The First Dynasty of Simon
January 25, 2005 - April 3, 2005
Ascension Address
1. Lifeguard not on duty. Enter the water at your own risk. 2. Replace "Muffin" with "Gremmie", "GRAND POOBAH" with "King of the Beach", "Stuffs" with "Props", "Year" with "Aeon", and "A.E. (Anno EquitisRegis)" with "AA (Aeon of Awesomeness)". 3. No whiners. If someone splashes you, splash 'em back. 4. Repeal rules 11 through 25. 5. If someone else calls a wave, don't steal it. Unless you're better than them. 6. jkqrlvilsvkja jhwvfdsjkladnckerb dfibonrbk slvnasdj kvhewb kirndfsvmab a dsfasddd (There's graffiti all over this rule. You can't read it.) 7. For all your surfing and swimwear needs, come to Simon's First Dynasty and Surf Shop, located right behind you on the boardwalk.
Well, that's about it. Welcome to BlogNomic Beach.
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)
Having successfully performed "An arbitrary stunt referencing Simon" with target skill level of 20, Angry Grasshopper invoked Rule 11 and declared victory.
He rolled 16 (out of 22), and Z = 4 (thirty yards to shore, zero points for the necklace, since it's contested, and one point for the glasses), making the total check equal 20. [DICEY + Z = 20]
The result of the DICEY roll plus the value Z determined the success of the roll (Z is a coolness factor that defaults to Zero, but can be modified by other rules).
Did this become a Metadynasty? --Qwazukee 03:31, 17 Aug 2009 (GMT)
- It ended with the winner saying "I'd like to thank everyone for an excellent meta-dynasty", so perhaps. --Kevan (talk) 19:20, 6 July 2019 (UTC)
Written by Qwazukee.