 Djinni Adventurers
72 Executor Guests
73 Mad Prince Commoners
74 Establishment Anarchists
75 Expedition Leader Colonists
76 Returning Officer Voters
77 Victorious Blognomicker Blognomickers
78 RNG @s
79 High-Programmer Citizens
80 Professor Earthlings
81 Riddler Befuddleds
82 Director of Operations Agents
83 Director of Operations Agents
84 Headmaster Students
85 Imperatrix Divinities
86 Brick Master Mini Figures
87 Sandbox Master Ants
88 Chief Cavemen
89 Chairman Players
90 Chairsheep Sheep
91 Market Investors
92 Landlord Farmers
93 Announcer Gladiators
94 Captain Survivors
95 Critic Artists
96 Emperor Players
97 Dispatcher Drivers
98 Don Criminals
99 Frontman Musicians
100 Time Buddha Time Monks
101 Foreman Workers
102 Demon Farmers
103 Simon Bakers
104 Professor Students
105 Mogul Editors
106 Mastermind Crooks
107 Auspex Believers
108 Speaker Honourable Members
109 Potentate Captains
110 Arbiter Nobles
111 Schema Atoms
112 Emperor Players
113 Wizard Apprentices
114 Speaker MNs
115 Despot Oligarchs
116 Captain Survivors
117 Overlord Infecteds
118 Overlord Atoms
119 Baron Knights
120 Referee Assassins
121 Broker Sellers
122 Coach Players
123 Traffic Warden Shuttles
124 Ship's Computer Crewmembers
125 Astrologer Townspersons
126 Restaurant Manager Cooks
127 Forest Shifters
128 Emperor Kaijus
129 Nomad Tribes
130 Head Scientist Rats
131 Zero Cool Hackers
132 Warden Prisoners
133 Pope Cardinals
134 High Arcanist Readers
135 Director Clerks
136 Oldest Child Children
137 Overlord Orcs
138 Overlord Orcs
139 Boss Imagineers
140 Moderator Hunters
141 Editor Scribes
142 Pirate Hunters
143 Mayor Councillors
144 Emperor Players
145 Doctor Villagers
146 Statolith Organs
147 Commissioner Managers
148 Expedition Leader Explorers
149 Seraphim Pactmakers
151 King Princes
152 Homeowner Trick-or-Treaters
153 Master Tesserers
154 Director Failed Experiments
155 Government Residents
156 King Pawns
157 Narrator Sailors
158 Historian Wizards
159 Immortal Mortals
160 Monolith Apes
161 Flynn Programs
162 Veteran Activists
163 Judge Attorneys
164 Chief Detectives
165 Dungeon Master Adventurers
166 Great Eccentric Contractors
167 Supervisor Architects
168 King Wizards
169 Admiral Captains
170 Weatherman Castaways
171 UN Secretary-General (abbreviated UNSG) Energy Ministers (abbreviated EM)
172 Priest Adventurers
173 Bookman People
174 Director Individuals
175 Liaison Scientists
176 Louis XIV Noblemen
177 Tom Nook Players
178 Past Memory Amnesiacs
179 Emperor Gamblers
180 Computer Pathfinders
181 Gaia Islands
182 Abbot Monks
183 Poindexter Pilots
184 Player Emperors
185 Doge Electors
186 Dealer Players
187 Facility Head AIs
188 Collector Brokers
189 Richardo von Nestor Vampire Lords
190 Factory Workers
191 Wielder of Vetoes Legislators
192 Ministry of Information Cells
193 Drone Citizens
194 Eli Curf Realtors
195 Eli Curf Realtors
196 The Dark One Souls
197 GPS Trippers
198 CEO Employees
199 Board Historian Players
200 Space Maestro Maestro Team Members
201 Department Head Researchers
202 Linguist Team Memories of Atlantis
203 Oracle Guardians
204 Omnipotence Demiurges
205 Announcer Operators
206 Demon King Barons
207 Host Partygoers
208 Proprietor Groups
209 Narrator Explorers
210 Onlooker Settlers
211 Blizzard Villagers
212 Gridmaster Runners
213 City Architect Engineers
214 Urbifex Maximus City Architects
215 Ascendant Mindjackers
216 Great Machine Machinists
217 City Districts
218 Bookie Punters
219 Battle Master Wizards
220 Old King Heirs
221 Grim Reaper Necromancers
222 Mainframe Agents
223 Sovereign Vassals
224 Observer Seekers
225 City Thieves
226 Publisher Storytellers
227 Elder Judge Fishing Contestants
228 Puzzle Master Puzzlers
229 Head Researcher Genetic Engineers
230 Jury Snails
231 Mastermind Participants
232 Monarchple Meeples
233 Custodian Seeker
234 Imperator Nomicer