The Second Dynasty of Cayvie
May 11, 2004 - June 18, 2004
Ascension Address
[run diagnostic scan]
DIAGNOSTIC SCAN OUTPUT: 05-10-3004 03:44:13
>deflection shields = 25.1: Good
>air = 30.2: Good
>fuel = 1.5: WARNING! Low Fuel!
(front sensors triggered)
[run optical scan]
OPTICAL SCAN OUTPUT: 05-10-3004 04:35:45
>object identified as planetoid
[checking galactic database]
>planet identified as Nadil-5
Diameter: 22,010.31 km
Surface Gravity: .5112 G
Atmosphere: 50.3% N 41.4% O 4.9% S 3.0% Ne .3% C
Lifeforms: None known
[run diagnostic scan]
DIAGNOSTIC SCAN OUTPUT: 05-10-3004 06:20:23
>deflection shields = 25.1: Good
>air = 25.4: Good
>fuel = 0.2: WARNING! Critical Fuel Emergency!
[initiating emergency landing on Nadil-5]
>landing successful: minor damage to hull, rear thrusters
(Incomplete) Cayvie, Keitalia, Kevan, Brendan
Final Ruleset
Proposals of Interest
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)
- I'm Sorry Dave, I'm Afraid I Can't Do That - possibly the first "Emperor does not count as a player" rule.
Brendan was the last survivor after an alien attack triggered by Keitalia and declared victory, thanking Keitalia.