The Third Dynasty of Josh
August 30, 2007 - October 15, 2007
Ascension Address
Ladies and gentlemen, the ship will be arriving in Tokyo port in roughly twenty minutes. We apologise again for the protracted delay while we stopped at the mysterious ancient island, and thank you once more for ignoring the roaring, thrashing, and banging that has been audible throughout the ship. We would like to assure you that we have not captured a small stable of gigantic monstrosities from the elder world, and if we did, I am quite certain that they would not slip free and lay waste to most of Japan’s capital. Thank you for travelling on the Cooper Cruise Line; we do hope that you will travel with us again.
Repeal all Dynastic rules. “Monkey” becomes “Kaiju God” throughout the ruleset; “Top Banana” becomes “Tokyo”.
The following players were active during this dynasty:
aaronwinborn, Alethiophile, Amnistar, banana, Brendan, Chivalrybean, Clucky, Darknight, Glutama, Josh, Kevan, Oracular rufio, snowballinhell7001, Scaramouche, Zephyr
Final Ruleset
Monster Roster
(Some of these image links still work, some have expired.)
Robot Roll Call
Proposals of Interest
- Exquisite Monsters set the scene: "Three Kaiju Gods may combine forces to create a monster with which to ravage Tokyo", in the form of an exquisite corpse drawing.
- 750 Storeys High set the paper size: 500x250 images, with 20 pixels being sent to the next player in sequence
- Can we build it faster than Rome? defined neighbourhoods of Tokyo
- One wing wasn’t even enough allowed a "Monster Rating" to be calculated based on the number of Google results for each of three traits visible in the picture (eg. "Fire breath - 2,400,000, Armour Plating - 393,000, Tentacles - 3,260,000; Giving an overall monster rating of 6,057,000.")
- Threatening Monsters, Take Two allowed adjectives to also be counted towards Monster Rating ("I personally think that ‘radioactive green tentacles’ would be perceived by the army to be a much larger threat than just plain old ‘tentacles’.")
- Overcrowding in Tokyo made population react to the number of free buildings available
- Town-like names, please removed bracketed player names from neighbourhood namess, which some players had been legally but confusingly adding
- Media Frenzy Redux allowed players to modify Kaiju threat levels through press stories
- Breaking News added headlines which had the effect of moving monsters around Tokyo
- On a rampage! set the stage for monster-vs-monster combat, and related powers
- Big robot fingers have a hard time typing created a Tokyo Menace Defence Base and gave players the option to draw a giant Robot to defend the city
- Queue Here prevented monsters required to appear in the Outer Regions, rather than just appearing downtown
- This Town Ain’t Big Enough allowed monsters to fight with highest threat winning, and robots to repel the most threatening monster in a neighbourhood
- Rampage allowed buildings to be destroyed
- For Good, or for Awesome? created some monster powers
- A Robot, with a side order of rocket launchers resolved robot-vs-monster combat according to threat levels of individual drawing sections, rather than the whole picture.
- Speculative Nuke proposed repealing all but two rules, after a week without much action, and the Emperor idling out automatically. It passed.
- A Less Speculative Nuke (Take Two) was an apparently unprompted proposal by aaronwinborn to hand the victory to Kevan.
Core changes
- Because Tokyo is a Giant Monster God Too clarified that the Emperor was a Player, a detail which had been lost
- Self-Preservation Society: "No Rule may contain a provision that bars itself from being altered and/or repealed." was dropped from Rule 1.1, the argument being that it was redundant.
- Time Thaw repealed "Time Freezes", an optional setting on CfJs which caused them to trigger Hiatus
- Face the Music removed the clause that gave players their slots back when they self-killed a proposal
- The City That Never Sleeps changed the effects of idling to properly cover the Emperor doing so
Kevan proposed a Speculative Nuke to repeal most of the rules, when the game was getting quiet.
After the Emperor idled out, AaronWinborn proposed A Less Speculative Nuke that would hand victory directly to Kevan after 24 hours, if no idle players from earlier in the dynasty returned to the game in that time. When they didn't, Kevan declared victory.