The First Dynasty of Tantusar
July 24 - August 4, 2015
Ascension Address
24 July, 2015 - Head Scientist’s Log - Triemond Science Laboratories
Today Subject KVN finally woke up. After three weeks of delays, construction- and subject-wise, we seem to be ready to begin testing. I say seem, I’m sure someone will come up with some stupid excuse for why I ca- Oi! You! What are you doing! NO! DON’T TO- *static*
Sorry about that. Where was I? ... Oh, right, we’ll be dropping the subjects into the maze in a couple of hours, so I’ve called for a soft lockdown, no unnecessary personnel on site until we get this started.
Repeal all Dynastic Rules, replace “Tribe” with “Rat” and “Nomad” with “Head Scientist” throughout the ruleset.
The following players were active at the end of the Dynasty:
Darknight*, Josh*, Kevan*, Purplebeard*, Tantusar*
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)
- Classical conditioning - Josh added a rule that allowed, as a Weekly Action, any Rat to perform any action they had performed five times previously. With no prerequisites.
The Dynasty ended when Josh pulled off a scam involving Classical Condition to perform the action "achieve victory". The vote on the DoV, submitted on 4th August, 2015, was 5-0 in favour of his victory.