The First Dynasty of naught

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Revision as of 23:57, 5 May 2020 by Trigon (talk | contribs) (Trying something new with my documentation. Might make this a new page in the future. For now, here it is.)
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5 May 2020 - current

Ascension Address

The calm after the storm

You wake up on the beach. You don’t know where you are, or even how you got here. It’s difficult to push past the fog in your mind; it’s difficult to even register how hungry you are. You stand up and look around, for the first time registering the pounding behind your eyes. And you see a disaster. Broken trees lie fallen, knocked down as if mere playthings. Boulders and rooftops lie heaped in hollows and against hillsides, deposited by the winds to forgotten nooks and crannies.

All you remember is the storm, and islands seemingly sinking into the sea. You remember swimming, and gasping for air, only to receive another lungful of brackish water. You remember seeing land, and feeling the desperation of a drowning man. It seems like a lifetime ago.

As you pick your way through the fallen branches and scattered debris, you can’t help but think about your own broken memories, strewn before the storm as leaves before the wind. It’s time to pick up the pieces.

Repeal all rules, and replace all instances of “Player” and “Tom Nook” in the Ruleset with “Amnesiac” and “Past Memory” respectively.


The following players were active at the start of the Dynasty:

ayesdeeef, Clucky*, Darknight*, Josh*, Jumble, Kevan*, naught, Tantusar*, Trigon

The following players were active at the end of the Dynasty:

(admins in bold and * throughout)

Final Ruleset


Posts of Interest




Day One

I'm gonna try something new with my commentary. Instead of one huge commentary post at the end of a dynasty after I can't remember the whole history anymore, I'm going to do updates at various times during the dynasty, journaling my thoughts as events in the game happen (almost like a blog or something).

It's been about eight hours since the AA went live. Looks like the plan is a hidden-role dynasty with the twist that we don't know what our role even is. The initial burst of posts are from lots of different players, which include ways to uncover bits about your past that will lead to eventually finding out your role. I'm a bit apprehensive because I think that so many players starting out with their own ideas might lead the game into lots of different directions (i.e. the proposals Psychic Adventures and Pocket Lint are two different ways of unraveling information about each others' pasts), but I'm sure a unified path forward will manifest itself soon enough. Don't make me eat those words. --Trigon (talk) 23:57, 5 May 2020 (UTC)

Dynastic Histories

Round One - Myke I - Lyndse I - Myke II - Kevan I - Anthony I - Est I - Kevan II - Damanor I - Kevan III - Cayvie I - Josh I - Keitalia I - SatyrEyes I - Metadynasty I - Cayvie II - Brendan I - Kevan IV - Knightking I - Chronos Phaenon I - TrumanCapote I - Knightking II - Quazie I - Simon I - AngryGrasshopper I - Rodney I - Aaron I - Josh II - Metadynasty II - Chronos Phaenon II - Excalabur I - Excalabur II - 75th Trombone I - Elias IX I - Metadynasty III - Angry Grasshopper II - Hix I - Thelonious I - Elias IX II - Rodney II - Clucky I - Doremi I - Chronos Phaenon III - Amnistar I - Clucky II - Amnistar II - Bucky I - Clucky III - Josh III - Kevan V - Hix II - Spikebrennan I - Jack I - Purplebeard I - Rodlen I - Yoda I - Amnistar III - Darknight I - Bucky II - Yoda II - Metadynasty IV - Arthexis I - Amnistar IV - Devenger I - Ais523 I - Ienpw III I - Qwazukee I - Klisz I - Metadynasty V - Bucky III - Wakukee I - Kevan VI - Ais523 II - Josh IV - Purplebeard II - Ais523 III - Ienpw III II - Klisz II - Lilomar I - Coppro I - Ais523 IV - Kevan VII - Brendan II - Alecto I - Josh V - Clucky IV - Purplebeard III - Kevan VIII - Ais523 V - Purplebeard IV - Yoda III - Bucky IV - Kevan IX - Bateleur I - Metadynasty VI - Coppro II - Ais523 VI - Cpt Koen I - Southpointingchariot I - Josh VI - Scshunt III - Quirck I - Clucky V - Bucky V - Kevan X - Josh VII - Kevan XI - Scshunt IV - RaichuKFM I - Larrytheturtle I - Skju I - Metadynasty VII - Purplebeard V - Spitemaster I - Josh VIII - RaichuKFM II - The Alien I - Benzene I - RaichuKFM III - Purplebeard VI - Kevan XII - Ayesdeeef I - Bucky VI - Kevan XIII - Josh IX - Mideg I - Kevan XIV - Brendan III - Kevan XV - Tantusar I - Josh X - Kevan XVI - Thrawn I - Brendan IV - Kevan XVII - Moonroof I - RaichuKFM IV - Larrytheturtle II - Brendan V - Kevan XVIII - Brendan VI - RaichuKFM V - Kevan XIX - Brendan VII - Kevan XX - Viv I - Pokes I - Sphinx I - Madrid I - Pokes II - Madrid II - Metadynasty VIII - Axemabaro I - Diabecko I - Kevan XXI - Diabecko & Card I - Kevan XXII - Derrick I - Card I - Madrid III - Card II - Kevan XXIII - Pokes III - Kevan XXIV - Trigon I - Derrick II - Kevan XXV - Derrick III - Farsight I - TyGuy6 I - Pokes IV - Madrid IV - TyGuy6 II - Kevan XXVI - The Duke of Waltham I - Josh XI - Clucky VI - Naught I - Metadynasty IX - Kevan XXVII - Josh XII - Clucky VII - Josh XIII - Bucky VII - Josh XIV - Kevan XXVIII - Lemonfanta I - Clucky VIII - Josh XV - Misty I - ais523 VII - Josh XVI - Kevan XXIX - Trapdoorspyder I - Metadynasty X - Brendan VIII - Brendan IX - Zack I - Misty II - Josh XVII - MadisonSilver I - Josh XVIII - Kevan XXX - Lendunistus I - Josh XIX - SingularByte I - Trapdoorspyder II - Bucky XIII - JonathanDark I - Trapdoorspyder III - Habanero I - JonathanDark II - Misty III - Metadynasty XI - Josh XX - Lemon II - Kevan XXXI - Josh XXI - Clucky IX - Vovix I - JonathanDark III - Zack II - JonathanDark IV - Josh XXII - Kevan XXXII - JonathanDark V